Code Signing

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Certify that an app was created by you using Code signing, a macOS security technology.

Posts under Code Signing tag

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Sign and Notarization succeed, but package and installer is damaged
Hello, I've been trying to update my application since days, tried everything, all my environment is unchanged except update to the latest xcode version, I only fixed a bug in my code, and updated my expired certifacates with the same IDs. I've also been able to test the app with testflight. The app is built successfuly, validated, uploaded to the apple connect, submited for review, accepted and published online on the mac app store. I've been able to update the application with the mac app store. Now here is the problem: if I delete the application, and try to reinstall it from the app store, it says: unable to install, try again later - then the mac app store is stuck, I need to quit / restart to be able to try a new install. I also distribute my application outside of the mac app store, I've also signed and notarized my app successfully, with my developer id certificate, I tried with organizer, and also with xcrun notary on the command line, all is ok, but when I run the exported application, it says that the application is damaged (so right click/open works, and the app works well). The only thing that I can see is this (compared with my previous version): spctl -a -vvv -t install rejected (invalid destination for symbolic link in bundle) I don't have the error on my previous version. I've checked all the links inside the package, I don't see any problem or invalid link (and the app can run perfectly.... ) I've also check the logs.json file after the notary result, no problem appears. the whole structure of the application and files inside the .app is exactly the same between the previous version, and the new one with that problem. hope that someone could help me to solve this problem :)
May ’24
need help updating an app to work on ios 17+
I have an app that needs re-signing/updating to work on ios 17 (ios 17.4.1). I have renamed the IPA file to zip and extracted it to the desktop. The files in the extracted folder are: ItunesArtwork ItunesMetadata.plist Payload folder Payload folder contains the app App package contents contains all the app files, including the _CodeSignature folder. I extracted the package contents to a folder on the desktop. Xcode 15.3 (15E204a) is installed. Need the steps necessary to complete it and generate the new IPA file to test. Thanks all, Ed
May ’24
Entitlements stripped during upload to TestFlight with altool
On our CI (GitHub Actions) we are signing our .ipa with codesign and after that uploads the resulting .ipa with altool to TestFligt. The problem is that the entitlements added by codesign no longer appear when we view the build on TestFlight. The app requires entitlements for push notification and for associated domains. codesign -s Distribution prod.entitlements prod.ipa Immediately after we do a codesign --verbose --display --entitlements - and the entitlements show fine. Next command is xcrun altool --upload-app --type ios -f prod.ipa --apiKey $api_key_id --apiIssuer $appstore_api_key_issuer To us it seems like altool strips the entitlements from the .ipa. What are we doing wrong?
May ’24
Issues while signing macOS app
Hi everyone! We use to have an intel Mac machine where we generate the Developer ID Installer & Application certs for signing and notarization process. This process works sweet. Now, we move from an intel to a m1 Mac machine, where we want to do the same process as before. I had try two different approaches, but ending up with the same result. I export the cert with the private key from my intel to the m1 machine, but when I try to sign, I get: Invalid signature. (Not sure what this error means in this case as everything works on the intel machine. I am guessing the cipher for creating either the private key or the signature differs between the architecture) I try to generate new certs for this m1 machine, but I get the following error: You already have a current Developer ID installer certificate or a pending certificate request. I try with the same account, but also with a different account. In both cases got the same error. I create a ticket for apple, where they said to expect a reply between one and two business days, but no luck yet.
May ’24
`--deep` Considered Harmful
Many of the trusted execution problems I see are caused by folks signing their product using the --deep option. While that can work in some circumstances, I generally recommend against it. There are two issues with --deep: It applies the same code signing options to every code item that it signs, something that’s not appropriate in general. For example, you might have an app containing a nested command-line tool, where the app and the tool need different entitlements. The --deep option will apply the same entitlements to both, which is a serious mistake. It only signs code that it can find, and it only finds code in nested code sites. If you put code in a place where the system is expecting to find data, --deep won’t sign it. The first issue is fundamental to how --deep works, and is the main reason you should not use it. Indeed, on macOS it may cause the trusted execution system to block your program from running. For the details, see the Check for Entitlements on Library Code section of Resolving Library Loading Problems. The second issue is only a problem if you don’t follow the rules for nesting code and data within a bundle, as documented in Placing Content in a Bundle. However, my experience is that the products that don’t follow those rules are exactly the same sort of products that try to use --deep. The alternative to --deep is to sign each code item separately, from the inside out. If your product has lots of nested code, automate this using a script. Note One exception to the prohibition on --deep is Automator apps. If you’re signing an Automator app, see this DevForums post. For detailed information on how to correctly sign and package Mac software, see Creating distribution-signed code for macOS and Packaging Mac software for distribution. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "" Revision history: 2024-05-06 Update some links to reference the Real Documentation™ rather than my legacy DevForums posts. 2022-06-14 Added a link to Resolving Library Loading Problems. Replaced the link to Signing a Mac Product For Distribution with a link to Creating Distribution-Signed Code for Mac. Made other minor editorial changes. 2021-10-21 Replaced the nested code reference with one to Placing Content in a Bundle. Minor editorial changes. 2020-09-15 Adopted the correct terminology for Automator apps. 2020-03-09 First version.
