Beta is the prerelease version of software or hardware.

Posts under Beta tag

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Code Completion in Xcode 16 beta can't be enabled again
Hey, I have been trying out the Xcode 16 beta's code completion for the last couple of days. I went do disable it through the settings, in the components section. I did this to go along with a tutorial and I didn't want it to help me out. But now that I want it back. I can't find a way to enable it again. I tried reinstalling both the beta and regular xcode, but it didn't show up again. Wanted to ask if someone knows how to get this back. Thanks!
Jun ’24
@Previewable version problem iOS 18 - 17
Hi, i am currently updating my app in SwiftUI from iOS 16.4 to 18.0, i am getting in xcode these new warning @State' used inline will not work unless tagged with '@Previewable' so i fix the problem with the suggestions and add the new tag @Previewable and put the variable in the first line of the preview #Preview { @Previewable @State var enabled: Bool = true return NotificationLabel(enabled: $enabled, type: "test", icon: "star", title: "test", description: "test") } the problem is that my app is available from iOS 16.4 to iOS 18.0 and the preview gives me this error 'Previewable()' is only available in iOS 18.0 or newer but if i put a versione if at the top i get another error if #available(iOS 18.0, *){ @Previewable @State var enabled: Bool = true @Previewable' items must be at root scope in the preview block is there a way to silence the warning making a two version preview, one for iOS 18 and one for the previous versions?
Jun ’24
iOS 18 SwiftData ModelContext reset
Since the iOS 18 and Xcode 16, I've been getting some really strange SwiftData errors when passing @Model classes around. The error I'm seeing is the following: SwiftData/BackingData.swift:409: Fatal error: This model instance was destroyed by calling ModelContext.reset and is no longer usable. PersistentIdentifier(id: SwiftData.PersistentIdentifier.ID(url: x-coredata://34EE9059-A7B5-4484-96A0-D10786AC9FB0/TestApp/p2), implementation: SwiftData.PersistentIdentifierImplementation) The same issue also happens when I try to retrieve a model from the ModelContext using its PersistentIdentifier and try to do anything with it. I have no idea what could be causing this. I'm guessing this is just a bug in the iOS 18 Beta, since I couldn't find a single discussion about this on Google, I figured I'd mention it. if someone has a workaround or something, that would be much appreciated.
How to try CoreSimulator Framework of Xcode previous versions
Related to and which was dismissed. Hi, I'm trying to install multiple Xcode versions with simulators on a single mac The problem is: xcrun simctl or any other simulator related process would hang several minutes after installing Xcode 16 beta additional components. If I delete /Library/PrivateFrameworks dir and reinstall additional components of Xcode 15.4, xcrun works fine without any hang. When hanging on CLI, simdiskimaged process skyrockets in CPU usage %, so that's why I assume CoreSimulator Framework is the main source of hang. Is there any way to use additional components(technically CoreSimulator Framework) of Xcode 15.4 on Xcode 16 beta? ※Plus, as I described in related thread, the hang disappears if I run on GUI. I already tried xattr -r -d /Library/PrivateFrameworks or Xcode 16 beta with no use. Is there any command I can open headlessly on CLI?
