Enable web views and services in your apps.

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Service Worker isn't working in Internal iframe: WebView file://
Is it a specification that the Service Worker doesn’t work in an internal iframe only when the parent page in a WebView is file://? It works in Mobile Safari under the same conditions, and we couldn’t find any specification that says Service Worker-like behavior doesn’t work with this combination. Step to reproduce: We use Vite to develop the application. For the iframe in Webview, Install vite-plugin-pwa with version ^0.20.5 Add VitePWA({...}) to plugins[] array in vite.config.ts Build and preview the app: npm run build && npm run preview. We open a Webview with file:// and then open the iframe with the URL to which we preview the app (We use ngrok to create the URL). Then we open Safari and inspect the Webview but inside the Developer > Service workers tab doesn’t have a registered service worker. For safari, we do the same step 1-3, We open Safari browser with the URL that we have deployed the app (The same URL we used in the iframe in Webview). We go inside the Developer > Service workers tab and it has a registered service worker. Environment: Simulator: IOS 18.2 Safari: MacOS 15.2 Expectation: Safari and the iframe in Webview should have a registered service worker inside the Developer > Service workers.
Jan ’25
How to set UserAgent on Safari web driver of selenium
Python version 3.9.1 Selenium version 4.25.0 Safari version 18.1.1 I want to operate Safari using Selenium. For this purpose, I would like to set the UserAgent to iOS and change the viewport. What should I do? The following is the content programmed with the Chrome driver. I would like to achieve this using the Safari driver. import time,os import chromedriver_binary from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver import Safari from selenium.webdriver.safari.options import Options as SafariOptions from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC from selenium.webdriver.support.select import Select from selenium.webdriver.chrome import service # selenium 4 from selenium.webdriver.chrome.service import Service as ChromeService from selenium.webdriver.chrome.options import Options from webdriver_manager.chrome import ChromeDriverManager driver = webdriver.Chrome(service=ChromeService(ChromeDriverManager().install()),options = chrome_options) # iPhone 13 params viewport = { "width": 390, "height": 844, "deviceScaleFactor": 3, "mobile": True } #Chrome setting ua = "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/15.4 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1" driver.execute_cdp_cmd("Emulation.setDeviceMetricsOverride", viewport) # change user agent driver.execute_cdp_cmd("Emulation.setUserAgentOverride", {"userAgent": ua}) # ページにアクセス driver.get("https://hogehoge")
Jan ’25
Issue with iOS Safari Handling Updates in .ics Files
I have an endpoint that generates a .ics file. From my mobile app, I open the browser (Safari) and retrieve the .ics file. In Safari, the events are displayed as expected, and I can use the "Add All" button to add them to the calendar. After clicking "Add All," I can select the desired calendar, and the events are successfully added (see screenshots 1 and 2 below). Here’s the initial .ics file response: BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:NAME BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250101T195917Z DTSTART:20250102T131600 DTEND:20250102T142500 SUMMARY:My Event 1 UID:unique-uid1 LAST-MODIFIED:20250101T155715Z DESCRIPTION:Description SEQUENCE:1 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250101T195917Z DTSTART:20250103T131600 DTEND:20250103T135600 SUMMARY:My Event 2 UID:unique-uid2 LAST-MODIFIED:20250101T155715Z DESCRIPTION:Description SEQUENCE:1 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR Later, I updated the .ics file with new event details: BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:NAME BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250102T195917Z DTSTART:20250104T131600 DTEND:20250104T142500 SUMMARY:My Event 1 Update UID:unique-uid1 LAST-MODIFIED:20250104T155715Z DESCRIPTION:Description SEQUENCE:2 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250102T195917Z DTSTART:20250105T131600 DTEND:20250105T142500 SUMMARY:My Event 2 Update UID:unique-uid2 LAST-MODIFIED:20250102T155715Z DESCRIPTION:Description SEQUENCE:2 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR I updated everything according to the iCalendar documentation: UID remained unchanged SEQUENCE has been updated DTSTAMP has been updated LAST-MODIFIED has been updated However it seems like that Safari can't handle updates on events. In the preview we can see the changes, but when I click on "Add All" button, nothing happens. The same behavior is working with other calendars like Outlook (web view) or Google Calendar. My Questions: Is there a property missing from my .ics file that is necessary for iOS Safari to handle updates? Is Safari not designed to handle event updates in this way? Should I consider moving to a subscription-based solution to manage updates more reliably? Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Jan ’25
Throttling on navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition on Safari
I'm using navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition to retrieve the users coordinates in a PWA built with Nextjs. getCurrentPosition is called by clicking on a button. If getCurrentPosition is called afterwards, the cached value is returned. On Safari, If I refresh the page, or logout, login and call getCurrentPosition again, the getCurrentPosition error callback is called with an error code 2 - POSITION_UNAVAILABLE. After around five minutes, getCurrentPosition can be called again. Is there some kind of throttling restriction on Safari navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition?
