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Adding consumable IAP
We had Auto-renewable subscription and Non-renewing subscription in our app previously and now we want to add a consumable IAP where user can purchase it to activate a feature once. I created the consumable product, added all details and submitted it for review. I got the following response 3.1.1 - new IAP type New type: Consumable Previous type: Auto-renewable subscription, Non-renewing subscription Recommend: Download The status of IAP is in Developer Action Needed. I am not sure what I am supposed to do, it says to Download , but download what? Does anyone have any idea on what this is about?
No place to update license agreement
When I login to my Dev account, I get a banner that says "The updated Apple Developer Program License Agreement needs to be reviewed. In order to update your existing apps and submit new apps to the App Store, the Account Holder must review and accept the updated agreement." However, when I go to Agreements, Tax, and Banking, I see both Free Apps and Paid Apps agreement, but when I click on View, there's nothing for me to accept. It's a pop-up window with a list of countries and a button at the end that says "Close". And that's it. No other action is possible. No other option either under the Action column.
Radio streaming app - 5.2 Intellectual Property
Hi, I've built a radio streaming app for my radio station. I'm using VosCast streaming services to host my radio station online. The reviewer has asked me to comply with guideline 5.2 so I submitted my VosCast invoice and a copy of my business registration for the radio station. The reviewer then said I still have to provide authorisation to comply with 5.2.1: "However, to be in compliance with guideline 5.2.1, it would still be appropriate to submit documentation demonstrating this authorization." I'm not sure what other document I should submit. Looking for some advise on this. Thanks so much! Here is a screenshot of my app:
Can the same code be used to distribute an app across multiple countries?
To meet the specific needs of different countries while also taking into account visible political reasons, we need to develop customized apps. However, the code will not be significantly altered. Therefore, we have designed two solutions: Solution 1: Use the same codebase, modify the UI to create multiple apps Solution 2: Design different interfaces within the same codebase (this solution is likely to be rejected) So, what can we do to ensure that we can complete this challenging task while maintaining similar functionality?
Unable to receive app sales payment to my Resona bank account in Japan
Resona is one of the Japanese mega-banks - it makes no sense that they are not recognized by Apple's payment system. Transfer has failed three months in a row. Have quadruple-checked all relevant numbers. Each time, the following error is generated: Payment could not be processed because your bank is not recognized by the associated national bank code. Apple doesn't make things easy: they only "try" once a month they keep suggesting I change the account holder spelling when my own bank says that is not the problem they offer no real-time chat or phone support for this issue - only email with a 3 day delay in between responses my requests for specific information regarding the transfer that my bank has requested I obtain from Apple so that they can troubleshoot from their end (such as the issuing bank name) are ignored by Apple's finance support team Anyone encounter this issue before? Any advice on how to proceed that doesn't involve opening an entirely new corporate bank account at a different bank?
Implement offer codes to make app free
Hello! I want to implement a system in my app in which I will require the user to input a promotional code. If the user inputs a code, the app will have full functionalities, in the other case, the app will be a "lite" version. I don't want to sell anything; the content of the app depends only on whether the user has inputted the promo code. Is this behavior permitted by App Store? In the case it does, do I need to use the store "In app purchase" flow or may I handle all this logic by myself? Thanks!
Tesflight eCommerce error, Beta testers outside the US, for our MacOS App, are being told their ID is not valid in the US Store
Beta testers outside the US, for our MacOS App, are being told their ID is not valid in the US Store and that they must switch to a store in their country. Yet the store switch fails Essentially beta testers outside the US cannot do testflight sandbox eCommerce for the Mac version of our app. Note that eCommerce on the Mac works for US based testers and eCommerce for the iOS/iPadOS works for testers in all territories. Many of these testers are in India, the UK and Canada. We believe that this is incorrect, that storeKit is not correctly detecting the AppStore Region for mac based testflight eCommerce. At this point we have 382 testers, most outside the US and we can only Beta Test our app with US users. Attached are images of the messages that are coming from storeKit: Here is a link to a video from a user in Canada who is demonstrating the problem (cut and paste into browser) Here is another link to a video from a user in Canada who is demonstrating the problem (cut and paste into browser). We see that there is another post with a similar problem. Similar eCommerce Problem Because eCommerce works in all territories on iOS/iPadOS but ONLY in the US for Mac we suspect that this is an error that either a DBA or a coder will need to fix. Any insights from anyone would be appreciated.
