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Understanding CPU usage in iPhone 15 Pro series
Hello everyone, During the development of our company's web application, I found something intriguing in the CPU usage and load conditions on the iPhone 15 Pro series. While monitoring these statistics from the Safari console, the CPU usage sometimes exceeded 100% and even rose to a maximum of 190%. I'm curious about a couple of things: 1.What exactly is the baseline for 100% CPU usage? 2.What state does the device enter when it starts exceeding 100% CPU usage? For instance, is it utilizing the use rate normally allocated to Safari plus some extra reserve? The process used for checking the load is as follows: 1.Connect the iPhone device with MacBook via a USB Cable. 2.To test for a web application, I executed it on the iPhone Safari browser. 3.While it's running, I measured the CPU load on the MacBook, using Safari to obtain the console of the iPhone's browser. Any help in understanding this would be highly appreciated. Thank you.
Jan ’24
Connect iPhone 7 to XCode
I’m trying to connect my iPhone 7 to debug my app’s behavior on older phones. When I first tried to connect with it on Devices & Simulators window, the trust modal appeared on my iPhone’s screen and I surely clicked on Trust to proceed with my attempt to connect the device, but it didn't. After that, every time that I plug the USB from iPhone 7, it shows the device specifications as fast as it disappears and without adding it to connected devices. It happens like that: No explanation, no feedback, nothing. I need to do my work, and I have one of the best MacBooks out there, but yet I’m unable to do the simple task of connecting my device. Could someone please help me?
Jan ’24
Getting Error whil Archiving XCODE 15.2
error: unknown command 'export:embed' [[ '' == false ]] EXTRA_COMPILER_ARGS= [[ false == true ]] EXTRA_COMPILER_ARGS=-O [[ '' == true ]] /Users/shubhanshu/Desktop/Wiingy/ios/Pods/hermes-engine/destroot/bin/hermesc -emit-binary -max-diagnostic-width=80 -O -out /Users/shubhanshu/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/wiingy-cnqwlfebgmfopbaucmgtdjbtyhpe/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/wiingy/BuildProductsPath/Release-iphoneos/wiingy.app/main.jsbundle /Users/shubhanshu/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/wiingy-cnqwlfebgmfopbaucmgtdjbtyhpe/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/wiingy/BuildProductsPath/Release-iphoneos/main.jsbundle Error! Failed to open file: /Users/shubhanshu/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/wiingy-cnqwlfebgmfopbaucmgtdjbtyhpe/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/wiingy/BuildProductsPath/Release-iphoneos/main.jsbundle [[ '' == true ]] BUNDLE_FILE=/Users/shubhanshu/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/wiingy-cnqwlfebgmfopbaucmgtdjbtyhpe/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/wiingy/BuildProductsPath/Release-iphoneos/wiingy.app/main.jsbundle [[ false != true ]] [[ ! -f /Users/shubhanshu/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/wiingy-cnqwlfebgmfopbaucmgtdjbtyhpe/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/wiingy/BuildProductsPath/Release-iphoneos/wiingy.app/main.jsbundle ]] Command PhaseScriptExecution emitted errors but did not return a nonzero exit code to indicate failure
Jan ’24
Wired data transfer between an app on two iOS/iPadOS devices--Possible or pipe dream?
If two iOS/iPadOS devices have your app opened, is it possible to have the apps send data to each other over a wired connection? E.g. If two iPhone 15s are connected by USB-C, can I get my app in iPhone A to send data to iPhone B and vice-versa? I've been looking around for quite a while now and at this point I just want to know if it's technically feasible.