Jan ’25
WebSocket Connection Fails in Safari iOS 18.1+ when triggered from an iframe
Hello, I’m encountering a problem with WebSocket connections in Safari on iOS 18.1 and later when initiated from an iframe. The same implementation works perfectly in other browsers like Chrome but fails in Safari. In Safari, the WebSocket connection fails with error message "WebSocket connection to 'wss://MY_CONNECTION_URL' failed: The internet connection appears to be offline." Has anyone else faced this? Is this a known limitation or bug in Safari? Any workarounds or solutions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Dec ’24
MacOS's Safari use a lot of cpu on some js web page using requestAnimationFrame then chrome
It's being a very long time that I discovery that in some web pages, that use function requestAnimationFrame will cause a lot of cpu, but very little in Chrome. I have already submitted this bug nearly two years ago without printout requestAnimationFrame, no one replied. I submitted again and mention requestAnimationFrame recently, hope there will be some response. If anyone interested in this issue and know some tech in javascript please help. You can enter https://www.baidu.com/ and click one of the topic in all the 百度热搜 which have 弹幕滚动(using requestAnimationFrame, and cause a lot of cpu usage) on right.
Dec ’24
Issues with Safari dev tools + WKWebView + local URL + iOS 18 simulator
When I'm inspecting a WKWebView in a simulator and the WKWebView loads a local URL with a port number, I've found that most features of Safari dev tools that worked in iOS 17 are broken in iOS 18. Here are the steps I'm taking: Set up a WKWebView with isInspectable = true that loads a local URL, e.g. https://www.local.mydomain.com:3000 Install a self-signed SSL certificate on a simulator for www.local.mydomain.com Run my app on the simulator The WKWebView loads successfully In Safari on my Mac, I can select the WKWebView and open dev tools to inspect it If the simulator is on iOS 17, this works fine, no issues. But if the simulator is on iOS 18, Safari dev tools are mostly broken. I can tell that there is a connection to the WKWebView because the Network tab logs the requests that I expect. But I cannot use any of the other dev tools features: Elements, Sources, Console, etc. Has anyone else encountered this? Is there a workaround?
Dec ’24
Nested USDZs new behaviour with Quick Look
Hello there I have a nested USDZ file I had created a long time ago with some make-up products. Its behaviour was always the same in the past: nested usdz files allow you to control each object "nested" separately. So I used this as a way to allow people to play around with a "set of objects". Today I went to try it and since I'm on ios 18 it shows an "assets tab" on the bottom that allows me to see all the assets inside the tab but doesn't allow me to see or anchor them at all! What changes do I need to do in order for this to work and where can I check documentation on these new behaviours for USDZ files? And what will this allow for in the future? Thank you in advance
Dec ’24
How does the Reddit app detect Safari’s Private Browsing mode when opening a Universal Link?
I’m trying to understand how the Reddit app knows to open in its anonymous mode when a link is opened from Safari’s Private Browsing mode. Does Safari explicitly pass any flag or metadata indicating the request originated from Private Browsing? Or is it inferred by the absence of shared cookies, session tokens, or other stateful data? If the detection is based on the absence of cookies, could this logic misidentify other stateless scenarios as ‘private’?
