Navigate the App Store landscape. Share strategies for app submission, distribution, marketing, and user acquisition. Discuss best practices for getting your app discovered and downloaded.

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Can I remove iPad support from my app on a new release?
Hi, I have a completely new release of my app coming out with a new tech stack. I noticed that only 1% of my users were on iPad so the new app was not created to be 'compatible' with iPad including how it looks on iPad. Can I release this new version of the app only for iPhone? Or because it was previously available for iPad I have to release for iPad as well? Really appreciate any support/guidance on this. Thank you!
Mar ’22
Guideline 4.3 - Design. We noticed that your app provides the same feature set as other apps submitted to the App Store; it simply varies in content or language, which is considered a form of spam.
Hello everyone, First of all I want to mention that I'm new to Apple Developer Forums and this is my first attempt to publish an app in AppStore. I registered as Apple Developer Program as Individual. I made an app for small company. The app works like an online shop where company's customers can place orders for company's goods. So I submitted the app and it was rejected for spam issues. I tried to get some information what I can about it. They suggested me to ask on the forum about the membership. Should I try to use Apple Developer Program as an Organization? Or maybe (I find my app unique because it differs from competitive market apps) should I resubmit my app? Can I do it without making any changes in version? I also tried to appeal from their decision but I they respnsed that the original rejection feedback was valid. Additionally I want to add that this is my first iOS app ever, the only one that was submitted on my account. Thank you all for help!
Mar ’22
Authentication on ``
Hi, I've tried to authenticate this endpoint with the JWT token as described in the documentation, but it's not working. I know this endpoint is not documented, but gathering the beta feedback and being able to extract it to some ticket system (e.g. GitHub board) would be a really helpful option for us. Does anyone know how we can authenticate this one?
Apr ’22
Register device unexpected status
When we use register api to register our device, I got response that status is PROCESSING/INELIGIBLE why? response like: { "type": "devices", "id": "XXXXX", "attributes": { "addedDate": "2022-04-20T22:57:51.000+00:00", "name": "XXXXX", "deviceClass": "IPHONE", "model": "iPhone 13 Pro Max", "udid": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "platform": "IOS", "status": "PROCESSING" }, "links": { "self": "***" } }
Apr ’22
Guideline 4.3 - Design Spam Urgent Help
My app has been rejected due to 4.3 design issue. "We noticed that your app provides the same feature set as other apps submitted to the App Store; it simply varies in content or language, which is considered a form of spam" my question is I was working on the game from the university level in 2017 for pc platform. In 2019 I convert my game for mobile platform.This is my first app on App is already available on the play store from 2019.I am still working on it and adding new features in this game.My app is not a spam nor I make a clone of app.How I can solve this problem.I am shifting my all apps of the play store to iOS platform. Is there anyone can help me and guide me for solve this problum.I will be very thankful to you.
