Demystify code signing and its importance in app development. Get help troubleshooting code signing issues and ensure your app is properly signed for distribution.

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Signing identity error "-"
(I posted this in the "Distribution >> App Submission and Review" forum 2 days ago but it has not received a response. Trying here...)I had to rebuild my iMac a few months ago and I restored from my Time Machine backup.I now need to make a change to an app but what used to compile without error is now failing at the codesign step with:Signing Identity: "-"As far as I can see, all of the account profiles are valid with expiry dates in the future. The only 'odd' thing is that some have a 'Download' button in the 'Action' column of the 'Provisioning Profiles' seciotn of the account details - when I select the "Download All Profiles" button, they turn grey but never seem to download or disappear (even after aiting for several hours!). Looking at the 'developer' web page, all of my certificates and provisioning profiles are all active.Any ideas welcomedThanksSusan
Nov ’16
codesign wants to access key "access" in your bunch of keys
Hi,my apps run on the iOSSimulator without problems and used to run on devices as well, but after updating to latest XCode-Version I am getting the above error message when trying to run an app on my iPhone 7. It says :"codesign wants to access key "access" in your bunch of keys . To allow this enter your password".... but my apple-Developer-ID-Password doesn't work. And until updating to latest XCode-Version I never had any problems with codesign when running an app on iPhone device.Any hints what's going wrong ?XCode Version 9.1 (9B55)iOS Version 11.1.2 (15B202)Latest High Sierra Version, macbook Pro 2015
Nov ’17
How to register an iOS device with a free developer account?
Hello,I am new to ios development. On the internet I have found tutorials how to create a free (restricted) developer account however in this tutorials there are different descriptions how to register an iOS device with the acount in xcode in order to install apps that I develop.Is there any official tutorial from apple how to do this?Or can some member of Apple staff confirm that this tutorial work for Xcode version 9.2, please?Thanks in advancePetra
Feb ’18
Stapling Error 65 (Applescript app)
Trying to notarize and AppleScript app following the instructions at Der Flounder (that are based on an Automator app).Code Signing works fineNotarization work fine.However when trying to stape the successful notarization the response to:xcrun stapler staple "/Volumes/HardDrive/"is:Processing: /Volumes/HardDrive/ CloudKit query for (2/936578f9cf6dff6314bdebeba427cac9dab3f7e8) failed due to "record not found". Could not find base64 encoded ticket in response for 2/936578f9cf6dff6314bdebeba427cac9dab3f7e8 The staple and validate action failed! Error 65.
Apr ’19
Notarization: "Team isn't configured for notarization"
I've tried to notarize my app recently and got the error:{ "logFormatVersion": 1, "jobId": "...", "status": "Rejected", "statusSummary": "Team is not yet configured for notarization", "statusCode": 7000, "archiveFilename": "myapp.dmg", "uploadDate": "2019-06-20T06:24:53Z", "sha256": "...", "ticketContents": null, "issues": null }I've never heard about "team configuration for notarization" previously. What are the steps to resolve that issue?Thanks in advance.
Jun ’19
The staple and validate action failed! Error 73.
HiI have a flat pkg that I sucessfully notarised but when I come to staple the ticket I get the following error:"Although we wrote the ticket, the written data did not validate. Please restore thefile.pkg from backup to try again.The staple and validate action failed! Error 73."I did not touch the pkg in teh few minutes it took to receive the confirmaton email. The pkg itself looks notarised when I check it. Strange...
Oct ’19
Weird Files and Folder Permissions behavior (OS X Bug)
Hi All,I have noticed some really strange behavior with File and Folder Permissions on Catalina 10.15(19A603). I have done some simple tests such as using a text editor to read, view, create, update a file in Documents and I was able to successfully perform these operations even though I did NOT give the text editor File and Folder permissions. I also did not give the text editor Full Disk Access permissions.My question is this normal behavior, is this a bug? This seems to defeat the point of the permssions. These programs to not have permissions but they seem to work just fine.I have noticed some othe applications requesting permissions to so and when I Do Not Allow, they do not have access to read or write to specific files and folders. Does seem like consitent behavior.Edit: This is related to an issue we are experiencing. We develop a File/Folder sharing Application and some users who upgraded to Catalina are experiencing bad behavior because our App cannot read/write to their folder. What is strange is other users experienced no issues. I have personally experienced these cases below:1. MacOS notifies me to allow the App Folder/FIle permissions and I grant the app permission. (Everything works fine)2. App has no permissions and MacOS does not prompt me to allow Folder/File permission. (App Fails)3. App has no permissions but can still perform operations on Documents and Folders. (What?! This is really weird.)I have no idea what is going on here, just need some clarification as to what the behavior should be and what work needs to be done on our end.