Dec ’24
Fullscreen API web standard is unacceptably missing on iPhone
It is outrageous that Apple continue to fail to implement the Fullscreen API web standard for web apps on iPhone only, which is so important to accessibility and web app functionality. The only possible reason for this block is commercial: to promote iOS apps instead of browser based web apps. To quote a client from a major agency just now - a typical enquiry : We value accessibility greatly, and we noticed that the embedded player is missing a full screen button on iPhone. Everything else works perfectly fine, including a full screen button that appears on the mobile webpage on android devices. Is there any way we can include a button to enable full screen view for our viewers in your player that are going to watch it on iOS devices? To which, as usual, we have to reply: Apple unfortunately block fullscreen mode from being used with all web applications on iPhone. Apple will allow this to be displayed fullscreen on MacBooks and iPads, but currently not on on iPhone - so we have to hide the fullscreen button there. So fullscreen works on all devices and browsers apart from on iPhone. As you've seen with Android, all other devices and browsers follow the universal 'Fullscreen API' web standard to allow full screen. You're probably familiar with seeing the fullscreen button on normal linear videos on iPhone. These use Apple's native video player, which doesn't let buttons and scripts be used on top of it - just a single video, not an interactive web application. Our player looks like a video player but it is actually a web app combining multiple different video clips connected together by code and styling. They block it on iPhones for reasons known only to them, but the assumption is that it is to incentivise people to make iOS apps instead of web apps. The web development community is hopeful that Apple will change this unfortunate restriction soon, but we have been waiting a long time in vain. We have to send this to a lot of people. It's a very bad look for Apple. In less than a month it will be 2025. We have been waiting years for this. The web standard documentation showing universal support on other devices and browsers is here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fullscreen_API This is not acceptable. It is time for Apple to stop blocking this important accessibility web standard for commercial reasons - only on iPhone. To whoever is in charge of these decisions in the Safari/Webkit team: Please just enable Fullscreen API for web apps on iPhone as soon as possible.
Dec ’24
Uploading a file from a managed app through Safari from a managed domain causes selected folder to disappear
I have the following setup: Managed domain (pdfforge.org) Managed app (Dropbox) with Files app integration. This can also occur with the following setup: A custom browser is installed as managed (ex Firefox) No managed domains Managed app (Dropbox) with Files app integration. Trying to upload a file from Dropbox in this managed domain by clicking on the Dropbox folder causes the folder to disappear and instead I am rerouted to the On My Phone directory. On subsequent tries, sometimes the folder opens and I can see the files, but while scrolling the files disappear. This makes it unable to upload any files from Dropbox to this managed domain. If both the managed app and domains are not set up, then everything works normally. Is this happening to everyone else? I also tried with Nextcloud and Google Drive.
Nov ’24
Css fieldset/legend with flex and float bug
When I want legend inside the filedset, not on the border as default browsers design, I set float: left to the legend. It works in every modern browser - Safari too. The problem is when the filedset itself is set to display: flex. Float propertie of the legend is ignored. In other browsers this approach works fine and the float stays and the legend is inside of the fieldset as we expect.
Nov ’24
Safari Web Extensions: browser.webNavigation.getAllFrames by tabId return empty string url, when url is in blob protocol
Hello. Environment Safari version 18.1 (22B81). Problem In my Safari Web Extension i need to determine the url of the active tab. I do it this way: const onError = (error) => { console.error(error); }; const getFrameUrl = async (frames) => { console.info(frames) }; const getAllFrames = (frames) => { browser.webNavigation.getAllFrames({ tabId: frames[0].id }).then(getFrameUrl, onError); }; browser.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(() => { browser.tabs.query({ currentWindow: true, active: true }).then(getAllFrames, onError); }); The problem is that if the tab url is a link in the blob protocol, then the result function browser.webNavigation.getAllFrames({ tabId: tabs[0].id }) is as follows: {frameId: 0, parentFrameId: -1, url: "", errorOccurred: false} In Safari version 17 the correct URL value was returned: {frameId: 0, parentFrameId: -1, url: "blob://<some id>", errorOccurred: false} How can I fix the problem? Environment Safari version 18.1 (22B81).
