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Support in-app purchases and interactions with the App Store using StoreKit.

Posts under StoreKit tag

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Troubleshooting Subscription Button Visibility and Functionality Issues in TestFlight and App Store Connect
Below, I have a button designed to facilitate the purchase of a subscription, which depends on the availability of the subscription in App Store Connect. This button is visible when testing locally using a StoreKit Configuration File synced from App Store Connect, and I have linked my subscription to my app in the information section. Currently, my app is in a "waiting for review" status, and the subscription is marked as "developer action needed - rejected." However, this issue of the button not appearing persisted even when the subscription was previously in the "waiting for review" status, indicating that the problem may not be related to the subscription status. I'm encountering an issue where the 'request products' function returns no results in the TestFlight environment, even when using a sandbox Apple ID. This problem has led to repeated rejections of my app, as testers are unable to verify its functionality. What could be causing these issues? VStack { if storeVM.subscriptions.isEmpty { if storeVM.isLoading { ProgressView("Loading subscriptions...") .progressViewStyle(.circular) .scaleEffect(2.0) .padding() } else if let errorMessage = storeVM.errorMessage { Text("Error: \(errorMessage)") .foregroundColor(.red) .padding() } else { Text("No subscriptions available") .padding() } } else { ForEach(storeVM.subscriptions, id: \.id) { product in Button(action: { Task { await buy(product: product) } }) { HStack { Spacer() Text("Unlock 3-day free trial. \nThen $23.99 per year. Cancel anytime.") .font(.custom("Lora-VariableFont_wght", size: 20)) .foregroundColor(.white) .lineSpacing(5) Spacer() } } .padding() .background( .cornerRadius(10) .padding(.horizontal, 10) } } .onAppear { Task { await storeVM.requestProducts() } } func requestProducts() async { isLoading = true errorMessage = nil do { subscriptions = try await Product.products(for: productIds) isLoading = false } catch { print("Failed product request from App Store server: \(error)") isLoading = false errorMessage = "Failed to load products" } }
May ’24
SubscriptionStoreView groupID when handling country specific products with storekit2
I am not sure if this is just Xcode and Storekit2 behaving weird. I am getting all products every time during my testing, even though I have pricing enabled for US and non-US in the same subscription group. How do I handle this scenario? Isn't SubscriptionStoreView supposed to handle this by itself depending on media and purchases country? Thanks in advance for your response!
Apr ’24
All transaction in my current entitlement returns as .unverified
Im building a small iphone app with StoreKit and currently testing it in testflight right on my mac, not on iphone. StoreKit part almost exactly copied from SKDemo from one of the Apple's WWDC. For some users and for myself Transaction.currentEntitlements always returns .unverified results. I double-checked Apple Connect settings, i checked my internet connection and everything is fine. Is there some pitfalls for testflight on mac? How can I find out what is causing this problem?
Apr ’24
StoreKit 1 Subscriptions
In StoreKit 1 and Objective-C, how do I obtain currently active subscriptions? I'm trying to obtain this information: The currently active (i.e. valid and not refunded) subscription in a subscription group A "pending" subscription, if any (when changing subscription types mid-period), and its starting date Sadly, all StoreKit 1 documents are buried deep under StoreKit 2 docs. Using StoreKit 2 is not an option.
Apr ’24
SKOverlay did not disappear normally after calling the dismiss method
After the 'present' method is called in SKOverlay, the system will first load the SKOverlay and do the present animation after loading is complete. However, the user may leave the page during the loading process. At this time, we will call the 'dismiss' method (at this time, SKO may not have appeared, or SKO may be doing the appearance animation). According to my online statistics, there are some situations. a. SKO did not display (this is as expected) b. SKO suddenly appeared quickly and then disappeared after leaving the page for a while c. SKO displayed after leaving the page and did not disappear automatically. Do we have a way to completely solve problems b and c? Why can't dismissOverlayInScene completely stop the previous SKO's present task now? I would greatly appreciate it if I could get more information here to deal with this problem.
