App Store Connect

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App Store Connect is a suite of tools for submitting and managing your apps and in-app purchases on the App Store.

App Store Connect Documentation






Broken Add to Review (AppStoreConnect bug)
Hello, I believe I'm experiecing a bug within the AppStoreConnect dev console. When I try to submit a new version of my game for review I recieve an error message stating The items below are required to start the review process: There are still leaderboard image uploads in progress. One might think that this problem should have an obvious solution: wait for the leaderboard images to load and try again. Unfortunately this is impossible, because all images are already loaded. They are also being successfully displayed in the console interface and even in my game itself. I tried to remove all images, but that didn't help. I've also noticed that leaderboard management interface in the console was updated in the past month or two. I think that might be somehow related to the problem (something from old UI got cached and now isn't affect by new UI). I've also filed a request (102270407515) to the Apple Support, but didn't get any answer (aside from the request is registered). Is there any chance I get an answer from Apple Support here on the forum?
Apr ’24
ITMS-90053 Mac Catalyst Invalid Binary
I am really stuck. I uploaded my Mac Catalyst app. The binary passes validation beforehand. I submit for review. After being in "waiting for review" for a couple of minutes it is rejected with "invalid binary" and comes back with an email saying "ITMS-90053: This bundle is invalid - The bundle identifier is already in use by a different software package." The only app that is using the same bundle is the IOS version where I added the Mac platform.
Apr ’24
Generating 5.5-inch iPhone Screenshots for App Store Submission (Xcode 17.4)
Hi everyone, I'm working on submitting my app to the App Store and need to capture screenshots for the 5.5-inch iPhone display size (iPhone 6 Plus, 7 Plus, and 8 Plus). Unfortunately, Xcode 17.4 doesn't offer simulators for these devices. I've searched Apple's support resources but haven't found any solutions. Would anyone have suggestions on how to generate the required 5.5-inch screenshots for App Store submission? Thanks in advance for your help!
Apr ’24
No Apple feedback about "unlisted app distribution" request
I want to distribute my app as unlisted, review team also recommends me this. 12th of April I submitted the request and got bot mail about awaiting maximum of 3 business days. I has been carrying about this all this time, so that submitted another one request yesterday. Review team always replies very fast in hours, but apple support which is processing my request confuses me. Is here somebody with same trouble or how much time have you been awaiting for feedback? P.S.: I can wait, but I don't see any progress and afraid of non-processing of my request because there was notification about max 3 days of awaiting, but at least a week has been gone.
Apr ’24
Urgent Assistance Needed: Unexpected App Removal
Hello Apple Developer Community, I am writing to request urgent support regarding the recent removal of our app, which has been available on the App Store for over a year serving a large user base. We were notified that our app violated Section 3.2(f) of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement, but we have not altered our operations recently and believe this to be a misunderstanding. We have attempted to reach out via email but have not received further details or the opportunity to rectify or discuss the alleged issue. Historically, developers are given a chance to resolve concerns before an app is removed, a courtesy we were unfortunately not extended. We seek clarity on the specific violations and an opportunity to address any issues to comply fully with Apple's guidelines. The removal has significantly impacted our users and our team, and we are committed to resolving this swiftly to restore service to our users. Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. We look forward to your guidance and support. Below is the notification we received from Apple regarding the termination of our agreements: Apple has terminated the Apple Developer Program License Agreement and the Apple Developer Agreement with our company effective immediately. According to the notice, the reason provided for this action is an alleged violation of Section 3.2(f) of the ADP Agreement, which includes accusations of fraudulent conduct associated with our account. This has led to the immediate cessation of our status as an Apple developer and termination under both the ADP and Developer Agreements.
