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com.apple.hiservices-xpcservice (Not Responding)
Previously discussed in beta:https://forums.developer.apple.com/message/330295This process stops responding every day it seems, I'm running 10.14.3 (18D109)When the process hangs, its Open Files and Ports include the following:txt /Library/Preferences/Logging/.plist-cache.ZP6RP0OT txt /private/var/db/timezone/tz/2018i.1.0/icutz/icutz44l.dat txt /usr/share/icu/icudt62l.dat txt /private/var/folders/35/dgpwsg457w17gs77hssnrbnw0000gn/0/com.apple.LaunchServices-231-v2.csstoreThose are not open when the service is running (before it hangs)Would like to know how frequently this hangs for everyone else and get steps to troubleshoot if possible.
Sep ’23
Warning on sticker pack submission - ITMS-90863
I am able to upload a sticker pack but with the following warning: ITMS-90863: Apple silicon Macs support issue - The app has LSApplicationLaunchProhibited set to true. This is not supported on Mac. I understand this limits the ability of the sticker pack to be used on a new silicon Mac. Is there a way to change this flag so that this generic sticker pack will work on a Mac?
Jul ’23
Corespotlightd Using Significant CPU In 11.2.2 (20D80)
Hello! I am wondering if anyone else is experiencing a significant CPU drain from Spotlight (specifically corespotlightd) in macOS 11.2.2. Since updating to macOS 11.2.2 any time that I access spotlight using Command + Space Bar I immediately experience a system wide lag. Viewing this in Activity Monitor I see a %CPU spike of corespotlightd in the realm of 200-400%. that last for anywhere from 5 to 15 seconds. I have sent this in through Feedback Assistant, but no other reports seem to have been linked to the radar. I have attempted a few different fixes as well: Terminal killall corespotlightd resolves the issue momentarily, but does not fix long term Restarting computer does nothing to solve Re-indexing spotlight does not solve I have also disabled more advanced search functions (Bookmarks and History, Contacts, Events and Reminders, Fonts, Mail & Messages, Music, Siri Suggestions, and Movies are all disabled) - This did not fix the issue. I have also disabled search for external hard drives which also did not solve the issue. Open to any other suggestions for fixes, or if anyone else has a similar issue. Mac mini, 2018 (2020 release), 3.2 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7, 32 GB 2667 MHz DDR4. External GPU Radeon RX 570 4 GB.
Sep ’23
EtreCheck (from Etresoft, Inc)
Hello I've noticed that this product, heavily promoted on the ASC forums for many years, is no longer available from the Apple App Store. Can anyone tell me the reason why the product is no longer supported? Friends have asked me if it is 'safe' to use. Is it? Note to moderator: If I'm asking in the wrong places, please redirect my question. Thank you.
Jun ’24
Diskmanagement.disenter error 49218
Hello everyone, I'm having a little issue with mounting my external hard drive lately. I've tried quite a few methods in hope of getting it to work again, but so far, no luck. I hope someone can help me solve this issue, or those who have the same problem may also share your insights. My external hard drive was working fine about a week ago. But one day, I ejected the hard drive and the icon disappeared, so I thought it was safe to unplug it. When I did, it said the hard drive was not properly removed. It still works fine when I use it the next day, but the same thing happened. It said the drive was not properly removed after I ejected the drive, waited for the icon to disappear, and then unplugged the drive. After that, it never works again, and the attached images are the info I got when I tried to mount or run first aid on this drive. Please help & thank you in advance! Computer: 27" iMac - MacOS Monterey External Hard Drive: WD_Black 4TB. APFS encrypted
Jan ’24
TotalSpace3, Apple please wake-up!
Apple Please! Since your last OS update the most useful software on Mac: TotalSpace3 stopped working. TotalSpace brings the ability to navigate in the spaces through a grid of multiple 2D spaces (like it was 10+ years ago on Mac). Since TotalSpace is not working anymore (and exists and work on Linux) it became less interesting using a Mac... I can't believe that no one at Apple is using TotalSpace ?! It's just impossible to work on a Mac without it !? Navigating with the native Apple horizontal space means that we have to click (and wait 5 seconds) to navigate between space 01 to space 10... Are you serious at Apple ?! only my Grand'ma navigate into spaces with the Apple native interface... With TotalSpace, we can (could) swipe with 4-fingers on the trackpad and change of spaces in two dimensions (01 > 10 in half of a second). IT'S VITAL for people who are intensively using their mac. Ex: [01][02][03] [04][05][06] [07][08][09] You're digging your grave! Developers: who were all (the good ones) using TotalSpace will move to Linux without it, as it became impossible to use a Mac without it...
