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Deleting Subscription Groups
Howdy!I am in the process of submitting a final build for our company. We have been flagged for a subscription group error. So we essentially have 4 subscription groups. We have determined we only need one and have input the in app purchases in that one group.The problem is we were rejected because the other subscription groups were empty.How do I delete the unused and obsolete subscription group. I have created a support ticket. Have not heard anything back at all. Or is there a way to submit and reference only the one sub group?Thanks for any help!
Oct ’18
Apps "In Review" for long time
I used to submit games and they were reviewed within a week's time till mid-2018 but since September, my games keep going to "In Review" status and stay in that status for ever.I did try to cancel the submission and re-submit it, but every time, it goes to "In Review" within 24 hours and stays in same status for weeks. Its been at-least a month for 1 of my app and almost 3 weeks for another.App Id's : 1437438165 , 1435726513Any one else also facing similar issues?
Oct ’18
Rejection - Design 4.0 - Preamble
I'm hoping someone can help me find the specific text (or something close enough) in a guideline that matches up to Apple's rejection. So far I've come up empty with my searches.Guideline 4.0 - DesignWe found that your app or app extension requires users to unlock app content using Local Authentication, which is not a permitted use of this framework.For context the app is related to mental health reporting by the user and part of the design spec was to provide as much privacy and security as possible. After login, when the user backgrounds the app I'm adding a modal that dismisses once the user authenticates with TouchID or FaceID (this option can be turned off if the user desires).It may be that I'm just missing the text but my particular use case doesn't seem particularily onerous and for the record this same app passed beta review once already today without this issue being presented. I've also used this technique in the recent past in another privacy concious app that was allowed in the app store.I've also asked the review team to point me to the text where it explicitly states this use is disallowed. If they respond I will update my post appropriately.
Nov ’18
Is there a way to download payments data programmatically from App Store Connect?
I see that it's currently possible to report payments and tax information manually from the App Store Connect user interface, per the 'View Payment Information' section of the App Store Connect help documentation. Is there any way to retrieve this information programmatically, either via the REST API or the Reporter command line tool? The 'Finance' reports that are available through the developer tools show developer proceeds in the original currency of the transaction, not in the developer's currency post-conversion. Without currency conversion and tax information, the 'Finance' reports are not particularly useful for accounting purposes.
Nov ’18
TestFlight crashlogs do not appear if app is in release as well
Hi there,the crashlogs are listed for every build in the organizer of XCode - normally. However, if a build is being tested in TestFlight and selected for a release at the same time, only the release crashes are listed. Even if the release is not made "Ready for Sale". In AppStore Connect I can see that the build had some crashes in the TestFlight overview. But inside the organizer I can't access those crashes. Since my app is not made "Read for Sale" yet, I see no crashes in the Organizer, not even the build number.Is there a way to download the crashlogs somehow directly? Or am I doing something wrong?Kind regards,Eduard
Dec ’18
Error: The address entered appears to be invalid. Please correct your address and resubmit.
I want to publish my first paid app on the App Store. To do that I need to sign the Paid Applications agreement. To do that I visited "Agreements, Tax and Banking" section of App Store Connect. Whenever I click on "View and Agree to terms" option, it asks me enter my address. And how many times I enter the address, it always show me the error as follows..."The address entered appears to be invalid. Please correct your address and resubmit."I've tried to enter the address same as what mentioned in my membership details in the App Store Connect. Moreover, I have also entered the address same as what I have on Apple ID biling and shipping address. I have also compared the address with the address mentioned on the legal proof that I submitted while creating Apple Developer ID. Unfortunately I'm stuck to the current situation. Can anyone provide me the solution to this?Thanks in advance.
Jan ’19
App Reject Performance: Accurate Metadata (Guideline 2.3.1 - Performance)
Hi, I have an app, (match 3 game) sinse 5-6 year on the store.. I recently perform 2 changes... Improve GUI to support iphoneX / new ipad resolution and add button (reward video to receive free game items) but apple reject my apps with this reason...(Guideline 2.3.1 - Performance) and not send more details... Is beacuse is a paid app and cannot have reward video on it ? ThanksCarl
Apr ’19
Invalid vendor number specified. Try again.