Feb ’24
Audio Playback Issue in Unity-Developed iOS App: Intermittent Sound Output
Hello, I am reaching out for assistance with a problem I've encountered while developing an iOS app using Unity. Recently, in apps built with Unity versions 22.03.14 and 22.03.17, we have been experiencing issues with AudioSource not properly playing background music (BGM) and TTS MP3 files received from the server. Here is the situation: In the initial map scene, BGM and TTS files play normally. However, from the next scene onwards, no sound from AudioSource can be heard. This issue persists even if we return to the first scene. Interestingly, sounds from an external video call asset called Agora SDK are audible. This issue has occurred in Xcode versions 14.3.1, 15, and 15.2. The app functions correctly on other OSs (Windows, Mac, Android). Additionally, when the app is moved to the background and then reactivated, the BGM starts to work again normally. At this point, briefly hearing the previous BGM suggests a potential issue with iOS audio initialization. Furthermore, we use Addressables.LoadSceneAsync for scene loading. Here, scenes are loaded in Additive mode, and after the loading scene covers the screen, the previous scene is deleted before the next scene is loaded (using the Unload method provided by Addressables). The AudioListener is attached to a camera in a DontDestroy state. Considering that this setup worked previously, the cause of the current issue is unclear. For scene loading and unloading: Loading: Addressables.LoadSceneAsync(resourceName, LoadSceneMode.Additive, true); Unloading: Addressables.UnloadSceneAsync(sceneInstance); We are managing the code flow using async/await. Could you provide any advice or solutions for this issue? Thank you.
Jan ’24
UI unresposive after loading and dismissing ARScene in iOS 17
In our app we are having feature in which we scan our qr and shows an ARScene with floating images or texts(based on the qr data) in our app.From this screen we can move to the Home page of the app with a button click as well. This was working fine till iOS16.After we updated to iOS 17 what we observe is that once the ARScene is dismissed and the next screen are loaded, there will not be any touches recognised in the positions where there used to be the ARScene. For floating images the ARScene is the entire screen and so in this case the next screen wont have any touch at all For floating texts the ARScene is the top part of screen and so in this case the next screen wont have any touch in the top half only. This issue seems to go away once we minimise the app and open again. Example: Consider a navigation stack with 3 viewcontrollers A, B and C. The AR content is present in B. If we load the AR content in B and move to A or C those screens are unresponsive at the positions where the ARScene was loaded But If we dont load the AR content in B i.e just open B and move to A or C those screens have no issues.
Jan ’24
Can't connect to my iPhone
One day, I found that I couldn't complete the connection for on-device testing when trying to connect my iPhone. The development mode on the iPhone is enabled, and I have tried restarting, switching development modes, connecting with a different cable, and even removing trusted computers. Here is my development environment: iPhone: iPhone15 Pro iOS: 17.2.1 Mac: MacBook Air (M1 8-core) MacOS: Sonoma (14.2.1) Xcode: 15.2 (15C500b) This kind of display is repeated on Xcode. As this is my first time using a forum, there may be some missing information. Please point it out if necessary. Also, I'm using a translation tool, so there might be some errors in the translation.
Jan ’24
App Review Failed Because of Facebook Login Incorrect Password
I'm in App Review Hell. My app is specifically designed to work with Facebook APIs and as a result it's necessary to sign in with Facebook Login. The app works perfectly fine in Test Flight. Multiple users have connected to their accounts with no issues whatsoever. For whatever reason the app reviewer is incapable of making it past sign in. Whenever they sign in the see an "incorrect password" error message (see attached screenshot below). I've tried giving them multiple test accounts (with no 2-factor authentication) and yet they cannot sign in. I've tried changing the passwords to really simple ones, and yet they still get this error message. Meanwhile I have successfully signed in with the exact same credentials and gotten no error message. I created an "Admin Login" which allows them to sign in with an email and password, but they refuse to use it and insist that the must be able to sign with the default Facebook Sign In. I have asked them if they use VPN and if they are blocking any ports, which might interfere with their connection to Facebook. I also if they are testing in the US. They have ignored my questions. They just keep asking for a different account to test with even though I've given them two already. Has anyone run into this before or have any advice for me? My app is built in React Native and is using the react-native-fbsdk-next package.
Jan ’24
How to use ATS (Beagle USB Analyzer) to connect iPhone 15?