Jun ’24
CoreML Performance Report Error on Xcode Beta
Error when trying to generate CoreML performance report, message says The data couldn't be written because it isn't in the correct format. Here is the code to replicate the issue import numpy as np import coremltools as ct from import Builder as mb import as mil w = np.random.normal(size=(256, 128, 1)) wemb = np.random.normal(size=(1, 32000, 128)) # .astype(np.float16) rope_emb = np.random.normal(size=(1, 2048, 128)) shapes = [(1, seqlen) for seqlen in (32, 64)] enum_shape = mil.input_types.EnumeratedShapes(shapes=shapes) fixed_shape = (1, 128) max_length = 2048 dtype = np.float32 @mb.program( input_specs=[ # mb.TensorSpec(enum_shape.symbolic_shape, dtype=mil.input_types.types.int32), mb.TensorSpec(enum_shape.symbolic_shape, dtype=mil.input_types.types.int32), ], opset_version=mil.builder.AvailableTarget.iOS17, ) def flex_like(input_ids): indices = mb.fill_like(ref_tensor=input_ids, value=np.array(1, dtype=np.int32)) causal_mask = np.expand_dims( np.triu(np.full((max_length, max_length), -np.inf, dtype=dtype), 1), axis=0, ) mask = mb.gather( x=causal_mask, indices=indices, axis=2, batch_dims=1, name="mask_gather_0", ) # mask = mb.gather( # x=mask, indices=indices, axis=1, batch_dims=1, name="mask_gather_1" # ) rope = mb.gather(x=rope_emb.astype(dtype), indices=indices, axis=1, batch_dims=1, name="rope") hidden_states = mb.gather(x=wemb.astype(dtype), indices=input_ids, axis=1, batch_dims=1, name="embedding") return ( hidden_states, mask, rope, ) cml_flex_like = ct.convert( flex_like, compute_units=ct.ComputeUnit.ALL, compute_precision=ct.precision.FLOAT32,, inputs=[ ct.TensorType(name="input_ids", shape=enum_shape), ], )"flex_like_32") If I remove the hidden states from the return it does work, and it also works if I keep the hidden states, but remove both mask, and rope, i.e, the report is generated for both programs with either these returns: return ( # hidden_states, mask, rope, ) and return ( hidden_states, # mask, # rope, ) It also works if I use a static shape instead of an EnumeratedShape I'm using macOS 15.0 and Xcode 16.0 Edit 1: Forgot to mention that although the performance report fails, the model is still able to make predictions
Potential Apple Pay Notification Delay in iOS 18 Developer Beta
Potential Apple Pay Notification Delay in iOS 18 Developer Beta Users are reporting a delay in receiving purchase notifications in Apple Wallet after using Apple Pay. Transactions are confirmed within the Wallet app, but the notification arrives hours later. As this issue is occurring on the iOS 18 developer beta, it's likely a software bug related to Apple Pay integration with Wallet. I have reported this to Feedback. Is anyone else having the same problem?
Jun ’24
MacOS 15.0 Beta fails to AirDrop & connect to Vision Pro
I was able to AirDrop files to other Mac and connect to Vision Pro before updating the system to 15.0 Beta Currently, here is what I have: MacOS Version 15.0 Beta (24A5264n) fails to AirDrop files to the other one, while it can drop to the IPhone and that Mac can receive files from that IPhone without any issue Regarding the Vision Pro, it takes forever for this Mac to connect after pairing. Does anyone have any idea on what might be the cause?
Jun ’24
Using Genmoji with local notifications
As per subject. Is this possible at all? The WWDC video only talks about the communication / push notifications. There doesn't seem to be any update to UNNotificationContent to allow setting of attributed strings. If your app makes use of communication notifications you can even include Genmoji and other image glyphs in your notifications with the new "UNNotificationAttributed MessageContext API". For push notifications, the payload just needs to contain a rich text representation that may contain image glyphs. We recommend that you use a Notification Service Extension to parse the rich text, download assets, create the attributed body and update the notification content
Jun ’24
Siri not calling AppIntents
I am very new to App Intents and I am trying to add them to my On Device LLM ChatBot app so my users can get answers to any questions anywhere in iOS. I have the following code and it is working wonderfully in the Shortcuts app. import AppIntents struct AskAi: AppIntent { static var openAppWhenRun: Bool = false static let title: LocalizedStringResource = "Ask Ai About" static let description = "Gets an answer from Ai for your question." @Parameter(title: "Question") var question: String static var parameterSummary: some ParameterSummary { Summary("Ask Ai About \(\.$question)") } @MainActor func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult & ReturnsValue<String> { let bot: Bot = Bot() await bot.respond(to: self.question) return .result( value: bot.output ) } } class AppShortcuts: AppShortcutsProvider { static var appShortcuts: [AppShortcut] { AppShortcut( intent: AskAi(), phrases: [ "Ask \(.applicationName) \(\.$question)", "Get \(.applicationName) answer for \(\.$question)", "Open \(\.$question) using \(.applicationName) ", "Using \(.applicationName) get help with \(\.$question)" ], shortTitle: "Ask Ai", systemImageName: "sparkles" ) } } I can create a shortcut for this AppIntent and that allows me say speak the response. I can call my shortcut via iOS 18 Beta 1 by the Shortcut name I set in the Shortcuts app and that allows it to work. It does not work at all by just Asking Siri any of the phrases I have defined. The info.plist has an app name alias defined just to be sure. I even added the Siri capability in Xcode-beta. I also tried using the ProvidesDialog return type too. Whatever I do the AppIntent is invisible to Siri. Siri tries to search the web, looking for my app name in the contacts or have an error Apple Cash which has nothing to do with what I was talking about. Is there anything else I am missing for setting up iOS AppIntents to work with Siri?