HI AllI am trying to use the API in Python and am getting the followin gerror:{ "errors" : [ { "id" : "285874b4-16fb-4109-b810-ffa2973be714", "status" : "400", "code" : "PARAMETER_ERROR.INVALID", "title" : "A parameter has an invalid value", "detail" : "Invalid vendor number specified. Try again.", "source" : { "parameter" : "filter[vendorNumber]" } } ] }I am passing the Following payload:payload = {'filter[frequency]':'DAILY', 'filter[reportSubType]': 'SUMMARY', 'filter[reportDate]':'2019-03-01', 'filter[vendorNumber]': '12345678', 'filter[reportType]': 'SALES' }Here is the request call:r = requests.get('', headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(token)}, params=payload)Any suggestions on how do i resolve this error?Thanks
May ’19
App Rejected -Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness
Hello,Apple rejected my app due to below resune.Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App CompletenessWe discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on iPhone and iPad running iOS 12.3.1 on Wi-Fi.Specifically, we were not able to log in due to an error.Next StepsTo resolve this issue, please run your app on a device to identify any issues, then revise and resubmit your app for review.If we misunderstood the intended behavior of your app, please reply to this message in Resolution Center to provide information on how these features were intended to work.For new apps, uninstall all previous versions of your app from a device, then install and follow the steps to reproduce the issue. For updates, install the new version as an update to the previous version, then follow the steps to reproduce the issue.ResourcesFor information about testing your app and preparing it for review, please see Technical Note TN2431: App Testing Guide.For a networking overview, please review About Networking.My live app ( version 1.4.1) is login with same credentials and test flight app (version 1.4.2) is also login with same credentials. So what is the issue with login from your end I can't understand. Can you please help me with that. I tried with iOS 12.3.1 with Wi-Fi.
Jul ’19
My apple developer account terminated for unknown reason?
What I did before terminationI created ~20+ apps in itunes apps dashboard. But sure, I was working in 20+ apps. [If it's wrong why that + button legally allowed me to create app? Also there is no delete button to delete created apps...]I am working for freelance clients. So, I deployed their app that was developed by me in my developer account and transferred to their account after successful approval. Totally 2 apps I have been transferred to others account. [If it's wrong, why apple teams approved my app that has full details of other developer (or) other parties]I am working for others, so the app design and functionality is based on others requirement. It's mostly like, Cinema Bookmark, Notes, Camera, dating apps, Cordova apps for small scale physical goods business... this kinda apps. They were approved this kinda apps. I also don't have other choice once I committed project in freelance. If I leave they will left bad review for me. So, I was in situation that I have to do what they need. [There was an app permanently rejection instead of termination]What I did not:I did not used 3rd party images & API's without copy-write information of them.I didn't implemented any private API or frameworks to grab user details.I didn't implemented complex functionalities like Payment, Image sharing, Torrent protocol, Download manager.In terminationI was submitted 2 apps for review. Apple took 14 days to review my apps. In fact, No human reviewed my last 2 apps. My account gone in hold and my 2 apps suddenly gone in to In Review and with in a seconds I got rejected with termination notice. Their bot flagged my account for termination. [Exactly the same flagging message that all people got - bot message]After getting flagged message in apple resolution centre, I applied for appeal to review team with all cases of possibilities from my side for re investigation. But they sent reply what everyone got from app. [No human at all]After terminationAfter 14 days from their bot's last reply. The exactly same time my account got terminated and I got termination notice from apple.I applied to re-investigate. But, They didn't replied with proper message. After 9 days I got reply from apple that told "Per the Notice of Termination you were sent on August 16, 2019 your access to the Apple Developer Program, including the Developer Forums, has been disabled. Also, please note that we will deny