Jun ’24
Testing In App purchases in Sandbox environment
I have been trying to enable in app purchase in sandbox environment but instead it keeps performing transactions in Xcode. Also Apple says in its docs to set up sandbox tester account in Settings > App store without signing out from the non sandbox account, and says the sign in will appear as soon as we perform a transaction on device, but it does not worked for me I have ensured and tried following things: Created sand box tester id Storekit configured , all the plans fetched Has development team Tried signing in Sandbox account Checked whether I am testing in production or development build by if else (It was in development) Tested on real device Please help me get through this
Apr ’24
Anti-Piracy measures for Mac App Store apps?
As an indy developer, it's prohibitive to start developing backend receipt validation services. Is there anything else in Apple's technologies that we can use to verify whether the person who is using my app, has paid for it? The first thing I thought of when Apple rolled out Sign in with Apple ID, was hopefully, it would include some API that would allow me to ask a simply question: did this Apple ID pay for my app? As an indy developer, this is the one feature that would keep my paid app on the Mac App Store. Anyone have any good suggestions for solving this as an indy developer?
Apr ’24
family sharing REVOKE server-to-server notifications
Hi, I am processing both REFUNDED and REVOKED transactions on the client-side and on the server using Apple's App Store Server Notifications (V2). For transactions with an inAppOwnershipType of FAMILY_SHARED, I receive REVOKE notifications that (sometimes) do not include a revocationDate. What does this imply, and what actions should I take? Additionally, when I query their transaction IDs using the App Store API, they also lack a revocationDate and do not appear in the results when I filter for revoked transactions. Is it appropriate to block these users? Why are server-to-server REVOKE notifications sent in the first place if the transaction does not appear as revoked in the API? Thanks
Apr ’24
In-app purchase - Reconnect active subscription to user
Hi all, first post ever here so apologies if information are not enough and thanks in advance for your help. PRODUCT & TECH INFO Ionic + Angular app with subscription plans to be activated via IAP with newly enabled third party subscriptions management platform (Recurly). CONTEXT After activating and migrating our clients to the new platform, the users with IAP subscriptions could not be linked with the platform but their Apple subscription remained active. QUESTIONS What will happen if we ask users to retry the purchase of their exact active subscription through our mobile app checkout when coming to the Apple subscription panel? If the plan is the same, is Apple gonna be smart enough to reconnect the active subscription to the purchase without processing a new payment? The issue is that - at the moment - some users are paying their subscription with Apple but are not active in our Recurly platform so they look like not-subscribed users. Hope I could explain our issue properly! Thanks again in advance for the help!
Apr ’24
Error trying to test StoreKit in someone else's app.
I'm an Apple developer but I'm currently trying to test someone else's app that uses StoreKit for in-app purchases. The app is being tested using TestFlight. When I run the app, I always get a StoreKit error. On the screen, I see: "App Store communication failure, please try later" (with a close button to dismiss it) In the app's console I see: "StoreKit: Unable to Complete Request" This happens with 3 different apps that the company is currently testing. No one else that is testing is getting this issue. StoreKit is working fine for them. I suspect the problem has to do with the fact that I'm an Apple Developer as well. There must be something about my account that is tripping up StoreKit. I don't currently have any Sandbox test accounts. None of my apps are currently in testing. Anyone have any thoughts? I did capture a log from the Console App, filtering on StoreKit: StoreKitFailure.txt If you search the log for my email address "bill at otherwise dot com" you will see some errors that may mean something to someone.
Apr ’24
App review rejection: not able to locate In-App purchases
Struggling for weeks to publish a new update of my app, which includes the first-time submission of a subscription with auto-renewal. It's constantly being rejected due to the following issue: We have started the review of your app, but we are still not able to continue because we cannot locate the in-app purchases within your app at this time. Next Steps To help us proceed with the review of your app, please reply to this message providing the steps for locating the in-app purchases in your app. If you are restricting access to in-app purchases based on factors such as storefront or device configurations, please include this information in your reply along with steps to enable the in-app purchases for our review. No further information is provided, no communication on the steps being taken by Apple. Additionally, I have already provided a comprehensive description during submission on how to access the In-App Purchase (IAP) as text and video. What's kind of interesting: the app got rejected, but the related subscription is still in state "waiting for review". Has anyone else experienced a similar issue?
