missing package product

42,922 results found






Will app still be able to access object saved by [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] after app is Transferring to another account
Our game is a offline game and some game information is save locally by code like NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; [defaults setObject:@John Doe forKey:@username]; [defaults setInteger:25 forKey:@age]; [defaults synchronize]; I wonder if app can still be able to reach those information after it is Transferring to another development account. Since the team id is changed and information in key chain can not be reached. If those saved by [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] also blocked. Players will feel bad to lose Game Progress。 And anyone how to simulate test in two different team id with same bundle id, since one account only one team id and the bundle id belong to that one.
Live Caller ID Extension - timeout connecting to PIRService
I've followed the instructions to configure and launch a live caller id test service (https://swiftpackageindex.com/apple/live-caller-id-lookup-example/main/documentation/pirservice/testinginstructions) i.e. I've constructed a database, built and installed the PIRService etc. Additionally I have created a test app with a Live Caller ID Extension. The problem I'm facing is when turning on the Live Caller ID feature on an iPhone (the Settings|Apps|Phone|Call Blocking & Identification|Live CallerID Lookup switch) with iOS 18 Beta 4 is the phone logs: The request timed out. UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=The request timed out., NSErrorFailingURLKey=http://MacBook-Pro.local:8080/.well-known/private-token-issuer-directory The configuration notes say: When running things locally on your Mac, and your testing device is on the same network, then you can use mDNS to let the device find your Mac. Let’s assume that your Mac’s hostname is Tims-MacBook-Pro.local. Then we should use the following value for the URLs: h
SwiftUI Scrollview with both axes enabled produces layout mess
The Problem In our brand new SwiftUI project (Multiplatform app for iPhone, iPad and Mac) we are using a ScrollView with both .horizontal and .vertical axes enabled. In the end it all looks like a spreadsheet. Inside of ScrollView we are using LazyVStack with pinnedViews: [.sectionHeaders, .sectionFooters]. All Footer, Header and the content cells are wrapped into a LazyHStack each. The lazy stacks are needed due to performance reasones when rows and columns are growing. And this exactly seems to be the problem. ScrollView produces a real layout mess when scrolling in both axes at the same time. Tested Remedies I tried several workarounds with no success. We built our own lazy loading horizontal stack view which shows only the cells whose indexes are in the visible frame of the scrollview, and which sets dynamic calculated leading and trailing padding. I tried the Introspect for SwiftUI packacke to set usesPredominantAxisScrolling for macOS and isDirectionalLockEnabled for iOS. None of this works as expected.
Jun ’22
iOS 18 beta 4 loss of network connection
Hello, I installed iOS 18 beta 4 today and since then my phone loses network connection all the time. Im unable to use my phone, make phone calls, use 5g etc. Please help! I restored my phone to 17.5.1 via itunes but I was unable to restore my iCloud backup without installing iOS 18 beta 4 again. How can I restore my backup without installing 18 beta 4 ? Now my phone is useless.... Chris
Store does not allow new publications
The Fertile development team has been developing a paid subscription service for the app since January using Asaas (a payment service in Brazil). However, after 6 months, when the app was already in production and receiving subscriptions, we received a rejection message saying that the app had been rejected and that we would need to replace the payment method with Apple's InAppPurchase. Is the App Store only accepting paid apps that use Apple's own payment service?
Reply to Unable to import ObjC interface from a package in a public ObjC file in a framework
Upon reviewing the issue, I believe the linking between Swift and Objective-C should be straightforward, given that the Objective-C package has a good umbrella header file. A bridging header should have been automatically generated during the project setup, allowing you to import the Objective-C file into Swift. Assuming your project language is Swift, and you're aiming to integrate an existing Objective-C package, you can refer to Apple's documentation for more details on importing objectives-c frameworks: Using Frameworks in Swift. Here are a couple of things to check and consider: Ensure that the bridging header file is indeed generated and complied correctly. You can check this in Build Phases, under Headers Search Paths. Double-check that the protocol you are trying to access is included in the Objective-C umbrella header. Alternatively, you could create a new .swift file that just imports the necessary headers and exposes the protocol to Swift. I noticed that there doesn’t seem to be a
Unable to import ObjC interface from a package in a public ObjC file in a framework
Problem Statement: Unable to import .h file from an ObjC SPM to a .h file in an ObjC file in a framework with mix of ObjC and Swift code The issue is: in order to support access of ObjC file in Swift code in a framework we need to use umbrella header (in place of bridging header). Once the file is imported in Umbrella header and made public it will no longer allow import of .h file from package in its interface Project Structure: a. Package: ObjCPackage ObjCPackage |- Package.swift |- ObjCPackage MathsUtilities.h (class interface) MathsUtilities.m (class implementation) NiceLogs.h (protocol) b. Project: ObjCSwiftFramework ObjCSwiftFramework |- ObjCSwiftFramework.h (umbrella header) |- Calculation.h (objc class interface) |- Calculation.m (objc class implementation) |- SwiftCalci.swift (swift class) Details: #import added in ObjCSwiftFramework.h as Calculation has to be used in SwiftCalci Calculation.h marked as public in target membership in Xcode so that it can be added in umbrella header
May ’24
Linker changes in Xcode 16 / macOS 15?