Nov ’24
Safari 18 DNR redirect regex validation issue
Starting Safari 18, Declarative Net Request redirections are no longer working (it used to be working on Safari 17). It seems to be related to the regex validation that is not working as expected. Here is an example of our DNR rule: { priority: 1, action: { type: 'redirect', redirect: { regexSubstitution: `${scheme}//${extensionHost}/index.html\\1#/\\2`, }, }, condition: { // app.dashlane.com, *.app.dashlane.com regexFilter: '^https?://w*\\.?app\\.dashlane\\.com(\\??[^/#]*)[^#]*#?/?(.*)$', resourceTypes: [ 'main_frame' ], }, } Is it a known issue ? Also, it seems to be related to this existing issue: https://forums.developer.apple.com/forums/thread/763505
Nov ’24
Scrolling is backwards with external devices when rotating to landscape mode
We recently converted an existing app to adopt scenes (for CarPlay). The app has one main view controller that presents a WKWebView to show our content. Everything works fine in both landscape and portait mode when swiping on the screen to scroll. But with an iPad using an external Magic Keyboard, once you rotate to landscape mode the scrolling gestures are reversed. Swiping vertically on the trackpad is scrolling the page horizontally and vice versa. When this happens an error like below is logged (this error also shows up when in portait mode, but scrolling works as expected): Unexpected window orientation: <UIWindow: 0x10370d8f0; orientation: landscapeLeft (4)> { hidden = NO; frame = {{0, 0}, {1180, 820}}; bounds = {{0, 0}, {1180, 820}}; ownsOrientation = NO; ownsOrientationTransform = NO; autorotationDisabled = NO; windowInterfaceOrientation = unknown (0); rootTransformOrientation = landscapeLeft (4); viewTransformOrientation = unknown (0); autorotationDisabled = NO; orientationVC = ... { providedSupportedOrientations = ( Pu Ll Lr Pd ); resolvedSupportedOrientations = ( Pu Ll Lr Pd ); canPreferOrientation = NO; }; }, event type: 6 It seems to suggest that while the view controller orientation is set correctly. It doesn't know what the orientation is for the window. I have been unable to figure out what would change with adopting scenes that would explain this behavior. I assume it has to do with the potential multi-window nature of it but haven't found any docs that describe how to ensure the window is setup to use the same orientation as the device. Any suggestions on things to check?
Nov ’24
Is the Apple aware that Safari does not follow the Gamepad API spec?
The specification states that the timestamp property is a DOMHighResTimeStamp which always represents a value in milliseconds. However, in my testing (on iOS as I don't have a mac) the timestamp is given as seconds. This could break compatibility if an app/library is not tested in Safari. Worse is that the deviation seems to be undocumented as every compatibility chart states full compatibility and defines the property as milliseconds. Any workaround would also be up to one frame incorrect. So a stutter can affect input accuracy. I know this might seem small but it could mean that an app or game is unplayable in Safari if it relies on this for input.
Nov ’24
Overlay appears in fullscreen mode in Safari when video is paused - how to prevent this via JavaScript
When a video in Safari is played in fullscreen mode and the user pauses it, an overlay (such as a play button or other controls) appears. This affects the user experience, as we want to avoid showing the overlay during fullscreen viewing after the video is paused. Expected Behavior: The overlay should not appear after the video is paused in fullscreen mode. Steps to Reproduce: Open a webpage https://slides-dev.pitchavatar.com/rtxuf in Safari. Start playing the video. Enter fullscreen mode. Pause the video. The overlay appears after the video is paused. Screenshot: Additional Information: Safari version: Safari 18.0.1 (20619. Environment: macOS Sequoia 15.0.1 (24A348) We would like to know if there is there any way to prevent the overlay from appearing in Safari when the video is paused in fullscreen mode.
Nov ’24