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SPM "***" is only available in iOS 15.0 or new error
I have a project with a deployment target set to iOS 16.4. The project includes a local framework target whose deployment target is also set to iOS 16.4 in build settings. The build settings for the parent app target also show iOS 16.4 deployment target. However, when I try to compile the parent app I get a series of "***" is only available in iOS 15.0 or newer errors when it tries to build the embedded framework. I am using SPM to manage dependencies.
Jan ’24
Xcode does not provide iOS 17.3 version
I have uploaded my app. My app targeted iOS 17.2 version. In testflight my app rejected due to crash on iOS 17.3 version. But latest Xcode support iOS 17.2 version and I have checked simultaneously for Xcode beta version this Xcode beta version does not provide iOS 17.3 but iOS 17.4 beta version available in Xcode beta version. I have checked Xcode update but not available .
Feb ’24
Cannot Sell App in Apple Store connect distribution
I am distributing my project as Apple Business Manager, but App Availability gives a Cannot Sell warning in my distribution country and I cannot show my application. My country is Türkiye. Why am I having such a distribution problem? Please I would like detailed information on this subject. Is this a software issue or an issue with my application? My application is currently in 1.0.1 Ready for Sale status and I am trying to distribute my application as Private — Available as a custom app on Apple Business Manager.
Feb ’24
Replace decimal point with comma in an input
My APP is for the Spanish market and I can't get it to convert into a decimal point when entering a comma, I have this code, any ideas, thanks <ion-input autofocus="true" placeholder="0.00" onkeypress="this.value = this.value.replace(/^0+/, '').replaceAll(',', '.').replace(/[^\d.]/g,'').replace(new RegExp('(^[\d]{7})[\d]', 'g'),'$1').replace(/(..)./g, '$1').replace(new RegExp('(\.[\d]{2}).','g'),'$1')" onkeyup ="this.value = this.value.replace(/^0+/, '').replaceAll(',', '.').replace(/[^\d.]/g,'').replace(new RegExp('(^[\d]{7})[\d]', 'g'),'$1').replace(/(..)./g, '$1').replace(new RegExp('(\.[\d]{2}).','g'),'$1')" type="text" inputmode="decimal" lang="en" style="text-align: center; align-items: center; font-size:45px;" [(ngModel)]="credentials_transfe.monto">
Feb ’24
CompileAssetCatalog actool error when archiving a framework
When trying to archive my project as a framework, by using this command xcodebuild archive -workspace KerSDK.xcworkspace -scheme KerSDK -configuration Release -destination 'generic/platform=iOS' -archivePath './build/KerSDK.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive' SKIP_INSTALL=NO BUILD_LIBRARIES_FOR_DISTRIBUTION=YES I'm having this error The following build commands failed: CompileAssetCatalog /Users/tom/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/KerSDK-aanunrytnvofyyayugyffdperjsv/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/KerSDK/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/usr/local/lib /Users/tom/Documents/Dev/KerClientSDK_iOS/KQTAPI/Media.xcassets (in target 'KQTAPI' from project 'KerSDK') error: Build input file cannot be found: '/Users/tom/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/KerSDK-aanunrytnvofyyayugyffdperjsv/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/KerSDK/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/usr/local/lib'. Did you forget to declare this file as an output of a script phase or custom build rule which produces it? (in target 'KQTAPI' from project 'KerSDK') The error message seems misleading as it's referring at /Users/tom/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/KerSDK-aanunrytnvofyyayugyffdperjsv/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/KerSDK/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/usr/local/lib being an "input file" instead as an "output folder". So I tried to launch the incriminated code line manually to get more informations regarding the error, but it works as a charm : /Applications/ --output-format human-readable-text --notices --warnings --export-dependency-info /Users/tom/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/KerSDK-aanunrytnvofyyayugyffdperjsv/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/KerSDK/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/ --output-partial-info-plist /Users/tom/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/KerSDK-aanunrytnvofyyayugyffdperjsv/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/KerSDK/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/ --compress-pngs --enable-on-demand-resources NO --development-region en --target-device iphone --target-device ipad --minimum-deployment-target 15.0 --platform iphoneos --compile /Users/tom/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/KerSDK-aanunrytnvofyyayugyffdperjsv/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/KerSDK/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/usr/local/lib /Users/tom/Documents/Dev/KerClientSDK_iOS/KQTAPI/Media.xcassets /* */ /Users/tom/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/KerSDK-aanunrytnvofyyayugyffdperjsv/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/KerSDK/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/usr/local/lib/ /Users/tom/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/KerSDK-aanunrytnvofyyayugyffdperjsv/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/KerSDK/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/ I can't find why this actool command would work independently but not within the whole archiving process. If someone has an idea or ever faced a similar situation, any guidance would be highly appreciated !
