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Webviews on iOS
The company, that I work for, wants to develop mobile apps using react native. The idea is to reuse the content on the websites instead of creating native views. The current decision is to implement the apps like follows: 1- Create a react native app with bottom navigation and webviews as the content. 2- Each time the user clicks on a different section of the navigation, the webview loads a different page of the website into the web view. For example the login functionality will be the login page from the website in a webview. Is this sort of apps allowed to be published in the appStore? My thinking is that the app will not be allowed because the content of the pages can be changed!
Nov ’21
Download spike from 'institutional purchase' - source?
Hi. Would welcome any comments or info on a spike in app download volumes we've observed! We are puzzled by an unusual spike in download volumes, driven by institutional purchases with a BUS promo code. Downloads are to desktop, which is also unusual for us. Having looked into the sales reports etc there is no obvious source / instigator of the downloads, and we aren't seeing an uptick in app usage, registrations etc. Which is making us wonder if the downloads are 'real' or benign. Have read Apple help info and Apple support have given a fairly generic response - neither sheds a huge amount of light. Has anyone come across similar? Would really appreciate if you could share your experience. Thanks in advance, Paul
Nov ’21
ITMS-90896 Error when uploading binary with Transporter
Hi I have an app with an Intents extension and a Widget extension that is failing to upload to App Store connect. I am receiving the following error and I have no idea how to fix it ERROR ITMS-90896: "Invalid Mach-O header. The __swift5_entry section is missing for extension bundle Payload/[AppName].app/PlugIns/WidgetsExtension.appex, which prevents the extension from running. You can run the otool command against your binary to ensure there is a __swift5_entry section." This worked fine a couple of months ago on last submission. Thanks Alan
Dec ’21
Issues in uploading screenshots for iOS app in App Store Connect
We have two sets of screenshot images for 5.5 and 6.5 displays of the iOS app which needs a new version. When I first uploaded the screenshot set for the 6.5 display, it looks all good. Then I uploaded another set for the 5.5 display and headed back to check 6.5 images. I found some of them reported errors IMAGE_TOOL_FAILURE. Then I deleted all 6.5 screenshots, re-uploaded for the 6.5 display again. However, this time 5.5 had errors. It is like a loop. I tried tens of times. And, if I upload 6.5 first, it all looks good. And then I go to another tab, for example, the app information tab and then come back. I also find the images are marked as 'The file has been uploaded and is processing ' .
Dec ’21
iOS: Unable to see the option of App Icon in the Product Page Optimization page in the app store connect
As the Product Page Optimization option is now available in the App Store Connect, I thought to try it out. So I have created a test to try different App Icons. I have followed these steps to create a test and treatments for product page optimization, But there I am unable to see the option to change the App Icon for different treatments. There I can only see the screenshots, as you can see in the attached SS . Please let me know how can I get the option to change the App Icon for different treatments for Product Page Optimization.
Dec ’21
App Store Connect App Version filter greyed out
When viewing total downloads for an App in App Store Connect App Analytics, the option to filter Total Downloads by version is greyed out when clicking Add Filter even though the app has had a version change 1 week ago as shown in the App Store Version history. The version option is greyed out when running App Store Connect from Windows (using Firefox) and from a Mac (using Safari)
Jan ’22
SalesReports Api request allways 'Forbidden'
Hi, I want to download the salesReports via the API, unfortunately, over:[frequency]=DAILY&filter[reportSubType]=SUMMARY&filter[reportType]=SALES&filter[vendorNumber]=<my_vendor_number> I always get: I generate the token for 15min and without any scope restriction and following the description here Can anybody spot what I'm missing or wrongly formatted the request or any idea what I could test next to get a finally a result? thanks a lot for your help.
