
1,572 results found






ERROR ITMS-90680: "Invalid directory. The bundle (...)StickerPackExtension.appex is not contained in a correctly named directory. It should be under "PlugIns".
Using XCode 10.2.1Submitting my first stickers app for iOS for testing.When uploading archive to itunesconnect I'm now getting this error:ERROR ITMS-90680: Invalid directory. The bundle Payload/App Name StickerPackExtension.appex is not contained in a correctly named directory. It should be under PlugIns.My project structure is now:App Name - Stickers.xcstickers - Products - App - App Name StickerPackExtension.appexI don't see any way to move .appex to a PlugIns folder (non existing) as the error suggests.Additionally the project structure is the default structure I'm getting when creating Sticker Pack Appin Xcode.So I'm not sure why is the process complaining about the .appex being in a wrong directory and I have no idea how to fix this to proceed further.Any help appreciated!
Jun ’19
ITMS-90053, ITMS-90055, ITMS-90345 Error when trying to archive a duplicated app
Hi, I am creating a workflow in Xcode Cloud for a duplicated react-native application. I have changed the bundle identifier and created a new application in App Center with the same bundle identifier. in cloud when I am trying to proceed with the step Archive-IOS it throws following errors, but those are not thrown in Build-IOS step. Please provide me some suggestions. Error details: ITMS-90053: This bundle is invalid - The bundle identifier is already in use by a different software package. ITMS-90055: This bundle is invalid - The bundle identifier cannot be changed from the current value, '('. If you want to change your bundle identifier, you will need to create a new application in App Store Connect. ITMS-90345: Metadata/Info.plist Mismatch - The value for bundle_identifier in the metadata.xml file does not match the value for CFBundleIdentifier in (Old App Name) [Payload/(oldappName)].
May ’22
ITMS-90334: Invalid Code Signature Identifier
I get the following error in Xcode Cloud when attempting to prepare a build for App Store: ITMS-90334: Invalid Code Signature Identifier. The identifier SwiftCharts-555549449cfa473253483215b74c174849d2ec9c in your code signature for SwiftCharts must match its Bundle Identifier SwiftCharts. This is an iOS app and Swift Charts is swift package dependency which the app depends on. Since it is a dynamic library, it is included via the Embed & Sign option. This was reported on SO by another user. They worked around it by making changes to the source package, I believe. That workaround may be difficult in my case as I do not control the source package. It's a 3rd party dependency that I'd prefer not to maintain a fork of. Any ideas of why Xcode cloud is hitting this issue or any other workarounds? I've confirmed via a codesign check that the Identifier is resolving to that special hash when doing this from Xcode Cloud. It does not have that hash when I attempt to build/archive/upload locally. $ codesig
Oct ’22
Using XCode 13.3.1 and SDK 15 but build won't load through Transporter App and error email says : ITMS-90725: SDK Version Issue - This app was built with the iOS 14.4 SDK. All iOS apps submitted to the App Store must be built with the iOS 15 SDK
Hi, I am trying to upload a mobile game I created for iOS app store for beta testing with friends and family through testflight. I have especially purchased a MacBook Pro running XCode 13.3.1 and Monterey 12.3.1 and an iPhone running Software version 15.4.1 to this end. My XCode deployment target is set to iOS 15.4 and my Unreal Engine 5.01 minimum iOS version in packaging is set to 15. As far as I can tell everything is set to be as up to date version wise as possible, yet every time I try uploading the packaged game through transporter app the build won't show up in App Store Connect and I get an error email from the development team saying : ITMS-90725: SDK Version Issue - This app was built with the iOS 14.4 SDK. All iOS apps submitted to the App Store must be built with the iOS 15 SDK or later, included in Xcode 13 or later. Now I've emailed the team and their response was to version up and try again and look for the error in the email. So I did that and got the exact same error and no build ava
May ’22
Codesign and AppStore verification failure after manually lipo'ing two dylibs
We are creating a universal build of our application for the Mac App Store by merging separate x86_64 and arm64 bundles using a script. Codesign verification fails for some dylibs if they are signed after merging: % lipo -create x86_64/test.dylib arm64/test.dylib -o universal/test.dylib % codesign -s *** -f --timestamp universal/test.dylib % codesign --verify --verbose=2 universal/test.dylib test.dylib: invalid Info.plist (plist or signature have been modified) It seems verification fails for only those dylibs that have an Info.plist embedded in them. We were able to work around this issue by signing the individual dylibs before merging, but now AppStore verification is failing with the following error: ITMS-90336: Mismatched Embedded Info.plist: The executable 'test.dylib' has mismatched embedded Info.plists. This could be due to the use of 3rd party build tools. Does this mean that the __info_plist section in all the slices in the universal binary should be exactly the same (bitwise)? Some of these
Oct ’22
Endpoint Security Extension + SandBox + App Distribution
Hi All, I'm developing a security application that uses an endpoint security extension. The application has two parts main and extension. I have an entitlements for Security Extension Client from Apple. I'd like to distribute apps through the Apple Store. Locally the app runs without problems on enabled machines, but when I try to get it through Testfligt to the appstore I get two errors: ITMS-90285 - Invalid Code Signing Etitlements. Your application bundle’s signature contains code signing etitlements that are not supported on MacOs. Specifically, key ‚‘ ITMS-90296 - App sandbox not enabled on extension When I turn on sandbox for extension, the extension fails to register endpoint security client let res = es_new_client(&client) { _, event in self.eventDispatcher(msg: event) Without sandbox it runs without any problem. Thank you very much for your help I don't know how to proceed. Martin
Nov ’21
How to check for ITMS-90284: Invalid Code Signing Errors befor uploading apps to the App Store?
