iOS is the operating system for iPhone.

Posts under iOS tag

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IOS 15, javascript functions window.getSelection() or document.getSelection() not working
Hi we do have a functionality where we need to highlight some content. Our functionality was using javascript functions window.getSelection() or document.getSelection(). These were working fine with IOS 14. when our devices were updated to IOS 15, we are getting null for either window.getSelection() or document.getSelection(). Could you please help us to resolve this issue? we appreciate your help.
Jan ’24
Xcode 13 typing is delayed / really slow
I just updated Xcode to the newest Version (13.0 13A233). And what I immediately recognized was that when I was typing in a large class (1000 Lines or more) the typing was delayed like 1 or 2 seconds. This makes it really hard to type or even do anything with my project. It works perfectly fine in smaller projects with only 100 Code Lines per File, but it is really hard to type in bigger projects with over 30 files and 3000 Code Lines per File. This always happens when I use Xcode, whether I run the app on a real device or a simulator. Things that could cause the issue in my case: I removed the contents of ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport, because it took the device previously too long to launch, but I don´t think that this should have an effect on my Xcode typing performance. I would really appreciate any help, because this issue makes my work impossible and really concerns me a lot.
Jun ’24
MobileIron CA management
Hello, After pushing all our CA by mobileiron MDM on iphones and ipads, we noticed that internal website signed by our CA are not trusted, we followed your KB and, however while installing all the chain in one file or one by one and pushing it as a certificates config by the MDM to concerned devices the cert alert still exist, same issue by installing the internal root CA directly on apple devices. Do you have any advice? Thanks.
Aug ’23
iOS 15 - UI Test keeps asking pin code for "Enable UI Automation"
We got the newly issue that our Test devices keeps us asking for the pin code to "Enable UI Automation". Then it works for some hours or days, but after some time it starts again. "Enable UI Automation" is already enabled in "Settings" - "Developer" menu. The devices are located remotely and we can't access them directly, so this is a big issue for us right now. Is there any way to avoid this?
Jan ’24
Phone Stuck as Unable to Install "app name"
I can't access anything on my iphone 12 as the screen just keeps showing the "Unable to install app, please try again later" message. I hit the "ok" button and it just reverts back to the message again. I can't get the control panel, can't turn it off, can't get back to main screen. Please, any suggestions greatly appreciated as phone completely useless now.
Sep ’23
Truedepth Camera on iPhone13 products - lower accuracy of depth data?
Hi, just experienced using the Apple demo app for Truedepth images on different devices that there are significant differences in the provided data quality. Data derived on iPhones before iPhone 13 lineup provide quite smooth surfaces - like you may know from one of the many different 3D scanner apps displaying data from the front facing Truedepth camera. Data derived on e.g. iPhone13 Pro has now some kind of wavy overlaying structures and has - visually perceived - very low accuracy compared to older iPhones. iPhone 12pro: data as pointcloud, object about 25cm from phone: iPhone 13pro: data as pointcloud, same setup Tried it out on different iPhone 13 devices, same result, all running on latest iOS. Images captured with the same code. Capturing by using some of the standard 3D scanner apps for the Truedepth camera are providing similar lower quality images or point clouds.   Is this due to degraded hardware (smaller sized Truedepth camera) on new iPhone release or a software issue from within iOS, e.g. driver part of the Truedepth camera?   Are there any foreseen improvements or solutions already announced by Apple?   Best Holger
Oct ’23
MediaRecorder onstop callback doesn't get called in iOS15
Hi, I'm using MediaRecorder for screen recording of canvas , along with audio. simplified code to implement screen recorder //intialise stream const canvas = document.querySelector('.main-canvas'); const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true }); for (let track of canvas.captureStream().getTracks()) { stream.addTrack(track); } recorder = new MediaRecorder(stream); chunks = []; recorder.ondataavailable = ({ data }) => { if (data) chunks.push(data); }; recorder.start(); recorder.onstop = () => { const videoBlob = new Blob(chunks, { type: 'video/mp4' }); chunks = [] //stop mic access after use try{ for (let track of stream.getTracks()) { track?.stop(); } }catch(e){} return videoBlob; } so when i call recorder.stop() , the recorder.onstop method is not getting called sometimes randomly. And also in case when recorder.onstop is not called , recorder.ondataavailable is not called even a single time,So it returns empty Blob output. This only occurs in iOS 15 device's , it occurs randomly 40% of the times. Is there any workaround for this, or what is cause of this issue? Thanks in advance
Oct ’23
Apple immediate trial cancellation
When I subscribe for a trial period in Apple products like: Apple Music Apple TV Apple News etc. If I want to cancel my subscription via App Store I see a message: If you cancel, you will immediately lose access to Apple Music and the remainder of your free trial. Нou cannot reactivate this trial At the same time for 3d party developers when a user clicks Cancel Free Trial alert says: If you end your trial now, you will still have access to it until some date So my question is how can I replicate the same logic for my app. I've googled a lot but didn't find anything. I believe it should be possible to do since Apple apps are just like any other app distributed via App Store. If not - it looks like unfair competition because users will more likely postpone trial cancellation for Apple products and forget about this which will result in charging their money.
