Create elegant and intuitive apps that integrate seamlessly with Apple platforms.

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Handling Orders from my new App
I am a bit new to app development, spent the last month or so doing an app that handles orders and I integrated the use of firebase as well as notification and apple pay. Now once the payment is done from the app, how do i know what the order is and where do i receive the money, Do i need to create mote handling for that or does it automatically come from apply pay ? Any pointers on this would be very helpful
Oct ’23
Combine Master-Detail View and Tab View in iPad
Hello, I want to create a UI in which there are 4 main tabs representing individual views/screen (Just like the one in AppStore app). Now for some of the screens, I want to show the content of it using Master-Detail view - Just like iPad Messaging app where message list is in the master view and chatting is in the detail view. The TabView must remain visible to the users to navigate through all 4 views/screens. To show both, TabView and Master-Detail view, in one screen, I get to see 2 options. Show the TabView in MasterView section. In my opinion, this option is fundamentally a malpractice in perspective of UX. Because TabView is representation of shortcut of all 4 screens and user will use them to navigate through different screens, we must not restrict TabView in any other view. TabView must be placed at the top most hierarchy of the application. Keep the TabView in the top-most hierarchy and show in full width like it is shown in the AppStore app, and when user taps of any of the tab, the view that appears would have the Master-Detail View. Now in this one, I have concern of me manipulating the concept of Layout designs and worse UX. I am looking for the right way to implement such functionality with a good and UI/UX. Thank you.
Oct ’23
Navigate from a modal to a different tab
Good day, we design an app where we have a fullsceen modal where we advertise a new function that lives in a different part of the app. In the bottom we have a CTA. Pressing the CTA should close the modal and redirect to a different parent tab where the user can perform the desired actions. Has this been done? What are your thoughts on the UX? Too weird? Helpful? Any other ideas on how we can help get a user from the startscreen to a different part of the app?
Sep ’23