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iOS 17 - New status bar default style doesn't work if the status bar was previously hidden
Hi, I adopted in my app the new default style for the status bar where it switches between light and dark themes depending on the color of the content beneath. It works great until I hide the status bar and show it again. From that point onwards, the status bar will be stuck on the dark or light theme, depending on the app's theme. This happens as well if the status bar is initially hidden on startup. In that case, the default behavior never works. I filed an issue (FB13222217), and as of now I didn't find a workaround except never hiding the status bar on my app. I attached a super minimalist example project there, just a scroll view with black and white views and nothing more. This happens on SwiftUI and UIKit as well. I hope the issue can be addressed and will appreciate if anyone has a workaround for this to let me know. Thanks!
Jun ’24
The DateFormatter is returning wrong date format 2024-04-23T7:52:49.352 AMZ, 2024-05-23T11:16:24.706 a.m.Z
import Foundation let formatter = DateFormatter() let displayLocalFormat = true or false let timeZone = UTC let dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'" let currentDate = Date() formatter.locale = displayLocalFormat ? Locale.current : Locale(identifier: "en_US_POSIX") formatter.dateFormat = dateFormat formatter.timeZone = timeZone formatter.string(from: date) // This function returns date format 2024-05-23T11:16:24.706 a.m.Z
Jun ’24
Use of 64pt and 68pt iOS App Icon Sizes
Hi there! Back with Xcode 14 and iOS 16 there were two new app icon sizes introduced to iOS: 64pt @2x (128x128px) 64pt @3x (192x192px) 68pt @2x (136x136px) What are those icons used for? Neither the Xcode 14 release notes nor the Human Interface Guidelines are mentioning those sizes and what they are used for. In previous Xcode versions the asset catalog had labels for each icon size. As Xcode 15 still doesn’t bring that feature back I’m still puzzled when those icon sizes are visible to the user. Best! – Alex
Jun ’24
App whitelist profile working on supervised iPhone, but not on paired Watch
Hello, I’ve run into an issue with a configuration profile on my supervised iPhone. I’m wondering if anyone here might be able to help? The profile contains the allowListedAppBundleIDs key within the restrictions payload. My Apple Watch is paired with the iPhone. The iPhone was supervised manually with Apple Configurator, hence the Apple Watch has not been directly supervised itself. The profile works completely as expected when installed on the phone. As soon as the profile is installed on the iPhone, I can witness the apps on the Apple Watch rearrange themselves as some apps are hidden. So clearly the profile is applying its restrictions to the Apple Watch to some degree. My issue however is that apps listed in the whitelist are hidden from the Watch. The apps that are missing from my Watch are Walkie Talkie, Find My Items, Find My Friends, Messages, Alarm, Remote, Now Playing, Sleep, Meditation and Heart Rate. This is despite the following bundle IDs being listed in the whitelist array:,,,,,,,, I’ve done some testing, but not sure what I’ve found really. I’ve so far identified 3 scenarios. Scenario 1: I have the whitelist profile installed on the iPhone. I download an app that appears in the whitelist from my watch (or at least its iPhone version does). The apps show up on the iPhone automatically and can be launched there. These apps cannot be launched on the watch. Scenario 2: I downloaded a few apps to my watch, that didn’t automatically install on my iPhone at the same time. They were on the whitelist. These ones couldn’t be launched from my Watch. I then downloaded them to the iPhone and they could be launched there (since they were on the whitelist). Scenario 3: A couple of 3rd party apps on the whitelist could be downloaded and launched from the watch with the whitelist installed. It seems as though there are different kinds of Apple Watch app and this is what I’ve read elsewhere. First of all there are Watch-only apps, which do not automatically install a companion iPhone app. Secondly there are companion apps, which when installed from the Watch App Store download their companion app to the iPhone in the background. Someone please correct me - I’m bound to be overlooking something here. So maybe the apps that when installed from Watch automatically install on iPhone and can only be launched from the iPhone have a separate bundle ID for their Watch app which I haven’t included? Apps that are on the whitelist AND do not automatically install an iPhone app AND can be launched from the Watch, include: solstice What3words So maybe these do not need a companion app, but have the same Bundle ID as their iPhone app? However, I’m still not sure why many stock Apple Watch apps are missing from the Watch…. The most obvious answer is that I’ve got their Bundle IDs wrong, but I don’t think I have given I extracted the bundle IDs from the App Store pages of the Apple WatchOS apps. I noticed at this Apple Support page ( that there is no mention of whitelisting or blacklisting apps on WatchOS using MDM, yet something definitely happens on the watch when the configuration profile is installed on the iPhone. Furthermore, if I tap on a configuration profile, which comprises a blacklist, on my iPhone it will ask me if I want to install it on the iPhone or Watch. The same pop-up question doesn’t happen when the profile contains a whitelist. All this to say, I’m massively confused as to why I can’t get this working. I’d really appreciate anyone’s advice which is bound to be expert. Thank you
