




Where can "SystemVersion.bundle" be found?
This is one of the files being looked for during initialization of the RoomPlan WWDC Demo package but it cannot be found since moving to IOS 18.0. it is not anyrhere since the upgrade. Reference is 2024-06-18 16:03:36.871062-0500 RoomPlanExampleApp[860:159744] [loading] Unable to create bundle at URL (file:///System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.bundle): does not exist or not a directory (0)
Are there cases where a response to an error returned from the AppStore Server API is considered a subscription cancellation by the user?
According to the following document, when the AppStore Server API is executed and the account does not exist, the response "errorCode: 4040001" is returned. If this response is returned, is it safe to assume that the account has been deleted and treat the subscription as cancelled? Also, please let us know if there are any other error codes other than this error code that can be used to determine that the subscription has been cancelled.
StoreKit issue
Hey everyone! I’m currently working on a new app called Kept – a simple and elegant journaling app designed to help you capture your thoughts and ideas effortlessly. However, I’ve hit a bit of a snag with the TestFlight distribution of the app. When I test the in-app purchases locally, everything works perfectly. But once the app is pushed to TestFlight, users only see "Loading products..." indefinitely and are unable to make purchases. Here are the details: The app works locally with sandbox accounts. Product identifiers and configurations have been double-checked. All in-app purchases are correctly set up and approved in App Store Connect. Using correct sandbox account settings on the device.
GUI + XPC Service App Architecture Performance
Let's image that someone wants to use a background service to keep track of FSEvents activity, at the file level (a firehose, some might say). I choose this example, to indicate the volume and rate of data transmission in question. I'm not creating a front-end for FSEvents data, but my background service may generate data at a similar pace. The service runs off of user defined document/s that specify the FSEvent background filtering to be applied. Those that match get stored into a database. But filters can match on almost all the data being emitted by FSEvents. The user decides to check on the service's activity and database writes by launching a GUI that sends requests to the background service using XPC. So the GUI can request historic data from a database, but also get a real-time view of what FS events the service is busy filtering. So it's a client-server approach, that's concerned with monitoring an event stream over XPC. I understand XPC is a request/response mechanism, and I might look into using a reverse connection here, but my main concern is one of performance. Is XPC capable of coping with such a high volume of data transmision? Could it cope with 1000s of rows of table data updates per second sent to a GUI frontend? I know there are streaming protocol options that involve a TCP connection, but I really want to stay away from opening sockets.
Are several Proximity and Beacon related libraries methods and properties deprectaed and now unusable in iOS 18 beta?
Hi, Please let me know iOS 18 beta have deprecated/ stopped support for which of the following: proximityUUID CLBeaconRegion (instancetype)initWithProximityUUID:(NSUUID *)proximityUUID identifier:(NSString *)identifier (void)startRangingBeaconsInRegion:(CLBeaconRegion *)region -startRangingBeaconsSatisfyingConstraint: , is this also deprecated in iOS 18 beta, since: CLBeaconIdentityConstraint is deprecated right? CLBeaconIdentityCondition is not supported in XCode 15.3. What should I do for this? Should I install XCode 16 beta? locationManager:didRangeBeacons:satisfyingConstraint: can we use it in iOS 18 beta, since, CLBeaconIdentityConstraint is deprecated? what is alternative startMonitoring(for:) is also deprecated in iOS 18 beta right? Also, can someone specify or create a documentation on how beaconing shall be monitored, ranged and locationManager delegate methods pertaining to beaconing to be used in iOS 18 beta?
Maximum Number of Bluetooth Pairings (not connections)
Hello, Our app is going to be used in an industrial setting where users will connect to many devices a day via Bluetooth to complete an installation process. They will only connect to one device at a time, so connection limit isn't an issue. What we're wondering about is the limit on number of pairings (found in Settings > Bluetooth > MY DEVICES). This is important because pairings can't be removed programatically. I seem to remember reading somewhere the limit was ~30 devices, but I can't find that document anymore. Does anyone know if this limit is correct, or where I could find a document regarding this?
Weatherkit temperature way off
My app AirCompare is a smart home controller and makes system decisions based on local weather. Users have been seeing absurdly wrong (~10°F off) current temperatures, and of course that's a problem. I've seen similar complaints on Reddit and one poster claims that Apple switched from whatever DarkSky was using (which seemed accurate) to a predictive model from IBM. Compare iOS15 to iOS16 and you may see a large discrepancy in the Weather app. As a developer needing an accurate current temperature, I'm wondering if this is a temporary problem or whether we can expect this to continue going forward. If it's the latter, I'll need to find something more reliably accurate.
Shortcuts | Transaction Automation | IOS 18
Hello forum, Hope all is great! I have a shortcut automation which uses the transaction trigger. Since updating to ios 18 the transaction trigger does not work anymore. Whenever a transaction is done, the “Running your automation” notification does not show up and the automation does not work. To share with you the steps I’ve done so far: 1.Remove the automation and do it again 2.Remove the card from apple pay 3. Delete and install again the shortcut app 4. Turned on and off the phone I can confirm the automation works on my other iPhone with the latest version of IOS 17. Would really appreciate if anyone has any insights about that, or if this happened to you as well. Cheers! Dorin
Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host..
