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Give users access to content, services, or premium features in your app on an ongoing basis with subscriptions, a type of in-app purchase.

Posts under Subscriptions tag

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Tax Information
Hi Everyone! I am an independent developer, looking to publish an app with possible subscriptions. In my research I think I would have to use the in app purchases feature of the app store. So I was wondering. That through the app store they would charge me 30% commission fee for every purchase for the first year and 15% from the second. I also see that the app store will collect the VAT in all the countries the app is going to be live. So my question here is how does store handle the VAT? Do the app store pays the tax in all the countries that the app is live in or they just collect and help us with the tax information. And we have to file Tax separately in all those countries by ourselves. Help Needed.
Sep ’23
Cant delete an introductory offer
I have a subscription in my app. Subscription has a 1 week free introductory offer. I can't delete that introductory offer. Below is the error from console. { "errors" : [ { "id" : "0de7ce6c-147b-4945-a996-f81466116214", "status" : "409", "code" : "STATE_ERROR", "title" : "The request cannot be fulfilled because of the state of another resource.", "detail" : "Pricing change is not allowed." } ] } I don't understand why pricing change is not allowed. Also tried to add a new introductory offer to replace the old one - same result
Sep ’23
Apple Invoice
Cannot find invoice inside Apple Store Connect I'm a developer based in Spain and I've encountered a situation regarding my payments on the App Store Connect platform, specifically within the App Store Connect / Agreements, Tax, and Banking / Invoices section. Despite having received three payments, I'm unable to find any corresponding invoices for these transactions. Next month, in October, I'm required to declare the total amount of money I've received from Apple. However, I'm facing an issue where I cannot access or download invoices for the past three months. Invocing as developer to Apple: I'd also greatly appreciate it if someone could clarify whether developers in Spain are required to submit a monthly invoice in PDF format. I've received all my payments thus far, but I haven't received any notifications instructing me to send such invoices. Can anyone confirm if this is a requirement for developers in Spain? Here's the information provided: "Please note: Some developers may be subject to invoicing requirements in accordance with local laws and statutes. It is your responsibility to consult with your legal and tax advisors with respect to any invoicing requirements you are subject to. All invoices for GBP and EUR sales must be stated at 0% VAT. If you’re required to invoice Apple, upload a PDF of the invoice below." Hopefully anyone can help me and tell me something. Regards,
Sep ’23
Can I use stripe if apple IAP doesn't support my business rule?
We are currently working on a APP where every user can create multiple institutions and every institution has a monthly or yearly price, but this mean that every user can have multiple subscriptions within the same group! We didn't find a way to do it using renewable IAP subscriptions, in this case, does Apple allow us to use third parties as Stripe?
Sep ’23
I cannot retrieve product information for my subscription
Swift Storekit2 var storeProducts:[Product]] storeProducts = try await Product.products(for: [productID])] When executed, storeProducts has 0 values. The log shows "Did not receive any products or error for products request. The Appstore Connect subscription page is active for paid apps. The productID is the Product ID of the subscription created in Appstore Connect.
Sep ’23
Allow existing customers with license key - Safari WebExtension
Hello, I have a browser extension that is already released for other browsers, and I want to start releasing for Safari as well, and I have a few questions about the payments system. My extension allows users to unlock features by making a payment through Stripe or PayPal and receiving a license key. For Safari I want to use Apple’s IAP system as I already know that this is a requirement but I also want to allow people that already purchased the license through other browsers to use it with Safari. So my question, Am I allowed to allow people bring their license keys purchased from other browsers? Throughout the Safari extension I will only use Apple’s IAP system and offer the same price as on other browsers. So I will not ”reward” people with discounts if they use other payment processors outside of Safari. Thank you!
Sep ’23
In app purchase or not? (direct invoice)
I am developing a mobile app whose registration will be allowed only for Business entities (users will be verified and activated after each registration). In the app, Business entities will be able to purchase digital services that can be used within the app or linked website (no videos, cars or magazines). But the most important thing is that for each purchase they will have to receive a legal invoice (issued by my company) for the exact amount purchased. Am I forced to use in-app purchases or can I use an external payment system (perhaps without linking it directly within the app and sending a communication via email to the user)?