May ’24
How to distribute a own developed library and DriverKit driver (dext) to any other Mac platform without disabling SIP?
We have developed a library and a DriverKit driver on Mac platform. And we need to disable SIP to install dext and later point of time if we enable SIP then the dext is non functional. So is it mandatory to disable the SIP for whole life time of dext? Also it is not recommended to disable the SIP for a long time, as it may create a security hole. Standard ways are given on Apple support page that how to notarise an application to distribute over the internet. Here one mandatory account is required that is Apple Developer account which is a paid account we believe. Standing at this point can you share the complete steps of software distribution process which will include code signing, notarisation process and stapling.
May ’24
Provided Distribution Certificate is no longer valid on Apple's server
I'm trying to build my Expo app. I already built it for Android, but now I'm struggling to create a release on iOS to upload on TestFlight. I have the apple developer account of my university, and they added our bundle ID there(I'm not an admin). When I try to build with EAS, it requires a p12 file. So, I tried to generate it in this way: From Keychain Access I created a CSR(by adding my mail and name) and then on Apple Developers I uploaded it(Certificates > +), so I downloaded a .cer file I opened the .cer on Keychain Access and I dragged it under "login" section From there I exported the p12 file But that p12 gives me always this error when I run npx eas build --platform ios : Provided Distribution Certificate is no longer valid on Apple's server after submitting the p12 file on eas console. Can someone help us? Thanks in advance for your availability :)
May ’24
Mac App Store reviewers can't install my app
Hi everyone, Has this every happened to you? If so, how did you resolve it? Submitting my app for review, I got the following rejection: Guideline 2.4.5(ii) - Performance The package currently available in App Store Connect cannot be installed and may be corrupted. Next Steps Please rebuild your application and upload a new version. If this issue continues, please contact Apple Developer Technical Support for help investigating the issue. DTS referred me back to app review: We are unable to help you resolve this matter. Please circle back with the App Review team for assistance. I'm building the .pkg with productbuild: xcrun productbuild --product WFH\ Phone\ --component WFH\ Phone\ /Applications --sign "3rd Party Mac Developer Installer: Mansour Moufid (42A2D88R9U)" --timestamp WFH\ Phone\ Webcam.pkg and uploading it with altool: xcrun altool --username "..." --password "..." --validate-app --file WFH\ Phone\ Webcam.pkg --type osx xcrun altool --username "..." --password "..." --upload-app --file WFH\ Phone\ Webcam.pkg --type osx The .pkg signature looks fine: xcrun pkgutil --check-signature WFH\ Phone\ Webcam.pkg Package "WFH Phone Webcam.pkg": Status: signed by a developer certificate issued by Apple (Development) Signed with a trusted timestamp on: 2024-04-29 14:11:27 +0000 Certificate Chain: 1. 3rd Party Mac Developer Installer: Mansour Moufid (42A2D88R9U) Expires: 2025-03-13 20:11:55 +0000 SHA256 Fingerprint: CB 8A 12 1D 4D 16 29 27 08 30 07 1C 6C F6 1C F4 85 6E AE F1 B1 34 68 F7 81 6D C3 3B 1B 8C 5D 32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority Expires: 2030-02-20 00:00:00 +0000 SHA256 Fingerprint: DC F2 18 78 C7 7F 41 98 E4 B4 61 4F 03 D6 96 D8 9C 66 C6 60 08 D4 24 4E 1B 99 16 1A AC 91 60 1F ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Apple Root CA Expires: 2035-02-09 21:40:36 +0000 SHA256 Fingerprint: B0 B1 73 0E CB C7 FF 45 05 14 2C 49 F1 29 5E 6E DA 6B CA ED 7E 2C 68 C5 BE 91 B5 A1 10 01 F0 24 The app's signature also checks out: codesign --strict --deep --verbose --verify WFH\ Phone\ WFH Phone valid on disk WFH Phone satisfies its Designated Requirement I have no idea what "cannot be installed and may be corrupted" means and app review is not responding to my request for more information...