I am getting error while await applePayClient.PostAsJsonAsync(validationUrl, validationPayload) I am testing it on local machine. Am I even can test this on local machine or not? Error: Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.. validationUrl: JS C# code: var applePayClientHandler = new HttpClientHandler { SslProtocols = System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols.Tls12 | System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols.Tls13 }; var applePayClient = new HttpClient(applePayClientHandler); var merchantId = ""; var _displayName = "Sandbox"; var domainName = ""; var validationUrl = request.ValidationURL; var validationPayload = new { MerchantIdentifier = merchantId, DisplayName = _displayName, Initiative = "web", InitiativeContext = domainName }; try { var response = await applePayClient.PostAsJsonAsync(validationUrl, validationPayload); var merchantSession = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); return merchantSession; } catch (HttpRequestException httpEx) { // Log detailed HTTP request/response information Console.WriteLine($"HttpRequestException: {httpEx.Message}"); if (httpEx.InnerException != null) { Console.WriteLine($"InnerException: {httpEx.InnerException.Message}"); } throw; }
Concurrency Crash - PushToTalk Framework
With the integration of Apple's pushToTalk framework - we create the PTChannelManager using its async initializer from AppDidFinishLaunching - using an actor to ensure the PTChannelManager is only created once. With this we have been seeing a lot of crashes for users in our analytics dashboards happening about ~2 seconds after app launch around a task-dealloc. Here is a simplified version of our actor and Manager - where the manager just shows the init. The init of it is an async optional init because the creation of the PTChannelManager uses an async throws. actor PushToTalkDeviceContainer { private var internalPushToTalkManagerTask: Task<PushToTalkManager?, Never>? func pushToTalkManager() async -> PushToTalkManager? { #if !os(visionOS) if let internalPushToTalkManagerTask { return await internalPushToTalkManagerTask.value } let internalPushToTalkManagerTask = Task<PushToTalkManager?, Never> { return await PushToTalkManagerImp() } self.internalPushToTalkManagerTask = internalPushToTalkManagerTask return await internalPushToTalkManagerTask.value #else return nil #endif } } public class PushToTalkManagerImp: PushToTalkManager { public let onPushToTalkDelegationEvent: AnyPublisher<PushToTalkDelegationEvent, Never> public let onPushToTalkAudioSessionChange: AnyPublisher<PushToTalkManagerAudioSessionChange, Never> public let onChannelRestoration: AnyPublisher<UUID, Never> private let ptChannelManager: PTChannelManager private let restorationDelegate: PushToTalkRestorationDelegate private let delegate: PushToTalkDelegate init?() async { self.delegate = PushToTalkDelegate() self.restorationDelegate = PushToTalkRestorationDelegate() self.onPushToTalkDelegationEvent = delegate.pushToTalkDelegationSubject.eraseToAnyPublisher() self.onPushToTalkAudioSessionChange = delegate.audioSessionSubject.eraseToAnyPublisher() self.onChannelRestoration = restorationDelegate.restorationDelegateSubject.eraseToAnyPublisher() do { ptChannelManager = try await PTChannelManager.channelManager(delegate: delegate, restorationDelegate: restorationDelegate) } catch { return nil } } } The crash stack trace is as follows: 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00000001e903342c __pthread_kill + 8 (:-1) 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00000001fcdd2c0c pthread_kill + 268 (pthread.c:1721) 2 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00000001a7ed6c34 __abort + 136 (abort.c:159) 3 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00000001a7ed6bac abort + 192 (abort.c:126) 4 libswift_Concurrency.dylib 0x00000001ab2bf7c8 swift::swift_Concurrency_fatalErrorv(unsigned int, char const*, char*) + 32 (Error.cpp:25) 5 libswift_Concurrency.dylib 0x00000001ab2bf7e8 swift::swift_Concurrency_fatalError(unsigned int, char const*, ...) + 32 (Error.cpp:35) 6 libswift_Concurrency.dylib 0x00000001ab2c39a8 swift_task_dealloc + 128 (TaskAlloc.cpp:59) 7 MyApp 0x0000000104908e04 PushToTalkManagerImp.__allocating_init() + 40 (PushToTalkManager.swift:0) 8 MyApp 0x0000000104908e04 closure #1 in PushToTalkDeviceContainer.pushToTalkManager() + 60 9 MyApp 0x00000001041882e9 specialized thunk for @escaping @callee_guaranteed @Sendable @async () -> (@out A) + 1 (<compiler-generated>:0) 10 MyApp 0x0000000103a652bd partial apply for specialized thunk for @escaping @callee_guaranteed @Sendable @async () -> (@out A) + 1 (<compiler-generated>:0) 11 libswift_Concurrency.dylib 0x00000001ab2c2775 completeTaskWithClosure(swift::AsyncContext*, swift::SwiftError*) + 1 (Task.cpp:463)
Access NVMe SMART on iPad
When using external NVMe devices on iOS / iPadOS I cannot tell how to access the disk SMART data. On macOS I can use NVMeSMARTLibExternal.h to access this information but the same system does not seem to work on iPadOS (even with Thunderbolt NVMe devices). When using M series iPads with professional Thunderbolt storage this woudlbe very useful.