




Apple Wallet geofencing notification
Hi, I'm new to wallet, but I already implemented a Loyalty Pass with some use cases: distributing, pushing updates, standard notifications, geofencing notifications with lock screen notifications. Until a month ago, all worked flawlessy, but now the majority of my audience (the users that have installed the pass in their Apple Wallet) don't see the notifications when they enter in the location radius. The strange thing is that with the same json content (same id, same locations list, same coordinates) some users see said notification without a hassle while the other see nothing, even toggling on and off all the related permissions. I suspect (only a suspect, I'm going by exclusion) that the new device subscriptions are those who don't see the notifications and only the old ones see everything as before. Any suggestion? Do a users dashboard (or at least a device subscription list) exist in my Apple Developer portal? Is a known bug, already reported? Thanks for all your replies
Sep ’20
Crash while rendering glyphs in iOS 14
I've a custom UIView to render a large piece of text using CATiledLayers. My draw(rect:) implementation is quite simple: override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) { 	let range = layoutManager.glyphRange(forBoundingRect: rect, in: textContainer) 	layoutManager.drawBackground(forGlyphRange: range, at: .zero) 	layoutManager.drawGlyphs(forGlyphRange: range, at: .zero) } This code works without any issue on iOS 13, but fails with a crash on iOS 14 simulator: Thread 9: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x28) #0 0x00007fff2396a3f5 in _NSLayoutTreeMoveToGlyphIndex () I can see that draw(rect:) is being called from different threads in both iOS 13 and 14. However the EXC_BAD_ACCESS has never happened so far in iOS 13. I wonder whether this is a behaviour change in iOS 14 or an issue. If this is a change in NSLayoutManager, then is it still possible to use CATiledLayer to render large amount of text in coordination with NSLayoutManager?
Sep ’20
[Apple Watch] Unable to Check for Update - Not connected to the internet error
Hi. I am pairing my Apple Watch Series 5 to my iPhone running ios 14. The pairing is successful but unable to proceed with the set up because an update is needed to be downloaded first. I updated the os for watch but I keep on getting “Unable to Check for Update - Checking for a software update failed because you are not connected to the internet”. I am definitely connected to the internet. Watch was reset to factory defaults and I am now pairing it as a new device but it fails due to the issue mentioned above.
Sep ’20
Flutter App - iOS version problems
I have developed an app in Flutter and deployed iOS version in TestFlight. App works fine sometimes but on load, app freezes and user need to close the app many times. It works 1 out of 5 times. When i connect my device directly to my mac and run the app, it works fine. This problem is only on iOS and only on the app I downloaded from Testflight. I don't see any issues in the logs as well. App freezes on launch and no action works on the app. If I close it and reopen again, it works sometimes. My backend is NodeJS service hosted on AWS. The REST endpoint is not https but http. Not sure if this is causing the issue or some internal flutter or iOS process which is causing app to freeze. Same app in Android works perfectly fine.
Sep ’20
Updating Widgets from StaticConfiguration to IntentConfiguration Requires Re-Installation
I'm updating my widget from StaticConfiguration to IntentConfiguration. When I do so, existing widgets installed within simulators and on my iPhone device either show a blank screen or a placeholder screen and fail to initialize. Is there a safe way to upgrade my widget configuration? I would hate to break the widget for our existing users and force them to manually reinstall.
Sep ’20
App Clip launch from Maps
Hello, I set up multiple Advanced App Clips experiences with some attached to locations in Apple Maps. But it never appears on those locations in the Maps app. However, the App Clips perfectly launch when scanned from a QR Code, but the App Banner in Safari does not appear if the App is not already installed on my phone. Does anyone know how to debug and fix this issue? Or maybe I am missing something, a review of such Advanced App Clips Experiences linked to Maps perhaps?
Sep ’20
How to activate NEPacketTunnelProvider?
Looking over the SimpleTunnel code example, how is the subclassed NEPacketTunnelProvider being used and the startTunnel() function being called? I've looked over the documentation and watched the "What's New in Network Extension and VPN" WWDC15 video and I'm not sure how it's actually started. When I do a search for "PacketTunnelProvider" I don't see any references outside the file itself aside from the NSExtensionPrincipalClass entry in the associated Info.plist. Is creating this file and having it present in a system extension enough to "activate" the PacketTunnelProvider class and call startTunnel()? What else must be done? The SimpleTunnel example uses an App Extension since it's targeting iOS. Am I correct in thinking that for the macOS it should be a System Extension?
Sep ’20
PUBG lags on IOS 14 IPhone XR
Really I’m gonna Die if you not fix it ASAP ios 13.7 was best when I updated to iOS 14 then everything Gone to Hell pubg lags in game between matches only iOS 14 and iOS 14.1 users facing PUBG lag render issue fix it or I will never update your shit updates in my life in-between matches it start frame drops and we die like a noob because of this so bring new update and iOS 14.2 must fix it 😡
Sep ’20
MediaRecorder stop event is not trigger on safari iOS
I'm trying to record my screen (canvas) on iPad safari with the new experiential media recorder support. I got the mediaRecorder object and it triggers the start event but the issue is whenever mediaRecored record blob it will not trigger the stop event. It is working fine of MAC Safari but on iPad Safari I'm getting this issue. Is there any ways to get the stop event so mediaRecorder fire ondataavailable method after stop on iPad Safari?
