External Accessory

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Communicate with accessories connected to a device by the Apple Lightning connector or through Bluetooth using External Accessory.

Posts under External Accessory tag

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EAAccessoryManager notifyObserversThatAccessoryDisconnectedWithUserInfo crashes iOS 11.1.2
App is crashing while a bluetooth device is disconnected. I've seen few related threads and they say "A notification delegate was not reset to nil. A fix has been applied at version 10.3.79."Following is crash log:Triggered by Thread: 0 Thread 0 name: Thread 0 Crashed: 0 libobjc.A.dylib 0x000000018544c430 objc_msgSend + 16 1 ExternalAccessory 0x000000019c07c4dc -[EAAccessoryManager _notifyObserversThatAccessoryDisconnectedWithUserInfo:] + 104 (EAAccessoryManager.m:909) 2 ExternalAccessory 0x000000019c07eddc -[EAAccessoryManager _externalAccessoryDisconnected:] + 928 (EAAccessoryManager.m:1537) 3 CoreAccessories 0x00000001a7892ccc __54-[ACCExternalAccessoryProvider ExternalAccessoryLeft:]_block_invoke + 316 (ACCExternalAccessoryProvider.m:453) 4 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000185b6d088 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 24 (init.c:994) 5 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000185b6d048 _dispatch_client_callout + 16 (object.m:502) 6 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000185b79b74 _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF$VARIANT$mp + 1016 (inline_internal.h:2500) 7 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186191eb0 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_SERVICING_THE_MAIN_DISPATCH_QUEUE__ + 12 (CFRunLoop.c:1815) 8 CoreFoundation 0x000000018618fa8c __CFRunLoopRun + 2012 (CFRunLoop.c:3111) 9 CoreFoundation 0x00000001860affb8 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 436 (CFRunLoop.c:3245) 10 GraphicsServices 0x0000000187f47f84 GSEventRunModal + 100 (GSEvent.c:2245) 11 UIKit 0x000000018f6842e8 UIApplicationMain + 208 (UIApplication.m:3949) 12 MYAPP 0x0000000100ab8d58 main + 172 (main.m:16) 13 libdyld.dylib 0x0000000185bd256c start + 4
Aug ’23
INCOMPATIBLE DISK error message upon launching Big Sur APFS vs MacOS Extended issue in Big Sur?
Running on: iMac 27" 5k late 2015 - 64gb ram and a 16tb Pegasus Promise2 R4 raid5 via Thunderbolt. After trying Big Sur - found issues with Luminar Photo app, decided to return to Catalina on the iMac. Reformatted my internal drive and reinstalled Catalina 15.5 and reformatted the raid. But I keep getting the following message upon restarting: "Incompatible Disk. This disk uses features that are not supported on this version of MacOS" and my Pegasus2 R4 portion no longer appears on the desktop or in Disk Utility... Looked into this and discovered that it may be an issue of Mac OS Extended vs APFS The iMac was formatted to APFS prior to installing OS11 so I reformatted to APFS when returning to Catalina. The issues persisted so I re-reformatted from a bootable USB - this time to Mac OS Extended (journaled) and the issues seems to be resolved. The iMac runs slower on MacOS Ext, but it is running and the Raid is recognised... I'd love to go back to APFS but am afraid it will "break" things. Any thought on this would be welcome. Thanks Nick
Oct ’23
2020 Macbook Pro will not recognize any HDMI connection running Mac OS Big Sur
Prior to downloading and installing Mac OS Big Sur, I was able to connect my 2020 Macbook pro to any HDMI monitor/tv. Specifically I would mostly use a Dell se2717 monitor. It would connect within a few seconds and there was never any issues. Once downloaded and installed Big Sur to my computer it no longer recognized any HDMI monitor/tv. I have tried different adapters to connect the HDMI cable to my USB-C ports; different USB-C ports with all the adapters; and tried every trouble shoot I could find from Apple, Dell, and various websites. Is there anything I can do to fix this issue?
Sep ’23
airpods pro 2 and ipod nano 7th generation
The airpods pro 2 connect to the ipod nano 7th generation but there is no sound. I can start and stop playback by clicking the stems so the airpods are talking to the nano. I don’t expect all the features I would get on ios 16 but the ipod is a bluetooth device so the new airpods should be supported. they sound gteat on my iphone and ipad so they are not defective. airpods pro 1 work fine with the nano. hoping for a swift software fix.