Oct ’23
L2TP VPN broken on MacOS 13/Ventura
Dove in and upgraded two Macs today to beta 1. Unfortunately, it appears L2TP VPN is broken or something changed in the way it works. I can longer get a connection to any VPN concentrator I used previously. I tested with Cisco Anyconnect SSL VPN client and can connect to the same concentrators (as they're configured to accept L2TP or SSL clients). I also tested from my phone running iOS 16 beta and it still works for the L2TP connections. The Mac not working with L2TP VPN ppp.log shows this Fri Jun 10 19:18:52 2022 : L2TP connecting to server 'IP removed' (IP removed)... Fri Jun 10 19:18:52 2022 : IPSec connection started Fri Jun 10 19:18:52 2022 : IPSec phase 1 client started Fri Jun 10 19:19:02 2022 : IPSec connection failed Connecting a Mac successfully on 12.4 the log shows Fri Jun 10 19:12:33 2022 : L2TP connecting to server 'IP removed' (IP removed)... Fri Jun 10 19:12:33 2022 : IPSec connection started Fri Jun 10 19:12:33 2022 : IPSec phase 1 client started Fri Jun 10 19:12:33 2022 : IPSec phase 1 server replied Fri Jun 10 19:12:34 2022 : IPSec phase 2 started Fri Jun 10 19:12:34 2022 : IPSec phase 2 established Fri Jun 10 19:12:34 2022 : IPSec connection established (and then a ton more lines of the entire process ending with client getting an IP that I won't bother posting) VPN wasn't high on my list of apps I was concerned about breaking with the beta. But, now that it is broke and I need it for work I'm kinda screwed myself. Anyway, if anyone knows a way to fix this please let me know.
Oct ’23
IOPSCopyPowerSourcesInfo → kIOPSBatteryHealthKey returning incorrect value
IOPSCopyPowerSourcesInfo → kIOPSBatteryHealthKey returning incorrect value Background: I write software to monitor computer system health. I'm having problems getting battery health information on my new M2 notebook. Given the following Objective-C program: #include <Foundation/NSObjCRuntime.h> #include <IOKit/ps/IOPSKeys.h> #include <IOKit/ps/IOPowerSources.h> #include <assert.h> int main() { CFTypeRef psInfo = IOPSCopyPowerSourcesInfo(); assert(psInfo != NULL); CFArrayRef list = IOPSCopyPowerSourcesList(psInfo); assert(list != NULL); long count = CFArrayGetCount(list); for(long i = 0; i < count; i++) { CFDictionaryRef ps = IOPSGetPowerSourceDescription( psInfo, CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(list, i)); assert(ps != NULL); CFStringRef deviceName = (CFStringRef)CFDictionaryGetValue( ps, CFSTR(kIOPSNameKey)); assert(deviceName != NULL); CFStringRef serialNumber = (CFStringRef)CFDictionaryGetValue( ps, CFSTR(kIOPSHardwareSerialNumberKey)); assert(serialNumber != NULL); CFStringRef health = (CFStringRef)CFDictionaryGetValue( ps, CFSTR(kIOPSBatteryHealthKey)); assert(health != NULL); NSLog(@"\nName=\"%@\"\nSerialNumber=\"%@\"\n" "BatteryHealth=\"%@\"\n", (__bridge NSString*)deviceName, (__bridge NSString*)serialNumber, (__bridge NSString*)health); } CFRelease(list); CFRelease(psInfo); return 0; } and looking at the IOPSKeys.h header, I expect to get one of "Poor", "Fair", or "Good" for the value of kIOPSBatteryHealthKey. https://opensource.apple.com/source/IOKitUser/IOKitUser-1845.81.1/ps.subproj/IOPSKeys.h.auto.html Instead, on my 2022 M2 Macbook Air running 13.2.1 (22D68), I get the following output: Name="InternalBattery-0" SerialNumber="F8Y2422145S10X2A7" BatteryHealth="Check Battery" At the same time, the "System Information app says "Condition: Normal". Am I missing something? This seems to be a bug, right? Should I look into filing a Technical Support Incident?
Aug ’23
I need VM to install kali linux and windows
HI, I have a small question please, I bought a MacBook Pro m2, and I am trying to Download vm to install Kali Linux and Windows for my university but all the VM in the market are too bad to lunch Kali or Windows, so please give me a solution to do Why did you guys remove the Bootcamp from the M CHIP without solving it with new technologies?