Jan ’22
Appstore not aproving our App Tracking Transparency
We have an app that checks user GPS locations to complete Work Orders and send them to a server for user visualization. We already implemented the App Tracking code in our project following the documentations and guides found on internet. The problem is that App Store is telling us that the app Tracking code is not implemented the way it is intended to be. The message from the appstore we get when we try to upload the app: "Hello, Thank you for your message. It would be appropriate to refer to the available documentation to confirm App Tracking Transparency has been correctly implemented. In particular, review the specifications for the requestTrackingAuthorization(completionHandler:) type method, make any necessary adjustments, and test your app on a device running iOS 15." Our code: Version currentVersion = new Version(Device.systemVersion); Version ios14 = new Version("14.5"); if (ATTrackingStatusBinding.GetAuthorizationTrackingStatus() == ATTrackingStatusBinding.AuthorizationTrackingStatus.NOT_DETERMINED && currentVersion >= ios14) { ATTrackingStatusBinding.RequestAuthorizationTracking(AuthorizationTrackingReceived); sentTrackingAuthorizationRequest?.Invoke(); yield return new WaitUntil(() => ATTrackingStatusBinding.GetAuthorizationTrackingStatus() != ATTrackingStatusBinding.AuthorizationTrackingStatus.NOT_DETERMINED); if(ATTrackingStatusBinding.GetAuthorizationTrackingStatus() == ATTrackingStatusBinding.AuthorizationTrackingStatus.AUTHORIZED) { StartCoroutine(CheckGPSRoutine()); } } We need help to solve this urgent issue and know how to correcly implement App Tracking so we can upload the app to appstore. Thanks!
Jan ’22
Account Termination
I was on the developer program for a while, around half a year. We had developed an app submitted it to the review, and got approved. Fast forward a couple of months we got a message that "some changes needed". We made them and submitted the app to another review and it also got approved. A month later we received a notification of termination due to: Pursuant to Section 3.2(f) of the ADP Agreement, you agreed that you would not “commit any act intended to interfere with the Apple Software or Services, the intent of this Agreement, or Apple’s business practices including, but not limited to, taking actions that may hinder the performance or intended use of the App Store, Custom App Distribution, or the Program.” Apple has good reason to believe that you violated this Section due to documented indications of fraudulent conduct associated with your account. App removed, account blocked, and their contact us button leads to a screen that we are in the area that cant appeal to the app review team. We submitted a general support query. But want to contact them in some other way. At least to get clarification, because we believe that we did not breach any rules. Any help?
Jan ’22
My account got terminated 3.2(f), Help!
Help! I've just got my app approved after a review, and a day later the whole account terminated! How is this even possible?! Previously I got notifications regarding issues and had a chance to address them, but it's not the case right now. Having your work removed is outright disheartening. They've said I violated 3.2(f) of ADP. I did not interfere in their services. I did not engage n any unlawful, unfair, misleading, fraudulent, improper, or dishonest acts or business practices. I'll attach the whole notification below and I appreciate any help you can provide. This letter serves as notice of termination of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement (the “ADP Agreement”) and the Apple Developer Agreement (the “Developer Agreement”) between you and Apple effective immediately. Pursuant to Section 3.2(f) of the ADP Agreement, you agreed that you would not “commit any act intended to interfere with the Apple Software or Services, the intent of this Agreement, or Apple’s business practices including, but not limited to, taking actions that may hinder the performance or intended use of the App Store, Custom App Distribution, or the Program.” Apple has good reason to believe that you violated this Section due to documented indications of fraudulent conduct associated with your account. Apple is exercising its right to terminate your status as an Apple developer pursuant to the Apple Developer Agreement and is terminating you under the ADP Agreement for dishonest and fraudulent acts relating to that agreement. We would like to remind you of your obligations with regard to all software and other confidential information that you obtained from Apple as an Apple developer and under the ADP Agreement. You must promptly cease all use of and destroy such materials and comply with all the other termination obligations set forth in Section 11.3 of the ADP Agreement and Section 10 of the Apple Developer Agreement. If applicable, no further payments will be made to you pursuant to Section 7.1 of the Paid Applications agreement (Schedules 2 and 3 to the ADP Agreement).  This letter is not intended to be a complete statement of the facts regarding this matter, and nothing in this letter should be construed as a waiver of any rights or remedies Apple may have, all of which are hereby reserved. Finally, please note that we will deny your reapplication to the Apple Developer Program for at least a year considering the nature of your acts. If you want to file an official complaint pursuant to an applicable Platform Regulation in your country or region you may Contact Us. Sincerely, Apple Inc.
