




.onTapGesture doesn't work on Stepper, only on its text
The .onTapGesture below only gets called when I tap on the text "Min. amount: $0.01", but when I tap the + or - it doesn't. How can I get it to work on the + or - as well? I tried setting a frame below the Stepper with: .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity) or setting the foreground color but made no difference. Any idea? Its code: @ViewBuilder var minCoinAmount: some View { // Min coin amount Stepper(value: $smallBalanceLimitDefinedByUser, in: range, step: step) { // Separated in two texts so it can be localized properly HStack { Text("Min. amount:") Text(utils.formatDoubleTo2DigitsString(amount: smallBalanceLimitDefinedByUser)) } } } and I'm calling it with: minCoinAmount .disabled(true) .onTapGesture { // Presents the Premium page store.premiumIsPresented.toggle() } Note: On iOS 15 I had it working with: .contentShape(Rectangle()) // << here !! .onTapGesture { But that trick no longer works, what's the right way now?
Oct ’22
Project doesn't archive, complains about architecture
I have a SwiftUI project, iOS16, it builds fine if I choose a simulator/device, but when I choose Any iOS Device (arm64) and hit Archive, it fails with error: error build: Entry point (_main) undefined. for architecture arm64 I'm using an M1 Mac Studio to build it. I have the following in my main: @main struct MyAppNameApp: App { @UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor(AppDelegate.self) var appDelegate ... } class AppDelegate: NSObject, UIApplicationDelegate { func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey : Any]? = nil) -> Bool { // Sets cache for Images downloader SDWebImageSwiftUI // ... return true } } Under Architectures I have the following: Should I select for release Yes as well? Why is it failing? What setting do I have to look into? Thanks
Sep ’22
Infinite pagination with local data
I have a large data set of elements in cache that I need to show, to implement the infinite pagination I thought to do it like this: @State var historyPagination: Int = 10 ForEach(Array(myLocalArrayData.enumerated()), id: \.element) { index, data in if(index < historyPagination) { MyView(data: data) } } // I have this because there is something weird going on that when I reach the bottom it adds to the count, even though the data hasn't changed let dataCount: Int = myLocalArrayData.count LazyVStack { if (dataCount > historyPagination) { ProgressView() .onAppear { DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.3) { self.historyPagination += 10 } } } } The problem I'm having is that when it gets to the bottom part the spining animation doesn't go away and if I scroll a little bit up and then down I can see when I print the values that historyPagination keeps being added +10. It also seems to re-render the foreach (once I reach the "bottom") What am I doing wrong and is there a better way of doing it? Thanks EDIT: This glitch seems to only happen after certain amount of data, for example I tested it with 40 items and works fine, but if I have 200 items it seems bugged. Is there something like with Text("") in a view that you can't have more than x amount (I don't remember how many, 5, 10?) without putting it in a Group.
Feb ’22
App crashes on @main
I'm using AWS Amplify for my user Auth, right after user logging the app crashes on @main without any log error... This is the red crash message that appears on the screen: Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x31df7547340) I've tried to debug it commenting out parts of the app but I can't find where is the problem because it happens randomly. I can log 4 times in a row fine and the 5th crashes or 2 times in a row it crashes, it's random. How can I properly debug this error?
Feb ’22
objc[6125]: Class _PathPoint is implemented in both ...
I'm getting the following message every time I run the app: objc[6125]: Class _PathPoint is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x11ef42e30) and /Applications/ (0x16310a8b8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined. objc[6481]: Class RSABSSATokenBlinder is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x1314c7470) and /Applications/ (0x14f4c2368). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined. I have no idea what that TextInputUI is or how it got there or why it's being repeated. How can I fix this without breaking its functionality?
Feb ’22
Help understanding this rejection
My app is getting rejected multiple times and I seem to not understand where to place the legal stuff. This is the message: We noticed that your app did not meet all the terms and conditions for auto-renewing subscriptions, as specified in Schedule 2, section 3.8(b) of the Paid Applications agreement.  We were unable to find the following required item(s) in your app's metadata: – A functional link to the Terms of Use (EULA) Next Steps To resolve this issue, please add this missing information. If the above information is present, please reply to this message in Resolution Center to provide details on where to locate it.  If you are using the standard Apple Terms of Use (EULA), you will need to include a link to the Terms of Use in your App Description. If you are using a custom EULA, add it in App Store Connect. I am using Apple's standard Terms of Use. When I asked for more information, the person also replied: We were unable to find a functional link to the Terms of Use (EULA) in your app's metadata. Please add this missing information in the app's metadata. Where do I put it? Right now I have in the sign up screen and in the settings with the name "Terms of Service", what's wrong, where it's supposed to go? Is that the same and I just need to rename it to "Terms of Use (EULA)"? Please advice
Oct ’21
App Store stuck In review loop - Help
I've googled this topic in depth and it seems like there is no answer, but since I have a little hope left, does anyone know or have an idea what is the best approach to get the app reviewed once it's been stuck in it for 2 weeks + The app was rejected multiple times because the tester had no idea what he/she was doing, imagine, they were putting the login credentials in a feature inside the app that was asking for something different, this people clearly don't know what they are doing, so that caused me to get rejected multiple times until I had to explain it like if it were a 3 years old, and now it's stuck in review. I self rejected it 2 days ago after 2+ weeks in review because I had already developed more features, the app is literally lagging behind because of the review process, so I don't know what to do, I thought to delete the app from the app store and re-upload creating a new bundle to maybe get out of the loop but that's not the solution. Here's the long list of people that had the same problem in the past with no clear solution: Of course I contact apple review team via email (the only way since they don't have a phone number, this feels like a monopoly...) and they don't replay back, nothing... not even app status. I also did the form to expedite the review process and I haven't heard back. Can someone please advice what to do? I've read people waiting even 1-2 months, I can't wait that long for 1 update. What do I do?
