Asset Catalog

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An asset catalog is a type of file used to organize and manage different assets and image resolutions used by your app’s user interface.

Posts under Asset Catalog tag

39 Posts
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WebP image in Asset Catalog?
It appears I can't add a WebP image as an Image Set in an Asset Catalog. Is that correct? As a workaround, I added the WebP image as a Data Set. I'm then loading it as a CGImage with the following code: guard let asset = NSDataAsset(name: imageName), let imageSource = CGImageSourceCreateWithData( as CFData, nil), let image = CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex(imageSource, 0, nil) else { return nil } // Use image Is it fine to store and load WebP images in this way? If not, then what's best practice?
Oct ’23
NSImages blurred-out in Sonoma
My app uses various PNG images for parts of its UI. In Sonoma these images are rendered all blurred. It looks like I'm putting a 10 or 20px gaussian blur on it, which of course I am not. In prior macOS versions they have rendered just fine. Occasionally some user action in the app will cause a part of one or two images to render sharply, but then it quickly reverts to the blur. I have added the PNGs to the app as image set assets, providing 1x and 2x versions for light and dark modes respectively (so four images each). I'm loading them using NSImage(named: ), and in most cases putting them into an NSImageView. I also use one of them as a patternImage: if let image = NSImage(named: "RackFrame") { let color = NSColor.init(patternImage: image) color.setFill() dirtyRect.fill() } Both methods result in the same issue. Any thoughts on what's going on would be gratefully received!
Sep ’23 increased in size significantly in Xcode 15
The file in Archive and thus in exported .ipa file has significantly increased when archived in Xcode 15 compared to Xcode 14.3.1. For example, the file size in the archive made in Xcode 14.3.1 is 125 MB, but in the archive made in Xcode 15 from completely the same project size is 200 MB. Assets have many images as PNG and PDF. What has changed in Xcode 15 for building file and how the size can be reduced? Use SVG instead of PDF (and PNG?)? Thanks
Sep ’23
Are SVG assets faster than PNG when rendered or not?
I recently was thinking about which is the best format to use for my little icons in the app, and was considering the performance of PNG versus SVG . I know that PNG decoders are hardware accelerated and parallelized, and the rendering is as simple as placing the pixels on the screen. On the other hand, SVG requires computation to determine the placement of pixels based on mathematical equations. Considering this, my current assumption is that PNG is faster to render than SVG. However, if SVG is also hardware-accelerated, it could alter the situation, although this may not be the case.
Sep ’23
PNG images with alpha channel are distorted on iOS 17 beta, Xcode 15 beta
I am rendering a png image with an alpha channel from XCAssets in a UIImageView. The rendering occurs as it should in iOS 16 / Xcode 14, but the image is distorted in iOS 17 beta / Xcode 15 beta. I am not sure why, but the distortion is very apparent. I have attached below the original PNG, as well a screenshot comparing the incorrect iOS 17 / Xcode 15 beta behavior vs the iOS 16 / Xcode 14 desired behavior. Comparision: Original image:
Aug ’23
GenerateAssetSymbols wrongly renaming image assets
Xcode generates symbols for image and color assets now (which is super nice!). We noticed an issue when generating code symbols for our image assets. We have an image named inputContour and one named inputContourColor. Xcode was not able to generate a symbol for inputContourColor and instead produced the following warning: #warning("The \"inputContourColor\" image asset name resolves to the symbol \"inputContour\" which already exists. Try renaming the asset.") It turns out that the generator automatically removes the color suffix when creating the code symbol. For color assets, this probably make sense (so tealColor would become just teal), but this should not be applied to image resources.
Dec ’23
How to create UIImage in an extension - ShieldConfigurationExtension
I'm trying to modify a ShieldConfigurationExtension, but am having trouble adding an icon. I have tried directly adding a png to the ShieldConfiguration extension folder and creating a UIImage from it, but it doesn't seem to work. Am I working with images within an extension properly? This code displays the default configuration override func configuration(shielding application: Application, in category: ActivityCategory) -> ShieldConfiguration { // Customize the shield as needed for applications shielded because of their category. let image = UIImage(named: "icon") return ShieldConfiguration( icon: image) } This code properly displays a customized configuration return ShieldConfiguration( title: ShieldConfiguration.Label(text: "test", color: .white))
Aug ’23
Image not visible in SwiftUI project
Hello everyone, I'm facing an issue with my SwiftUI project, and I would appreciate some help in resolving it. The problem is that one of the images in my project is not visible when I use it in my code. Here are the details of the issue: I have for example two images, "AIOx2.png" and "AIOx3.png", both of which are placed in the "Assets.xcassets" folder of my Xcode project. When I use "AIOx3.png" in my SwiftUI code (e.g., replacing Image("AIOx2") with Image("AIOx3")), the image is visible on the preview canvas and simulator. However, when I use "AIOx2.png" in the same way, the image is not visible on the preview canvas or the simulator. I have verified that the file "AIOx2.png" is correctly named and is in the same location as "AIOx3.png" in the "Assets.xcassets" folder. There are no error messages or warnings related to the image in the Xcode console. I have tried several troubleshooting steps, such as cleaning and build, restarting Xcode, re-downloading and re-adding the image to the project, but the issue persists. Is there anything specific that I might be missing or any other suggestions for troubleshooting this problem? I would be grateful for any guidance or insights into resolving this issue. Thank you in advance for your help! Best regards, Adam