Apr ’24
Where should privacy manifests (PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file) for 3rd party static frameworks be located in the built app
Hello! In our applications we consume several 3rd party libraries that use one or more API from this list - These XCFrameworks contain static frameworks (a framework with a statically linked binary inside), so after linking, the machine code inside these frameworks becomes either a part of the app's executable or a part of a dynamic library. We integrate these libraries using Swift Package Manager's ".binaryTarget" feature and have been having trouble understanding where should the privacy manifest be located in the final app, so that we can pass the App Store review process. It seems that with SPM the privacy manifest (PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file) is lost - If the static framework is linked as a part of the app's executable, does that mean we have to manually merge the app's privacy manifest with that of a 3rd party static library? If the static framework is linked as a part of a dynamic library within the app, where should the privacy manifest be located? And what should happen if there are multiple static frameworks each with a privacy manifest being linked into this dynamic library? Thank you very much!
Apr ’24
Change App Availability
My app is only available in some regions. During one of the review versions, the reviewer asked to remove accessibility from one of the countries or provide documents that allow to conduct activities in this country. At that time, there was no such document and I removed the availability in this country. Now - I have a document that confirms that I can conduct activities in this country. Availability is a separate section and is not related to versioning. How and where do I request app availability in a specific country?
Apr ’24
Unable to Add for Review - Xcode 15.3
When I try to add my app version for review I get the following error: I contacted support twice (13 days ago) and no one has fixed the issue yet. Also 5 months ago you had the same issue with Xcode 15.0.1 how is it that you don't see this coming when you release a new version?? Unbelievable... I understand that is hard for a small 2.6 trillion corporation to find the resources to address this issue but I need to submit my app update ASAP
Apr ’24
The option to "Make a version unavailable for download" is broken
Need help as the the option to "make a version unavailable for download" is broken. 1- Go to the app store and select your app 2- On the left menu scroll down and click on "pricing and availability" 3- Scroll to the bottom to "Edit your last-compatible version for iOS apps" and expand the section 4- Click on the app versions 5- On the new pop-up window un-check the boxes for the versions you need to remove and click done. HERE IT IS BROKEN.
Apr ’24
Are server notifications available for consumables?
Hi I'm working on IAP for my app, with all products being consumables. If I use App Store Server Notifications, will I get updates on the payment status (successful, failed, pending, etc.) of my products? I've worked on Android IAP, which provides such updates via subscriptions on Google Cloud Console. Does App Store Server Notifications work the same? The reason I need this is for the cases where the payment is slow, interrupted or any other potential issues.
Apr ’24
EU DSA question for non-English developers with PO boxes
I have a question for fellow developers from non-English speaking countries who had successfully submitted the DSA form as traders on App Store Connect specifying a PO box as address. I've read somewhere (likely on Mastodon) that Apple requires the PO box documentation to be "officially" translated in English to accept it. I am 100% positive this is not something I would be able to get from Italian Posts, because the contract will only be in Italian. How did you handle this? Were you able to submit the PO box documentation in your own language?
Apr ’24
Unable to get phone number verification code for EU DSA compliance
Good day, I'm trying to resolve the EU "Digital Services Act" compliance for my employer's Apple Developer account, but I'm stuck on verifying the phone number. The email verification code came through without any issue. We are located in South Africa, with a "+27" area code and the number I need to use here is a landline that comes through to the receptionist at our head office. This number does not have the ability to receive text messages, so I selected the "Didn't get a verification code?" link and chose the receive a phone call instead, however the call never comes through. Calling the number from my cellphone goes straight through to the receptionist, there are no digital switchboard prompts for the caller to select from. I tried this numerous times this Friday just past, and again twice now today, still no luck. I've requested an official document from my manager to see if I can go that route to verify the details, but so far nobody seems to be able to find an appropriate document for me to use... :( Is there anything else that I can do here?
Apr ’24
How to request keyword indexing
Using a third-party service I can see the list of keywords that are associated with my app. They are all wrong. It appears that the app store algorithm for selecting keywords has picked up variations of the company name in its keyword selection instead of using the keyword field, app name, and app description to define such keywords. For example, our Word Game from Wireless Marvels, has a keyword of Marvels. And Marvels caused Star Wars to be selected as a keyword from Marvel Studios. Of course, Star Wars has nothing to do with a word game. How can one request that the app store re-evaluate the store description and other fields to generate a new set of keywords?
