missing package product

45,841 results found






Reply to App Intent title and other localized strings not showing correctly in Shortcuts app on macOS 15
App Shortcuts need to be in your main app target I have a non-SwiftUI app, so I guess this doesn't apply? It still applies — the UI framework of your app doesn't change the way your targets are structured. I don't see how I could have App Shortcuts without a separate App Intents Extension. To do this, you define a type conforming to AppShortcutsProvider in your main app target, and calling updateAppShortcutParameters() from somewhere in your app initialization code path. The process for defining the conforming type isn't different for a SwiftUI app or a UIKit based app, though the place where you call the update method would be different based on either the SwiftUI or UIKit app lifecycle. Is this AppShortcuts.xcstrings officially documented? I couldn't find it anywhere. We've mentioned it in a video (timecode link) and use it in our sample app. I recognize this is a subtle detail that's easy to miss in those sources. — Ed Ford,  DTS Engineer
LLDB error: type for self cannot be reconstructed: type for typename
All is fine in Xcode15, no LLDB errors whatsoever, but in Xcode16 I can't get any variable displayed in the console because of the following error: error: type for self cannot be reconstructed: type for typename $....... was not found (cached) error: Couldn't realize Swift AST type of self. Hint: using `v` to directly inspect variables and fields may still work. I've checked the output of swift-healthcheck and there are several messages like this: SwiftASTContextForExpressions(module: ROA, cu: ROA+ViewLayer.swift)::LoadOneModule() -- Missing Swift module or Clang module found for UIKit, imported via SwiftDWARFImporterDelegate. Hint: Register Swift modules with the linker using -add_ast_path. I added -add_ast_path to the OTHER_LDFLAGS in the faulty module's build settings but no luck. How can I debug my project in Xcode16?
Universal Links not working even though all debug steps succeed
I am trying to get universal links to work in our app Firefox iOS The Problem: I am not able to get universal links to work for our release app or beta app scheme locally or with a TestFlight build. I am able to get it working on our development scheme with a locally hosted app site association file. I also was able to get it working using our development scheme but setting the bundle id to the release app bundle id. I also built a demo app with the release app id and the release app development certificate. It succeeded there as well. Implementation Steps: Added associated domains entitlement to the production and beta schemes for our main app target (No associated domains entitlements or capabilities added for any extensions) Confirmed that the bundle ids associated with these schemes have the associated domains capability Added applinks:blog.mozilla.org to associated domains list Confirmed in code that user activities are being handled via SceneDelegate.swift Steps to Debug: I have gone through an
Disappearing External link account entitlement
I've got a Flutter app that is a “reader” app. The External Link Account Entitlement has already been requested and granted. It is already added as an Additional Capability to the App ID. The com.apple.developer.storekit.external-link.account entitlement is already present in the .entitlements file. Also SKExternalLinkAccount key is added to the Info.plist file with the correct URL. ExternalLinkAccount.open() is invoked via a MethodChannel call handler and things work perfectly in debug mode. The modal appears as expected and opens the link in the external browser. Xcode archive is also sucessful and the entitlement seems to be in place when inspecting the app with: codesign -d --entitlements :- ./path/to/app But when trying to distribute the app via Xcode the entitlement disappears. Other entitlements are not affected by this issue, eg.: com.apple.developer.associated-domains for universal links. This happens with automatically managed singing and a manually selected provisioning profile as well. When inspec
Reply to Local Network Privacy breaks Application
And I believe you've found the problem: This means, that all gui apps that are part of our application share the same executable (there's separate instances of the file on disk, but they all have the same UUID). This is a bad idea. The issue here is that, in general, the system primary executable identifier is bundle id. So, two apps are the same if the bundle ID and different if they have different bundle IDs. However, the problem here is that there are cases where it cannot/does not use the bundle ID. As a few examples: Crash logs are correlated/identified based on build UUID. Part of this is technical, since the crash collection system can only rely on information that's already in-process and it's possible for a process to crash before it knows it's bundle id (assuming it has one at all). Part of this is also practical, since crash logs need to be tied to specific builds, not just apps. Parts of the TCC system rely on build UUIDs (as well as code signature data), since permission grants need to be more ti
Reply to iOS ANCS and GATT Service Changed Characteristic
There isn't anything you're missing based on your description here. ANCS is not going to be available all the time, and the Service Changed Characteristic will notify when the availability changes. This is probably some implementation issue on the accessory side, which unfortunately we won't be able to assist with directly. Argun Tekant /  DTS Engineer / Core Technologies
Reply to Using Core ML in a .swiftpm file
You are on the right track that you precompiled a source model (.mlpackage or .mlmodel) to .mlmodelc manually before adding it to Swift Package. Currently SPM doesn't support compiling the source model in .process(:) rule. Let's say, you have a source model named model.mlpackage. The first step is to compile it to .mlmodelc. xcrun coremlcompiler compile model.mlpackage /tmp/ Then, copy the compiled model to your Swift Package. cp -r /tmp/model.mlmodelc /path/to/ModelInSwiftPackage/Sources/ModelInSwiftPackage/ In my test, the resultant directory structure is something like this. . ├── Package.swift ├── Sources │ └── ModelInSwiftPackage │ ├── ModelInSwiftPackage.swift │ └── model.mlmodelc │ ├── analytics │ │ └── coremldata.bin │ ├── coremldata.bin │ └── model.mil └── Tests └── ModelInSwiftPackageTests └── ModelInSwiftPackageTests.swift Now, edit Package.swift as follows, using copy rule. import PackageDescription let package = Package( : targets: [ .target( name: ModelInSwift
