missing package product

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Confusion about Reality Composer Pro
Hi I am bit confusing about using Reality Composer Pro work pipeline. Searched many thread and got a reply about Reality Composer Pro. the answer was Reality Composer Pro is only can work with Vision Pro. and I found Reality Composer (not pro) which looks support iPhone app building. but cannot found for download way. So my question is What way is existing for building iPhone AR app? Can someone clearly explain this? please let me know what I missed. thanks
Reply to Link to a Precompiled Static C Library in a Swift Library Package
Hi Quinn, let me elaborate. When using a binary target, my Package.swift file looks like: /Package.swift: // swift-tools-version: 5.10 import PackageDescription let package = Package( name: MyLibrary, products: [ .library( name: MyLibrary, targets: [MyLibrary]), ], targets: [ .target( name: MyLibrary, dependencies: [OpenSSL, Curl] ), .binaryTarget(name: OpenSSL, path: openssl.xcframework), .binaryTarget(name: Curl, path: curl.xcframework), .testTarget( name: MyLibraryTests, dependencies: [MyLibrary]), ] ) When I try to import either OpenSSL or Curl within any source files for MyLibrary it can't find those modules, for example: /Sources/MyLibrary/Versions.swift: import Foundation import OpenSSL // No such module 'OpenSSL' import Curl // No such module 'Curl' public final class Versions { public static func openssl() -> String { return OPENSSL_VERSION_STR } public static func curl() -> String { return LIBCURL_VERSION } } I'm assuming that I need to define a module map file, but
Reply to React-Native iOS app is crashing immediately upon launch when creating development build
Thank you for your response! TLDR: I needed to use npx expo prebuild --clean to clear information related to previous builds I had created. Full version: Your response gave me a hint into what was going wrong. Just as you said, the RCTAppDelegate (which stands for React App Delegate I believe) was causing the NSException (or NeXTSTEP Exception) to appear. I wondered why the RCTAppDelegate would cause an exception. After hours of searching and doing research on RN, Apple crash reports, etc. I thought to myself: maybe the bundleURL is wrong or missing, thus causing the syntax or language exception. It turns out, I needed to use npx expo prebuild --clean to clear information related to previous builds I had created. I also removed all of the previous zip files and builds from my app's root directory. After that, I could use eas build --profile dev-sim --platform ios --local and the build worked! I think RCTAppDelegate was trying to find the correct bundleURL, but got confused when it found multiple bund
Reply to CLLocationUpdate with the automotiveNavigation configuration spams any location changes
Per here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/corelocation/cllocationupdate/liveconfiguration/automotivenavigation CLLocationUpdate.LiveConfiguration.automotiveNavigation The value that configures positioning for an automobile following a road network. It is about accuracy and distance filter requirements for the location module? Also about glueing you to the automotive roads or not. Do you believe this should also discriminate for the .automotive activity only? I watched this WWDC session a long time ago though. From the experience with how the current location/motion works, I'd say my apps would miss a lot of driving distance if they rely on discriminating automotive activity solely by Apple's categorisation.
Reply to dyld[11387]: Library not loaded: @loader_path/../../../../opt/icu4c/lib/libicuio.73.dylib
[quote='758108021, Dhananjaya08Fdo, /thread/758108, /profile/Dhananjaya08Fdo'] When I Run Php Artisan Command in PhpStorm Laravel Project … [/quote] Is this a product you’re building? Or are you trying to use a product created by someone else? Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = eskimo + 1 + @ + apple.com
Failed to build the scheme "project name"
Hello, Developer team! Does anyone have an idea about the problem I'm facing with the simulator ? I'm learning how to code in SwiftUI and my simulator was working just fine but yesterday I close my laptop the other day and open today and see the code : import SwiftUI import SwiftData @main struct first_projectApp: App { var sharedModelContainer: ModelContainer = { let schema = Schema([ Item.self, ]) let modelConfiguration = ModelConfiguration(schema: schema, isStoredInMemoryOnly: false) do { return try ModelContainer(for: schema, configurations: [modelConfiguration]) } catch { fatalError(Could not create ModelContainer: (error)) } }() var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { ContentView() } .modelContainer(sharedModelContainer) } } I don't know where it comes from . I used IOS 17.5 I try to upgrade to IOS 18 but that didn't fix the problem. Currently I'm seeing 3 errors : Showing Recent Errors Only Build target first project of project first project with configuration Debug Ld /Users/amedekatamatode/Library/Devel
familyActivityPicker only shows apps for parent device
I have the same app running on both a child ipad and a parent iphone. On the child device, I enable screentime controls (via requestAuthorization(for:)). The on the parent device, I want to be able to monitor the child's apps, so I expect that when I display a FamilyActivityPicker, I would choose from the apps on the child iPad. But instead, when I show FamilyActivityPickeron the parent iPhone, it shows the apps on the parent iPhone and none of the apps on the child iPad. Are there additional configurations steps that I'm missing?