Jun ’24
UIPasteControl sometimes disappear
Problem Our app use UIPasteControl for people taps to place pasteboard contents in UITextView. It worked fine at first, but recently received a lot of user feedback and the button suddenly disappeared This problem usually occurs when an App switches between the front and back More Information When the button disappears, we find that the child view of the UIPasteControl control which name _UISlotView has a size of zero. we use UIKit and AutoLayout,limit button size (100, 36) let config = UIPasteControl.Configuration() config.displayMode = .labelOnly config.cornerStyle = .fixed config.baseForegroundColor = .white config.baseBackgroundColor = .black config.cornerRadius = 18 let btn = UIPasteControl(configuration: config) pasteBtn = btn addSubview(pasteBtn) pasteBtn.snp.makeConstraints { make in make.trailing.equalTo(-20) make.bottom.equalTo(-10) make.size.equalTo(CGSize(width: 100, height: 36)) } UI view information <UIPasteControl: 0x107dda810; frame = (0 0; 100 36); layer = <CALayer: 0x3010ff000>> (lldb) po [0x107dda810 subviews] <__NSSingleObjectArrayI 0x30152ff00>( <_UISlotView: 0x107dea630; frame = (0 0; 100 36); userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <CALayer: 0x3010eb460>> ) anyone meet before? is there a workaround?
Jun ’24
Cannot install ios18 beta using ipsw file
None of my device is able to install ios 18 beta using the ipsw file. I am getting this error. Wondering if anyone else have seen this. cfgutil restore -I ~/Downloads/iPhone11,8_18.0_22A5282m_Restore_2.ipsw Waiting for the device [1/2] [*******************************************] 100% Step 2 of 2: Installing iOS [2/2] [*********>............................] 25% cfgutil: error: The operation couldn't be completed. (AMRestoreErrorDomain error 10 - Failed to handle message type StatusMsg (Protocol error)) (Domain: AMRestoreErrorDomain Code: 10) "update" failed on iPhone (ECID: 0x**C****1002E). This is my cfgutil version: cfgutil version cfgutil 2.17 (906) And I am using Macos 14.5 Thanks!
Jun ’24
Cannot build IPA file from Gitlab-CI
I already posted in StackOverflow but I got no answer. So I'm gonna try here. I'm using Flutter and I've been trying to build .ipa through Gitlab CI and GitLab Runner that will be running on my MacOS machine. But I hit a dead end with this error Error (Xcode): Building for 'iOS', but linking in dylib (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.0.sdk/usr/lib/libobjc.A.tbd) built for 'macOS macCatalyst zippered(macOS/Catalyst)' Error (Xcode): Linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) Encountered error while archiving for device. This error unfortunately cannot be reproduced locally, when I ran this code. The build will be successful and produced IPA file normally. flutter build ipa --release --obfuscate --split-debug-info=build/ios/ipa/debug_symbols --build-number=${CI_JOB_ID:0:8} --export-options-plist ./ios/export.plist which make it incredibly difficult to debug. I tried searching Google and all it shown are result of people trying to build iOS simulator. Their solution was excluding architecture arm64 which obviously wouldn't work in this case. And I already excluding i386 and armv7 architecture. and somehow my Gitlab CI still tried to build with MacOS library instead. I'm not sure if this is one of the causes. But I noticed that every time my GitLab Runner CI reach a new stage. This command is automatically declared : declare -x SDKROOT="/Applications/" Maybe it's related? I honestly don't know what to do now.
Jun ’24
iphone 13 after update ios18 screen is not working,and port charge is not respond
hello yesterday was testing the new ios 18 in my iphone 13 after finish the update, the device is not recieving charge from original charger with original cable, i reboot that from ios normal, and now not recieve any instruction in the screen, how i can fix that? i connect itunes and not recognoce iphone, and i canoot shoutdown... somebody that can help with this super issue
Jun ’24
Screen Time Bug: iOS 18
Hey, So I obviously downloaded the dev beta the second I could, and I didn’t notice any bugs. Except after the first reboot, the new Screen Time settings UI is replaced by the old one (see video below). This also has an effect on Remote Screen Time Management somehow, making any change (Downtime, App limit, etc) from the guardian’s device over the internet (as in not directly on the managed phone) not take effect at all. Rebooting does nothing, connecting to wifi does nothing, everything. I reported this to the Feedback Assistant so hopefully they catch wind of this soon. Anyone else experiencing this bug or does anyone have a workaround? Reply if so. Thanks, Mr. Sharky
Jun ’24
Do Universal Links work when the link is wrapped by another link?