Sep ’23
Implementing in-app renewable subscriptions of same type
I have a job-searching application where recruiters can pay to post jobs--each job is a renewable monthly subscription. I'm trying to figure out how to implement this with in-app purchases, since you can't be subscribed to a subscription more than once, and a user should be able to post an unlimited number of jobs that auto-renew within the app. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
Sep ’23
StoreKit2 Subscription
I cannot call productID in StoreKit2. I am getting the following error. [Default] [StoreKit] Did not receive any products or error for products request. I'm calling with this code. productAppID contains the product ID set in App Store Connect. var storeProducts:[Product]. storeProducts = try await Product.products(for: [productAppID])]
Sep ’23
How to stop purchasing new auto-renewable subscriptions
Hi, If I want to stop purchasing new auto-renewing subscriptions, but continue the subscriptions of existing subscribers, can I simply remove the purchase leads on the app side? I am concerned that they can purchase from "Subscriptions", "View All Plans" in the Settings app. It would be helpful if you could give us a lecture on how to continue existing subscribers and stop new purchases only.
Sep ’23
Offer Codes cannot be redeemed
I have been using the Offer Codes that can be generated in App Store Connect (up to 25k per quarter). They had worked before, but at some point of time they just stopped working. My production device (iPhone 13 Pro) doesn't even render the redemption screen properly and says the code expired, even if it didn't. (already submitted a bug report, sadly without answer till this day: Apart from that, I asked some friends to try to redeem a test offer code for me and surprisingly, the native redemption screen is rendered properly, but the code cannot be redeemed. (Clicking "Redeem" doesn't show the payment sheet) Any idea what the cause can be and how to fix it? To me it looks like it is a problem with StoreKit API, because I followed the documentation on how to use the native iOS offer code redemption sheet and I don't even receive an app store notification. Looks like there is a problem between the device and Apple's API.
Dec ’23
Sandbox subscription management - iOS 17
Hi, We manage in-app purchases/subscriptions and their notifications in an server-to-server setup. We currently updated one of our devices to iOS 17. The sandbox subscription management is still not working, we encountered the same issue on iOS 16. When trying to access the sandbox subscription management menu, the authentication steps works correctly, but after that we get a error screen with the message: Cannot Connect. There is a retry button, but the same error message is prompted, after it is pressed We have this working on devices which have iOS 15.x versions. Are there any investigations or updates on this subject? Are there any workarounds to make this work? Thanks, David
Sep ’23
Business model which uses In app purchase as well as person to person payment (offline) to access premium features of application.
We are providing in-app purchase subscriptions to our users in our application to view some content/tutorials. Along with that, we are providing offline in-person training to some users and they will pay us offline. We want to provide access to all the content/tutorials of the application to those in-person trained users for a certain duration. After that duration, if they want to continue using the app, they will make in-app purchases and subscribe through the application. There can​ also be a situation where some existing subscribed application users can ask for in-person training and pay offline which makes them eligible for access to the application’s content/tutorials. By doing this, Are we violating any Apple policy or guidelines? If let’s say our app gets approved and Apple get to know about this later what can be the penalty?
Sep ’23
Subscription downgrade renewal in sandbox
Hi, I am testing auto-renew subscriptin in the sandbox. If I purchase a subscription to Level 2, it renews every few minutes and I get notification in BE. All good. But if, before it expires I do a downgrade to Level 1 in my app, the following happens. The Level 2 subscription continues until it expires. the latest receipt is saying the original subscription has expired. It does include the new subscription in the "auto_renew_product_id" field, but in that field the "auto_renew_status" is set to 0, expiration_intent is set to 0, and not data for Level 1 subscription in field latest_receipt_info, And my app is show this account is no plan with it. I'm make sure I don't cancel any subscription manually. "environment": "Sandbox", "receipt": { "receipt_type": "ProductionSandbox", "adam_id": 0, "app_item_id": 0, "bundle_id": "xxxxxxxxxx", "application_version": "6", "download_id": 0, "version_external_identifier": 0, "receipt_creation_date": "2023-09-28 06:22:18 Etc/GMT", "receipt_creation_date_ms": "1695882138000", "receipt_creation_date_pst": "2023-09-27 23:22:18 America/Los_Angeles", "request_date": "2023-09-28 06:22:44 Etc/GMT", "request_date_ms": "1695882164902", "request_date_pst": "2023-09-27 