Again we have the massive problem, that one of our Games (a Unreal4 app, not made with xcode and as 3rd party developer) always gets this error when we try to upload it: ITMS-90284: Invalid Code Signing - The executable 'appname.pkg/Payload/' must be signed with the certificate that is contained in the provisioning profile. - Yes, we had the problems in the past, but these could all be solved. Now it's different. So, after days of research we can not found how to solve it, even after renewing certs etc etc as we did in the past ... Is there any way to check the .pkg file (before sending it many hours to the appstore) to get a valuable message if code signing is now correct? To check the embedded file: security cms -D -i helps so see the entries, but they are ok. Thanks for help and ideas.
Jul ’21
Blank App icon issue Xcode 13
Hi! My app has App Icon set up and it was working perfectly up until about 3 weeks ago. Now I see blank logo on the screen and cannot Submit for Review new builds, because it shows the following errors: ERROR ITMS-90713: Missing info.plist value. A value for the Info.plist key 'CFBundleIconName' is missing in the bundle. ERROR ITMS-90704: Missing App icon. An app icon measuring 1024 by 1024 pixels in PNG format must be included in the Asset Catalog of apps built for IOS... But I have : appIcon set up for all sizes showing no errors App Icon source in Target -> General is chosen as AppIcon 'CFBundleIconName' - 'AppIcon' in info.plist Successfully uploaded app version to App store around 3 weeks ago. I suspect it may have started after I switched to the new build system (which made me remove info.plist from Copy Bundle Resources in Build Phases). Looks like a similar issue to that one Will be grateful for any help! Xcode Version 13.0 (13A233
Oct ’21
ITMS-90338: Non-public API usage automatic refuse
Hello, The problem is we do not understand what the issue is even when reading your automatic message. Detail, before updating to version 14 it worked perfectly, so much so that it was deployed to the store. Today it works perfectly on the emulator and on the device, by xcode. How can we debug this ? How can we identify the source of the problem ? Do you have any idea of what the problem is ? Xcode: 14.0.1 macOS: Monterey Pro Chip M1 React Native: 0.69.5
Oct ’22
Swift Playgrounds for iPad: ITMS-90334: Invalid Code Signature Identifier
ITMS-90334: Invalid Code Signature Identifier - The identifier 'bundle id followed by 30 random characters' in your code signature for 'bundle id' must match its Bundle Identifier 'bundle id' Currently, any app I’ve tried is getting this error when submitting from the app. I’ve got all the places where you put the name, the sku, and bundle id set with the same value (copy/paste), and I’ve tried different variations, but now that long string of random characters is appended and I can’t use TestFlight. Maybe because this is a beta iPad OS? Been on a beta for what seems like forever. It’s worked in the past. Great. Totally innocuous post that has something that is not permitted. Be nice if you TELL me what’s NOT PERMITTED!
Oct ’22
Xcode Cloud + dynamic library package
I'm trying to archive my app via Xcode Cloud and auto-deploy to TestFlight but it fails during Prepare Build for App Store Connect with the following error message: ITMS-90334: Invalid Code Signature Identifier. The identifier CoreImageExtensions-dynamic-555549444e09e22796a23eadb2704bf219d5c1fa in your code signature for CoreImageExtensions-dynamic must match its Bundle Identifier CoreImageExtensions-dynamic CoreImageExtensions-dynamic is a .dynamic library target of a package that we are using. It seems that at some point a UUID is added to the library's identifier, which messes with code signing. When archiving and uploading the app in Xcode directly, everything works just fine. Any idea why this is happening and how I could fix it?
Sep ’21
Reply to ITMS-90334 error when executing a Xcode Cloud TestFlight build
There is an issue with Ad-Hoc signing of dynamic libraries built either through a Swift Package, or through an Xcode target with a non-standard Bundle ID (i.e. one not using reverse DNS format), resulting in the ITMS-90334 error message. We'd appreciate getting reports of this filed through Feedback Assistant, and then posting the FB number here so that I can follow-up on the reports internally. Even if the following workaround information is helpful to you, we'd still appreciate getting the Feedback reports. The best practice for Swift packages is to not explicitly specify the LibraryType in the Product. By not specifying this value, you let Xcode decide the best linkage type for your app's usage of the package. If you have a package that is explicitly marked as dynamic, removing the library type means Xcode will link the package statically if the package is only imported by one target, which will avoid the issue. If the package is imported by more than one target, Xcode will choose dynamic linkage
Oct ’22
Reply to ERROR ITMS-90334: Invalid Code Signature Identifier. 
Me too, but a simple app using Swift Playgrounds on iPad. I sent a message to support about this describing what I was doing, and a copy of the error and got the response: “We're unable to determine the nature of your request. Please reply to this email with clarification”. This was the error I get back in email: ITMS-90334: Invalid Code Signature Identifier - The identifier 'Johnboxgame-numbers_and_letters_that_forums_thinks_are_offensive' in your code signature for 'Johnboxgame' must match its Bundle Identifier 'Johnboxgame' WIth the iPad app there’s not really much I can control as far as what goes in the bundle, and it’s worked in the past.
Oct ’22