Hello, I work for an email marketing company where we send emails through SendGrid. The links go to SendGrid will wrap the links for click tracking purposes, so instead of the link appearing as, it will be something like which will then redirect to eBay. We've noticed that when clicking on these SendGrid-tracked links that redirect to eBay, the links do not open in the eBay app, even though we have the eBay app installed. They will instead open up in Safari. Clicking on the links without the wrapping will open in the links in the eBay app. This makes me think that the URL being wrapped by another URL is preventing Universal Links (links opening in the app) from working. However, we're pretty sure this did work at one point. Does anyone know the status of Universal Links with wrapped URLs? Did it change recently? The iOS version that we tested with is 17.5.1. We are opening links from the iOS Gmail app. Thank you!
Jun ’24
NO_CRASH_STACK error on launch
After our update for Xcode 15, we got a notable increase in crashes on our React Native apps on the app launch. The logs said it's a NO_CRASH_STACK (logs attached). And it's weirdly happening mostly on iOS 16 only (we're just assuming in this part) Notes that we are using Sentry for our crash reporter, but since this crash happened at the beginning, we believe the Sentry hasn't even finished initialized yet. So we don't get any data out of it. f73729d3325dbc472c6a7c5fe2e11f0671e14b63.crash 04bf10e9a11bdd5f47f462d0e22eeec2226413fc.crash 6cdc0334d1673c66a117572b314422c15673fbef.crash
Jun ’24
CrashDoctor Diagnosis: Application threw exception NSInvalidArgumentException: -[_UIRemoteInputViewController _alignsToContentViewController]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x122917200
CrashDoctor Diagnosis: Application threw exception NSInvalidArgumentException: -[_UIRemoteInputViewController _alignsToContentViewController]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x122917200 Thread 0 Crashed: 0 CoreFoundation 0x00000001aa1c9e48 __exceptionPreprocess + [ : 164] 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x00000001a34938d8 objc_exception_throw + [ : 60] 2 CoreFoundation 0x00000001aa33e82c +[NSObject(NSObject) copyDescription] 3 UIKitCore 0x00000001ad0e9d18 -[UIResponder doesNotRecognizeSelector:] + [ : 260] 4 CoreFoundation 0x00000001aa1dff60 forwarding + [ : 1592] 5 CoreFoundation 0x00000001aa248330 forwarding_prep_0 + [ : 96] 6 UIKitCore 0x00000001ac6010f0 -[UIInputWindowControllerHostingItem _aligningInsetsForChildInputViewController:includeSceneBounds:] + [ : 60] 7 UIKitCore 0x00000001ac687e7c -[UIInputWindowControllerHostingItem updateViewConstraints] + [ : 4648] 8 UIKitCore 0x00000001ac686bec -[UIInputWindowControllerHosting updateViewConstraints] + [ : 184] 9 UIKitCore 0x00000001ac706c80 -[UIInputWindowController updateViewConstraints] + [ : 84] 10 UIKitCore 0x00000001ac8c8740 -[UIInputWindowController updateForKeyplaneChangeWithContext:] + [ : 264] 11 UIKitCore 0x00000001ac901ee8 -[UIInputWindowControllerHostingItem updateForKeyplaneChangeWithContext:] + [ : 56] 12 UIKitCore 0x00000001ac59a528 -[_UIRemoteKeyboards performOnControllers:] + [ : 256] 13 UIKitCore 0x00000001ac9061d8 -[UIInputSetHostView _didChangeKeyplaneWithContext:] + [ : 148] 14 UIKitCore 0x00000001ace0ed50 __51-[UICompatibilityInputViewController setInputMode:]_block_invoke_4 + [ : 732] 15 UIKitCore 0x00000001ac8a51ec __146-[NSExtension(UIViewControllerAdditions) _instantiateViewControllerWithInputItems:asAccessory:traitCollection:listenerEndpoint:connectionHandler:]_block_invoke_3 + [ : 220] 16 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001b17db4b4 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + [ : 32] 17 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001b17dcfdc _dispatch_client_callout + [ : 20] 18 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001b17eb7f4 _dispatch_main_queue_drain + [ : 928] 19 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001b17eb444 _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF + [ : 44] 20 CoreFoundation 0x00000001aa25a6d8 CFRUNLOOP_IS_SERVICING_THE_MAIN_DISPATCH_QUEUE + [ : 16] 21 CoreFoundation 0x00000001aa23c03c __CFRunLoopRun + [ : 2036] 22 CoreFoundation 0x00000001aa240ec0 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + [ : 612] 23 GraphicsServices 0x00000001e4297368 GSEventRunModal + [ : 164] 24 UIKitCore 0x00000001ac73686c -[UIApplication _run] + [ : 888] 25 UIKitCore 0x00000001ac7364d0 UIApplicationMain + [ : 340] 26 KYE_iOS 0x0000000104c5b71c main + [main.m : 14] 27 (null) 0x00000001c8a62960 0x0 + 7661300064
Jun ’24
Crashes "[RenderBox] RB::Animation::size(RB::Animation::TermOrArg const*, unsigned long) EXC_BAD_ACCESS" on iOS 17
Recently, we got crash reports on "[RenderBox] RB::Animation::size(RB::Animation::TermOrArg const*, unsigned long) EXC_BAD_ACCESS" on iOS 17 only. Is this an iOS 17 beta issue? This is the crash log. ========= Incident Identifier: F64495FD-BD28-4C35-9AA6-B9CCFFE46689 Hardware Model: iPhone13,4 Process: ourapp [774] Path: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/88384E91-49B7-4AD3-ABB7-29569372166F/ Identifier: com.ourcompany.ourapp Version: 2.1.11 (4111) AppStoreTools: 14E221 AppVariant: 1:iPhone13,4:15 Code Type: ARM-64 (Native) Role: Foreground Parent Process: launchd [1] Coalition: com.ourcompany.ourapp [891] Date/Time: 2023-07-10 20:39:42.0369 +0900 Launch Time: 2023-07-10 20:39:37.5495 +0900 OS Version: iPhone OS 17.0 (21A5277h) Release Type: Beta Baseband Version: 4.02.00 Report Version: 104 Exception Type: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV) Exception Subtype: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000235686558 Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000235686558 VM Region Info: 0x235686558 is not in any region. Bytes after previous region: 19621209 Bytes before following region: 13933224 REGION TYPE START - END [ VSIZE] PRT/MAX SHRMOD REGION DETAIL unused __TEXT 23437adb8-2343d0000 [ 341K] r--/rw- SM=COW ...ed lib __TEXT ---> GAP OF 0x2000000 BYTES unused __TEXT 2363d0000-2363e4000 [ 80K] r--/r-- SM=COW ...ed lib __TEXT Termination Reason: SIGNAL 11 Segmentation fault: 11 Terminating Process: exc handler [774] Triggered by Thread: 0 Kernel Triage: VM - (arg = 0x3) mach_vm_allocate_kernel failed within call to vm_map_enter VM - (arg = 0x3) mach_vm_allocate_kernel failed within call to vm_map_enter VM - (arg = 0x3) mach_vm_allocate_kernel failed within call to vm_map_enter Thread 0 name: Thread 0 Crashed: 0 RenderBox 0x00000001f56047bc 0x1f5588000 + 509884 1 RenderBox 0x00000001f561af9c 0x1f5588000 + 602012 2 RenderBox 0x00000001f55c3e38 0x1f5588000 + 245304 3 RenderBox 0x00000001f55c3c78 0x1f5588000 + 244856 4 SwiftUI 0x000000018c71f860 0x18bb78000 + 12220512 5 SwiftUI 0x000000018c71e7b8 0x18bb78000 + 12216248 6 SwiftUI 0x000000018cf003a4 0x18bb78000 + 20480932 7 SwiftUI 0x000000018c71d3dc 0x18bb78000 + 12211164 8 SwiftUI 0x000000018c71cbe0 0x18bb78000 + 12209120 9 SwiftUI 0x000000018bee7fa8 0x18bb78000 + 3604392 10 SwiftUI 0x000000018c167020 0x18bb78000 + 6221856 11 AttributeGraph 0x00000001b0027d10 0x1b0024000 + 15632 12 AttributeGraph 0x00000001b0027674 0x1b0024000 + 13940 13 AttributeGraph 0x00000001b00269cc 0x1b0024000 + 10700 14 SwiftUI 0x000000018bb96078 0x18bb78000 + 123000 15 SwiftUI 0x000000018d3926dc 0x18bb78000 + 25274076 16 SwiftUI 0x000000018bb8af20 0x18bb78000 + 77600 17 SwiftUI 0x000000018bb936e4 0x18bb78000 + 112356 18 SwiftUI 0x000000018bb8e0a4 0x18bb78000 + 90276 19 SwiftUI 0x000000018bb88ad4 0x18bb78000 + 68308 20 SwiftUI 0x000000018d3926a4 0x18bb78000 + 25274020 21 SwiftUI 0x000000018d392590 0x18bb78000 + 25273744 22 SwiftUI 0x000000018bc3a620 0x18bb78000 + 796192 23 SwiftUI 0x000000018c387328 