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General Documentation






Bug: If you have ever made a TestFlight build with a higher version number, you won't get any crash nor feedback reports from users for lower versions!
Imagine you accidentally made a build of your app with version 2 and uploaded that to App Store Connect for TestFlight even though you're still working on version 1.x and continue to do so with your public releases. Here's an example: The build 55 is the accidental 2.0 version, but the current releases are 209 and 210 with a lower string version. So, that one build of version 2 was a mistake. Sadly, you cannot remove it, even it has expired, even if it has never seen the outside of TestFlight. And it's a bit annoying too, because it stays up there at the top of your builds, and always presents the outdated version when you visit that page on App Store Connect. But worse is the fact that because of this, any version 1.x you release since then will not get you any crash reports or feedback that the user may have submitted to you. This is clearly a bug, and I was able to verify this just recently. I suspect this happens because Apple wants to avoid storing and forwarding reports for outdated versions, maybe to save space on their servers. That makes somewhat sense, though I've also had people finding crashes in older versions that were not fixed in the latest version, so I'd still like to get those reports from older versions. However, if Apple really only wants to keep crash reports and feedback msgs from the latest release, then Apple's mistake is that they use the unreliable string version to check which is the latest version instead of using the build number, which is ENFORCED by Apple to always be incrementing for each upload. If you are in the same boat, please comment so that we can make it clear to Apple that this is not an isolated issue.
May ’24
App Updates using Unlisted App Distribution
I'm releasing an app using the Unlisted App Distribution option since it's only for employees of an organization. Everything I read about it make it seem like these apps are just normal App Store apps, with the only difference being that they are not discoverable by the general public. So if that's the case, when I release an app update through App Store Connect, will the app updated automatically on end users phones like a normal App Store app, or they will need to manually open the link and download the update manually through the App Store?
May ’24
Why is it not possible to provide a free trial for paid apps?
My application uses "paid" monetization model. I think in the productivity category it works quite well. However, when I advertise my application, 50% of the questions are: "is there a free trial?" and I would love to provide a free trial to potential customers, but the App Store doesn't allow me to do that. I don't understand why this feature is not available. I even started considering migration to in-app purchases, but it's quite a big deal. I managed to establish quite a good profit and I'm worried how it would affect my positioning and results. On top of that, I really like the paid up-front model, because it solves many issues and doesn't need any extra implementation on my side. I'm starting this thread to hear what you think about that and how many people are looking for this feature. I also created a feature request in Feedback Assistant: #FB13810170
May ’24
Different App Names
I have a question of clarification about naming apps. On the app store, some apps have a certain name, for example Spotify has "Spotify - Music and Podcasts", but when you actually download the app, the name beneath the icon is just "Spotify". Where in Xcode (or in the App Store Connect website) do you set the first, or the second?
May ’24
Trouble Verifying XCode Sideloaded Apps
I am working on a home automation app that runs fine through the XCode simulator, that I would love to get up and running on my personal device. When I load it from my computer on my device I am prompted to "trust" myself as a developer, which I have done. I am also prompted with a new message to 'verify' the app. I can't successfully do this. I am given a message that tells me to check my connection (I am connected to both cellular and Wifi - same as my Mac). What are some possible solutions, without paying for a full developer license?
May ’24
Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness - Information Needed
I need help with this, I hope you can help me, my publication has already been rejected, I have written to support but no response, and I don't know how to proceed with this. Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed We have started our review, but we need additional information to continue. Specifically, it appears your app may access or include paid digital content or services, and we want to understand your business model before completing our review. Next Steps Please review the following questions and provide as much detailed information about your business model as you can. Who are the users that will use the paid content in the app? Where can users purchase the content that can be accessed in the app? What specific types of previously purchased content can a user access in the app? What paid content, subscriptions, or features are unlocked within your app that do not use in-app purchase? Can users purchase physical goods or services together with digital content in your app? If so, please describe how the physical and digital content are connected and why you bundle them together in a single purchase.
May ’24
Which offer type to use for seasonal discounts?
Hi, I would like to run a seasonal discount on my app and offer -30% off for subscribing for the first year to all new and lapsed users. I can achieve that in two ways: Create a new Subscription with an Introductory offer (for the new users). And add a Promotional offer to existing subscription (for the lapsed users). or Add Offer Code to existing subscription. Make it available for new users and previous subscribers. It seems that both ways produce the same result, which one should I prefer? Are there any caveats to them? Thank you!
May ’24
App does not show in Subscriptions during free trial
TL;DR App does not appear in Subscription list during free trial. Details We set up✻ a week free trial (for my two subscriptions (monthly, yearly) in App Store Connect: They were approved by Apple and the app is live. During the free trial, the app does not show up in the subscriptions list, neither in the App Store or the device's Settings. Our users can not cancel a subscription during the free trial. What could be causing this? We are currently updating the app to use StoreKit 2, so maybe that will help. But as you all know, testing subscription flow is not so easy. Even with Xcode's StoreKit Configuration files. Remarks For comparison, we subscribed to Apple News+, which has a free trial period. The app does show up in the subscriptions list, and has a Cancel Free Trial button: ✻ The unintuitive sequence for this in App Store Connect is [App] > Subscriptions > [Subscription Group] > [Subscription] > View all Subscription Pricing > Introductory Offers. (Where things in [brackets] will be your own names for app, subscription groups, etc.)
