Provisioning Profiles

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A provisioning profile is a type of system profile used to launch one or more apps on devices and use certain services.

Posts under Provisioning Profiles tag

111 Posts
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Can't add provisioning profile to iPhone
I've added my iPhone's correct UDID in the "Devices" section in Apple Developer account, and I created a Development Profile. I then downloaded it (as a .mobileprovision file) and am trying to add it to my connected iPhone via XCode. I'm getting this error message: Failed to install one or more provisioning profiles on the device. Please ensure the provisioning profile is configured to this device. If not, please try to regenerate a new profile. I have ensured the provisioning profile is configured to this device and have tried regenerating it. Same result. My iPhone has "Developer Mode" turned on. How do I troubleshoot this further?
Apr ’24
Updating Provisioning Profiles and Entitlements through API
I'm looking to automate device provisioning using App Store Connect API. Two things are snagging me: Updating Profiles API: Adding a new device seems clunky (read-all-devices, save, delete profile, recreate with a new device). Is there a simpler way to do it? I looked over the documentation and it seems like there's no streamlined way to do it, am I correct? Entitlements API: Not public yet? Does anyone know about any plans to open it up soon? I asked Apple Support and they didn't provide any information on this. Specifying entitlements during provisioning is an important step. Thanks for any help!
May ’24
DriverKit: embedded.mobileprofile has the wildcard USB Vendor ID instead of my assigned Vendor ID
I've added my Vendor ID to the appropriate entitlement files but my binary fails validation when trying to upload it to the store for distribution. The embeded.mobileprovision file in the generated archive shows an asterisk instead of my approved Vendor ID. How can I make sure the embedded provisioning file has my Vendor ID?
May ’24
How does one create a provisioning profile for embedded DEXT for iPhoneOS that is signed with a distribution cert?
I've been developing a solution that has an embedded USB driver. I can build and run my solution just fine but I cannot pass verification for uploading to App Store Correct and TestFlight The problem is that the provisioning profile I am using (for development) does not have the explicit Vendor ID (idVendor) but is using the development value of asterisk "*". I've created a release version of my entitlements file with the proper Vendor ID and I have a distribution certificate for iOS. Further, I've created a provisioning profile for app-store distribution (not development) and imported it via Xcode. When I select this provisioning profile, I get the following errors from Xcode: Xcode 14 and later requires a DriverKit development profile enabled for iOS and macOS. Visit the developer website to create or download a DriverKit profile. Provisioning profile "MyProvisioningProfile - App Store" doesn't match the entitlements file's value for the entitlement. If I create and use a DriverKit profile, The Xcode UI errors go away on the "Signing & Capabilities" page. However, these profiles seem to be for development only. I then get an error, during compilation, telling me that the app and extension have two different signers, one for development (DEXT) and one for distribution (App). To sum up, using a DriverKit profile fails during the build process and using a distribution profile is a non-starter for Xcode. I can't even build. What do I need to do to get this to work?
May ’24
Mobile provision "cannot be copied to this iPad because it cannot be played on this iPad"
Trying to install a mobile provision on my iPad from Windows 10 using iTunes. The error message is as above. I've checked and rechecked the mobile provision. The UUID of my device is contained within my mobile provision. I also tried on MacOS with the same error code. I'm not sure what else to try. I tried making a new mobile provision, I tried readding my device (which isn't possible since it's just the same UUID as an already existing device. I updated iTunes to the latest verison, I've upgraded my iPad OS to the latest version (17.5)
May ’24
Can macOS apps with entitlements be developed locally without deployment privileges?
I am developing a suite of apps/helpers that get built into an installer package for deployment (outside The App Store). We have that release process ± working, except that most of the development team members are not admins/privileged on the team. They don't really need to publish on behalf of the team, and so we don't want to have debug builds also depend on being signed as "Developer ID Application". But that is running into problems… If I select instead "Sign to Run Locally" this results in an error for some of the build products along the lines of: [Build Target] requires a provisioning profile. Enable development signing and select a provisioning profile in the Signing & Capabilities editor. If I select "Apple Development" as the Code Signing Identity it leaves me with basically the same error as "Developer ID Application" does: Provisioning profile [Name of App/Helper] doesn't include signing certificate "Apple Development: [Name of Developer] ([TEAMID])" And finally, if simply set the Debug value for Provisioning Profile to "None" for the problematic products I get errors like: "[Name of app]" requires a provisioning profile. Select a provisioning profile in the Signing & Capabilities editor. I believe perhaps because some of the targets have an entitlements file granting access to various things (their own XPC services, their own shared preferences, as well as Outgoing Network Connections and access…). In older versions of Xcode and/or macOS we didn't have trouble like this, local development could be done by basically any team member. Now it seems like maybe all developers need to have release-signing privileges to test/debug even on their own machines? Or is there a combination I'm missing, that would allow anyone on the team (or perhaps not even on the team) to build and debug the code locally, while still limiting who is able to actually sign notarized release builds on behalf of the team?
May ’24
Unable to Verify Code Signature with Error 0xe8008018 Despite Troubleshooting Attempts