0x18bb78000 + 8450856 24 SwiftUI 0x000000018c3873d4 0x18bb78000 + 8451028 25 UIKitCore 0x000000018a7edec8 0x18a106000 + 7241416 26 UIKitCore 0x000000018aee1438 0x18a106000 + 14529592 27 UIKitCore 0x000000018aee0990 0x18a106000 + 14526864 28 CoreFoundation 0x0000000187ff8800 0x187f27000 + 858112 29 CoreFoundation 0x0000000188003930 0x187f27000 + 903472 30 CoreFoundation 0x0000000187f9168c 0x187f27000 + 435852 31 CoreFoundation 0x0000000187fa3a24 0x187f27000 + 510500 32 CoreFoundation 0x0000000187fa86c0 0x187f27000 + 530112 33 GraphicsServices 0x00000001ca02a224 0x1ca029000 + 4644 34 UIKitCore 0x000000018a494d08 0x18a106000 + 3730696 35 UIKitCore 0x000000018a49496c 0x18a106000 + 3729772 36 ourapp 0x000000010406af94 main + 68 (AppDelegate.swift:20) 37 dyld 0x00000001aad404f8 0x1aad2b000 + 87288 ========= Thanks.
Jun ’24
Changing from NavigationView to NavigationStack
Hi, I am having trouble changing from deprecated NavigationView to NavigationStack. I have looked through the article, and a number of examples and tutorials - they all show examples where the user clicks on a choice or a button in the view. But in my case, the navigation is programmatic based on changes to a value. I have below the old code, and my attempt at new revised code ( needs to run on IOS16, and cannot use API introduced in IOS 17). The new code compiles fine, but the screen does not navigate to new views as the value changes. I debug print the value as it changes, and the value for 'detailView' does change. The old code works without a problem - just that I get a warning that I am using deprecated APIs. The old code: struct MainView: View { @EnvironmentObject var gameVm: GameViewModel var body: some View { NavigationView { VStack { NavigationLink(destination: PlayView().transition(.slide), tag: .playView, selection: $gameVm.detailView) { EmptyView() } NavigationLink(destination: GamePausedView().transition(.scale), tag: .gamePausedView, selection: $gameVm.detailView) { EmptyView() } NavigationLink(destination: SettingsView().transition(.slide), tag: .settingsView, selection: $gameVm.detailView) { EmptyView() } IdleView().transition(.slide) } } .navigationViewStyle(.stack) } } My attempt at the revised code: struct GameMainView: View { @EnvironmentObject var gameVm: GameViewModel @State private var path = NavigationPath() var body: some View { NavigationStack(path: $path) { VStack { NavigationLink(value: DetailView.playView) { EmptyView() } NavigationLink(value: DetailView.gamePausedView) { EmptyView() } NavigationLink(value: DetailView.settingsView) { EmptyView() } IdleView().transition(.slide) } } .navigationDestination(for: DetailView.self) { dtlViewType in if dtlViewType == .playView { PlayView().transition(.slide) } else if dtlViewType == .settingsView { SettingsView().transition(.slide) } else if dtlViewType == .gamePausedView { GamePausedView().transition(.slide) } } } } What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance for any help.
Jun ’24
RealityKit on iOS: New anchor entity takes ages to show up
I'm implementing an AR app with Image Tracking capabilities. I noticed that it takes very long for the entities I want to overlay on a detected image to show up in the video feed. When debugging using debugOptions.insert(.showAnchorOrigins), I realized that the image is actually detected very quickly, the anchor origins show up almost immediately. And I can also see that my code reacts with adding new anchors for my ModelEntities there. However, it takes ages for these ModelEntities to actually show up. Only if I move the camera a lot, they will appear after a while. What might be the reason for this behaviour? I also noticed that for the first image target, a huge amount of anchors are being created. They start from the image and go all up towards the user. This does not happen with subsequent (other) image targets.
Jun ’24