Jul ’23
iOS 16 Ruins HDMI functionality
If you use your iPhone to stream to your tv through a lightning adapter Do NOT upgrade to iOS 16. I live in a rural area and don’t have Wi-Fi so we stream tv on my iPhone with a lightning adapter. This has worked great for many years and many iPhones. Ever since I updated to iOS 16 there is not one streaming app that will work through the adapter. I have tried multiple hdmi cords, lightning adapters and tvs and the result is the same. No audio at all and either no video or a video that lags every few seconds. Apple needs to fix their mistake or resign an old iOS so we can revert back.
Aug ’23
1 minute Delay in External Accessory framework showBluetoothAccessoryPicker
I have to pair the classic Bluetooth device with my iOS application. For that, I have implemented showBluetoothAccessoryPicker with the External Accessory framework. EAAccessoryManager.shared().showBluetoothAccessoryPicker(withNameFilter: nil)), this is the code I have used for that. Added "Supported external accessory protocols" in .plist and enabled Wireless Accessory Configuration from capabilities. The actual issue is the picker displaying the device to pair with a 1-minute delay. What is the reason behind this reason and how can we resolve that?
Oct ’23
iOS 16.2 not working with adaptor
I have found that the adaptor to enable the use of Nreal glasses is not working. This is very frustrating as I have been looking forward to using the glasses with my iPhone 14 Pro Max. Having searched on various forums I find that this is a problem with the software and can't be resolved until a fix has been released. This is very disappointing at this time of the year when releases are so far apart. If anyone knows of a workaround please give me a pointer in the right direction.
Jul ’23
com.apple.DiskManagement.disenter error -119930868 on external drive
Hi, Hope you are all fine ! I had a problem on several disk due to bad unmounting caused by Caldigit TS4. The TS4 has/had problem managing hard drives and sleep of the computer… The problem appeared on internal drives pugged into a OWC Dock. The dock is TB2 with Apple TB2 to TB3 pugged into the Caldigit TS4. One of the drives is a 4TB Seagate Exos Enterprise that is brand new and I'm almost sure I formatted it in APFS when using it for the first time. The other/s are 2TB or 3TB but almost sure at that time I was using HFS. The drives are seen But no way to SOS… This particular 4 TB drive seems to respond mechanically well, like spinning when tryning to acces, going to sleep…And is brand new… After reading a few (many actually ;) ) pages on Apple forums I've found, I've tried the diskutil way on terminal… but having some problem with syntax, sometimes it worked sometimes I think I'm not writing correctly so it does nothing… If I understand well this error com.apple.DiskManagement.disenter error -119930868 Is a directory problem. A long time ago I used Disk Warrior a lot in the G4/G5 age ;) But it seems it doesn't handle APFS… I've run a scan with Stellar Recovery and this software seems to see all my files… The Hard drive seemed to act normally during all the process… But it seems it doesn't just rebuild the directory and will recover all the files and put them like video in video folder…pictures in picture folder… so I'll have my files but a great mess… I've also tried rhe FSCK command…but didn't undertood enough to get something good… So my question are : As the data seems to be there and the drive still working fine, is there a way to make Mac Os or a software rebuild the directory like Disk Warrior used to do. And not just back uping the files a la Stellar recovery. Could someone make a comprehensive diskutil / fsck tutorial for noobs ;) After the fix , if successful … should I throw this drive away or the prob is only a Mac OS bug… Can the adapted TB2 to TB3 add source of problem ? Can the adapted TB2 to TB3 ON Caldigit TB port add source of problem ? AFPS is still recommanded for external HD Could someone explain those DiskManagement.disenter error Best .V
Aug ’23
How to clear Bluetooth LE cache manually in iOS 16?
I have a BLE peripheral I have connected to before with an iPhone running iOS 16 (via my app). The peripheral has a utility to change its name. After the name change my app still displays the old name. I've run into this issue before, a year or so ago, under an older version of iOS. Performing a reboot of the phone would clear the cached name and allow the new name to appear. This remedy no longer works in iOS 16. I have verified with another iOS device and an Android app that the new name is being advertised. I monitor for a name change with peripheralDidUpdateName but that function never gets called. How do I clear the cache in iOS 16? I do not need to do this programmatically and I would rather not reset the iPhone, which WILL work.