Sep ’23
Ventura 13.4 External Display Sleep Loop Bug
The Ventura 13.4 update introduced a display signal lost bug which when the monitor is put to sleep after power saving setting is reached or if manually using the shortcut keys to put sleep the display, it wakes up the monitor briefly then tries to go back to sleep for 15 seconds and then wakes up with the “no signal” warning in an infinite loop. It's starting to be reported by others, where this did not exist until after the update. Reddit: Ventura 13.4 Display Sleep Issue https://www.reddit.com/r/MacOS/comments/13lyu2y/macos_ventura_134_display_sleep_issue/ I tried everything from turning off power saving settings, turned off screen saver, WoL, uninstalled color calibration software, reset monitor to factory settings, booted into safe mood, nothing had an effect. Should I submit a bug report?
Oct ’23
MacBook Pro provisioning UDID on macOS Ventura shows as iPod when registering
The provisioning UDID of my MacBook Pro with an M2 Max processor registers as an iPod in the devices section of my developer account. Because of that, I cannot test my macOS apps on this device, reducing it to a brick as long as macOS development is considered. Has anyone encountered such an error? I believe the UDID is fixed, so with more Apple silicon devices, we may start seeing these kind of bugs unless Apple does something to remedy the issue.
Aug ’23
Why is Bootcamp Assistant on my MacBook Pro (M2) after using Migration Assistant?
I have a question. I have purchased a new MacBook Pro 14" (M2 Silicon Chip). My old computer was a 2013 iMac (intel based). I used Apple's Migration Assistant to migrate the data from the older iMac (running Catalina 10.15.17) to my new MacBook. While there were a few hiccups, most of the apps seem to be working fine. However, I am noticing that "Bootcamp Assistant" is now listed as a hidden app under the /system/applications/utility folder. I tried removing it manually via the UI and then using a linux terminal (sudo -Rf "bootcamp utility.app"), but it seems the file cannot be deleted. I even went hard core and booted the new Macbook into recovery mode and used the "csrutil enable" command to disable the System Integrity Protection (SIP), but upon rebooting, I still was unable to delete the file". Any advice? I don't like having phantom files like this kicking around, even if they are hidden. How did this happen? Is this a bug with Migration Assistant? Shouldn't MA have filtered this out as part of the migration?
Jul ’23
Disk Utility Help
I need help confirming the contents of my Disk Utility lists etc. If anyone could please take some time to help me I would appreciate it. I have called apple support for months now because I have been hacked by my EX and others who are very big names in this area. Im sure some of you will even know the people or person involved and doing this to me, which is why this is so scary and hard for someone who knows nothing about technology to defend themselves against. So please if someone can find it in them to help stop the peopsons activley ruining my life I would be forever in your debt! I am getting to the point where helplessness is setting in and I am going to get to a point where I will not be able to get my life back or be happy again if this is not solved. I have screenshots, screen recordings and there are things in my directory utility that i dont believe belong there, however apple refuses to be able to confirm or deny this. Below are screenshots of my directory utility:
Jul ’23
searchpartyd runaway energy/CPU usage
I'm having an issue with Sonoma beta 4. It's been present in all of the Sonoma betas thus far, but it seems to be getting worse. The "searchpartyd" process keeps spinning up and taking an enormous amount of CPU and energy. This happens while on battery and also on power. I've collected spindumps and all the data I can and filed a bug report with Apple. So far, no response. Has anyone else experienced this? In console.log, I see that it is complaining quite vividly about "BeaconStoreActor" issues: No BeaconStoreActor available! Unable to get BeaconStoreActor! I suspect it is an issue with FindMy and possibly an AirTag, but there's quite little to go on.
Sep ’23
[Kernel Panic] Macbook M1 HDMI Port Crash
I am using a Macbook M1, 14 inch, 2021 model: 16GB memory, 8 cores, running Ventura 13.5. I have hooked it up to a DELL U2414H monitor as a main display via a HDMI cable. Every few hours of use and seemingly at random, the kernel panics and restarts my computer. Upon restarting, the attached crash report appears. I cannot make out anything from the crash report except that it is related to my Apple HDMI port. Software enhancements may take a few weeks or months, and that is fine. But repeated crashes? That is unacceptable, especially from Apple. I am a student and I can't begin to imagine the chaos that will ensue if my entire system crashes in the midst of an online examination. I have repeatedly sent the crash reports to the Apple development team since they began happening, but none of the software updates seem to address this problem. I am thus trying the developer forums for a solution. Please assist me in my problem. Thank you. 1st Part - Panic Log 2nd Part Panic Log I am not able to upload any further text logs of the 1,500,000 character panic log as text files as the forum post is literally giving me errors in posting them. The text logs represent approximately 400,000 characters of the panic log. Below is attached an image of what the error message looks like upon encountering the kernel panic and having the system restarted. Appreciate any help, thanks.
Aug ’23