your reapplication to the Apple Developer Program for at least one year from the date of the Notice of Termination considering the nature of your acts."Why I told the replies sent by Bot:The exact Time, Whenever I get Apple's constant email template from apple, the time is around 03-3.30 AM. I got Human made replies at random Time.No change in their replies. I got exactly same email what other terminated developers got.Not a proper answer for my absolute question & clarification with my developer account termination.What I felt: I am iOS developer from last 4 years. I spent lot of time in apple application development & the same time I helped to lot of people in internet to develop iOS app for nothing. I felt got slapped by Apple in the name of Fraudulent, dis-honest Nature of my Act for my 99 USD. No doubt absolutely that I am still beggar, 99 USD is very big amount me. I need at least reason or At least reply from Human being. I didn't denied mistake from my side if any. I am ready to accept it. But I need to know what it is.I am single youth and I have excellent skills that told by 70+ peoples[All my clients] around this Earth. Now, I don't have apple support for my Skills. I invested Time & money for future earning but without developer account I can't earn nothing. I can't get client. I can't show demo of my apps. I can't sell my binaries to peoples without apple account. Yes, of curse my existing clients thought bad of me because of apple account termination and loss jobs from them. I've explained reasons that I've suspected my self to everyone.Yes, No doubt, without apple developer account I am not professional software developer. 2 years ago, as a corporate employee I left and I took risk to start my own business. So, I can't step back into corporate employee again. Also, Mentally I am not well for learning new technologies.Absolutely I still love macOS, iPhones products. I am not in revenge at all.What I need now: I understand my developer account datas are deleted in apple. I forgot all & I don't need any of my old account. I need to enrol new developer account. Does this possible in any case?Thank you for your time dear brothers & sisters!
Oct ’19
Create certificates via App Store Connect API
Hello,I am trying to create a certificate via App Store Connect API.First, I created csr by the following command. I confirmed that the generated csr can be successfuly registered to manually.openssl genrsa 2048 > private.key openssl req -new -key private.key -out private.csr -subj "/emailAddress=<my email address>/O=<my name>/C=JP"Then, I tried to create a certificate using certificates API. The token is generated using an API key with Developer role (I tried also Admin and AppManager role and all are same).curl -i \ -H'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \ -H'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{"data":{"attributes":{"certificateType":"IOS_DISTRIBUTION","csrContent":"'$(cat private.csr | base64)'"},"type":"certificates"}}' \ response was:HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized Server: daiquiri/3.0.0 Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2019 03:31:38 GMT Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 350 Connection: keep-alive Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains X-Request-ID: QUKNKFNK2BDNPUUDIDEHJY7W X-Rate-Limit: user-hour-lim:3600;user-hour-rem:3592; x-daiquiri-instance: daiquiri:18493001:mr85p00it-hyhk03154801:7987:19N28 { "errors": [{ "status": "401", "code": "NOT_AUTHORIZED", "title": "Authentication credentials are missing or invalid.", "detail": "Provide a properly configured and signed bearer token, and make sure that it has not expired. Learn more about Generating Tokens for API Requests" }] }This error message says that my token is wrong or missing. Next, so I checked if the token is valid or not by invoking other API.curl -i \ -H'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \ API call succeeded and showed the list of my certificates.Are there something wrong in my commands?(I wonder that the api is not available currently...)Appendix: my ruby script to generate jwtrequire 'jwt' require 'base64' require 'optparse' params = {} opt = opt.on('-i val', '--iss') { |v| params[:iss] = v } opt.on('-k val', '--kid') { |v| params[:kid] = v } opt.parse! private_key = STDIN.readlines.join key = payload = { iss: params[:iss], exp: + 10 * 60, aud: 'appstoreconnect-v1' } header_fields = { "kid": params[:kid], "typ": 'JWT' } token = JWT.encode(payload, key, 'ES256', header_fields=header_fields) puts tokenThank you.
Oct ’19