Apr ’22
Accessibility permission in sandboxed app
Is it possible to create a sandboxed app that uses accessibility permission? And if so, how do I ask the user for that permission in a way that is allowed by the App Store? Im creating a small menubar app and my current (rejected) solution is to create a pop-up, with link to Security & Privacy > Accessibility and the pop-up asks the user to manually add the app to the list and check the checkbox. This works in sandbox. Reason for rejection: "Specifically, your app requires to grant accessibility access, but once we opened the accessibility settings, your app was not listed." I know it's not listed there and it has to be added manually. But its the only solution I've found to this issue. Is there perhaps any way to add the app there programmatically? Im a bit confused since I've seen other apps in App Store that work the same way, where you have to add the app to the list manually. Eg. Flycut. :man-shrugging: I know about this alternative solution, and it's not allowed in sandboxed apps. It also adds the app to the accessibility list automagically: func getPermission() { AXIsProcessTrustedWithOptions([kAXTrustedCheckOptionPrompt.takeUnretainedValue():true] as CFDictionary). } Does anyone have a solution for this? Best regards, Daniel
Jun ’22
Guideline 1.4.1 - Safety - Physical Harm
Hello Our app has been rejected from the app store because of 1.4 Physical Harm This app is used by the users from Kenya (Only registered users). Users can log their health based self-assessment data like blood pressure, glucose level, temperature, body weight, BMI with medical hardware devices and that will be shared with specialist (Physician or Clinical) to do the diagnosis and advice subscription accordingly. Problem: We have the above features from earlier versions but with the new version update  our app got rejected from app store stated that we have violated the app stores' guidelines (1.4.1 Physical Harm - Safety) Your app connects to external medical hardware to provide medical services. However, to be compliant with App Store Review Guideline 1.4.1, you must: Provide documentation from the appropriate regulatory organization demonstrating regulatory clearance for the medical hardware used by your app Provide documentation of a report or peer-reviewed study that demonstrates your app’s use of medical hardware works as described Our app's features: AccuCheck-Instant Glucometer: CE0088 This product fulfils the requirements of the European Directive 98/79/EC on in vitro diagnostic medical devices. b) FORA-DigitalThermometer-IR21b: CE Mark for compliance with European Directive integration over Bluetooth c) FORA-OximeterPO200: CE0123 and IEC 61000-4-3 Compliant integration over Bluetooth d) FORA-Weighing Machine-W310b: IEC/EN 61010-1, IEC/EN 61326, EN 301 489-17, EN 300 328 Compliant integration over Bluetooth e) OmronBPMachine-HEM -9210T: EC & EN Compliance integration over Bluetooth Please anyone help us to resolve this issue.
Jun ’22
Is there a limit to how many Subscription Groups we can create in total?
We have identified Subscription Groups for our use-case based on the below note from Apple, but there is no mention of any limitations in the doc. Can we create unlimited number of Subscription Groups or is there a limit? If your app needs to offer users the ability to buy multiple subscriptions — for example, to subscribe to more than one channel in a streaming app — you can add these subscriptions to different groups. Users who buy subscriptions in multiple groups will be billed separately for each subscription. Thanks in advance!
Jul ’22
Couldn't redeem TestFlight invitation code
Some time ago I forwarded the invite to TestFlight from my work Apple ID to my personal Apple ID (email addresses) and was testing on a personal iPhone device. I want to stop testing on my iPhone and move testing to my work iPad. Therefore, I removed the app in TestFlight from my personal device (selecting "Stop Testing") and app is no longer available. I also removed the work Apple ID from the list of all testers for the app, as well as from the internal tester list. I then added it back, sent the invitation, but it will not work on the iPad. Subsequent builds generated new invitation codes and none of those work either. I tried three so far. It appears my personal Apple ID is somehow permanently connected to TestFlight, even though there is no reference to my personal Apple ID in the work account. I see no references in my personal Apple ID account to the app either. Any suggestions to get the invite to work? I don't know what else to do other than create a new Apple ID, but would rather not for a variety of reasons.
Aug ’22
Error uploading only Mac Catalyst build of App through App Store Connect
Every time I try to upload the Mac Catalyst build of my App to App Store Connect, I get the following error: Asset validation failed This bundle is invalid. The value for key CFBundleVersion [3] in the Info.plist file must contain a higher version than that of the previously uploaded version [8]. Please find more information about CFBundleVersion at (ID: 60d6b17f-ea3e-4e82-a6e6-21c18e6fb9ef) I have tried updating the version and build numbers in Xcode - still getting the same error. The Info.plist also looks fine - it just contains $(CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION) next to Bundle version. The kicker is that I'm having no issues with uploading iOS builds - only Mac Catalyst builds. Any help would be appreciated - I've been stuck on this problem for months! I'm running Xcode 14 on macOS 12.5.1