Jul ’23
alternate app icon & product page optimization
Hi, I'm considering trying the product page optimization with other app icons. The doc says that " If an app is downloaded from a product page with a test treatment, the test treatment app icon displays throughout the download process and on the user’s device." ( Do I understand correctly that no additional code is required when the app is downloaded from the test treatment ? No code required on app launch ? I appreciate any feedbacks, Thank you
Jul ’23
Incorrect image alpha rendering on Xcode 15b3 and iOS 17
I'm not sure if I'm changed an unknown-to-me setting somewhere, but since this morning, after profiling an app (metal, allocations, etc), every project I run/build on Xcode 15b3, either on simulator or on device, displays partially-alpha images blended to black, as if there was some problem in the process of compiling the PNGs (lack of premultiplying, color space, etc). If I open those same projects on Xcode 14, they are displayed everything as they should. Also, If I open them on other computers with Xcode 15b3 other than mine, it also works fine. And it was working fine for me this morning as well, but not anymore. I've tried uninstalling Xcode beta and the simulator a few times, cleaning folders and preferences, hoping it was some setting I changed by mistake with some hotkey, but no luck so far. I'll attach two pictures, one from Xcode 14, and the other one from Xcode 15b3, hoping it's some silly thing I'm missing. xc15b3: xc14:
Mar ’24
Xcode console output is full of CoreUI warnings about image subtype mismatches when running on Mac Catalyst
CoreUI is sending warning messages to the Xcode console when creating a UIImage from an image file with Mac idiom from the asset catalog, while running on Catalyst. My target is set to support running on Mac Catalyst with Optimize for Mac enabled (the latter seems to be the most important part). Loading the image into a UIImage with the designated initializer and presenting it in a UIImageView produces the following console messages: 2023-02-15 10:53:18.014394+0100 CatalystImageConsoleMessage[64253:8834791] [framework] CoreUI: _Bool CUIValidateIdiomSubtypes(NSInteger, NSUInteger *) got a device subtype '32401' that it match with idiom '7':mac. Assuming subtype should be 0 instead. 2023-02-15 10:53:18.014446+0100 CatalystImageConsoleMessage[64253:8834791] [framework] CoreUI: _Bool CUIValidateIdiomSubtypes(NSInteger, NSUInteger *) got a device subtype '32401' that it match with idiom '7':mac. Assuming subtype should be 0 instead. 2023-02-15 10:53:18.014503+0100 CatalystImageConsoleMessage[64253:8834791] [framework] CoreUI: _Bool CUIValidateIdiomSubtypes(NSInteger, NSUInteger *) got a device subtype '32401' that it match with idiom '7':mac. Assuming subtype should be 0 instead. 2023-02-15 10:53:18.014533+0100 CatalystImageConsoleMessage[64253:8834791] [framework] CoreUI: _Bool CUIValidateIdiomSubtypes(NSInteger, NSUInteger *) got a device subtype '32401' that it match with idiom '7':mac. Assuming subtype should be 0 instead. Working with more than a handful of images from the catalog makes the Xcode console output borderline unreadable because of these messages. The console doesn't have an option to filter out messages (and in general we consider it bad practice to ignore messages on the console). Tested on Xcode 14.2 with macOS 13.2. You can find a sample project at
Oct ’23
Missing App Icon in Asset Catalog - 1024 x 1024 on Xcode 14
I've searched and searched for the past 2 days and I can't seem to solve this at all, there seems to be a lot of different advice for different versions of Xcode, but nothing I try can get past this. I can't publish my ipa because of this. I have an app which has a Asset Catalog (Media.xcassets) which has an icon set called AppIcon - which I've generated a few times, directly in the UI of Xcode and Visual Studio. I've added all images to the ios section and the mac section within the asset catalog - choosing All Sizes (and not Single Size) and can see them referenced all nicely in the json file - there are no warning symbols against any of my icons to indicate they are the wrong size. None of the symbols have any alpha channel set against them, they are all pngs. I've even tried with a completely black image. I have this referenced in my info.plist (that refers to icons), and XSAppIconAssets is at the top: I have the Primary App Icon Set Name referenced in Asset Catalog Compiler - Options correctly and App Icons and Launch Screen options are as follows: If I remove some references to my images in the Asset Catalog - I get specific errors on them and when I add them back in, the errors disappear, so I know the Asset Catalog is referenced OK - I just can't seem to get rid of this obnoxious Missing App Icon error on the 1024x1024 one though Any help would be greatly appreciated, this is doing my head in!
Sep ’23
macOS app icon not updating. Cached?
Hi, If I change the AppIcon in Xcode's Assets.xcassets, and rerun my app, the image used in the dock and app switcher does not update. If I "Clean Build Folder", and re-run, then it updates. This is annoying when I keep tweaking the colors in the icon and want to see how they look. A full rebuild takes a while, because I have a few Swift Package dependencies. Anyone know a trick to get the AppIcon to stop caching (or whatever it's doing)? I tried killall Dock and killall Finder, but that didn't help. (macOS 11.2.3) Rob
Oct ’23