May ’24
Login with iPad Air works in Simulator but Apple says it doesn't
Device type: iPad Air (5th generation) OS version: iOS 17.5 I don't know what to do.. I am using Firebase for auth and it work on every device. Except for the iPad Air. Does somebody have a similar issue? try { String email = _emailController.text; String password = _passwordController.text; if (EmailValidator.validate(email)) { await _auth.signInWithEmailAndPassword( email: email, password: password); } else { print("Ungültige E-Mail-Adresse"); } } catch (e) { print("Anmeldefehler: $e"); } } }
May ’24
Making Changes without the Build Files
I hired a developer who took my money and then never finished the job, never provided me with the files needed. I need to make a text change to the App Store page but Apple requires uploading the Build file again. Any way to either download the file from Apple and re-upload it? Or better yet, make the text change without uploading a file? The only change needed is the text in the app store page, no changes to the app itself. thanks
May ’24
After adding a sandbox application, some features, like partitioning, may stop working.
We've developed a macOS application that helps users manage other applications. This includes features like resizing applications through our application. However, this functionality works fine before integrating the sandbox, but stops working afterward. In essence, our application is unable to resize other applications after being sandboxed. Any guidance on how to achieve this functionality within the sandbox restrictions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your assistance.
May ’24
Impact of Raising Age Rating on Existing Users and App Visibility
We are considering raising the age rating of our existing app. Currently, the app is rated 4+, but we are looking into raising it to 12+. We have some questions regarding this change and would appreciate your guidance: For users under 12 years old (below the specified age) who have already installed the app: Will they still be able to use the app as before? Will they be unable to receive updates? For users under 12 years old (below the specified age) accessing the App Store: How will the app appear to them? Will it become invisible in the App Store for them? Thank you for your assistance.
May ’24
What can trigger "App uses the itms-services URL scheme to install an app" rejection?
I'm an indie developer. My latest minor update for my game which has been on the Mac App Store for 13 years and which has spent time at #1 on the download charts just started getting rejected for the following reason: Guideline 2.5.2 - Performance - Software Requirements The app installed or launched executable code. Specifically, the app uses the itms-services URL scheme to install an app. However my app is certainly not installing any apps and to the best of my knowlege it is not using any itms/itunes/etc. type URLs in any way, so I can't figure out what would be triggering this claim. Inquiries as to what app I am supposedly installing or what URL I am supposedly using have yielded 'no further information can be provided'. Has anyone run into something similar? Any ideas on obscure scenarios that could trigger this particular rejection? Or any advice on what one should do in my situation? I feel a bit stuck. Has anyone had luck with the appeal process for this sort of thing (to at least get more information)?
May ’24
TestFlight macos >= 13 run app code signature invalid
When start app from TestFlight and macos >= 13,has a code signature invalid error '/Applications/***.framework/Versions/A/***' (code signature invalid in <BED9CDF6-C616-3AB0-819F-7B6FD5896709> '/Applications/***.framework/Versions/A/***' (errno=1) sliceOffset=0x00004000, codeBlobOffset=0x000A3880, codeBlobSize=0x00006EF0), start it from macos <= 12,no error happen,how to fix it on macos >= 13,I have no idea. all devices add in device lists. codesign verify then app is ok too.
May ’24
Implemented App Tracking Transparency but don't see permission requests on your device
I created an app that implements Google AdMob banner ads. I have implemented App Tracking Transparency, but I don't see permission requests on devices running the latest operating system (iOS17.4). We have already taken the following measures. AdMob banner ads are displayed instead of permission requests. Setting Info.plist NSUserTrackingUsageDescription Used to display relevant ads to the user. App initialization timing I call it in ContentView's onAppear so that it is called immediately when the app starts. Check the settings of the actual machine In the iOS device settings, go to "Settings" > "Privacy" > "Tracking" and enable tracking. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your guidance.
May ’24
Removed due to Guideline 4.3(a) - Design - Spam
Hi, For 10 days now we've been rejected with no answer. I am afraid Apple will never answer us... and 3 years of development down the drain. My team and our whole families are waiting but as the days go by, it is looking more and more grim for us I am afraid. Is there anything we can do? Our game had a decent rating and audience reception so far. All of our code is built by us over thousands of hours. We have alot of features that competitors do not have, this was even mentioned by several Youtubers and called out as a unique game. Guideline 4.3(a) - Design - Spam We noticed your app shares a similar binary, metadata, and/or concept as apps submitted to the App Store by other developers, with only minor differences. Any advice would be so appreciated ! Thank you, Alex
May ’24