Feb ’24
Getting your Game featured by Apple is Mission Impossible
I developed games on the Apple App store for about half a decade or 5 years with 0 recognition from Apple. We developed a lot of games over the wasted years. Our company was forced to quit because we don't have any more money to invest on the App Store. We couldn't get even 1 of our games featured by the headquarters of Apple. We localized 22 languages for most of our games, used their latest features, latest technologies, unique, Gamepad enabled etc..... We pretty much did everything you need to do to get featured in accordance with their criteria listed and of course after we filled out the feature form so over and over and over and over even after updating the version with no reply from Apple for featuring any of them. It was a waste of time and investment for us. If I knew how impossible it was to get featured by Apple, I would have never pursued this as a full-time career. We lost more money than gained anything. We probably made approximately only $12-$14 dollars in 5 years (PEANUT SHELLS, not even the peanuts). We basically went broke, and we owed more money than we made. We were getting very close to getting reprocessed. I could have worked at McDonalds and flipped burgers for 5 years then waste more money on the App Store as a developer. Apple doesn't seem to care about their developers in my opinion. They only care about the big publishing companies. I believe that they sometimes feature simple games in order to target new developers. So basically, this might be their marketing strategy to target new developers so they can make more money $$$$. They make billions of dollars on developers who pay those $100 yearly developers' fee. I believe they may only help developers they know or met, so I suspect they are playing favoritism with their developers. I've seen new developers with no experience get promoted immediately by the App store promotion team. Some even got promoted with no ratings, no reviews, on their launch period etc... That was very suspicious for me to see as if they are taking bribes under the table. Some games are very dull and boring, 2 color, poor design and controls. It felt as if 3rd grader developed them, and they get featured right away by Apple, and of course our hard work with a bigger game app, better controls etc. goes down the drain. When we decided to quit the App Store because it was pointless to fill out the feature form at this point after 5 years of nothing. So, we left our account untouched meaning we weren't going to give them the $100 renewal fee, they all of a sudden started to send out emails that our account is expiring, so we ignored them like they ignored us for the past 5 years (treat people the way they treat you). They gave us an extra month so that we will think about out. We ignored them again, why should we give a Trillion-dollar company $100 to get rich off of us and they give us no recognition!! They made the decision not to help keep us as developers, so why should we renew our license with them. I won't even give them $1 dollar if they Offred us to renew our license. They basically seem to only care about developers when they want money from them. So, they ended up losing not only a developer, but they also lost a customer as well (loyal developer and customer). That's shameful on Apple's part and they seem to be shameless because they don't seem care anyway. We can't afford to buy their products we invested it all on the App Store for half a decade. I will never develop for Apple ever again!! I learned my lesson not to fall into their traps they use to lure you into being a developer. The odds of them helping you as a developer is nil. You can even read articles online about odds of getting featured by Apple (my opinion 0% chance or even -% chance: meaning never). Some of the games they feature on the App Store, I personally delete them after playing them for a few seconds. BORING just like Apple is. I suspect in my opinion that they only feature developers they know like I mentioned earlier in this blog. Who knows they could be bribes under the table even though Apple would deny it. I lost all my integrity with Apple and being a developer on the App Store. Other developers should be aware and careful. They should be cautioned if they are thinking of being a developer on the App Store. They are likely more than not to fail as developers. Apple wants you to believe you will be the next hit game developer, so they can target new developers and cash in on them when they pay the yearly fee. In my opinion I believe being app game developer seems to be more like a sweepstakes scam. They seem to choose whoever they want whenever they want. There is no way you can earn a spot to get featured or promoted by the App Store. Getting your game featured by Apple is basically "An Impossible Dream."
Feb ’24
Native apple framework to replace Flurry Analytics
I've been asked to replace Flurry Analytics with Apple's Analytics Framework. I'm referring to runtime reporting of activity within the app itself... ie log event when various views are loaded or when certain buttons are pressed etc. All these log events are then uploaded and available for viewing by the app developer. I've never used or even heard of such a framework from Apple. I see a lot about Apple Analytics as an Appstoreconnect api for gathering sales and marketing data but nothing about the type of analytics i'm looking for. Any information about what is (or is not) available from Apple would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
May ’24
Project Dependencies vs Target Dependencies (difference?)
