missing package product

42,933 results found






Reply to iOS simulator glitching erratically constantly
[quote='758546021, SpeakCuba, /thread/758546, /profile/SpeakCuba'] One interesting thing that I noticed is that for Xcode projects, the simulator runs perfectly, but when I use Android Studio, the simulator doesn't work properly at all. [/quote] It sounds like this is due to your third-party environment and frameworks. You should check with the support resources provided by those products to get assistance with their software and how it runs when deployed to the iOS Simulator.
LowLevelMesh: Triangle Colors
I am trying to follow the documentation with the beta version of visionOS with the new realitykit LowLevelMesh construct (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/realitykit/lowlevelmesh) that draws a triangle. Although the code indicates different colors for each of the 3 vertex points, the triangle renders in white. I believe that the missing link may be a shadergraph material, but because I will be drawing millions of triangles, with colors defined at the nodes and interpolated over the area of the triangles, I want to make sure it is efficient, either with shadergraph materials or perhaps metal. I have, with an earlier version of the app I'm working on, successfully used a shadergraph material with MeshDescriptor.primatives as polygons for tetrahedrons. However, that is inefficient for more than 1,000 tetrahedrons (and crashes) so I'm trying to use the new LowLevelMesh instead (with each tetrahedron split into 4 triangles). However, I can't get very far using the example code from the documentat
SwiftData Model deletion works unstable
Hi, I believe this question belongs here instead of Stack Overflow as SwiftUI + SwiftData is too new. I am using Model Context from a static Helper class: Class Helper { static let shared = Helper() var modelContext: ModelContext? } call to insert data on the 1st screen: Helper.shared.modelContext?.insert(item) Query Model declaration on the 1st screen: @Query private var products: [ProductModel] also autoSave turned to false: .onAppear{ Helper.shared.modelContext?.autosaveEnabled = false } periodically update data via a standard Timer object: for item in products { item.price = 500 } SwiftData works just fine in this 1st screen, but when we try to delete the Model and move on to next screen, we found out memory of the previous screen Model (ProductModel) in this case is still persisted and keep increasing! Eventually causing hang in the 2nd screen. Model deletion code in onDisappear of the 1st screen: .onDisappear{ try? Helper.shared.modelContext?.delete(model: ProductModel.self) try? Helpe
Reply to Private key is not installed in your keychain error
Thank you for reaching out to in the forums. Looking at your errors, you may don’t have the private key set up correctly on your development machine, also that caught my attention was the signing identity error no iOS Development where it seems like no team is selected signing the project seems incorrect on the output provided. Here are some potential solutions to the error message you're encountering while building your Xcode project: 1. Private Key Installation: The error suggests that an Apple Development signing certificate for your machine exists, but its private key is missing in your keychain. To resolve this: Open the Keychain Access application on your Mac. Go to Preferences > Certificate Assistance > Request a Certificate from a Certificate Authority. Select your Apple ID and follow the prompts to create a new signing certificate. Make sure to use your email and other details associated with your developer account. Important: When you create the certificate, ensure you save it in the
iOS App shows blank screen after migrating to SwiftUI Lifecycle
This question was originally posted to StackOverflow, but I found it more suitable to be placed here. Was working on migrating one of my app from AppDelegate lifecycle to SwiftUI lifecycle according to this question. After following all the steps, The simulator simply shows a blank screen (the app does not launch at all): There is no log in the console. However, if the app is removed from the simulator (or device) and reinstalled, it will launch the new SwiftUI lifecycle correctly. So there seems to be some problem with scene caching that causes iOS to be confused after the migration. Am I missing something during the migration?