I have existing code in production that links against the mach-o library, and uses the following code: NSData *data = [NSData dataWithBytes: getsectiondata(&_mh_execute_header, __TEXT, __somePlist_plist, &len) length:len]; In order for this to compile with Sequoia Beta 4 and Xcode 16 beta 4, I have to replace _mh_execute_header with _mh_dylib_header. If I don't, the compiler raises the following error: ld: Undefined symbols: __mh_execute_header, referenced from: -[MyClass init] in MyClass.o clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) Any idea why the linking behavior might have changed? Should I file a bug? (I realize this is a C issue, not Objective-C - but didn't find a tag for that) Thanks!
Web Speech Synthesis API: not all voices installed listed
I'm developing an application using the Web Speech API for speech synthesis. According to the API specification SpeechSynthesis.getVoices() should retrieve the voices available on the system. On my iPad Pro, 12,9 inch, 3rd generation, iOS 16 however this doesn't return all voices installed on the system. In system settings (Accessibility -> Spoken content -> Voices -> German) e.g. I see these voices: Anna Eloquence Markus Petra Siri Viktor Yannick However if for SpeechSynthesis.getVoices() I only get the voices within the group Eloquence: Eddy Flo Grandma Grandpa Reed Rocko Sandy Shelley All other voices (Anna, Markus, etc.) are missing. Is this a bug or is it intended by Apple that it's impossible to use all voices? This is independent of the browser, it's the same for Safari, Chrome or Firefox. Use this in order to test which voices are available using the WebSpeech API: https://plnkr.co/edit/E2etsrUZVOVfrDwG
Jan ’23
Content filter providers seem to block all requests during startup on iOS 16 or 17
Hi, Consider a content filter app that allows most requests. While running, it handles requests and determine what to do. It does not affect any request while it is not running. However, during startup, it seems to block all requests, on iOS 16 or 17. On iOS 15, the behavior is bit different. Show the picture below: Questions Is this the expected behavior? Is this documented? Steps to reproduce Create content filter app with filter data provider with lengthy startup, something like the following: import NetworkExtension class FilterDataProvider: NEFilterDataProvider { override func startFilter(completionHandler: @escaping ((any Error)?) -> Void) { Task { try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 10 * 1_000_000_000) completionHandler(nil) } } override func stopFilter(with reason: NEProviderStopReason) async {} override func handleNewFlow(_ flow: NEFilterFlow) -> NEFilterNewFlowVerdict { guard let url: String = flow.url?.absoluteString else { return .allow() } if url.contains(example.net/) { return .drop() } if u
Reply to Notarization: The operation couldn't be completed. (SotoS3.S3ErrorType.multipart error 1.)
Thanks for those results. So, yeah, clearly our notary code is having a hard time contacting the S3 bucket where its uploads your product. Usually this means some sort of network issue at your end. Can you try from a different network? So, if you’re at work, try from home, or vice versa. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = eskimo + 1 + @ + apple.com
Reply to How can I grant full disk access to a Node-RED instance?
[quote='797242022, DTS Engineer, /thread/760291?answerId=797242022#797242022'] Savoring those rare moments when I get to disagree with Quinn [/quote] Hey hey, you should hear our lunchtime conversations! [quote='797242022, DTS Engineer, /thread/760291?answerId=797242022#797242022'] I think you could do exactly the same thing here [/quote] That might work. The algorithm used by TCC to track from a process to its responsible code is both undocumented and complex. Tracing up the parent process chain seems like something it should do, but I’ve had such expectations dashed many times in the past. Still, you could try it and see what happens. The nice thing here is that you’re building code just for yourself. If something breaks, you’re the only one inconvenienced. Thus, it’s fine to rely on implementation details. If you were building a product that you shipped to a wide range of users, you wouldn’t have that leeway. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail =
Advanced UDP with Network.framework
I finally found a time to experiment with Network.framework and I find the experience very pleasant. The API looks well thought out and is a pleasure to work with. My app (on the App Store for around 13 years) uses UDP networking to create a mesh between multiple devices where each device acts as a server and client at the same time. It does that by creating one UDP socket on each device bound to a *: and then uses that socket to sendmsg to other peers. That way all peers can communicate with each other using their well known . This all works great and fine. To test the performance and verify the functionality I have multiple XCTestCase scenarios where I create multiple peers and simulate various communications and verify their correctness. Within the XCTestCase process that means creating multiple underlying sockets and then bind them to multiple local random s. Works great. Now I'm trying to port this functionality to Network.framework. Let's assume two peers for now. Code simplified. Prepare NWParameter in
Mar ’24