What's the difference between project dependencies and target dependencies? Project dependencies can be added here: Target dependencies can be added here: in the case of external dependencies (via URL), do we need to add it to both project and target, or is one of those enough? in the case of local dependencies (via the workspace), do we need to add it to both project and target, or is one of those enough?
Feb ’24
swiftUI | Missing arguments...
Good day, I'am learning swiftUI since this week but at this point I'am seriously disappointed. I've been trying to fix this issue since +4hrs, but I don't get it... Maybe you guys will help me.. Error messages: ▶︎ HomePageView.swift:63:37 Missing argument for parameter 'forUser' in call ▶︎ HomePageView.swift:375:22 Missing argument for parameter 'dataManager' in call ▶︎ LoginPageView.swift:28:38 Missing argument for parameter 'dataManager' in call ▶︎ LoginPageView.swift:131:26 Value of type 'LoginPageView' has no member 'getUserData' Here you will have Code snippets: LoginPageView.swift import SwiftUI import CoreData import Firebase struct LoginPageView: View { @State private var email: String = "" @State private var password: String = "" @State private var isAuthenticated = false @State private var showAlert = false @State private var errorMessage: String = "" @Environment(\.scenePhase) private var scenePhase // Beobachtet den Lebenszyklus der Szene @ObservedObject var dataManager = UserDataManager() var body: some View { NavigationView { ZStack { Color(hex: "f6f1eb").edgesIgnoringSafeArea(.all) if isAuthenticated { HomePageView() } else { loginForm } } .navigationTitle(isAuthenticated ? "" : "") .navigationBarHidden(isAuthenticated) .onChange(of: scenePhase) { newPhase in if newPhase == .background { logout() } } .onAppear { checkAuthentication() } } } code-block HomePageView.swift struct HomePageView: View { @ObservedObject var dataManager: UserDataManager init(dataManager: UserDataManager) { self.dataManager = dataManager } var body: some View { NavigationView { ZStack { Color(hex: "f6f1eb") .edgesIgnoringSafeArea(.all) VStack { UserProfileView(userRole: dataManager.userRole, userEmail: dataManager.userEmail) .frame(height: 100) Divider() SidebarView() } } } .onAppear { dataManager.getUserData() } .navigationBarTitle("Split View") } } struct HomePageView_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { HomePageView() } } code-block DataManager.swift class UserDataManager: ObservableObject { @Published var userRole: String = "Loading..." @Published var userEmail: String = "Loading..." func getUserData(forUser userId: String) { let db = Firestore.firestore() db.collection("UserRole").document(userId).getDocument { (document, error) in if let document = document, document.exists { if let data = { if let role = data["Role"] as? String, let email = data["EMailAddress"] as? String { // Speichern Sie die Benutzerrolle und E-Mail-Adresse in Ihrem UserDataManager self.userRole = role self.userEmail = email } } } else { print("Document does not exist") } } } } code-block Thanks in advance for your help and insights. I appreciate your support and look forward to your responses.
Feb ’24
Segmented Fault 11: error (Xcode 15)
I'm encountering an **error Segmentation fault: 11 ** during the archiving process. If the issue is happing with the my code. Then how can I diagnosing the problem. or figure out pin point in code base? I changed the compiler optimization level. It works for me when I use the Osize compiler optimization level. Previously, it was set to Ospeed. Want to know about the impact of the Osize compiler optimization level on the app.
Feb ’24
Build signing on Sonoma virtual runner
I've tried to implement the steps suggested for configuring code signing on runners However, I could not sign my app build when I was using Virtual Runner. Is it a limitation coming from the Apple virtualization framework restriction (for signing in with Apple ID), or did I miss some configuration for Xcode? I was trying both manual and automatic signing but never succeeded (
Feb ’24
UIScrollView Simulators vs Devices
I have a UIScrollView that works perfectly on simulators for all the devices and orientations. However, whenever I try to do testing of the App on an actual device, the UIScrollView is all black. In addition, it looks like it scrolls since there's a scroll bar along the edge that moves when I try to "scroll" the black box. However, when I change orientations of the device, it no longer even does that. I have stopped the App at various points to test out the heights and widths of the various views and they all look good. Yet, nothing but a black box shows up on the device. Any thoughts? Thanks.
Feb ’24
Problem with creating button in Xcode 15
Hello, I've started using Xcode 15 two days ago and I've used the developper article found on your site to create a new application. However, I'm not able to create a button which could allow me to click on an open a new windows on the simulator. I've looked on internet and so one without finding anything. I've tried to insert a Button code with label but without success. Here is the code I've done in "contentview". Coudl you help me by giving me the correct code ? Thank you
Feb ’24