Oct ’21
App keeps getting rejected becuase QA is unable to READ
I have a crypto app which by a miracle got released today, I discovered a bug and pushed an update and the app keeps getting rejected, the update has nothing to do with apple ecosystem, it's on the server, however the QAs have NO idea what they are doing... look at this: The guy was trying to put the login info that you use to sign in to use a functionality of the app, like he has no idea what the app does and didn't read the notes I left, this is the 4th time it gets rejected for different dumb reasons and I'm very frustrated with these dumb people... In the latest review I left a note under "App Review Information" that said: README: The username and password is for login into the app, DO NOT use it for anything else inside the app because obviously is not going to work... If you need a wallet to test the functionality inside the app you can use this one: 0xC7E4cbB12728Aa5a01606317Bcb0Be736e7f5cBB A couple of important things about the app: This is NOT a Wallet This app does NOT facilitates any transmission of any currency at all (including crypto) This app does NOT asks user for any private information that may grant access to his/her account to move funds It is: A wallet tracker, imagine you go to google and you track when the page changes background which is public. Nothing else. It doesn't move funds, or facilitates anything, it's a Read-Only app Thank you, Arturo Do you know what the guy wrote after denying the app? We have started your app's review, but we were unable to successfully access all or part of your app. Please provide us with a wallet address to fully review your app. Next Steps To help us proceed with the review of your app, please provide a user name and password in the App Review Information section of App Store Connect. Please be sure that the demo account includes content that demonstrates the features and functionality available in your app. So I write in the comments the wallet, the login info, the label on the app is very explicit and this guys keep rejecting... I'm I going crazy or these people need some training? How can I make sure that they read the notes or this go through the right process I don't know what to do at this point?
Sep ’21
Initialize app with an Async function | SwiftUI
I need my app to configure the backend at start, here's the function to do so: // Initializes Amplify final func configureAmplify() async { do { // Amplify.Logging.logLevel = .info let dataStore = AWSDataStorePlugin(modelRegistration: AmplifyModels()) let syncWithCloud = AWSAPIPlugin() let userAuth = AWSCognitoAuthPlugin() try Amplify.add(plugin: userAuth) try Amplify.add(plugin: dataStore) try Amplify.add(plugin: syncWithCloud) try Amplify.configure() print("Amplify initialized") } catch { print("Failed to initialize Amplify with \(error)") } } I tried placing it in the @main init like so: init() async { await networkController.configureAmplify() } but I get the following error: Type 'MyApplicationNameApp' does not conform to protocol 'App' I try to apply the suggestions after that which is to initialize it: init() { } but it seems odd, so now I have 2 init. What is going on here and what is the correct way to initialize multiple async functions at the start of the app, example: Code above (configure amplify) Check if user is logged in Set session etc Note: The init() async never gets called in the example above which is another problem within this question, so what is the correct way to initialize async function when the app starts.
Aug ’21
Cross-Platform Realtime App
Hi, I'm going in loops between cloud providers trying to find out how to integrate DB + API in realtime. What is what you guys use, what tools, websites, hammers, something... to create let's say a realtime todo app that works in macOS and iOS? I tried Firebase and it's not compatible with macOS, the same thing with AWS Amplify. What are the right tools to achieve this? Please help Thanks, Arturo
Feb ’21
Database Suggestion
Hi, what would be the best database to choose for a scheduling app, such as todo - calendar? I would eventually connect it to microsoft calendar and apple calendar as well, but the todo would have to be online so hosted on my database. What would be the best approach for this? Also in which instance would I use core data in this case? To store offline what? This is a suggestion as well :) Thanks
Nov ’20
Use an Archived version on XCode
Hi, I have an app that I haven't update in a while and I want to update it to iOS 14, there is a mismatch in my github repo and the archive version number that I have published, maybe I forgot to commit the last update I did. How can I use the local archive version I have on my computer? On Github I see version 3.01 and my local has 3.1.0 Thanks
Oct ’20