May ’24
Deploying a personal app
I have a personal app I use only for myself on my iPhone. I do not distribute this. Its stops working every year when my renewal comes up. Once I renew my subscription I reload the app onto my phone and it works again. Is there a way that I can have it work forever without having to reload it every year? Sometimes I forget to reload after my renewal and it does not work until I do so.
May ’24
application doesn't start anymore after codesign
Hi, I have codesigned my application and after this macos won't run the binary anymore. codesign -f -o runtime --timestamp -s "Developer ID Application: YOUR NAME (TEAM_ID)" --entitlements $HOME/workspace/GSequencer-cocoa/gsequencer-macos/macos-contrib/GSequencer.entitlements -i com.gsequencer.GSequencer --deep $HOME/workspace/GSequencer-cocoa/gsequencer-macos/build/universal/ Verify signature works. codesign -vv $HOME/workspace/GSequencer-cocoa/gsequencer-macos/build/universal/ The same for the DMG file, still doesn't work anymore. codesign -f -o runtime --timestamp -s "Developer ID Application: YOUR NAME (TEAM_ID)" $HOME/workspace/GSequencer-cocoa/gsequencer-macos/build/arm64/GSequencer-6.9.1.dmg I would love to distribute my application with code signing. Note all libraries are built using clang or clang++. I figured out that when I leave entitlements away it would launch but complains about library signatures. regards, Joël
Apr ’24
Unable to verify certificate on iOS caused by invalid HTTPS certificate on
I am able to successfully install the app on my device, but I am unable to verify the app. Steps to reproduce: Navigate to Settings -> VPN & Device Management on iPhone 14 Select developer under Developer App Select trust this computer Attempt to Verify App The "Verify App" button has no effect. The app can still be installed when built, but is not able to be opened. Navigating to in a browser results in a "cannot be trusted":
Apr ’24
Can't use with testflight
After upload using transporter I get following message: "Cannot be used with TestFlight because the signature for the bundle at “” is missing an application identifier but has an application identifier in the provisioning profile for the bundle. Bundles with application identifiers in the provisioning profile are expected to have the same identifier signed into the bundle in order to be eligible for TestFlight." (90886) I am unsure about the cause of this problem, please give some advice howto fix?
Apr ’24
CoreAudio audio output doesn't work anymore after signing application
Hi, My application doesn't start playback anymore after signing it with entitlements. <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key></key> <true/> <key></key> <true/> <key></key> <true/> <key></key> <true/> <key></key> <true/> <key></key> <true/> </dict> </plist> regards, Joël
Apr ’24
Endpoint Security signing issues
I'm trying to sign a macOS application which includes a Endpoint Security system extension. The profile for the extension has capability added and the app profile has the System Extension capability added. Both targets also has the correct entitlements, but when validating the app after archiving I get the following error: "Profile doesn't support Endpoint Security." When looking in the logs I can see that Xcode is fetching a provisioning profile for the extension without the needed capability. If downloading the profile from the developer portal the correct capability is present. Could something be "out of sync" regarding what provisioning profiles Xcode fetches vs what I see on the developer portal? If I try to archive using xcodebuild I get the following: "APP requires a provisioning profile with the System Extension feature." and ""BUNDLE_ID.systemextension" requires a provisioning profile with the Endpoint Security feature." I have tried with automatic and manual signing but nothing seems to work.
Apr ’24
Installer Application Not Proceeding After Codesigning with Hardened Runtime Enabled
I'm encountering a peculiar issue with my macOS installer application when hardened runtime is enabled (--options runtime) during code signing, and I'm hoping to get some guidance on how to resolve it. Issue Description: My installer application is designed to prompt users for system credentials upon launch. After entering the correct credentials and clicking "OK", users should see the next screen to proceed with the installation process. However, with hardened runtime enabled, the application stops responding after the credential entry step. The next screen, where users should proceed with installation, does not appear. If I codesign without using hardened runtime, my installer works fine. However it fails during notarization. What I've Tried: I have reviewed Apple's documentation on hardened runtime and notarization to ensure I'm following best practices. I've checked the Console logs for any relevant error messages or warnings, but haven't found any conclusive information. Additional Information: The application is an installer built using bitrock installbuilder. It relies on prompting users for system credentials using standard macOS authentication mechanisms. Initially the installer is in tar.gz format which I extract to get .app file. This file is codesigned. Next I create a .DMG of the codesigned .app file and codesign the DMG before sending it for notarization. Request for Assistance: I'm seeking guidance on how to address this issue with my installer application not proceeding after credential entry when hardened runtime is enabled. Are there any specific configurations, entitlements, or best practices that I might be missing? Or are there alternative approaches I should consider to ensure compatibility while still meeting Apple's security requirements for notarization? Any insights or advice from your experiences would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help!