Apr ’24
Transaction failed after success message StoreKit2
When I make a purchase with the Simulated StoreKit Failures, it indicates that the purchase was successful. When I click OK on the alert, only then does the storekit error appear in the console. It seems like it is waiting to verify the transaction until I click 'Okay' in the alert. Why doesn't he do the transaction verification immediately and wait to show the success alert? See video I take these steps: I make the purchase in the app. This is successful according to StoreKit and you will receive an alert that the purchase was successful. I press 'Okay' in the success alert. When I press "Okay" in the alert I see that the transaction failed because it could not be verified. So it seems that he only carries out the verification of the transaction as soon as I click away the success alert. ^Failed transaction message func purchase(_ product: Product) async throws -> Transaction? { print("Transactie gestart.") let result = try await product.purchase() switch result { case .success(let verification): print("Transactie doorgezet naar verificatie.") let transaction = try checkVerified(verification) //The transaction is verified. Deliver content to the user. await updateCustomerProductStatus() //Always finish a transaction. await transaction.finish() return transaction case .userCancelled: print("Transactie geannuleerd door de gebruiker.") throw StoreError.failedVerification case .pending: print("Transactie in afwachting van actie door de eindgebruiker.") return nil default: print("Er heeft zich een onbekende fout voorgedaan.") throw StoreError.failedVerification } } func checkVerified<T>(_ result: VerificationResult<T>) throws -> T { //Check whether the JWS passes StoreKit verification. switch result { case .unverified: print("Transactie mislukt doordat hij niet geverifieerd kon worden.") throw StoreError.failedVerification case .verified(let safe): let _ = print("Transactie is geverifieerd.") return safe } }
Apr ’24
How to retrieve prorated refunded amount on original subscription after upgrade?
Apple automatically refunds the prorated amount on the original subscription after it is upgraded. Since upgrades happen immediately and start a new billing cycle beginning from the day of upgrade, the previous original subscription is refunded for the prorated amount. Is there any way to retrieve the amount that was refunded by Apple? The transaction that was upgraded is marked with isUpgraded flag to true but the price field on it still shows the full amount and there is no App Store Server Notification that tells us how much was the refund. How do I get the refunded amount?
Apr ’24
Present Offer Code Price Programmatically
Hi, I have a 12 months subscription which I generated some offer codes for. I generated 25000 of them manually in App Store Connect (One-Time Use Codes). I want to send those codes to users by push notifications and I need to show the final price when the code will be applied. The problem is that I use the native sheet, which only shows the price after the user entered the code. Is there an API that I can hook into to retrieve that price? Otherwise, the best I could do would be to calculate ActualPrice * Discount (because I know the discount since I created the codes), but I am afraid it will not be accurate enough, because it is not possible to select price for offer codes with that precision.
Apr ’24
Testing the App Review Alert
Hello, we are using StoreKit's requestReview API to request App Reviews. From my understanding the app review alert will reliably appear in development builds, but only 3 times out of 365 days in production builds. We are building an app for a customer and they want to test the app to see that the app review functionality is implemented. One option is to provide them with a development build, and add their device ID to the developer portal. They can then tap a button (for example) and see the app review alert. However, this is not a scalable solution. Are there alternative ways, or other types of builds that we can provide the customer where the app review alert would reliably appear like it does for a development build?
Apr ’24
Is it possible to implement buying a sponsor with In-App Purchase?
I created a Bible app, and I am wondering if I am able to use In App Purchases to give users the opportunity to pay to sponsor a verse, within the app and their name would be be displayed in the app next to the verse they sponsored. I am willing to pay fee to Apple so do not insist register this one as donation. I think I am going to users buy sponsor points and let users to see table with user name and sponsor points they bought who has purchased sponsor item once at least. Is this possible under Apple's Guidance with In App Purchase?
Apr ’24