Apr ’24
Can't add bank account to Apple developer program
Problem 1: When I go to below url: I can see a warning like below: "One or more tax forms still need to be completed for your account. Please submit them as soon as possible." How to resolve this problem? Problem 2: In the same url as above, there is another warning: "A new version of Agreements, Tax, and Banking is now live. To continue and access all existing features, go to Business." When I go to business as per instruction, I can't find a way to resolve this issue. How to resolve this problem as well? Problem 3: In the same url as above, it is indicating that my "Paid Apps" status is "Active (Pending User Info)". How to resolve this problem? Problem 4: When I click on the "Set Up Tax and Banking", it leads me to below url: In this url, there are two options: a. Add Bank Account b. Select Tax Forms a. If I select "Add Bank Account", it opts for OTP. After entering OTP successfully, it is loading forever. b. If I select "Select Tax Forms", it shows that only "US Tax Form" is selected. When I click "Done" button, it is loading forever. How to resolve this problem? So far, I have added bank account in business, url below: It is showing all the "Status"es of Agreement, Bank Accounts, Tax Forms and Compliance are "Active". Could anyone please tell, is there anything missing from my side?
Apr ’24
What should I do when receive "you may now submit apps for review again."
When I first submitted my game on Connect, I received "We need additional time to evaluate your submission and Apple Developer Program account. Your submission status will appear as "Rejected" in App Store Connect while we investigate. However, we do not require a revised binary or additional information from you at this time." After a week's wait, I cancel the submit and resubmit the game. But it's still keep "Waiting for review" status for a week. Then I contract the Apple Support. I receive a new message : We are writing to let you know that you may now submit apps for review again. Regarding your current submission, we are continuing with our investigation and if we identify any issues, we will communicate them via App Store Connect. Otherwise, your submission will be approved. Now, My "App Review" has a red icon and the status is still Waiting for review with a yellow warning. What should I do next? Should I just wait do noting, or cancel the current submit and resubmit again? I have no idea of "that you may now submit apps for review again. "'s meaning? Do you know what this mean? and what should I do next?
Apr ’24
Problem to distribute my app on an alternative app marketplace
Hello. Maybe someone can help me here, Apple support was useless. I'm trying to distribute my apps on an altrenative market place and following these instructions: I sent my develoepr ID to marketplace and they sent me marketplace token back. Now, when I go to "Users and Access, under Integrations" to click Marketplace to add it for my app I have NO such option! Here is how it's in help docs: And here is how I have it in my account: I have Account Holder, Admin roles and I have completed Digital Services Act, not sure if it's important. Anyone had this kind of problem??? Any solution??? As I said, Apple support just couldn't figure it out and just sent me the same doc links again. Thank you.
Apr ’24
What (exactly) to do with Privacy Manifest Report
Once I have the PDF generated by xcode: what exactly should I be doing with it?. Is there a place in Apple Connect where I should be uploading it?. If there's a place to upload it, will this mean that privacy manifest for our app will be updated by using this PDF? Do you have some documentation I can reference to where I can see the process of uploading this PDF? (not the process of how to create the xcprivacy file or how to add it to xcode nor all the properties that go in the plist file.)
Apr ’24
Weird numbers tonight... anyone else seeing this?
So I haven't recorded a purchase in 7 hours via RevenueCat which is unusual, and I was curious as to what was going on... so I open my App Store Connect tonight and I see the following: $12.7 MILLION in proceeds over the last 4 hours (would usually expect maybe $200 at most at this time of day on a Thursday at 1AM EST?). 1 DOWNLOAD in the last 4 hours (would usually expect maybe 60+ since I'm running Apple Search Ads as well). App Store seems to function fine and downloading my apps works fine. I'm obviously assuming there is a bug here in the reporting tonight. My concern is that my actual purchases aren't coming through and being counted properly within RevenueCat and Apple. Or that something is preventing purchases currently. Anyone else seeing this tonight?
Apr ’24