App Review

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App review is the process of evaluating apps and app updates submitted to the App Store to ensure they are reliable, perform as expected, and follow Apple guidelines.

Posts under App Review tag

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Subscription rejected because they have to test implemention
Subscription rejected: In order to approve your your new in-app purchase business model, we have to verify the purchasability of the items being sold. Please upload a new binary and make sure that your new in-app purchase products are available for purchase at the time of review. I have already uploaded a new binary along with the subscription and the binary was approved, the subscription not. Did they need the binary to be released to test the subscription? That makes obviously no sense because the new release would be available to all and the subscription is not.
Sep ’23
401-unauthorized error when invoking customerReview endpoint
I am using some private key to extract the sales report from apple app store using API which is working fine however when I am using same private key and generate JWT token and tried using this token to invoke customerRview endpoint{id}/customerReviews to get the all the app reviews, I am experiencing the 401-Unauthorized error. I tried creating different key ids with different roles like Developer, App Manager, Admin but all resulted into the same error. Could you please help me to fix this issue.
Sep ’23
Separate App versions per region
Due to our app having different government clearances in each geographical region, we are required to have a different version in each region. While the apps are all fundamentally the same, is there any reason we can't have: OurApp US - available in US OurApp UK - available in UK only OurApp EU - available in EU only While I understand how to implement this, there is concern that the subsequent submissions might be flagged incorrectly by the 4.3 Spam rule. Users would never see more than one version of our app in their region's App Store. Does anyone have any knowledge or experience here? Is this kind of release strategy acceptable?
Sep ’23
Guideline 3.2.2 - Business - Other Business Model Issues - Unacceptable
The primary purpose of your app is continue to encourage users to perform marketing-oriented tasks, which is not appropriate for the App Store. Next Steps We encourage you to review your app concept and incorporate different content and features that are in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines --- My App --- Users play and do tasks to receive coins. Specifically: kill some bosses, play 10 times, 20 times... Users need to buy a character to open the boss fight and ranking function. In ranking mode, the winner will receive a bonus. Users buy weapons with coins, upgrade..... I submitted it many times but still got rejected for the same unclear reason. Please help me, Thank you
Sep ’23
App rejected because require User to register whereas previously is accepted on first submit
On August 10 our first initial App submit was accepted with functionality require User to register to access the app. Now on September 11 we submit an update then the Reviewer reject it due to these reasons. We noticed that your app still requires users to register or log in to access features that are not account based. Specifically, your app requires users to log in or register an account to explore service offerings. Apps may not require users to enter personal information to function, except when directly relevant to the core functionality of the app or required by law. Registration must then only be required for account-specific features, such as saving items for future reference or placing an order. Next Steps To resolve this issue, please revise your app to let users freely access your app’s features that are not account based. Why with the same functionality on first submit they accept then on the second update they reject it ? Require User to register is our company policy to prevent data spaming and scaming How to solve it without revise the registration function ?
Sep ’23
In-App Purchases or Third-Party Payments: App Store Compliance Inquiry
Our app's main purpose is to allow users to upgrade their accounts and become analysts. After becoming an analyst, users can create their subscription plans for other users. Another user can then subscribe to their plan, gaining access to all the signals and tips posted by the analyst. This way, analysts can earn money. So, my question is, for upgrading a normal user to an analyst, should I use in-app purchases or a third-party payment gateway? When the analyst creates their plan and users can pay to subscribe to the analyst's plan, should I use in-app purchases or a third-party payment gateway? As I've checked other similar apps for my app scenario, a third-party payment gateway seems suitable because in our case, we are not unlocking any functionality. Users are paying the analyst for their service. Please help me decide what I should do so that Apple approves my app on the first attempt."
Sep ’23
iOS 17 apps still require 5.5" iPhones screenshots?
I find odd that the App Store Connect still requires 5.5" iPhone screenshots of the iPhone 8 Plus, given that this specific phone is no longer supported by the latest release: iOS 17. I am well aware that the iPhone SE still has a similar screen ratio, and that it is still being supported by iOS 17, but it doesn't have the same pixel requirements (1242 x 2208), which means that in order for my app to be even reviewed (which is an iOS 17+ exclusive), I'm gonna have to create images that will then be upscaled to the right dimensions. Am I missing something here, or is it Apple who missed this detail?
Persistent App Store Review Issue: Incorrect Recognition of Screenshots
i have attached 6 images in 5.5 screenshots but apple review team is saying again and again that we have attached only splash screen. its 3rd revision we are telling them with screenshots proof and they are raising the same issue again and again. I do not know why are they seeing only one image and I can see 6. Do I need to submit the app?
Sep ’23
Guideline 5.1.1 - Legal - Privacy - Data Collection and Storage
We are a development team that has developed an application for an **** and maxillofacial surgery clinic. The developer account from which the application is published is registered to a consulting firm that works with this clinic. We were denied publication due to the fact that the developer's account and its name did not reflect the essence of the application. We opened an individual entrepreneur with the same name as the name of the application, but as a legal entity we are not allowed to register, since it is an individual entrepreneur. Support responds to this question by asking us to register the developer's account as an individual entrepreneur and try to send it for verification, and only then will they give an answer based on the verification results. If we register as a regular individual entrepreneur, will the application be allowed for publication? Has anyone encountered this?
Sep ’23
App Tracking Transparency permission request issue in IOS 17
I am correctly implementing the App tracking Transparency issue but am still getting app rejection from AppleConnect see the message below When I tested in IOS 16.6.1 it worked perfectly on a physical device. Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed On iPad, iOS 17.0. we are unable to locate the App Tracking Transparency permission request when reviewed My App is build with flutter and I am using Latest Flutter version . Can anybody help me in this regard.
Dec ’23
App rejected because of camera access permission. Pls help.
Hi, My app was rejected by IOS, based on Guideline 5.1.1: "we still find the permission request for camera and photos is not sufficient. To resolve this issue, it would be appropriate to revise these and ensure that they sufficiently explain why the app needs this access." It was my 2nd time already, I am frustrated. I asked IOS to give suggestion and it refuses. Can anyone help me if I modified my message as below: "AppName" would like to access your Camera Allow "AppName" to take your photo as profile picture. And this photo will be used in-app messaging only. "AppName" would like to access your Photos Library Allow "AppName" to capture image from your Photo Library. This image will used as your profile picture and for in-app messaging only. Thanks your help in advance
Sep ’23