No containerBackground content on Widget in iOS 18 tinted home screen style
The widget I have create for iOS 17 uses the containerBackground to display an image in the background. This works fine. But when I set the home screen to the iOS 18 tinted option the background disappears. I want the background to stay because it contains an image of that is meaningful to the user. I use the following code: @ViewBuilder var body: some View { if let memory = entry.memory, let uiImage = memory.image { Group { if entry.showCaption { memoryBody(with: memory) } else { Color.white.opacity(0.0000000001) } } .foregroundStyle(.white) .widgetBackground( Image(uiImage: uiImage) .resizable() .scaledToFill() ) } else if let memory = entry.memory { memoryBody(with: memory) .widgetBackground(Color.gray) } else { noMemoryBody() } } extension View { func widgetBackground(_ backgroundView: some View) -> some View { if #available(iOSApplicationExtension 17.0, *) { return containerBackground(for: .widget) { backgroundView } } else { return background(backgroundView) } } }
Jun ’24
iphone 13 after update ios18 screen is not working,and port charge is not respond
hello yesterday was testing the new ios 18 in my iphone 13 after finish the update, the device is not recieving charge from original charger with original cable, i reboot that from ios normal, and now not recieve any instruction in the screen, how i can fix that? i connect itunes and not recognoce iphone, and i canoot shoutdown... somebody that can help with this super issue
Jun ’24
Xcode16 Beta Compilation Error: Reserved Keyword 'module' Issue
While compiling with the Xcode Beta1 version, the 'module' keyword used in the previous method as a parameter is now recognized as a reserved keyword, causing compilation errors and preventing our project from continuing to run. Please fix this issue as soon as possible. Additionally, I would like to vent: It's quite uncomfortable that the MacOS Beta version cannot be downgraded directly. I am now facing the dilemma of being unable to open Xcode 15 and having Xcode 16 fail to compile.