Aug ’23
iOS cpu/gpu/battery temperature readings
Good day! I'm interested in if there is any way to query CPU/GPU/Battery temperature values on recent iOS systems? I've tried to search forums for "cpu temp", "ios temperature", "battery temperature" etc., but didn't find anything. There was only mentioned some old private API which was supposed to work somehow for iOS<10. All the examples I've found didn't even compile. All the requests and suggestions are pretty old and seems irrelevant. So I decided to bump this topic. Are there any updates? Any hints and suggestions are highly appreciated! Best regards!
Oct ’23
SecPKCS12Import is failing to import P12 certificate.
Are you able to reproduce the issue? Yes What software version(s) and hardware have you reproduced the issue on? iOS 14, iOS 15 iPhone XR, iPhone 12 simulator (On All iOS devices) Description When trying to import a P12 certificate using the API SecPKCS12Import, it is failing with error errSecDecode = -26275 since 09/23 in production. We tried to figure out the change in our code base (client as well as server side) that might have triggered this failure but there is no change on either side. The same P12 certificate is successfully validated using the below mentioned openssl command on the terminal. openssl pkcs12 -in -passin pass: Please can you tell us how we may debug the API SecPKCS12Import and understand what might be incorrect in P12 certificate format due to which it has started failing. Note: The same code (with zero change) was working fine in production until 09/23. If required, we may share the p12 certificate and associate password with you to debug it further.
Jan ’24
What is the files and folders permission?
Hi there, I am currently making an app and trying to download content to a user-selected download directory (like how safari does it). However, whenever I set the download directory outside the App's documents, I get the following error when running my code on a real iOS device. downloadedFileMoveFailed(error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=513 "“CFNetworkDownload_dlIcno.tmp” couldn’t be moved because you don’t have permission to access “Downloads”." UserInfo={NSSourceFilePathErrorKey=/private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/A24D885A-1306-4CE4-9B15-952AF92B7E6C/tmp/CFNetworkDownload_dlIcno.tmp, NSUserStringVariant=(Move), NSDestinationFilePath=/private/var/mobile/Containers/Shared/AppGroup/E6303CBC-62A3-4206-9C84-E37041894DEC/File Provider Storage/Downloads/100MB.bin, NSFilePath=/private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/A24D885A-1306-4CE4-9B15-952AF92B7E6C/tmp/CFNetworkDownload_dlIcno.tmp, NSUnderlyingError=0x281d045d0 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=1 "Operation not permitted"}}, source: file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/A24D885A-1306-4CE4-9B15-952AF92B7E6C/tmp/CFNetworkDownload_dlIcno.tmp, destination: file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Shared/AppGroup/E6303CBC-62A3-4206-9C84-E37041894DEC/File%20Provider%20Storage/Downloads/100MB.bin) The summary of that error is that I don't have permission to access the folder I just granted access to. Here's my attached code (I'm using AlamoFire since it's easier to understand, but I'm having a problem saving files in iOS): import SwiftUI import UniformTypeIdentifiers import Alamofire struct ContentView: View { @AppStorage("downloadsDirectory") var downloadsDirectory = "" @State private var showFileImporter = false var body: some View { VStack { Button("Set downloads directory") { showFileImporter.toggle() } Button("Save to downloads directory") { Task { do { let destination: DownloadRequest.Destination = { _, response in let documentsURL = URL(string: downloadsDirectory)! let suggestedName = response.suggestedFilename ?? "unknown" let fileURL = documentsURL.appendingPathComponent(suggestedName) return (fileURL, [.removePreviousFile, .createIntermediateDirectories]) } let _ = try await "")!, to: destination).serializingDownloadedFileURL().value } catch { print("Downloading error!: \(error)") } } } } .fileImporter(isPresented: $showFileImporter, allowedContentTypes: [UTType.folder]) { result in switch result { case .success(let url): downloadsDirectory = url.absoluteString case .failure(let error): print("Download picker error: \(error)") } } } } To reproduce (Run on a REAL iOS device!): Click the Set downloads directory button to On my iPhone Click the Save to downloads directory button Error occurs Upon further investigation, I found that safari uses the Files and Folders privacy permission (Located in Settings > Privacy > Files and folders on an iPhone) to access folders outside the app sandbox (see the attached image for a visual representation of what I'm talking about). I scoured the web as much as I can and I couldn't find any documentation for this exact permission. I have seen non-apple apps (such as VLC) use this permission, but I cannot figure out how it's granted. I tried enabling the following plist properties, but none of them work (because I later realized these are for macOS only) <key>NSDocumentsFolderUsageDescription</key> <string>App wants to access your documents folder</string> <key>NSDownloadsFolderUsageDescription</key> <string>App wants to access your downloads folder</string> Can someone please help me figure out how to grant the files and folder permission and explain what it does? I would really appreciate the help. Image of the permission in question:
Oct ’23
Audio playlist autoplaying queue.