23:22:44 America/Los_Angeles", "original_purchase_date": "2013-08-01 07:00:00 Etc/GMT", "original_purchase_date_ms": "1375340400000", "original_purchase_date_pst": "2013-08-01 00:00:00 America/Los_Angeles", "original_application_version": "1.0", "in_app": [ { "quantity": "1", "product_id": "level2", "transaction_id": "2000000422878353", "original_transaction_id": "2000000421925037", "purchase_date": "2023-09-27 04:35:19 Etc/GMT", "purchase_date_ms": "1695789319000", "purchase_date_pst": "2023-09-26 21:35:19 America/Los_Angeles", "original_purchase_date": "2023-09-26 06:17:05 Etc/GMT", "original_purchase_date_ms": "1695709025000", "original_purchase_date_pst": "2023-09-25 23:17:05 America/Los_Angeles", "expires_date": "2023-09-27 05:11:19 Etc/GMT", "expires_date_ms": "1695791479000", "expires_date_pst": "2023-09-26 22:11:19 America/Los_Angeles", "web_order_line_item_id": "2000000037933985", "is_trial_period": "false", "is_in_intro_offer_period": "false", "in_app_ownership_type": "PURCHASED" }], "latest_receipt_info": [ { "quantity": "1", "product_id": "level2", "transaction_id": "2000000423805961", "original_transaction_id": "2000000421925037", "purchase_date": "2023-09-28 04:21:58 Etc/GMT", "purchase_date_ms": "1695874918000", "purchase_date_pst": "2023-09-27 21:21:58 America/Los_Angeles", "original_purchase_date": "2023-09-26 06:17:05 Etc/GMT", "original_purchase_date_ms": "1695709025000", "original_purchase_date_pst": "2023-09-25 23:17:05 America/Los_Angeles", "expires_date": "2023-09-28 04:57:58 Etc/GMT", "expires_date_ms": "1695877078000", "expires_date_pst": "2023-09-27 21:57:58 America/Los_Angeles", "web_order_line_item_id": "2000000038038221", "is_trial_period": "false", "is_in_intro_offer_period": "false", "in_app_ownership_type": "PURCHASED", "subscription_group_identifier": "20412672", "app_account_token": "664bf8a5-3586-4e81-9a48-d31dd096e0eb" }], "latest_receipt": "xxxxxxx", "pending_renewal_info": [ { "expiration_intent": "1", "auto_renew_product_id": "level1", "is_in_billing_retry_period": "0", "product_id": "level2", "original_transaction_id": "2000000421925037", "auto_renew_status": "0" } ], "status": 0
Dec ’23
Error Sandbox In App Purchase Code 500
Dear anyone, especially for Apple Teams, we produce an issues when re-testing our app using sandbox environment. When purchasing an in-app-purchase subscription process completed, an error show up like below. <SKPaymentQueue: 0x2837755c0>: Payment completed with error: Error Domain=ASDErrorDomain Code=500 "(null)" UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x283ad66d0 {Error Domain=AMSErrorDomain Code=301 "Invalid Status Code" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Invalid Status Code, AMSURL=, AMSStatusCode=500, NSLocalizedFailureReason=The response has an invalid status code}}, storefront-country-code=IDN, client-environment-type=Sandbox} Please any help, thankyou.
Sep ’23
StoreKit 2 Product.products(for: productIdentifiers) coming back empty for a single user in production
I have recently updated my app to use StoreKit 2 for in-app purchases and, for the most part, everything seems to be working as expected in production. However, I have a single user who is unable to retrieve the in-app purchase product list. I am making a straightforward call to retrieve the products: sk2Products = try await Product.products(for: productIdentifiers) The expected outcome is that it returns the three products that I have for sale. For the user in question, the call does not fail but it returns an empty array. As far as I can tell, all other users on the same version of the app are having no problem and I am not able to reproduce the issue in the sandbox or in production on my own devices or the simulator. It doesn't make much sense to me how this could be happening to only one user, especially considering that the product request is not even asking for data related to a specific Apple ID. Not to confuse the issue but the same user is also having trouble having his auto-renewable subscription recognized while, again, nobody else seems to be having a problem. Interestingly, the app did recognize the user's subscription for one session but then went back to the same failing behavior that it is now consistently exhibiting. It's possible that StoreKit is doing some kind of local cacheing that is causing this problem but users' subscription information, etc, is fetched on each app launch so the failure is not related to any cacheing being done by the app itself. The StoreKit calls are returning bad data. Is there anything that a user can do on their device that might make this happen? Similarly, is there anything I could have the user do to try to clear up the problem? Restarting the device did not help.
Oct ’23
Return Localized price information for InappPurchases or Subscriptions
How do I use the appstore connect apis, similar to, to retrieve the consumer price for each in app product or subscription product for each region. For example, if the item costs $2.99 USD in the US and 1.99 EUR in Europe, what api can return this information? I have tried retrieving price points, localizations, and price schedules, but they do not return the information I am looking for.
Sep ’23