Sep ’21
NEMachServiceName failure to access after network extension upgrade
We have a product which uses a Network Extension (a socket filter and a packet content filter). The application contains the network extension, as well as an un-sandboxed LaunchDaemon which connects to the service at the NEMachServiceName. Occasionally, usually after an upgrade where the system extension is swapped for the new version, our un-sandboxed process isn't able to contact the network extension. From the logging, we receive the following XPC error (libxpc.dylib) [com.apple.xpc:connection] [0x7fd6d0307f40] failed to do a bootstrap look-up: xpc_error=[3: No such process] in the unsandboxed process. Eventually, we receive an invalidated callback on the XPC connection with the error Couldn’t communicate with a helper application.. We have confirmed that an appropriate service is running via the launchctl command, and the network extension process appears to have initialised correctly. We don't see any indication of a received connection at the Network Extension process however (probably not surp
Reply to NEMachServiceName failure to access after network extension upgrade
Sorry I didn’t reply earlier. Due to a technical mixup at my end, I missed your post. [quote='794380022, alanNext, /thread/758695?answerId=794380022#794380022, /profile/alanNext'] If I follow it correctly it seems the current workaround available is to unload and reload the system extension? [/quote] That’s the way I interpret it as well, but I’ve not actually tried replicating the issue myself. [quote='794380022, alanNext, /thread/758695?answerId=794380022#794380022, /profile/alanNext'] Is there anything we can provide that would let Apple do further diagnostics on this? [/quote] It’s tricky, given that you can’t reproduce it at will. I see two avenues to explore here: Try to make it more reproducible Debug it in the field There’s a definite trade-off here. If you’re able to reproduce it, you’ll be able to file a better bug. And you’ll be able to test any workarounds you come up with. OTOH, it’s possible that it only reproduces at random, in which case you’ve spent a lot of time with no benefit. Any
Getting "User interaction is not allowed." error while fetching data from the keychain
Hi, We are getting error while fetching data from the keychain. Error code : -25308 Error message : User interaction is not allowed. This is happening in our Production app and many users are facing this issue. This issue is coming randomly for random users. Its working fine but suddenly we are getting this error randomly. We have tried to add delay when keychain is giving error randomly to minimise the issue but it is not fixing our issue and What could be the reason of this issue Can we have dedicated support for this? Thank You.
Issues Supporting All Accessibility Features with a Custom Font
I am in the process of adding my company's brand font to our SwiftUI app. I am able to implement the font using the provided public APIs so that text styles / dynamic type and the font weight modifier in SwiftUI work correctly. However we are unable to implement custom font in such a way that text styles / dynamic type, the font weight modifier, and the bold text accessibility setting all work at the same time. Am I missing an implementation detail so that all these features work correctly? Font Setup The font files were modified to better support SwiftUI: The font style name metadata was modified to match the name the .fontWeight(...) modifier expects. This was done with Typelight. The font weight value (100/200/300) was modified so that the underlying weight value matches the value the .fontWeight(...) modifier expects. See Using custom fonts with SwiftUI by Matthew Flint. The font files were imported via the Info.plist. Examples Font Weight Comparison San Fransisco: Text(#100) .font(.largeTitle) .
Reply to Cannot confirm my trader info - apps removed soon in the EU?
All they ask is trader contact information. And your status is In review, waiting for this information. You must provide trader's address, phone number, and email address that you provide for the purpose of posting on your App Store product page. What have you submitted exactly ? Is it exactly the same than the one you provide on AppStore ? Effectively, without this compliance, Apple will be forced legally (under DMA obligation) to remove your apps in EU.
Notarytool stuck at "In Progress"
I've been trying to notarize an installer (.pkg file) on a new laptop. Previous versions have been notarized successfully on a previous Mac. However, in spite of having the required certificates (same as the old Mac, generated for the new Mac) the submission gets stuck at In Progress. Doing it multiple times (even hours apart) doesn't help. Is there a FAQ / suggested list of steps to help resolve this issue? Here's what I see: xcrun notarytool history --keychain-profile (my profile name) results in (problem started with v4, the first version I've tried on this new Mac): createdDate: 2023-10-17T01:34:36.911Z id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx name: xxxxxxxxxx-v4.pkg status: In Progress -------------------------------------------------- createdDate: 2023-10-17T01:33:59.191Z id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx name: xxxxxxxxxx-v4.pkg status: In Progress -------------------------------------------------- createdDate: 2023-10-16T21:01:25.832Z id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct ’23
Reply to Apple Pencil 2nd generation
These are the Developer Forums, where developers of apps for Apple's platforms ask each other for hints and tips on coding. These forums are NOT where Apple's actual developers chat about stuff. Your question is more of a product support one, so I'd suggest you ask it over at the Apple Support Forums. Thanks. If you get no luck there, take it to an Apple Store.