Oct ’19
`--deep` Considered Harmful
Many of the trusted execution problems I see are caused by folks signing their product using the --deep option. While that can work in some circumstances, I generally recommend against it. There are two issues with --deep: It applies the same code signing options to every code item that it signs, something that’s not appropriate in general. For example, you might have an app containing a nested command-line tool, where the app and the tool need different entitlements. The --deep option will apply the same entitlements to both, which is a serious mistake. It only signs code that it can find, and it only finds code in nested code sites. If you put code in a place where the system is expecting to find data, --deep won’t sign it. The first issue is fundamental to how --deep works, and is the main reason you should not use it. Indeed, on macOS it may cause the trusted execution system to block your program from running. For the details, see the Check for Entitlements on Library Code section of Resolving Library Loading Problems. The second issue is only a problem if you don’t follow the rules for nesting code and data within a bundle, as documented in Placing Content in a Bundle. However, my experience is that the products that don’t follow those rules are exactly the same sort of products that try to use --deep. The alternative to --deep is to sign each code item separately, from the inside out. If your product has lots of nested code, automate this using a script. Note One exception to the prohibition on --deep is Automator apps. If you’re signing an Automator app, see this DevForums post. For detailed information on how to correctly sign and package Mac software, see Creating distribution-signed code for macOS and Packaging Mac software for distribution. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "" Revision history: 2024-05-06 Update some links to reference the Real Documentation™ rather than my legacy DevForums posts. 2022-06-14 Added a link to Resolving Library Loading Problems. Replaced the link to Signing a Mac Product For Distribution with a link to Creating Distribution-Signed Code for Mac. Made other minor editorial changes. 2021-10-21 Replaced the nested code reference with one to Placing Content in a Bundle. Minor editorial changes. 2020-09-15 Adopted the correct terminology for Automator apps. 2020-03-09 First version.
Mar ’20
Testing a Notarised Product
To ship a product outside of the Mac App Store, you must notarise it. The notary service issues a notarised ticket, and the ultimate consumer of that ticket is Gatekeeper. However, Gatekeeper does not just check the ticket; it also applies a variety of other checks, and it’s possible for those checks to fail even if your notarised ticket is just fine. To avoid such problems showing up in the field, test your product’s compatibility with Gatekeeper before shipping it. To do this: Set up a fresh machine, one that’s never seen your product before. If your product supports macOS 10.15.x, x < 4, the best OS version to test with is 10.15.3 [1]. Download your product in a way that quarantines it (for example, using Safari). Disconnect the machine from the network. It might make sense to skip this step. See the discussion below. Install and use your product as your users would. If the product is signed, notarised, and stapled correctly, everything should work. If not, you’ll need to investigate what’s making Gatekeeper unhappy, fix that, and then retest. For detailed advice on that topic, see Resolving Trusted Execution Problems. Run this test on a fresh machine each time. This is necessary because Gatekeeper caches information about your product and it’s not easy to reset that cache. Your best option is to do this testing on a virtual machine (VM). Take a snapshot of the VM before the first test, and then restore to that snapshot when you want to retest. Also, by using a VM you can disable networking in step 3 without disrupting other work on your machine. The reason why you should disable networking in step 3 is to test that you’ve correctly stapled the notarised ticket on to your product. If, for some reason, you’re unable to do that stapling, it’s fine to skip step 3. However, be aware that this may cause problems for a user if they try to deploy your product to a Mac that does not have access to the wider Internet. For more background on this, see The Pros and Cons of Stapling. [1] macOS 10.15.4 fixes a bug that made Gatekeeper unnecessarily strict (r. 57278824), so by testing on 10.15.3 you’re exercising the worst case. The process described above is by far the best way to test your Gatekeeper compatibility because it accurately tests how your users run your product. However, you can also run a quick, albeit less accurate test, using various command-line tools. The exact process depends on the type of product you’re trying to check: App — Run spctl like this: % spctl -a -t exec -vvv Disk image — Run spctl like this: % spctl -a -t open -vvv --context context:primary-signature WaffleVarnish.dmg Installer package — Run spctl like this: % spctl -a -t install -vvv WaffleVarnish.pkg Other code — Run codesign like this: % codesign -vvvv -R="notarized" --check-notarization WaffleVarnish.bundle Note The last command requires macOS 10.15 or later. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "" Revision history: 2023-10-20 Added links to Resolving Trusted Execution Problems and The Pros and Cons of Stapling. Made other minor editorial changes. 2021-02-26 Fixed the formatting. 2020-04-17 Added the section discussing spctl. 2020-03-25 First version.