Sep ’22
Failed to verify your identity. Try Again - Error on AppStore Connect / Developer / SearchAds
This error appeared yesterday out of the blue. I'd been on working on an app update and later in the day when I tried to log in again I immediately get the error, "Failed to verify your identity. Try Again". No verification code is sent and it's not a password issue, as that's a different error. I'm able to log in to iOS devices and Apple's apps, like the App Store Connect App. I was even able to log in to the Apple Support App and change my password, but I still couldn't access any Apple websites. If I try to log in to, searchads,,, or I immediately get the same error and no 2FA code is sent. I've seen online that others have had this issue and some resolved it by appending a verification code to the end of their password, but that hasn't worked for me. (Even though Apple's sites fail to send the 2FA I was able to get a code by going into iOS Settings->iCloud->Passwords & Security->Send Code). Has anyone had this issue and been able to resolve it? I've seen online that people have periodically experienced this issue for years, but I've seen no solution other than the code-appending trick. Apple Developer Support and regular Apple Support haven't been able to help so far (they also told me to try appending a 2FA code to my password). I had to create another Apple ID just to be able to get back into this forum and also the Contact Support page. But now that I have a support case the only way I can communicate with the rep is by logging in with the ID that actually has the login issue. The issue may be rare, but it's been around for several years and Apple has set up its support systems in a way that makes it extremely difficult to get support in these circumstances. In fact, regular Apple Support has no ability to even transfer a call to Developer support. If anyone can help me with this I'll buy you a beer--heck, several beers. Thanks
Sep ’22
reject by guideline 4.3 Design - spam
my Chinese Chess Game be rejected 2 times. the reason: We continued to notice that your app provides the same feature set as other apps submitted to the App Store; it simply varies in content or language, which is considered a form of spam. What I'm more curious about is where is the measurement standard for this sentence? According to this reply "same feature set as other apps ", should APPLE STORE have only one chess games, and the others are considered spam? but why there are so many Chess game there? do they have different features? based on that reply, I think, I am not a chess player. or I am not playing IOS chess game. my APP should be the strongest AI already. have Large End Game Database for play. have self define board for play With AI. any suggestion of make different features set?
Sep ’22
Where to get 5.5 inch iPhone screenshots for submission
Hello, I'm new to iOS development and I'm trying to take some screenshots of my app to submit to the App Store. I'm running Ventura 13.0.1 and XCode 14.1. So far I've used these simulators to take screenshots: 6.5 inch - iPhone 11 Pro Max 6.7 inch - iPhone 14 Pro Max 12.9 inch - iPad Pro 6th gen What I'm stuck on is getting the 5.5 inch screenshots, which are required for App Store submission. As far as I can tell from some online searching, the latest iPhone with that screen size was the 8 Plus. I've installed the oldest iOS simulator that XCode has listed (iOS 13.7), but it still won't let me run a simulator for the iPhone 8 Plus to get those screenshots. I don't have the physical device to take screenshots on. Does anyone know how to get the 5.5 inch screenshots without having to manually resize them?
Nov ’22
Missing a functional link to the Terms of Use (EULA)
I wanted to add subscription plan into my app for a new release. I have bottom sheet showing promotional text for this subscription like below They rejected my app because We were unable to find the following required information in your app's binary: – A functional link to the Terms of Use (EULA) – A functional link to the privacy policy So I added both links for terms and privacy policy in the promotional text. I use the standard Apple EULA for the link. And I still get rejected on the latest review because Specifically, We were unable to find the following required item(s) in your app's metadata: – A functional link to the Terms of Use (EULA) WHY? is it because I should put this link in my App Description page instead of the promotional text? Then why they didn't make noise about the link to privacy policy?
Nov ’22
App was approved, but still shows "In Review"
I submitted my app for review and it is was approved. I received an email saying "Your submission was accepted for release on the App Store" and the App Review page on App Store Connect shows it was approved. However, under IOS app, it still shows "in Review" with the yellow clock item and of course is not on the App Store. Does anyone know how long it will take to reflect approval, and when it will become available on the App Store?
Nov ’22
Can't view campaign data with pre-downloads
Within the last week, we listed our app on the App Store for Pre-Download. Immediately after, we created campaign links and sent them around. We are 100% certain that at least a few of the campaign links have generated over 5 pre-downloads, yet we still can't view campaign data. Is this because pre-downloads are not considered App Store Units, so we won't be able to get the attribution until the launch date?
Nov ’22