Hello everyone, I am encountering a persistent issue with Xcode where I’m unable to install my app on a testing device due to the following error message: Failed to verify code signature of /var/installd/Library/Caches/ : 0xe8008018 (The identity used to sign the executable is no longer valid.) Here’s what I have tried so far to resolve this issue: 1. Ensured that all my certificates and provisioning profiles are current and valid. 2. Removed all related certificates from my Keychain and reinstalled new ones. 3. Cleaned and rebuilt the project multiple times. 4. Unpaired the device and paired it again. 5. Reinstalled the latest version of Xcode. 6. Performed a complete restore of my Mac. Despite these troubleshooting steps, I am still facing the same issue. I would greatly appreciate any insights or experiences related to this error from anyone who has overcome similar challenges. Thank you in advance for your help!
May ’24
Automatic signing failed
I have added an additional capability called "User Assigned Device Name" into my application(The provisions for Development, Ad hoc & App Store Connect etc already received from Apple). Since then we are facing issues on code signing. We are trying to Sign in Automatically and getting the below error always. /.xcodeproj Provisioning profile "iOS Team Provisioning Profile: com..*******" doesn't include the entitlement. Contact notes entitlements are not a part of our additional capabilities as we requested separately with Apple and received it in the provisioning profile long back. Actually that time the same(contacts notes entitlements) was not a part of the additional capabilities. Please advise if any one has gone through such a conflict and resolved.
May ’24
Cannot upload new iOS build to the TestFlight using distribution provision profile for Individual account
I faced thta issue 2 days ago and today. The distribution certificat is installed in thekeychain and provision profiles gives no error when I'mm builing the arhive. But when I select App Store Connect as distribution. method it gives me an error that "App Store Connect access for ___ is required. What is the reason of that? Did someone face the same issue recently? Restart XCode and laptop did not help. I used to distribute the builds for individual account this way many times, but. now smth seems. to be changed or broken.
May ’24
No profiles for ... were found
Hi, I'm having some problems signing my application. Everything was working fine until recently when the certificates expired and I got these kinds of errors when I try to upload the app to AppStoreConnect. I can build the app in dev and production mode without any issue and I can create an archive. Problems occur when uploading to AppStoreConnect. The idea would be to let Xcode take care of signing everything necessary by checking the "Automatically manage signing" box. All my targets are in "Automatically manage signing" mode. I tried to delete all the certificates and provisioning profiles that I found on the Apple portal and then generate them again, but the problem is the same. There are two of us on the team, plus a CI machine (this should be the CI that takes care of signing everything needed to send a release to AppStoreConnect). If you have an idea, I'm interested! Thanks in advance, Alexandre
Jun ’24
Apple TV as iPod in Apple Developer Center
I have a bizzare issue with my Apple TV that is shown as "iPod" in Apple developer portal. It's correctly visible in Xcode as Apple TV, but when I add it to developer portal it says "iPod". The problem is since it's there as an iPod I can't use it to my provisioning profile to build on the device Anyone has any idea how this can be solved? [Edited by Moderator]
Jun ’24
Uploading iOS app for a customer who isn't an organisation
I developed an iOS app for a customer and would like to upload it to his store page. I was given admin permissions , however I failed to upload the iOS build to his AppStore page. My account isn't being recognized as part of his developer team. After some googling, it appears that in order to upload an iOS build for someone else, that someone must enroll as an organisation to give me the proper certificates. My customer tried to enroll as an organisation, however he was rejected by Apple due to "Your legal structure is a Proprietorship. Apple states “If you are a Sole Proprietorship/Single Person Company, enroll as an individual.” Is there a way for me to upload the app to his Appstore page?
Jun ’24
Team ID suddenly changed
I developed it as Unity. Originally, I updated Unity to the latest version to fix the problem of not being able to log in to Apple. That's when I found out my team ID had changed. The current Apple membership team ID is HBEMGSUAQ3, When I check "Automatically manage sing" in Xcode Selected with the team ID "ESB392LR64". Where did this team come from all of a sudden? I've only used "HVEMGSUAQ3" for a very long time. The change in ID was a test build while developing another project yesterday, but it changed then. If I manually select the provisioning profile of my project "Failed to install embedded profile for : 0xe800801f (Attempted to install a Beta profile without the proper entitlement.)" This error appears and the test installation is not possible.. So I created a new certificate, identifier, and profile. However, it continues to be created with the ID of "ESB392LR64". Keychain registration is also naturally registered with "ESB392LR64" status. Again, my team ID is "HVEMGSUAQ3" and there is no way to check "ESB392LR64" on my dev page... This situation suddenly appeared when my certificates were updated with the ID of "ESB392LR64" on June 12, and What I suspect is that I updated my MacBook to the latest version of OS on the day of the issue. Please let me know what's going on. I'm hoping it's not a big deal....
Jun ’24
Add new capabilities to a Provisioning Profile
We have a MacOS app that we distribute outside of the App Store. The App has an embedded provisioning profile that is still valid. We would like to add the Associated Domains capability to the app ID. Does that require regenerating a new provisioning profile and embedding it into a new version of App? If we do that, does that mean that the old provisioning profile will become invalid and the old Apps that are still running with it will stop working? Is there a way to make the transition to the new provisioning profile smooth without any downtime?
Unable to Install App from TestFlight After Adding Facebook SDK
After I integrated the Facebook SDK into my app, I encountered an issue where I couldn't install the app after building it. When trying to install the app through TestFlight, I receive the following error message: "No se pudo instalar Plus Argentina. No se pudo instalar el perfil. Reintenta." I've attached a screenshot for reference: Has anyone experienced a similar issue or does anyone have suggestions on how to resolve this?
Jun ’24