Mar ’20
Unpacking Apple Archives
I support Mac code signing and notarisation for DTS and, as part of that work, I often need to look inside various Apple-specific archive file formats. This post explains how I do this. It’s mostly for the benefit of Future Quinn™, but I figured other folks would appreciate it as well. IMPORTANT This post explains low-level techniques for inspecting archives. Do not use them to create archives. Instead, create your archives using the highest-level tool that will get the job done [1]. Flat Installer Package A flat installer package — appropriate for uploading to the Mac App Store or the notary service — is actually a xar archive. Unpack it using the xar tool. For example: % # List the contents: % % xar -tf InstallTest-1.0d1.pkg Distribution % % # Actually unpack: # % mkdir tmp % cd tmp % xar -xf ../InstallTest-1.0d1.pkg % find . . ./Distribution ./ ./ ./ ./ See the xar man page for more info on that tool. The resulting Bom file is a ‘bill of materials’. For more on this, see the bom man page for details. Use lsbom to dump this: % lsbom ./ . 0 0/0 ./ … ./ … ./ … ./ … ./ … … The Payload file contains… you guessed it… the installer’s payload. This is a gzipped cpio archive. To unpack it, pipe the file through cpio: % cpio -i < 5072 blocks % find … See the cpio man page for more info on that tool. Note This is a bit of a hassle so most of the time I use a third-party app to unpack installer packages. Which one? Well, I can’t give away all my secrets (-: Xip Archives To extract a xip archive (pronounced, I believe, as chip archive), run the xip tool with the --expand argument: % xip --expand XipTest.xip However, if that doesn’t work you’ll need to dig into the archive. First, undo the outer xar wrapper: % xar -xf XipTest.xip This produces two files, Content and Metadata: % ls -l total 7552 -rw-r--r-- 1 quinn staff 1683391 10 Jun 17:05 Content -rw-r--r-- 1 quinn staff 287 10 Jun 17:08 Metadata -rw-r--r-- 1 quinn staff 1697157 10 Jun 17:05 XipTest.xip The Metadata file is an XML property list: % cat Metadata … <dict> <key>UncompressedSize</key> <integer>2598653</integer> <key>Version</key> <integer>1</integer> </dict> </plist> The Content file is an Apple Archive. Unpack this using the aa tool: % aa extract -ignore-eperm -i Content -d tmp % find tmp tmp tmp/XipTest tmp/XipTest/ tmp/XipTest/ tmp/XipTest/ tmp/XipTest/ tmp/XipTest/ tmp/XipTest/ … See the aa man page for more info on that tool. Note aa was previously known as yaa. iOS App Archives iOS apps are stored in an .ipa file. This is actually a zip archive under the covers. To unpack it, change the file name extension to .zip and then double click it it in the Finder (or use your favourite unzipping tool, like unzip or ditto). Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "" [1] For installer package specifically, productbuild is your friend, but you can also use the lower-level tools like productsign, pkgbuild, and pkgutil. Revision History 2024-02-20 Added the iOS App Archives section. Added a note about third-party apps to the end of the Flat Installer Package section. 2022-09-30 Changed yaa to aa and added a reference to the Apple Archive framework. 2021-02-26 Fixed the formatting. 2020-06-10 First posted.
Jun ’20
Profile doesn't include the entitlement.
I have tried everything and still I am getting this. Just for a test I created a new app (Master-Detail template Xcode 11.5) I have created an entry in the iTunes Connect to receive the app upon archiving and uploading. I regenerated all new certificates for iOS Development and Distribution. I created all new Provisioning profiles. The Dev profile builds deploys and runs on my device The Dist profile builds but when I select the distribution profile I get the "Profile doesn't include the entitlement." error. When I download the profile within Xcode all looks good for the distribution profile: App ID: matches correctly Certificated: 1 Included includes the new signing certificate "iPhone Distribution...." Capabilities: 3 Included Includes Game Center, In-App Purchase, and Keychain Sharing Entitlements: 5 Included Includes application-identifier, keychain-access-groups, beta-reports-active, get-task-allow, and Im not sure what is going on. This is a standard process I have performed for quite a while. As a matter of fact I just submitted 3 applications last Sunday. Thank you for any suggestions.
