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TestFlight within App Store Connect allows you to invite and manage testers who can install and beta test your iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, and watchOS apps using the TestFlight app on the App Store.

Posts under TestFlight tag

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Can not install TestFlight version: "This app cannot be installed because its integrity could not be verified."
Hi, I created an application for a client. The client put me as a developer in his team on AppStore Connect. For that I use Xcode 13.2.1. It's a UIKit application in Swift with Storyboards. I built the app => no problem I tested it on my iPhone => no problem From Xcode I made an archive and uploaded it to TestFlight => no problem The archive has been received by Apple. It was then processed by Apple => no problem And finally I received a notification that it was available on TestFlight => no problem TestFlight offers me to install it but when I try it does not install it. If I try to click on the icon of the application it shows me the message "This app cannot be installed because its integrity could not be verified." I have tried installing other apps from TestFlight and have no issues. I checked on my mac for the various certificates for this client and they are all good and valid. I don't understand why for this application I have this behavior. Someone would have any idea ? Regards Tof
Jun ’24
Pods not working properly on test flight versions
I am facing an issue when i release my application and upload it to test flight. Some of the pods are not loading their assets, others are not working properly. When I install the application through Xcode on my device it works fine for both release and debug config. I am using xCode 13.2.1 I tested the app on iOS version 12 and iOS version 15 and I always facing the same issue. Is there anybody who faced this issue please?
Jan ’24
Testflight error "Your request couldn't be completed"
Im updating an old webview based app, i remade the app and its working on xcode. I would like to test it on my iphone, via testflight but when I try to install i get the error "Your request couldn't be completed". I've searched online but couldn't find a good result. I tried to change the Code Signing Identity, but that doesn't work, because I have automatically manage signing turned on. Did someone encounter this problem and how did you fix it?
Sep ’23
Should deleted testers be counted in maximum number of testers calculation?
I've reached maximum number of testers for my app. That's why I've deleted all testers from TestFlight to clean testers list and invite new and old testers again by public link. But deleted testers are still count in "All testers", but in "Deleted testers" filter. And the error "You’ve added the maximum number of external testers for this app" still occurs. Is this how it's supposed to work or is this a bug?
Oct ’23
Test Flight Rejection : ITMS-90338: Non-public API usage
Today, I'm getting Test Flight builds rejected with the following reason: ITMS-90338: Non-public API usage - The app references non-public selectors in MyRedactedAppName: _isKeyDown, _modifiedInput, _modifierFlags, handleNotification:, isPassthrough, onSuccess:, removeValuesForKeys:completion However, I'm uploading the exact same code (working on a CI/CD pipeline) as I did last Thursday and that build passed. Pretty sure this is on the Apple side of things. Anyone else seeing this today? I know a few folks have had similar rejections since June 6, when things got updated for WWDC. Some seem to have been resolved by Apple, but I've tested this twice today and received the same result.
Oct ’23
Public testers removed from TestFlight
Hi, I have an app in the App Store and I have a build in TestFlight with around 400 public testers who were added by public link. I started getting reports from some testers recently that they were removed as testers from TestFlight. It just says "Tester removed" for them in TestFlight. The build also didn't expire. Nobody else has access to my developer account, so I'm sure that no testers were removed manually. There are plenty free slots for public testers and those testers are also quite active. So I don't see why TestFlight keeps seemingly randomly removing testers. I already have around 5 reports of this where testers complained that I removed them from testing for reporting bugs. Does this happen to anyone else? Is there any reason for this or is it just a bug? Thanks!
Aug ’23
Please fix offer codes and allow testing in test flight
The current state of testing promotional codes in IOS is not developer friendly in the slightest. I have been trying to implement and test promo codes for a couple months now, while having the store kit integration helps slightly to mimic offer code redemption there is no friendly way of testing offer codes in test flight. I have it implemented with presentCodeRedemptionSheet() it seems the easiest way to test the codes is release my app to production create a 3-day promo which is the minimum amount of days that can be set, then wait 3 days before I can test again in different ways. One of my colleagues who is not a developer also wanted to test this feature and it did not work for her. Unfortunately it was a month long promo code she had redeemed so will have to wait till September to see if this is fixed for her now. I have also must note the fact the code redemption sheet and setting up payments in apple all together is a buggy mess. Starting out I added my card via apple pay thinking this would be enough to go through the redeem code process. Then upon entering my code it would show the dialog to verify with touch ID along with my payment details and even a picture of my card. After verifying, it then kept showing a pop up that I must include payment information which I already had added via apple pay. In the end to fix this I had to remove the payment method restart the device, add the payment method again then restart the device again. Another issue I bumped into is when you press redeem the "redeem offer" button is disabled but nothing happens for a while until it appears to timeout and you have to try again until it eventually works. The final annoyance I experienced was creating the offer code for my subscription and immediately trying to redeem it apple said the offer expired even though i set it to the 31st of August and the date was the 2nd. Only way to fix this was once waited and keep trying banging your head against the wall until it eventually works. In summary, I hope apple have a review of their offer code redemption process and make it more developer friendly and implement a way of testing within test flight whether it use live offer through test flight or include a new section to add test offer codes for subscriptions.