Sep ’20
PhotoKit - non-system library
Hi, I'm wondering if it is possible to manipulate the "other" Photos library with PhotoKit, not the only System one. PhotoKit documentation only mentioned object of PHPhotoLibrary class, which is "a shared object that manages access and changes to the user’s shared photo library". But the Photos app in macOS allows to create and switch between multiple photo libraries. Thanks.
Oct ’20
Filtering IPPROTO_ICMP and IPPROTO_RAW using NetworkExtension
Hi, I am trying to create an app that filters network events - whether to collect statistics, or to even block some specific flows. I see that using NEFilterDataProvider I am able to only filter UDP or TCP protocols (when filtering by .any, I see I only receive UDP/TCP). For example, I wish to see the flow of a simple ping This of course makes the statistics partial (without ICMP packet/raw socket packets), or the flow block being bypass-able (even if with some effort), by using Raw sockets. Is there a way to add to the filtering also ICMP and RAW flows? Should I use a different provider for those?
Oct ’20
Apple Anonymous Attestation Statement Format
According to the documentation - of Apple's Anonymous Attestation Statement Format (fmt="apple"), the nonce generated from the authenticatorData the clientDataHash is embedded in an extension with OID ( 1.2.840.113635.100.8.2 ) in the certificate for the credential public key. If I try to validate a response generated after using touchID from my browser on my iOS14 device, I get a 38-byte value:   414:d=5  hl=2 l=   9 prim: OBJECT            :1.2.840.113635.100.8.2   425:d=5  hl=2 l=  38 prim: OCTET STRING      [HEX DUMP]:3024A1220420D9052FED7AA782C1B416C59B0AE15F309A336E22984E32505307A6339DDE52FD How can this be a SHA-256 hash value?
Oct ’20
Apple Watch NFC Tags
Dear Community / Apple, I would like to ask in the name of many Smart Home Community, There is any developing / There is any future plan about make Apple Watches able to read NFC Tags / Stickers? Many of us would like to use Apple Watch to use Home Automations with NFC Stickers, but we have to use our iPhone instead of the Watch, what would be the most logical way to use these things. We does not really understand why this was not added by default, and why we cannot find any official information about this? Please provide us some answer, at least we should know should we still wait for this feature or this is not gonna be enabled by Apple?! Thank you very much, Gery
Oct ’20
Subscribed calendar not updating for IOS 14 users
We have about 15,000 people subscribed to different calendars on our server. We’ve been inundated by IOS 14 users complaining their calendars in the Apple calendar app are no longer updating. IOS 13.x users are still getting updates to their calendars but it would appear IOS 14 users aren’t. Some reported a ‘verify account’ option showing in the list of calendars asking them to verify that an SSL connection wasn’t available to the calendar (even though it is). Clicking this does a one off update but no further automatic updates are done. Deleting the calendar and adding it in again works as a ‘one off’ but no further updates are done. Has anyone else come across this issue with IOS 14? (Still an issue on IOS 14.2 beta)
Oct ’20
Experienced some issues with iOS VPN when running some apps like Speedtest and Roblox
Recently I experienced some weird issues with iOS VPN including personal VPN(IPsec VPN) and enterprise VPN(custom ssl VPN) when running some applications on both mac and iOS. I coded a network extension program which can run on both mac and iOS. In the network extension it intercepts the packets from the NEPacketTunnelFlow and encap them with a self defined header which is 16 bytes and send them via a UDP session to the remote server. test env: Xcode 12.0.1 / iOS 14.0 SDK / iPhone iOS 12.4.8 Here are some test results as following. IPSec VPN(personal VPN) which is supported natively by iOS: when running Speedtest from OOKLA it failed to test on mobile network(in my case it's 4G). The message shows ERROR Test failed to complete. Check your internet connection and try again OK There is no such issue on WIFI network. custom ssl VPN(enterprise VPN) created by using NETunnelProviderManager: On WIFI network run Roblox application on iPhone it failed when joining the server with error message Disconnected Failed to connect to the Game.(ID=17:Connection attempt failed.)(Error Code: 279) Leave I suspect it's related to the mtu setting so I tried with different tunnelOverheadBytes or mtu values:  on wifi network(my router's mtu is 1480):     work: -100/-16/20 (<=20)     not work: 21 (> 20)  on mobile network:     work:0/-16/-100(very slow)     not work: 1/2/5/10/20/21/28 (> 0)    It's weird that negative numbers work for overhead setting. And it seems on WIFI network the range of x <= 20 work for the Roblox game application( can join the server and play some games without any problems) and on mobile network the range is x <=0. Or set mtu instead of tunnelOverheadBytes:   on wifi network:     work:1480/1485/1490/1500     not work:1464/1479/1600     on mobile network:     work:1480/1485/1490/1500     not work:1464/1479/1600/2000 It seems the working value range is [1480, 1500] for both WIFI and mobile network. And also, Speedtest works on WIFI network but not on mobile network. To my understanding in the network extension we only need to set the tunnelOverheadBytes and the iOS will compute the mtu size and we don't need to care about the difference between different type of network. But actually there are differences. Now I'm totally confused. Apparently the value of tunnelOverheadBytes or mtu is quite critical for the network traffic. How to correctly set the tunnelOverheadBytes in the network extension for both WIFI and mobile network?
Oct ’20