Aug ’23
Ventura 13.4 External Display Sleep Loop Bug
The Ventura 13.4 update introduced a display signal lost bug which when the monitor is put to sleep after power saving setting is reached or if manually using the shortcut keys to put sleep the display, it wakes up the monitor briefly then tries to go back to sleep for 15 seconds and then wakes up with the “no signal” warning in an infinite loop. It's starting to be reported by others, where this did not exist until after the update. Reddit: Ventura 13.4 Display Sleep Issue https://www.reddit.com/r/MacOS/comments/13lyu2y/macos_ventura_134_display_sleep_issue/ I tried everything from turning off power saving settings, turned off screen saver, WoL, uninstalled color calibration software, reset monitor to factory settings, booted into safe mood, nothing had an effect. Should I submit a bug report?
Oct ’23
iPhone 12 does not detect device while scanning for bluetooth devices
We have a BLE device (under development). The device is MFi capable and is visible in Accessibility->Hearing Devices and I can connect and steam music to my device. When I disable the MFi feature and use a custom advertisement with custom 128-bit data and 128-bit Service Class UUIDs (0x07) advertisement type field, the device does not show up on the Bluetooth screen. There are other Android devices like my LG TV which show up on my phone's Bluetooth screen while my BLE device does not show up on the scan list. Here are the details of my iPhone: iOS version - 16.5.1(c) Modem firmware - 3.70.01 What is the advertisement data that needs to be sent in my BLE device's advertisement packet to enable iPhone to detect it with a generic BLE device scan?
Jul ’23
Outlook Automisation
I am trying to export mails from Outlook on a Mac using AppleScript as it does not work with VBA. However, I don't progress a lot, the text files are not saved to my Desktop and that's why it always stops with an empty Excel sheet. Any hints? -- Step 1: Export emails with the Red category to text files set desktopFolderPath to (path to desktop) as text tell application "Microsoft Outlook" set redCategoryName to "Red" set redEmails to {} set allEmails to every message of inbox repeat with anEmail in allEmails if (subject of anEmail) contains redCategoryName then set end of redEmails to anEmail end if end repeat end tell -- Export emails with the Red category to text files tell application "Microsoft Outlook" repeat with redEmail in redEmails set emailSubject to subject of redEmail set receivedTime to receivedTime of redEmail set filePath to desktopFolderPath & (my formatReceivedTime(receivedTime) & "_" & emailSubject & ".txt") set mailBody to content of redEmail set fileRef to open for access file (POSIX file filePath) with write permission write mailBody to fileRef close access fileRef end repeat display alert "Emails with the Red category have been exported to text files." end tell -- Step 2: Extract filtered information from text files and write to an Excel file tell application "Microsoft Excel" set excelFilePath to desktopFolderPath -- Replace with your desired Excel file path set newWorkbook to make new workbook tell newWorkbook set activeSheet to active sheet set rowIndex to 2 -- Start from row 2 for data set cellValue of range "A1" of activeSheet to "Sender" set cellValue of range "B1" of activeSheet to "Email Reference" set cellValue of range "C1" of activeSheet to "Names in the Mail" set cellValue of range "D1" of activeSheet to "Email Addresses in the Mail" set cellValue of range "E1" of activeSheet to "Phone Numbers in the Mail" set cellValue of range "F1" of activeSheet to "Date Received" -- Get the list of text files in the folder set textFolderPath to (POSIX file desktopFolderPath) as alias -- Replace with your folder path set textFiles to every file of textFolderPath whose name extension is "txt" -- Loop through each text file and extract filtered information repeat with textFile in textFiles set filePath to (POSIX path of (textFile as alias)) set fileContent to read textFile set senderName to "" set emailReference to "" set names to "" set emailAddresses to "" set phoneNumbers to "" set dateReceived to "" -- Extract the desired information from the fileContent -- Modify this section to extract the information based on your requirements -- Write the filtered information to the Excel worksheet set cellValue of range ("A" & rowIndex) of activeSheet to senderName set cellValue of range ("B" & rowIndex) of activeSheet to emailReference set cellValue of range ("C" & rowIndex) of activeSheet to names set cellValue of range ("D" & rowIndex) of activeSheet to emailAddresses set cellValue of range ("E" & rowIndex) of activeSheet to phoneNumbers set cellValue of range ("F" & rowIndex) of activeSheet to dateReceived set rowIndex to rowIndex + 1 -- Move to the next row for data end repeat save workbook as excelFilePath close newWorkbook saving no end tell display alert "Filtered information has been written to the Excel file." end tell -- Helper function to format received time on formatReceivedTime(receivedTime) set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {" ", "/", ":"} set receivedTimeItems to text items of (receivedTime as string) set formattedTime to (item 1 of receivedTimeItems & "-" & item 2 of receivedTimeItems & "-" & item 3 of receivedTimeItems & "_" & item 4 of receivedTimeItems & item 5 of receivedTimeItems & item 6 of receivedTimeItems) set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "" return formattedTime end formatReceivedTime
Jul ’23
how can i make a ios bluetooth classic program? is this Mission Impossible?