Greetings to all fellow front-end coders. I have quite a headache because of Apple's autoplay policy. As you've probably experienced, you can't autoplay a video / audio element with sound without user interaction. (I'm referring to this) I'm currently trying to create my own music web application that will support playlists. I work with the Next.js framework and use react-player as player. Since it does not natively support playlists, I created a two-player pendulum system, where one plays the current sound file and the other loads the next. Then their roles change. Everything works great in all browsers, except those on iOS, because this player uses autoplay to start playing. I've been worried about this for several days. I've already thought about letting an Apple product users press play button every time a song changes as a punishment, but of course it's not a good solution. I think a lot of you have encountered this and you have certainly found a solution. Please help me :(
Sep ’23
The application crashes in the App Store when launch on iPhone with iOS 15.3.1.
My application is currently crashing in production in iPhone devices running iOS 15.x. The app will work as normal while running developer mode, enterprise builds and Test Flight builds. Unfortunately, I am unable to reproduce this issue even app is downloaded from the app store. I observed crash is happening at main.m. Can someone help me to reproduce this issue? How to read this crash log file? Please find the crash log details attached. 2022-03-04_14-15-23.6227_+0900-a1899fd803a4ed683466702be71b9d224b4cd5bc.crash
Jun ’24
Could not find a navigation controller for segue. Random Crash for years now...
I've been seeing this crash happening for a few years now. It's rare and unreproducible. The App's storyboard is large and it can occur on any segue and randomly it seems Could not find a navigation controller for segue 'some-segue-on-storyboard'. Push segues can only be used when the source controller is managed by an instance of UINavigationController. I've tried various things to prevent it. Double checked it was on the main thread to keep the UI happy and assumed all this time that it was just an iOS glitch/bug that Apple would get around to fixing. That or it is a side effect of low memory. Anyone got any suggestions for how to fix or what to investigate?
Nov ’23
agvtool doesn't update extension Marketing Version
We have a bit of a complicated build process and need to build the Widget outside of our main app and repackage since we are using a cross platform framework. I tried scripting out updating my Widget's Marketing Version but agvtool won't update the MARKETING_VERSION in the project.pbxproj file. Therefore, we end up getting these emails from Apple: ITMS-90473: CFBundleShortVersionString Mismatch - The CFBundleShortVersionString value ‘1.2.2’ of extension ‘' does not match the CFBundleShortVersionString value ‘1.2.3' of its containing iOS application ‘'. I run this and it says it's updating in the Widget plist (but not the project.pbxproj) so when I build with xcode via command line it doesn't update and when we submit to the App Store we get the above message from Apple: /usr/bin/agvtool new-marketing-version $(/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Print :CFBundleShortVersionString" ../My.Crossplatform.App/My.Crossplatform.App.iOS/Info.plist) Setting CFBundleShortVersionString of project ios to:    1.2.3. Updating CFBundleShortVersionString in Info.plist(s)... Cannot find "ios.xcodeproj/../YES" Updated CFBundleShortVersionString in "ios.xcodeproj/../widget/Info.plist" to 1.2.3 I've had to resort to manually updating then submitting every time. What is the correct way to update the MARKETING_VERSION in the project.pbxproj file in a CI environment using bash?
Oct ’23
iOS 15 prewarming and didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
Hi, Just want to understand what is the current state of iOS 15 prewarming app delegate behaviour. There is a lot of confusion (and a lack of documentation) about which app delegate methods are called during prewarming. It's not clear if didFinishLaunchingWithOptions will be called or not during prewarming. A lot of applications are counting on UserDefaults and Keychain access in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions, but sadly these two features seems to be unavailable during prewarming causing issues. Some users say that this was the case before 15.4 and that from 15.4 the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions app delegate method is no more called during prewarming. Just want to know if we can have an official statement about this. It is safe, from iOS 15.4 onwards, to use UserDefaults and access Keychain in the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions app delegate method? Thank you
Sep ’23
Unity game crash on iphone start-up log
My unity game crashed on iphone start-up. It doesn't always happen and happened on my old iPhone(IOS 15.5 version), but not on another old iphone( IOS 14.8.1 version). This is the crash log. I don't understand the log. Can you help me? Many Thanks. To sum up: Unity game crash on iPhone when start-up Only happens on the iPhone which is IOS 15.5 version, but not on another iPhone which is IOS 14.8.1 version. Both are old iPhone devices Not always happens, it happens by chance. Crash Log
Sep ’23
iOS app on MacOS M1 - Window Resize or Full Screen
MacOS M1 machines can run iOS applications. We have an iOS application that runs a fullscreen metal game. The game can also run across all desktop platforms via Steam. In additional to Steam, we would like to make it available through the AppStore on MacOS. We'd like to utilise our iOS builds for this so that the Apple payment (micro-transactions) and sign-in processes can be reused. While the app runs on MacOS, it runs in a small iPad shaped window that cannot be resized. We do not want to add iPad multitasking support (portrait orientation is not viable), but would like the window on MacOS to be expandable to full screen. Currently there is an option to make it full screen, but the metal view (MTKView) delegate does not receive a drawableSizeWillChange event for this, meaning the new resolution of the window cannot be received. Is there another method of retrieving a window size change event in this context? What is the recommended way of enabling window resizing on MacOS but not iPad for a single iOS app?
Aug ’23