Jul ’23
Couldn't redeem TestFlight invitation code
Some time ago I forwarded the invite to TestFlight from my work Apple ID to my personal Apple ID (email addresses) and was testing on a personal iPhone device. I want to stop testing on my iPhone and move testing to my work iPad. Therefore, I removed the app in TestFlight from my personal device (selecting "Stop Testing") and app is no longer available. I also removed the work Apple ID from the list of all testers for the app, as well as from the internal tester list. I then added it back, sent the invitation, but it will not work on the iPad. Subsequent builds generated new invitation codes and none of those work either. I tried three so far. It appears my personal Apple ID is somehow permanently connected to TestFlight, even though there is no reference to my personal Apple ID in the work account. I see no references in my personal Apple ID account to the app either. Any suggestions to get the invite to work? I don't know what else to do other than create a new Apple ID, but would rather not for a variety of reasons.
Unable to delete screenshot feedback in Testflight App Store Connect
Been happening for about 3 weeks. Cleared cache and cookies. I've logged out and back in and rebooted my laptop. Also tried both safari and chrome. My coworkers had the same problem a couple of months ago, and it just resolved itself. Repro steps Login to app store connect tap on testflight tap on any screenshot feedback. With feedback open, I can only see Open in Xcode and OK buttons. Expected behavior :to have access to a delete button. Actual : nly see Open in Xcode and OK buttons.
Sep ’23
App won't install from TestFlight
I've been using TestFlight with my app for weeks. I just uploaded a new update to App Store Connect and got the email that the new version is available for TestFlight. I open TestFlight and can see the new version of the app with "Update" next to it. At first, I got an error that said "Beta Expired". Now, test flight says "Install" next to the app and it if pressed it runs like it installing, but nothing happens, it then returns to the "Install" status. I've tried removing and re-inviting the user, delete and reinstall the app from app store, and deleting and reinstalling TestFlight. Nothing works. Can anyone help?
Oct ’23
Electron app crash on open in Test flight
Hello guys, I have an Electron app build with electron forge (v6.0.4). I was able to pass the verification via Transporter and able to install it from TestFilght. but the app was not able to run. I have tried to run the app from Terminal, I got the following error message: FATAL:mach_port_rendezvous.cc(142)] Check failed: kr == KERN_SUCCESS. bootstrap_check_in com.xxxx.yyyyy.MachPortRendezvousServer.39844: Permission denied (1100) Then I looked into the system logs, I found: 2022-12-17 22:03:10.473560 (gui/501 [100006]) : denied lookup: name = com.apple.CoreLocation.agent, flags = 0x1, requestor = AppName[39844], error = 159: Sandbox restriction 2022-12-17 22:03:10.473654 (system) : denied lookup: name = com.apple.locationd.desktop.registration, flags = 0x8, requestor = AppName[39844], error = 159: Sandbox restriction 2022-12-17 22:03:10.482191 (system) : failed lookup: name = com.epsecurity.bdconnectorservice, requestor = BDCoreIssues[162], error = 3: No such process 2022-12-17 22:03:10.537167 (gui/501/com.apple.xpc.launchd.unmanaged.AppName.39844 [39844]) : added unmanaged active 2022-12-17 22:03:10.537647 (gui/501 [100006]) : failed activation: name = com.xxxx.yyyy.MachPortRendezvousServer.39844, flags = 0x1, requestor = AppName[39844], error = 1: Operation not permitted I have tried with/without com.apple.security.personal-information.location in my entitlements file, but looks like no difference. I have spent many days on it, anyone can help?
Aug ’23
TestFlight shows iOS app supports macOS, but still says its iOS only
Initially I removed the macOS support for my iPhone app. Now I want to enable it, so I enabled macOS Designed for iPad in Xcode, and also enabled macOS in App Store Connect for the app. In TestFlight on macOS it shows "Requires macOS and a Mac with Apple Silicon chip" but still lists it under IOS only Apps. (My Mac is Mac Book Air M1, macOS 13.1). I have another simple app which I created and it works just fine and I can't find any difference in the build setup between the two. I have verified the App works well with Mac (Designed for iPad) simulator so the App do work on macOS that much is certain. So my question is how can I enable macOS for an IOS app that previously was only built for iPhone/iPad. Either I'm missing a step or there is a bug lurking here. As it is now I am not able to install the app on macOS from TestFlight. Thanks, Marcus
Jan ’24