Hi, We want to connect the iPhone 15 to Accessory Test System (ATS) for traffic capture. The iPhone 15 is a USB-C iOS device. In ATS User Guide, the iAP-over-USB (USB-C) setup mentions: For iAP-over-USB accessories which can connect to USB-C iOS devices, you only need to connect a Beagle USB 480 analyzer. The Beagle USB 480 analyzer USB-A port should be connected to the USB device, the USB-B port should be connected to the USB host. Connect the equipment as shown. We use the following setup with Beagle USB 480 analyzer: [Beagle: USB-B port] <-- USB-B-to-TypeC cable --> [iPhone] [Beagle: USB-A port] <-- USB-A-to-USB-A cable --> [Accessory] But, the Beagle USB Analyzer in the ATS app cannot find the iPhone attached. Is the above setup correct? How to connect the iPhone 15 to the Beagle USB 480 analyzer? Does anyone know the iAP-over-USB (USB-C) setup? Thanks for help.
Jan ’24
iPhone won't sync after iOS 17.2.1 upgrade
I have an iPhone 11 (MWJE2LL/A) for personal and development use. When I upgraded it to iOS 17.2.1 it stopped sync'ing to my computers. I can't sync or restore the iPhone. Both Finder and Music show the iPhone in the left column, but time out after 60 secs of "Loading...", finally stating: "The selected device could not be found." Xcode also does not see the connected iPhone, and does not list it in the available iOS build destinations. I have tried sync'ing using numerous Apple USB cables and computers (Mac Pro, 16" MacBook Pro, Mac Studio) all running macOS Sonoma 14.1. Is this a known bug in iOS 17.2? Is there a workaround so I can restore the iPhone and continue development work?
Jan ’24
JS Fullscreen API's not working on IOS 17
According to docs the webkitEnterFullScreen() only works in IOS if the element is <video>, but own after i have updated to IOS 17.1.2 it's not working, i have tested it in chrome and safari both. Even the test code W3School for Fullscreen does not work in IOS 17.1.2 Test Done Model: 1Phone 15 pro max IOS Version: 17.0.2 Browser: Chrome Test URL https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_js_fullscreen.asp
Jan ’24
Flutter MSAL SSO with webview
Hi, I am using flutter MSAL SSO with flutter_inappwebview and azure_flutter_authentication package to login to the app. let viewController: UIViewController = UIViewController.keyViewController! let webviewParameters = MSALWebviewParameters(authPresentationViewController: viewController) webviewParameters.webviewType = .default I am trying to open another application in webview by using flutter_inappwebview, so that there will be a silent log in using MSAL SSO option in iOS device. But its not working InAppWebView( key: webViewKey, initialUrlRequest: URLRequest(url: Uri.parse(widget.url)), initialOptions: options, pullToRefreshController: pullToRefreshController, onWebViewCreated: (controller) { webViewController = controller; }, onLoadStart: (controller, url) { logger.d("printing webview controller type: " + controller.runtimeType.toString()); setState(() { this.url = url.toString(); urlController.text = this.url; isLoading = false; }); }, androidOnPermissionRequest: (controller, origin, resources) async { return PermissionRequestResponse( resources: resources, action: PermissionRequestResponseAction.GRANT); }, shouldOverrideUrlLoading: (controller, navigationAction) async { var uri = navigationAction.request.url!; if (![ "http", "https", "file", "chrome", "data", "javascript", "about" ].contains(uri.scheme)) { if (await canLaunch(url)) { // Launch the App await launch( url, ); // and cancel the request return NavigationActionPolicy.CANCEL; } } return NavigationActionPolicy.ALLOW; }, onLoadStop: (controller, url) async { pullToRefreshController?.endRefreshing(); setState(() { this.url = url.toString(); urlController.text = this.url; }); }, onLoadError: (controller, url, code, message) { pullToRefreshController?.endRefreshing(); }, onProgressChanged: (controller, progress) { if (progress == 100) { pullToRefreshController?.endRefreshing(); } setState(() { this.progress = progress / 100; urlController.text = this.url; }); }, onUpdateVisitedHistory: (controller, url, androidIsReload) { setState(() { this.url = url.toString(); urlController.text = this.url; }); }, onConsoleMessage: (controller, consoleMessage) { print(consoleMessage); }, ), How to should I pass the login session from swift code to inappwebview in flutter? Please help me with this. I really appreciate it. Its working fine with android devices. The problem is from iOS devices.