Apr ’24
Codesigning binaries in bundle
I am building plug-ins for audio software. I am using the JUCE framework and I am building with VScode / CMake / Ninja / LLVM I want to package the output, which are two bundles "Sinensis.component" (the AU plugin) and "Sinensis.vst3" (the vst3 plugin) I am using this script : codesign -s "Developer ID Application: $DEVELOPER_ID" --timestamp --force -o runtime -i "$PLUGIN_NAME".component "$PLUGIN_NAME".component/Contents/MacOs/"$PLUGIN_NAME" #--options=runtime pkgbuild --install-location /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components --sign "Developer ID Installer: $DEVELOPER_ID" --timestamp --identifier "$IDENTIFIER"au --version "$VERSION" --root "$PLUGIN_NAME".component "$PLUGIN_NAME"_au.pkg codesign -s "Developer ID Application: $DEVELOPER_ID" --timestamp --force -o runtime -i "$PLUGIN_NAME".vst3 "$PLUGIN_NAME".vst3/Contents/MacOs/"$PLUGIN_NAME" #--options=runtime pkgbuild --install-location /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3 --sign "Developer ID Installer: $DEVELOPER_ID" --timestamp --identifier "$IDENTIFIER"vst3 --version "$VERSION" --root "$PLUGIN_NAME".vst3 "$PLUGIN_NAME"_vst3.pkg productbuild --synthesize --package "$PLUGIN_NAME"_au.pkg --package "$PLUGIN_NAME"_vst3.pkg distribution.xml productbuild --distribution distribution.xml --resources Resources/ "$PLUGIN_NAME".pkg productsign --sign "Developer ID Installer: $DEVELOPER_ID" "$PLUGIN_NAME".pkg "$PLUGIN_NAME"_installer.pkg --timestamp xcrun notarytool submit --keychain-profile "thomas" "$PLUGIN_NAME"_installer.pkg --wait xcrun stapler staple "$PLUGIN_NAME"_installer.pkg feeding it Sinensis "Thomas Xxxxxx (<personal identifier>)" <indentifier for the package> 101 I am using --force because of a post on the juce forum that I strangely cannot link to here. tl;dr the binary is signed at the build stage and need --force to overwrite with my signature But it ends up with error 65 Conducting pre-submission checks for Sinensis_installer.pkg and initiating connection to the Apple notary service... Submission ID received   id: 38ba301b-f857-4408-b665-9e11e8647ca1 Upload progress: 100,00 % (6,10 MB of 6,10 MB)    Successfully uploaded file   id: 38ba301b-f857-4408-b665-9e11e8647ca1   path: /Users/thomas/Desktop/Sinensis_installer.pkg Waiting for processing to complete. Current status: Invalid............ Processing complete   id: 38ba301b-f857-4408-b665-9e11e8647ca1   status: Invalid Processing: /Users/thomas/Desktop/Sinensis_installer.pkg CloudKit query for Sinensis_installer.pkg (1/dc8136b4b82a4e9c9f7b5e6064238488e97f04ad) failed due to "Record not found". Could not find base64 encoded ticket in response for 1/dc8136b4b82a4e9c9f7b5e6064238488e97f04ad The staple and validate action failed! Error 65. Looking at the log via xcrun notarytool log return {   "logFormatVersion": 1,   "jobId": "75fa5853-d19d-42a5-9069-4ed0d8f735be",   "status": "Invalid",   "statusSummary": "Archive contains critical validation errors",   "statusCode": 4000,   "archiveFilename": "Sinensis_installer.pkg",   "uploadDate": "2024-04-19T10:11:07.372Z",   "sha256": "da6457f73d1b93995392f844a25f4b9bc9750eac0555ae72854b14e270e32685",   "ticketContents": null,   "issues": [     {       "severity": "error",       "code": null,       "path": "Sinensis_installer.pkg/Sinensis_au.pkg Contents/Payload/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/Contents/MacOS/Sinensis",       "message": "The signature of the binary is invalid.",       "docUrl": "",       "architecture": "arm64"     },     {       "severity": "error",       "code": null,       "path": "Sinensis_installer.pkg/Sinensis_vst3.pkg Contents/Payload/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3/Contents/MacOS/Sinensis",       "message": "The signature of the binary is invalid.",       "docUrl": "",       "architecture": "arm64"     }   ] } codesign -vvv --deep --strict Sinensis.vst3 returns Sinensis.vst3: valid on disk Sinensis.vst3: satisfies its Designated Requirement pkgutil --check-signature Sinensis_installer.pkg returns Package "Sinensis_installer.pkg": Status: signed by a developer certificate issued by Apple for distribution Signed with a trusted timestamp on: 2024-04-19 10:21:59 +0000 Certificate Chain: 1. Developer ID Installer: Thomas Guillory (53B2GD4XYM) Expires: 2027-02-01 22:12:15 +0000 SHA256 Fingerprint: E8 D7 4A 6D CD 19 56 A2 39 C9 15 00 09 06 EA 98 01 B0 AF 85 59 AA AE 26 71 89 56 9B 54 EF 48 B3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Developer ID Certification Authority Expires: 2027-02-01 22:12:15 +0000 SHA256 Fingerprint: 7A FC 9D 01 A6 2F 03 A2 DE 96 37 93 6D 4A FE 68 09 0D 2D E1 8D 03 F2 9C 88 CF B0 B1 BA 63 58 7F ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Apple Root CA Expires: 2035-02-09 21:40:36 +0000 SHA256 Fingerprint: B0 B1 73 0E CB C7 FF 45 05 14 2C 49 F1 29 5E 6E DA 6B CA ED 7E 2C 68 C5 BE 91 B5 A1 10 01 F0 24 I tried to unpack the .pkg using pacifist as recommended in multiple thread but the bundle wasn't recognized as such, I may have not follow the correct procedure. I've read the man page for productbuild, codesign and productsign. I've also read the MacOS code signing technical note althought I didn't understood everything clearly (especially on the nested part, which seems relevant). The closest thing I could find was this forum post but the bundles seems to be correctly seen by MacOs as a bundle and not as a folder I really lost at this point may Eskimo come shed some enlightenment on my poor newbie soul 🙏 Have a nice day !
Apr ’24
Xcode Signing and Capabilities
I'm currently befuddled by the entire signing and certificate process. I don't understand what I need, what the team admin needs to do, or how to go about doing it so that I can build the project. We've managed to have this working in the past but I guess the system has changed somewhat. Here's what we have going: A Unity project which hasn't changed from a few years ago. I build the project in unity, open the Xcode project and this: There's an issue with the Signing and Capabilities. If I choose automatic setup it shows an error saying that it requires a development team. I had the account admin add my Apple ID to the team so I'm not sure why that's an issue still. Do I need to pay the 99$ to be able to building Xcode? If I try to do it manually I select the provisioning profile that the account admin sent me and it auto selects the team associated with the provisioning profile I guess but then there's no singing certificate. The error says: There is no signing certificate "iOS Development" found. No "iOS Development" signing certificate matching team ID "V7D5YBZRMV" with a private key was found. So, if someone could explain to me like I'm 5 the entire signing and certificate process is and let me know what we're doing wrong with the team/provisioning profile/certificate setup I would be very much appreciative.
Apr ’24
Ambiguous "Apple Developer" certificate for macOS
I have an Xcode project (generated from Qt) which is signed by a post-processing script. It uses the invocation: codesign -o runtime --sign "$(CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY)" CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY is set to "Apple Development" in the Build Settings for the target. The signing step fails with this complaint Apple Development: ambiguous (matches "Apple Development: <my name> (an ID)" and "Apple Development: <my company email> (another ID)" in login.keychain-db) It is true, I do have two Apple Development certificates. I thought one is for personal development (when you pick the personal team) and the other for company development (when I pick the company team). I have other Xcode projects (built "by hand") which have CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY set to "Apple Development" and with Automatic signing turned on, and they build just fine, even though I have two certificates with common names beginning "Apple Development". However, when I look at the build log of those regular Xcode projects, which are signed by Xcode rather than in a post-processing script, the Signing step logs this: Signing Identity: Apple Development: (an ID) not simply "Apple Development". Xcode seems to have resolved the ambiguity all on its own before calling codesign. It then calls codesign using the hash of the certificate as its identifier. How can I emulate Xcode's behavior here? The postprocessing script runs on different developer's machines - they all have multiple "Apple Development" certificates, and they are all different from one another.
Apr ’24