"account not in this store" error when testing inApp purchase
I've already done my test on development signed app locally, all in-app purchase runs well with sandbox tester Apple ID. Errors happens when make a purchase in distribution app from TestFlight. Detail Info: in Apple Store connect , make app available to China Electron project, packaging by electron builder using distribution sign upload to TestFlight, invite myself to test using my Apple ID(not the sandbox tester) to login and purchase dialog appears and said Account not in this store VPN is off Apple Store shows Chinese language and Chinese apps, not llikely to be u.s. store I'm suspecting that: Maybe shouldn't use my developer Apple ID to run TestFlight test? TestFlight locked app to be in u.s. store ?
Xcode: Missing libSystem.B.dylib file
Hi everyone, I recently developed a Chess engine in C using Xcode on my old Mac. After purchasing a new Mac, I attempted to run my project but encountered the following error: dyld[12498]: dyld cache '(null)' not loaded: syscall to map cache into shared region failed dyld[12498]: Library not loaded: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Referenced from: <7D3E4140-BCEC-3C04-8C77-11EB7AEEB393> /Users/simonmizrahi/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Chesspresso_Take_2-awdtkeshpaucukgespypcbgxgsvy/Build/Products/Debug/Chesspresso Take 2 Reason: tried: '/Users/simonmizrahi/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Chesspresso_Take_2-awdtkeshpaucukgespypcbgxgsvy/Build/Products/Debug/libSystem.B.dylib' (no such file), '/usr/lib/system/introspection/libSystem.B.dylib' (no such file, no dyld cache), '/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib' (no such file), '/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/OS/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib' (no such file), '/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib' (no such file, no dyld cache)' I’ve reinstalled macOS and Xc
iOS 18 Control Widget that opens a URL
I already have an iOS 17 App Intent that works with a URL: @available(iOS 16, *) struct MyAppIntent: AppIntent { static let title : LocalizedStringResource = My App Inent static let openAppWhenRun : Bool = true @MainActor func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult{ await UIApplication.shared.open(URL(string: myapp://myappintent)!) return .result() } } Now, with iOS 18 and Control Widgets, I want to create a Control Widget button that smply opens the app with the same URL. However UIApplication code is not allowed within extensions. For this, Apple says to use OpenIntent which is shown here: Link Apple Sample Code from the link: import AppIntents struct LaunchAppIntent: OpenIntent { static var title: LocalizedStringResource = Launch App @Parameter(title: Target) var target: LaunchAppEnum } enum LaunchAppEnum: String, AppEnum { case timer case history static var typeDisplayRepresentation = TypeDisplayRepresentation(Productivity Timer's app screens) static var caseDisplayRepresentations = [ Lau
Reply to Can't Get OrbitAnimation() to work on my project
I've added some of my sample test app code below. From what I understand, I already have the OrbitAnimation startTransform parameter for my starshipEntity setup correctly based on my Reality Composer Pro (RCP) package that includes the transform component definition for my starship entity (see attached screenshot below for the transform component from RCP). Since I already have my starship and Earth entity defined in my RCP package that I import (i.e. import Starship), I don't believe I need to define the sphere or yAxis property, and my startTransform parameter can just be starshipEntity.transform. I took this code approach based on the WWDC23 session Build Spatial Experiences with RealityKit (https://developer.apple.com/wwdc23/10080). In your example code, you show a translation parameter to the Transform struct. Are you saying there is a translation that needs to be set that is beyond what I already have in the RCP Transform component for my starship entity? If so, I don't understand why
Reply to pkg 签名
Did you notarise your installer package? That’s the most common cause of this specific error. If you’re building Mac software outside of Xcode, it’s important to read the following docs: Creating distribution-signed code for macOS Packaging Mac software for distribution The latter explains how to sign an installer package for distribution and has pointers to the notarisation docs. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = eskimo + 1 + @ + apple.com
Reply to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles duplicatedcertificate
Developer ID certificates are precious, so you can’t revoke them yourself. I talk about this in detail in The Care and Feeding of Developer ID. In general, having two Developer ID certificates is fine. You’ll often see this if one is managed and the other is not, or when you’re coming up to the expiry date. If they start to accumulate beyond that, you need to examine your workflows to see why that’s the case. [quote='758126021, Alain_B, /thread/758126, /profile/Alain_B'] Xcode complaint Command CodeSign failed with a nonzero exit code [/quote] That error is unlikely to have anything to do with these duplicate certificates. You mentioned that they are Developer ID Installer certificates, and those aren’t using to sign code, only installer packages. [quote='758126021, Alain_B, /thread/758126, /profile/Alain_B'] Previouly I put right this error with the command: xattr -cr path_to_application but this no longer work. [/quote] Yeah, that’s not the right path forward here. Rather, look in the Xcode Reports