i must make a code that ios app communicate with esp32 module over bluetooth classic . i have been searching for several weeks... but i didn't find out sample code for bluetooth classic. i found one code that use External Accessory Framework. but this needs a registration for that device some one says that i can't this. because ESP32 Module can't be registered . and i found another one it is coded by reactive native. but finally, this one use a MFi(Made For Iphone) that use External Accessory Framework. i guess.. is it impossilbe that making a ios app that communicate with other device over bluetooth classic ? so, now i am finding some apps that can communicate esp32 module that is coded by arduino IDE over bluetooth classic, and this arduino app can communicate with android bluetooth classic terminal app. please help me
Sep ’23
what is the market share of Bluetooth Classic iPhones in 2023 now ?
i have been making ios app that communicate with ESP32 using bluetooth classic. but this is very difficult to develop, because i can't find any Bluetooth scan app for test that can communicate with ESP32 until now, moreover, i can't find any sample code for Bluetooth Classic Communication . my client want me to make ios app using Bluetooth classic because of compatiblity, in other words, still, users using Bluetooth Classic iphone are used lots of users more than Bluetooth Low energy. so i doubt this assumption is right. if i make a bluetooth low energy app, can it be a trouble ?
Jul ’23
Can't get into Mac Mini because it won't recognize bt keyboard and mouse and I don't have wired ones handy
I got me a new Mac mini. I am running public beta of Sonoma (maybe a big mistake :). It won't recognize my bt keyboard and mouse. From what I've read it is supposed to automatically go into a pairing mode if it has no connected mouse and keyboard. I press the button on each remote, and hold it, until it blinks fast. Then I wait. Nothing. Maybe I need to do something specific with my Logitech mouse and keyboard. Is there a way for me to use an iPad or a MacBook to be the keyboard and mouse over wifi or bluetooth?
Aug ’23
External Hard Drive Shows in Finder, But Won't Mount to MacBook Pro When Clicked
TLDR: WD External Hard Drive shows in finder and in NTFS/WD software but won't mount when pressed. I have two WD External Hard Drives, a 1 and 4 TB Drive. I am a graphic designer and like keeping photography, videos and assets or old projects on other drives so they don't take up space on my computer. A couple months ago one of my 4 TB Drive wouldn't mount to my computer, and after messing with the WD software that I had installed on my computer for a few hours I gave up and decided to just start saving stuff onto my computer. While working in Photoshop I got the error that my Scratch Disks were full and that I needed to free up some space, so I tried off loading some undergrad work onto my 1TB Drive and had the same issue. I tried using different cords, reinstalling software, and troubleshooting to no avail. I live pretty far from the nearest Genius Bar so I thought I'd try posting here before scheduling a appointment. Reminder that I can physically click the "Mount" button, but it gives me loading animation for a second then reverts back to the same "Mount" button as before and the drive doesn't show on my desktop or in my Finder.
Aug ’23
When connecting to a device through Bluetooth(iAP2), is it possible to connect to its Wi-Fi hotspot automatically?
we have a device which provides both Bluetooth(iAP2) and Wi-Fi hotspot. When we connect an iPhone to this device through Bluetooth, is it possible to connect to its Wi-Fi hotspot automatically without user's interaction and permission automatically? The reason is the steps that switch to BT settings page and set up to connect the BT, then switch to wifi page to connect wifi is too complicated. Cloud someone help me or give some hint? Thanks.
Aug ’23