Jan ’22
ASC Doesn't generate DSYM file
The latest build of my iOS app in TestFlight does not show a "Download DSYM" link in the build metadata tab. When I uploaded the build to App Store Connect I had "enable bitcode" turned on, and I can see "Include Symbols" is set to yes in the build metadata. But no link is next to it like my other recent builds. The last few builds I've submitted in the same manner have all generated the DSYM download links no problem. For some reason this particular build has not. Has anyone else experienced this same issue? Any tips of how to fix this? I'd like to avoid submitting a new build if possible Cheers
Feb ’22
Hi, when I request SalesReport via Connect API, I get 403 error. However, until December 28, it was working normally. I've tried creating a new api key, but it's still a 403. Can anyone help me or tell me how to troubleshoot this? Thanks ERROR MESSAGE {'errors': [{'id': '***', 'status': '403', 'code': 'FORBIDDEN.REQUIRED_AGREEMENTS_MISSING_OR_EXPIRED', 'title': 'A required agreement is missing or has expired.', 'detail': 'This request requires an in-effect agreement that has not been signed or has expired.', 'links': {'see': '/agreements'}}]} CODE import time import requests import jwt KEY_ID = "***" ISSUER_ID = "x-x-x-x-x" EXPIRATION_TIME = int(round(time.time() + (20 * 60))) PRIVATE_KEY = open('PATH_TO_KEY', 'r').read() header = { "alg": "ES256", "kid": KEY_ID, "typ": "JWT" } payload = { "iss": ISSUER_ID, "exp": EXPIRATION_TIME, "aud": "appstoreconnect-v1" } token = jwt.encode(payload=payload, key=PRIVATE_KEY, headers=header, algorithm='ES256') URL = '' HEAD = {'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % token} params = { 'filter[frequency]': 'DAILY', 'filter[reportDate]': '2022-02-01', 'filter[reportSubType]': 'SUMMARY', 'filter[reportType]': 'SALES', 'filter[vendorNumber]': 'my vendor number', } r = requests.get(URL, params=params, headers=HEAD) print(r.status_code) # return 403
Feb ’22
Can not install TestFlight version: "This app cannot be installed because its integrity could not be verified."
Hi, I created an application for a client. The client put me as a developer in his team on AppStore Connect. For that I use Xcode 13.2.1. It's a UIKit application in Swift with Storyboards. I built the app => no problem I tested it on my iPhone => no problem From Xcode I made an archive and uploaded it to TestFlight => no problem The archive has been received by Apple. It was then processed by Apple => no problem And finally I received a notification that it was available on TestFlight => no problem TestFlight offers me to install it but when I try it does not install it. If I try to click on the icon of the application it shows me the message "This app cannot be installed because its integrity could not be verified." I have tried installing other apps from TestFlight and have no issues. I checked on my mac for the various certificates for this client and they are all good and valid. I don't understand why for this application I have this behavior. Someone would have any idea ? Regards Tof
Feb ’22
Will Simulator Screenshots Ever Upload to Store
No matter what size of simulator you use on any Macbook from any year, the screenshots are completely unusable on app store connect. App store connect requires extremely obscure, uncommon, and illogically sized images for screenshots. If you take a real screenshot on an actual iPhone 13 then try to upload that image it will also no work. Will Apple ever make software that properly works with its own development software? Will Apple ever make it so the simulators screenshots are properly sized or will apple allow for appropriately sized images to be uploaded for screenshots? Funny enough the best way to get around this problem is to use a third party conversion app to make up for apples extreme inadequacy and purposeful stifling of innovation and invention. Apple should take a note from the people they are keeping their boot on the neck of. It is elementary practice to resize images on devices and in widgets. They are forcing these crazy restrictions due to sheer laziness and lack of ability.
Mar ’22
Pods not working properly on test flight versions
I am facing an issue when i release my application and upload it to test flight. Some of the pods are not loading their assets, others are not working properly. When I install the application through Xcode on my device it works fine for both release and debug config. I am using xCode 13.2.1 I tested the app on iOS version 12 and iOS version 15 and I always facing the same issue. Is there anybody who faced this issue please?
Mar ’22
Testflight error "Your request couldn't be completed"
Im updating an old webview based app, i remade the app and its working on xcode. I would like to test it on my iphone, via testflight but when I try to install i get the error "Your request couldn't be completed". I've searched online but couldn't find a good result. I tried to change the Code Signing Identity, but that doesn't work, because I have automatically manage signing turned on. Did someone encounter this problem and how did you fix it?
Mar ’22