Apple Events won't trigger Privacy & Security alerts due to Sandboxing
I created an app in Xcode using ApplescriptObjC that is supposed to communicate with Finder and Adobe Illustrator. It has been working for the last 8 years, until now I have updated it for Sonoma and it no longer triggers the alerts for the user to approve the communication. It sends the Apple Events, but instead of the alert dialog I get this error in Console: Sandboxed application with pid 15728 attempted to lookup App: Finder/finder/com.apple.finder 654/0x0:0x1d01d MACSstill-hintable sess=100017 but was denied due to sandboxing. The Illustrator error is prdictably similar. I added this to the app.entitlements file: com.apple.security.automation.apple-events com.apple.finder com.adobe.illustrator I added this to Info.plist: NSAppleEventsUsageDescription This app requires access to Finder and Adobe Illustrator for automation. I built the app, signed with the correct Developer ID Application Certificate. I've also packaged it into a signed DMG and installed it, with the same result as running it fr
Getting precise text position with Swift for MacOS
Hey there! Hope you are starting the year with great joy. My situation I'm building a new product that is based on detecting certain text on screen in realtime. The product is only targeted for Mac and it's built with Swift My problem I need to get the exact position of a text element with the Apple Accessibility API but I can't figurate it out. I managed to get the AXUIElement where the text is placed but it's position is too broad and off target. My discoveries so far I've tried OCR but is too slow for what I'm building, so the only possible way I can think of is with the Accessibility API. Thank you in advanced.
Rejected: Guideline 3.1.1 - Business - Payments - In-App Purchase
Our problem is that our app was rejected for Guideline 3.1.1 - Business - Payments - In-App Purchase. Specifically, the app uses a promo code to unlock or enable paid features in store. Our app does use promo codes. But these codes do not directly unlock paid functionality. What our app actually does with promo codes is as follows... We have products with ids Product1 and Product1_Discount1. These are both valid product definitions in Apple IAP. They enable the same features within the app but have different price definitions. We allow the user to enter an optional promo code. We consult our backend to see if the promo code allows the user the opportunity to purchase Product1_Discount1, and if it does we display the info defined by Product1_Discount1, otherwise, we display the info defined by Product1. We are trying to understand a) is it always going to be a guideline violation to offer our own promo codes for in-app purchases (these are not Apple generated codes, we generate them)?, or b)
Reply to ITMS-91109 for logo as PNG file of about dialog
After upload got a mail from AppStoreConnect 'ITMS-91109: Invalid package contents - The package contains one or more files with the com.apple.quarantine extended file attribute'. Indeed in the past xcode complained about such files, like images saved from Photoshop that have extended attributes. Easily removed with 'xattr -c'. But, if this is an issue to send us emails about AFTER upload, then please have xcode check this BEFORE upload.. I had 3000+ such images.
Reply to Invalid Binary state after submitting to Review.
I found a general solution: Upload using Transporter app from Apple: https://apps.apple.com/no/app/transporter/id1450874784?l=nb&mt=12 Have to build using the Custom option, select App Store Connect then Export (this takes some time). You then get a PKG file to upload. It gives way more detailed messages around what is failing with the build on upload. My example: Can also open the menu to see more details processing info.
Reply to Review time
It is a pretty unusual delay. One point to check. Submitting is a 2 steps action (I may not remember exactly the terms): there is a button close to where you select language, on the right over screenshots gallery first, you click button for Add for Review then the button changes and you have to click again to Submit to App Review. Once done, situation unlocked quasi instantly. Hope that helps. Could you post a screenshot of the submission page, to see what the button looks like ? I once had a similar issue. Here was the full explanation: The “Ready for Review” status indicates that you’ve entered all of the required metadata for your app and suggests that you intend to submit it for review, but haven’t submitted it yet. You can submit the app by itself or include other items, such as in-app events or custom product pages. You can only send one submission at a time per platform. To submit your app for review follow the steps provided: • From My Apps, select your app. • In the sidebar, click the app ve
GCDualSenseAdaptiveTrigger API set trigger mode not working
I'm trying to add support to PS5 DualSense controller. when I try to use the API from here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/gamecontroller/gcdualsenseadaptivetrigger?language=objc None of the API works, am I missed anything? The code is like this: if ( [ controller.extendedGamepad isKindOfClass:[ GCDualSenseGamepad class ] ] ) { GCDualSenseGamepad * dualSenseGamePad = ( GCDualSenseGamepad * )controller.extendedGamepad; auto funcSetEffectTrigger = []( TriggerEffectParams& params, GCDualSenseAdaptiveTrigger *trigger ) { if ( params.m_mode == TriggerEffectMode::Off ) { [ trigger setModeOff ]; NSLog(@setModeOff trigger.mode:%d, trigger.mode ); } else if ( params.m_mode == TriggerEffectMode::Feedback ) { [ trigger setModeFeedbackWithStartPosition: 0.2f resistiveStrength: 0.5f ]; } else if ( params.m_mode == TriggerEffectMode::Weapon ) { [ trigger setModeWeaponWithStartPosition: 0.2f endPosition: 0.4f resistiveStrength: 0.5f ]; } else if ( params.m_mode == TriggerEffectMode::Vibration ) { [ t