Cannot upload lower build number after higher build submission is approved
We encountered a weird situation recently. Our daily build process upload an app with a daily incremental 4-digit build number, e.g. 4000, 4001, 4002, etc. Our release build number has a specific requirement to use the date, such as 20240719. In the past I have learned that in order to upload a new build for the same version number, the new build number needs to be greater than the old one. Thus, if I have uploaded 200.1.0 (20240719), I cannot upload 200.1.0 (4001) anymore, because the daily build's build number is smaller than the release build. I have to expire the 20240719 build in order for the daily build to continue, which is fine. The problem is, yesterday I submitted 200.1.0 (20240719) for App Store review then got approved. While today's daily build is 200.2.0 (4001) and when it is uploaded, it got rejected for the following error message: This bundle is invalid. The value for key CFBundleVersion [4001] in the Info.plist file must contain a higher version than that of the previously uploaded version [20240719]. Please find more information about CFBundleVersion at With error code STATE_ERROR.VALIDATION_ERROR.90061 for id [redacted] Asset validation failed (-19208) This befuddles me, because the 20240719 build submitted for review is in an older release version, while the daily build 4001 is using the newer release version number. It seems that TestFlight decided to compare build numbers while ignoring the version numbers?! Furthermore, after I canceled my approved submission for 200.1.0 (20240719), surprisingly the 200.2.0 (4001) can be uploaded without an error! 😲 It seems that the only factor is whether the build is submitted or not. If an older version number higher build (200.1.0 (20240719)) is not submitted, then TestFlight happily allows newer version number lower build (200.2.0 (4001)) to be uploaded. In contrast, if submitted, then 4001 is not allowed to be uploaded! Is it an expected behavior? Thank you for the patience.
Waiting for review
Hi everyone, I'm facing an issue with my app review process. My app has been in the "Waiting for Review" status for more than 48 hours, whereas usually, the review process is completed within 12 hours. We have a crucial launch coming up, and this delay is significantly impacting our plans. Has anyone else experienced such delays recently? Any advice on how to expedite the process or escalate the issue with Apple would be greatly appreciated.
App Rejection to User Login
Hi There, we have an app that provides music and podcasts that we are licensed to provide , we depend on users to be logged in for our personalisation and recommendation engine to profile correctly both across the mobile app and web experience We have not had any issues for the last 7 years until now, receiving the app review rejection below. We have replied with multiple explanations why we require user login as mandatory and have identical apps that do the same, however we are told that we can log a complaint against those dont comply , but they cannot indicate what is different to our app. The response is below, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated "Hello, Thank you for your reply. Regarding 5.1.1 issue, your app requires users to register or log in to access features that are not account based. To resolve this issue, it would be appropriate to revise the app to let users freely access the app's features that are not account based. We are not able to provide feedback on app concepts or features, but we recommend evaluating your suggestions against the App Review Guidelines, as well as the Apple Developer Program License Agreement, and the Human Interface Guidelines."
App review rejected
I built the app using Capacitor. Users will need to subscribe to a monthly plan before using the app. So when they log-in, they will see the pricing page. The payment is done using Capacitor in-app browser via Stripe elements. Our team sees this as in-app purchase, but Apple review team said this is not and rejected our version update. Rewriting the app with Swift is a no-go now. Anyone have any ideas what to do? Anyone had experience getting their app review passed using Stripe capacitor?
iTunes Store is stuttering, repeating the same (erroneous) message every 5 minutes…
Since 2 hours (1:20 GMT July 18), I keep receiving the exact same message from iTunesStore every 5 minutes (30 received so far, with metronome regularity): Your banking information was accepted Thank you for providing the requested details for xxxxxx associated with your banking update in App Store Connect. Any payments may take up to 2 payment cycles to send. If you have any questions, contact us at I did not update any information since at least 6 weeks. I contacted support, it seems to be widespread problem. I filed a bug report: Jul 18, 2024 at 5:51 PM – FB14377820