Jun ’24
CoreML Crashed in iOS18 Beta
Here is an App using CoreML API with ML package format, it works fine in iOS17, while it is crashed when calling [MLModel modelWithContentsOfURL ] to load model running in iOS18. It seems an exception is raised "Failed to set compute_device_types_mask E5RT: Cannot provide zero compute device types. (1)". Is it a bug of iOS18 beta version , and it will be fixed in the future? The stack is as below: Exception Codes: #0 at 0x1e9280254 Crashed Thread: 49 Application Specific Information: *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSGenericException', reason: 'Failed to set compute_device_types_mask E5RT: Cannot provide zero compute device types. (1)' Last Exception Backtrace: 0 CoreFoundation 0x0000000199466418 __exceptionPreprocess + 164 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x00000001967cde88 objc_exception_throw + 76 2 CoreFoundation 0x0000000199560794 -[NSException initWithCoder:] 3 CoreML 0x00000001b4fcfa8c -[MLE5ProgramLibraryOnDeviceAOTCompilationImpl createProgramLibraryHandleWithRespecialization:error:] + 1584 4 CoreML 0x00000001b4fcf3cc -[MLE5ProgramLibrary _programLibraryHandleWithForceRespecialization:error:] + 96 5 CoreML 0x00000001b4fc23d8 __44-[MLE5ProgramLibrary prepareAndReturnError:]_block_invoke + 60 6 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001a12e1160 _dispatch_client_callout + 20 7 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001a12f07b8 _dispatch_lane_barrier_sync_invoke_and_complete + 56 8 CoreML 0x00000001b4fc3e98 -[MLE5ProgramLibrary prepareAndReturnError:] + 220 9 CoreML 0x00000001b4fc3bc0 -[MLE5Engine initWithContainer:configuration:error:] + 220 10 CoreML 0x00000001b4fc3888 +[MLE5Engine loadModelFromCompiledArchive:modelVersionInfo:compilerVersionInfo:configuration:error:] + 344 11 CoreML 0x00000001b4faf53c +[MLLoader _loadModelWithClass:fromArchive:modelVersionInfo:compilerVersionInfo:configuration:error:] + 364 12 CoreML 0x00000001b4faedd4 +[MLLoader _loadModelFromArchive:configuration:modelVersion:compilerVersion:loaderEvent:useUpdatableModelLoaders:loadingClasses:error:] + 540 13 CoreML 0x00000001b4f9b900 +[MLLoader _loadWithModelLoaderFromArchive:configuration:loaderEvent:useUpdatableModelLoaders:error:] + 424 14 CoreML 0x00000001b4faaeac +[MLLoader _loadModelFromArchive:configuration:loaderEvent:useUpdatableModelLoaders:error:] + 460 15 CoreML 0x00000001b4fb0428 +[MLLoader _loadModelFromAssetAtURL:configuration:loaderEvent:error:] + 240 16 CoreML 0x00000001b4fb00c4 +[MLLoader loadModelFromAssetAtURL:configuration:error:] + 104 17 CoreML 0x00000001b5314118 -[MLModelAssetResourceFactoryOnDiskImpl modelWithConfiguration:error:] + 116 18 CoreML 0x00000001b5418cc0 __60-[MLModelAssetResourceFactory modelWithConfiguration:error:]_block_invoke + 72 19 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001a12e1160 _dispatch_client_callout + 20 20 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001a12f07b8 _dispatch_lane_barrier_sync_invoke_and_complete + 56 21 CoreML 0x00000001b5418b94 -[MLModelAssetResourceFactory modelWithConfiguration:error:] + 276 22 CoreML 0x00000001b542919c -[MLModelAssetModelVendor modelWithConfiguration:error:] + 152 23 CoreML 0x00000001b5380ce4 -[MLModelAsset modelWithConfiguration:error:] + 112 24 CoreML 0x00000001b4fb0b3c +[MLModel modelWithContentsOfURL:configuration:error:] + 168
Jun ’24
Cannot use TextEditor in .plain Window
When creating a plain window in SwiftUI on macOS 15.0 beta, the TextEditor within the window does not accept keyboard input. I suspect it's because plain windows cannot become key windows. Here is a minimal example: import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { @State var text: String = "Hello World" var body: some View { VStack { TextEditor(text: $text) } } } @main struct BigTextApp: App { var body: some Scene { Window("Text Window", id: "TextWindow") { ContentView() } .windowStyle(.plain) } } Attempting to type gives the following warning in Xcode: Warning: -[NSWindow makeKeyWindow] called on SwiftUI.AppKitWindow which returned NO from -[NSWindow canBecomeKeyWindow]. Is there a way to make the window capable of becoming a key window without dropping down to UIKit? Or is there another way to allow the TextEditor to accept keyboard input? I have tried focusing the TextEditor, but that didn't work.
Jun ’24