Jun ’20
Health Records entitlement automatically being added.
We seem to be dealing with a weird issue where the clinical health records entitlement keeps on getting added into our final embedded.mobileprovision when we prepare a build for distribution. We seem to get this in the final package. &lt;key&gt;;/key&gt; &lt;array&gt; &lt;string&gt;health-records&lt;/string&gt; &lt;/array&gt; But in our projects entitlement file there is no reference to health records. Below is the raw values inside of this file. &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt; &lt;!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""&gt; &lt;plist version="1.0"&gt; &lt;dict&gt; &lt;key&gt;aps-environment&lt;/key&gt; &lt;string&gt;development&lt;/string&gt; &lt;key&gt;;/key&gt; &lt;true/&gt; &lt;key&gt;;/key&gt; &lt;array/&gt; &lt;key&gt;;/key&gt; &lt;array&gt; &lt;string&gt;group.xxxxx&lt;/string&gt; &lt;/array&gt; &lt;/dict&gt; &lt;/plist&gt; And also in the project this isn't selected in the capabilities section either. Has anyone come across this issue before where Xcode automatically adds clinical records even though you haven't selected the checkbox.
Jul ’20
Getting a "certificate is not trusted" error for iOS Distribution Certificate
To support an older version of an iOS app, I needed to install Mojave with Xcode 9. I create a CSR and from there generate an iOS Distribution certificate online, which I download and double click to install in Keychain. However, when viewing in Keychain, it shows in red "iPhone Distribution: CompanyName certificate is not trusted". I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong as I follow the instructions to the T and have done this in the past with success. NOTE: I tried this with Sierra as well and got the same issue. It only seems to work on Catalina, which doesn't help me because I need an older version of Xcode.
Sep ’20
The audience in ID Token [] does not match the expected audience.
I am trying to implement sign in with apple with firebase. I cannot get around an issue where I get the following error when attempting a sign in: When running: Auth.auth().signIn(with: credential) { (authResult, error) in I get: nil credential = OAuthProvider.credential Optional(Error Domain=FIRAuthErrorDomain Code=17004 "The audience in ID Token [] does not match the expected audience." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=The audience in ID Token [] does not match the expected audience., FIRAuthErrorUserInfoNameKey=ERROR_INVALID_CREDENTIAL}) Optional("The audience in ID Token [] does not match the expected audience.") I have added my URL as stated on firebase to my identifier. To complete set up, add this authorization callback URL to your app configuration in the Apple Developer Console. Additional steps may be needed to verify ownership of this web domain to Apple.  More code: func authorizationController(controller: ASAuthorizationController, didCompleteWithAuthorization authorization: ASAuthorization) {   if let appleIDCredential = authorization.credential as? ASAuthorizationAppleIDCredential {    guard let nonce = currentNonce else {     fatalError("Invalid state: A login callback was received, but no login request was sent.")    }    guard let appleIDToken = appleIDCredential.identityToken else {     print("Unable to fetch identity token")     return    }    guard let idTokenString = String(data: appleIDToken, encoding: .utf8) else {     print("Unable to serialize token string from data: \(appleIDToken.debugDescription)")     return    }           print("credential = OAuthProvider.credential")    // Initialize a Firebase credential.    let credential = OAuthProvider.credential(withProviderID: "",                         idToken: idTokenString,                       rawNonce: nonce)     //Auth.auth().createUser(withEmail: T##String, password: T##String, completion: T##AuthDataResultCallback?##AuthDataResultCallback?##(AuthDataResult?, Error?) -&gt; Void)    // Sign in with Firebase.    Auth.auth().signIn(with: credential) { (authResult, error) in           print(Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid ," credential = OAuthProvider.credential ", error)
Oct ’20
App not displayed in Settings App
Whenever I fresh install my app onto my device, it is not showing up in the Settings app. Even after trying to search it, nothing appears. I use location services and local network within my application so I need to be able to change those authorizations as it does not reliably prompt for those authorizations (I need always for location and that was removed, local network never prompts correctly). I have however seen my app appear in the settings app under privacy -> Location Services but not local network. Is this an issue with Apple or with my application? Should also be known that it does appear in settings on some devices.
Oct ’20