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Firebase SDK Err
I updated Xcode to 15 and received an error in the Firestore settings file that "An attribute list cannot appear here" I proceeded to delete the sdk and try to reinstall it as to update the sdk files. When trying to reinstall them it asked for my username or password, all over Firebases website I found no documentation about this, could someone please help.
Oct ’23
Apple Developer account registration delay
Good Day, My client is struggling with registration of their Apple developer account and havent heard a response from Apple, they have emailed Apple support and still no response, this has been going on for 2 months now and I am not sure how I can help them as Apple will only speak to the client directly. Is there any advice on how I could help them or contact Apple support to attend to their account, the client has tried emailing, is there a phone number we can call in South Africa to Apple contact support? How do we ask Apple if the client has any error in creating their account?
Aug ’23
I purchased Apple Developer Program but ask me to pay again !
Hey guys I purchased Apple Developer Program membership for one year and I got accepted purchase and show me Enrolment is Completed Apple Developer Program - Membership for one year Enrolment Complete Order Placed(Completed)Electronically Delivered(Completed) Thanks for being a part of the Apple Developer Programme. but when when I linked to after insert apple id and password I got this error: To access App Store Connect, you must be an individual or team member in the Apple Developer Program, or invited by an individual to access their content in App Store Connect. Learn More is anyone has same issue ?
Aug ’23
Why is every example in documentation obj-c
I’m trying to understand the basics of a lot of user-interface (cocoa) workings, but get really frustrated by the documentation. I started coding in swift and NEVER used obj-c in my life. However, all code examples are in obj-c. I understand that there are still Some people using it , but nowadays the majority doensn’t anymore. Please update you’re documentation into something readable for people like me. I know I’m absolutely not the only one trying to figure out what cryptic message is written in obj-c in the documentation. it seems like a small thing for a company that rich as Apple to keep up-to-date. thank you, Leo
Aug ’23
Prioritizing program/renice
Hi, How would I go about keeping a program at full capacity even as I leave the application? I am on Mac M1 (Ventura 13.5) and working in Unreal Engine. Specifically, I want to be able to stream my scene as I am working in it/playing the scene but this requires me to leave to application as I am working with 3 applications at the same time when doing so. Whenever I leave UE it becomes a background application and frame rate drops from 60 FPS to 3. I tried to renice but although UE is prioritized it nevertheless becomes treated as a background application and FPS drops. I suspect this has something to do with energy saving but I need to find a way around it. Anyone have an idea of how to sort this?
Aug ’23
Creating an offline georeferenced 3D world map
Hy, for my Masterdegree i need to build a georeferenced 3D world in an iOS app. Thereafter there's some data to add to the map, but i think thats not the hard part. For now i don't know how to start, because all the data has to be stored offline on an iPad. I found lots of free data on the internet. For example Digital Elevation Models or 2D Mapdata. I need to find a to way build a 3D globe to show the DEM and put an Overlay (Map or satellite) on it. Of course there must not be the whole world stored offline. I would be happy if it works for small countrys, or even a part of a country. Loading of the GeoTIFF DEM into SceneKit could be a way. I've also tried to use some Engines like Blender or Unity. Both with Cesium. But i can't find a way how to use them with offline data. One way could also be using 3D Tiles. Maybe someone has an idea which tools / ways could help me to start the project. Thanks in advance
Aug ’23
Hello, I am a student and would like to continue developing an application using Microsoft Server SQL. I currently run a MAC M2 and I keep getting this error when I try to use pyobdc to connect to the aws RDS: ERROR: ImportError: dlopen(/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/, 0x0002): symbol not found in flat namespace '_SQLAllocHandle' Anyone faced this problem and how did they fix it? Kind regards, Mayokun
Aug ’23
Freeform cannot read Time Machine backup of local data.
I recently lost a Freeform board due to syncing problems with iCloud, and tried to recover it by restoring Users//Library/Containers/Freeform from Time Machine, but Freeform could not read the restored data. Any suggestions on what to do? I mention this matter here because Freeform is potentially a very useful developer tool -- for interface design -- but it is certainly unacceptable if there is no way to back up its data in recoverable form. I did submit a report to Apple with Feedback Assistant.
Aug ’23
Apple Enrollment taking one month, my payment is not processed
I've been trying to help a friend buy an apple developer license for over a month. However, in his account, after he made the purchase, days passed and nothing. The first attempt was over a month ago. We received the confirmation email, and in it, apple says it will return in 48 hours, however, nothing !!! We've tried several times, with several cards, and support doesn't help at all. Last time, they said to try through the developer app, however, when trying there, a notification appears that the apple enrollment is only available on the web
Aug ’23
Xcode 15 beta 8 link error
After installing beta 8 I'm suddenly getting the following: ld: warning: building for 'macCatalyst', but linking in dylib (/Applications/ built for 'macOS' Any help gratefully received.
Sep ’23
flutter Target aot_assembly_release failed
hello, i am trying to build an app from a git repo but when I use the flutter run --flavor Prod --no-build -v command i get an error : [ +2 ms] Error (Xcode): [ +14 ms] Target aot_assembly_release failed: Exception: release/profile builds are only supported for physical devices. attempted to build for simulator. [ +4 ms] Could not build the application for the simulator. [ ] Error launching application on iPhone 14. does someone know how to deal with this error ? thank you
Sep ’23
Pinning an item on MacOS's dock programatically
I want to pin an item (an app or a .webloc file) in the MacOS dock. Has apple provided an API for this? I have seen in other forums that it could be done using the following command. defaults write persistent-others -array-add '<dict><key>tile-data</key><dict><key>file-data</key><dict><key>_CFURLString</key><string>" **file/location** "</string><key>_CFURLStringType</key><integer>0</integer></dict></dict></dict>' This command adds the item in the file, which stores all the items present in the dock. This file is present in ~/Library/Preferences/. But the dock needs to be killed once first for the item to show as pinned in it after running the command . Killing the dock can have undesirable effects, for example it maximises the minimised apps and files. Is there any way to pin the item without killing the dock?
Sep ’23
iOS 17 apps still require 5.5" iPhones screenshots?
I find odd that the App Store Connect still requires 5.5" iPhone screenshots of the iPhone 8 Plus, given that this specific phone is no longer supported by the latest release: iOS 17. I am well aware that the iPhone SE still has a similar screen ratio, and that it is still being supported by iOS 17, but it doesn't have the same pixel requirements (1242 x 2208), which means that in order for my app to be even reviewed (which is an iOS 17+ exclusive), I'm gonna have to create images that will then be upscaled to the right dimensions. Am I missing something here, or is it Apple who missed this detail?
Check agreements programatically through the API
Hi All, We levarage the API to build our apps and upload to App Store Connect. Is there a way we can proactively check if the agreements are all set through the API or any other automatic way? That way we validate this before starting the build on our end and save a good amount of time (as we need to ask our clients to review and accept agreements and it take a lot of time).
Sep ’23