Jan ’24
Dummy overlay 0 sec video player - Modernizr
Post iOS 17 version update on Dec 12, we are facing a weird issue. When accessing https://infinitiusa.com/ website from Chrome browser/FaceBook App, there is an dummy overlay with a 0 sec video player (Overlaying full screen as blank). On closing the video player we can see the website is loaded fine. We cross checked few other websites and found the websites using Modernizr (https://cdnjs.com/libraries/modernizr) is having the issue post iOS update. Is any issue similar issue reported ?
Jan ’24
GroupActivity: Dropping activity as there is no active conversation:
Hi, I am having trouble with Share Play working. When I create and run the GroupActivity sample in SharePlay, I get the following message and GroupActivity does not work. https://mitemmetim.medium.com/shareplay-tutorial-share-custom-data-between-ios-and-macos-a50bfecf6e64 Dropping activity as there is no active conversation: <TUMutableConversationActivityCreateSessionRequest 0x2836731c0 activityIdentifier=jp.co.1planet.sample.SharePlayTutorial.SharePlayActivity applicationContext={length = 42, bytes = 0x62706c69 73743030 d0080000 00000000 ... 00000000 00000009 } metadata=<TUConversationActivityMetadata 0x28072d380 context=CPGroupActivityGenericContext title=SharePlay Example sceneAssociationBehavior=<TUConversationActivitySceneAssociationBehavior 0x28237a740 targetContentIdentifier=(null) shouldAssociateScene=1 preferredSceneSessionRole=(null)>> UUID=3137DDE4-F5B2-46B2-9097-30DD6CAE79A3> I tried running it on Mac and iOS, but it did not work as expected. By the way, we are also trying the following https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/683624 I have no knowledge of GroupActivity; I have Group Activities set in Capability. Do I need to set anything else? Please let me know if you can find any solution to this message. By the way, I am using Xcode 15.2 Beta, iOS 17.1.1 and iOS 17.3 Beta, Mac OS 14.2.1 (23C71). Best Regards.
Jan ’24
This issue has happened to me on 3 separate occasions now over the last few months. My phone will out of the blue freeze/glitch on the lock screen and the swipe up will not work properly. My lock screen and notification screen will mix together and glitch out. I am sometimes able to swipe up and unlock the phone however i will be stuck on the last app used and only be able to use that app. I cannot swipe up onto any home screen for other apps. My keyboard will also not appear and my control center will not work properly i.e cannot go on camera, calculator, screen record, turn off low power mode etc. Finally my battery percentage will be frozen in the top of my screen. The first time this happened i removed my screen protector but this didn't work, it eventually fixed itself after about an hour. The second time this happened it did not fix itself for a few hours. My phone is currently having the same issue and has not fixed itself after 2 hours. I cannot restart the phone as the power off option won't appear, and when i press the volume buttons quickly and hold the power button nothing happens. I also receive 0 notifications when this happens, but when it fixes itself the battery % will display correctly and all my notifications will come through. Would love some help on how to fix this when it happens.
Jan ’24
Can we use voiceOver (speak out) and voice control (voice command) when user turned OFF both voiceOver and voice control in settings > accessibility? .
I am working on an iOS app which has voiceOver (speak out) and voice control (voice command) features. Currently this is working fine when uses turned ON both voiceOver and voice control in settings > accessibility. Now, the client asked me, do same functionality even both voiceOver and voice control turned OFF in settings. Please suggest me will apple approve this if I use third parties library code to work voiceOver and voice control? If Apple has no issue, then please tell me some good library names. Many thanks.
Jan ’24