





Publish Whitelabel Apps from Client's Accounts
Hi, I want to publish White Label apps for my clients. Recently I have submitted multiple white label apps from my clients' developer accounts but I got rejection for all the app with the following reason: Guideline 4.3(a) - Design - Spam We noticed your app shares a similar binary, metadata, and/or concept as apps submitted to the App Store by other developers, with only minor differences. Submitting similar or repackaged apps is a form of spam that creates clutter and makes it difficult for users to discover new apps. Currently the apps have only a different like Logo, name and some internal conditions. Please suggest me what should I do for this issue. I will thankful to you. Kind Regards.
Issue with Suppressing Push Notifications Using UNNotificationServiceExtension
Hello, I have developed an update for my app where I handle push notifications (from APNs or FCM) and manage different notification categories using checks, storing the values in UserDefaults. So far, everything works fine, and the logs correctly indicate the state of each category when a notification is received. The issue arises when handling notifications in three states: foreground, background, and terminated (killed). I am using UNNotificationServiceExtension and in the didReceive method, I check the state of the notification. Depending on whether the state is true or false, I want the notification to be shown or not to the user. However, despite my efforts, the alert/notification part of the payload always ends up being displayed. Additionally, I have disabled serviceExtensionTimeWillExpire as it was being triggered, but still, after a few seconds, the notification ends up appearing. I have configured everything correctly, including mutable content, notification handling, etc. How can I prevent these notifications from being shown to the user when needed? Thank you for your assistance!
Subscription Unavailable - Strange Behavior with StoreKit
I added my first subscription to my app using StoreKit's SubscriptionStoreView. Everything worked as expected in the debug environment and also in TestFlight. So I submitted my app and subscriptions to App Store Connect, got everything Approved and released. After updating my app through App Store and checking the Subscription View, it just says "Subscription Unavailable. The subscription is unavailable in the current storefront." I waited around 3 days and still getting the same message. Now the very strange behavior starts. I went to App Store Connect, I made and edit to the subscription description, saved, removed the edit, saved, and submitted to review. 15 minutes later the subscriptions appear in my app and everything works as expected. After getting the edit approved, the Subscription View in my app again only showed the message "Subscription Unavailable. The subscription is unavailable in the current storefront." No user is able to see the subscriptions anymore, even though it worked as expected before the edit was approved. So I did the same as before. Again, make an edit to the subscription description, save, remove the edit, save, submit to review. 15 minutes later the subscriptions are again available in my app and it works as expected. This is definitely not the expected behavior and submitting the subscription edits every day is wasting the App Review Team's time as well as mine. I contacted Apple Developer Support but I didn't get any reply back (at least yet). I am not the only one experiencing this. I found a friend online who has the exact same issue, and is able to temporarily solve it by making an edit to the subscription description as well. So far it has been a huge headache, and we are losing customers this way. Please if anyone has experience with this problem, or has any suggestions, they will be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much, Tomas
Uploading an Archive to App Store Connect with XCode 16 Beta 3 and visionOS SDK 2 beta 3.
Hello, I am trying to upload a build using XCode 16 beta 3 and visionOS 2 SDK beta 3, which are the latest available betas. But the build isn't accepted by App Store Connect. This message is shown: Unsupported SDK or Xcode version. Your app was built with an SDK or version of Xcode that isn’t supported. Although you can use beta versions of SDKs and Xcode to build and upload apps to App Store Connect, you need to use the latest Release Candidates (RC) for SDKs and Xcode to submit the app. For details on currently supported SDKs and versions of Xcode, visit: https://developer.apple.com/news/releases. What can I do to upload to App Store just for Test Flight Internal Only build? Do I need to downgrade to a non-beta XCode and use non-beta visionOS SDK?
Test Flight build does not show Purchase Confirmation popup for IAP.
Hi, We are seeing a small issue on our app with a subscription in app purchase and wondering whether this should be a cause for concern. We have 2 subscription based IAPs and 1 consumable within the app. I recently noticed that after buying one of the subscriptions and cancelling it if I try to buy the product again, it skips the purchase flow on our Test Flight builds. I added some logs, and it appears that Product.purchase() returns right away and the resulting transaction also comes back as verified, but the new purchase is not added to current entitlements. I managed to get the flow working after I logged out from my Sandbox account from settings, but after I did another subscription cancellation, I could not purchase the product anymore. This only happens on our Test Flight builds. If I launch the app through Xcode and use a store kit configuration file at launch, I get the purchase popup every time I try to buy the product. It also appears to me that this only happens on a product that I have purchased previously. For the other subscription that I have not purchased before the popup shows up every time. Is this something that we should be concerned about and is there a way to make sure the purchase popup shows up every time? Thank you. Kind regards, Fardin
FaceTime background macOS 15 Beta
I'm just joining FaceTime with the background setting that I have been advocating for a long time. It is about the Accessibility Lens, which we want to change the background of FaceTime video calls. I want to make suggestions or comments on those features we would like to have. Is there somewhere we can have this forum to discuss specifically with the FaceTime ecosystem?
Foundation APNS APFS GameKit IOUSBHost Swift Packages App Tracking Transparency GameplayKit MetricKit Mobile Core Services Subscriptions App Clips AGL Wallet Watch Connectivity SCSIControllerDriverKit Forums Feedback Force Feedback Control External Graphics Processors Files and Storage . IOBluetooth Community Developer Tools ML Compute FWAUserLib Image I/O Screen Saver Swift Student Challenge Apple Music API Games Discuss games AudioToolbox Xcode. Maps Web Snapshots WatchKit Extensions Accounts Apple Watch. Messages app. CarPlay EventKit and EventKitUI. iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, tvOS, and macOS apps. App Store (FPS). iPad Media Player Exception Handling External Accessory iOS iOS iPhone. Xcode Server Xcode projects. Face ID CloudKit App ID Metal MusicKit StoreKit Test Swift xcselectmacOS SDK Beta WebKit JS APIs. Frameworks Asset Catalog Education and Kids Game Controller Inter-process communication App Review Apple guidelines. Messages SpriteKit vmnet ARKit Automatic Assessment Configuration MetalKitModel I/O using MetalKit. Multipeer Connectivity MusicKit JS StoreKit Swift Playgrounds Foundation. APNS (APNs). APFS GameKit IOUSBHost . Swift Packages App IOSurface. iPadOS VideoToolbox (ASan), (MTC), Thread Sanitizer (TSan), (UBSan). Game Porting Toolkit Core Transferable Declare a transfer representation for your model types to participate in system sharing and data transfer operations. WWDC23 Challenges Share your creations from the WWDC22 WWDC23 Discuss the latest Apple technologies announced at WWDC23. WorkoutKit visionOS Apple Vision Pro. WebXR . SwiftData . DockKit API DeviceDiscoveryUI Apple Intelligence AdAttributionKit Platform SSO TabletopKit
Issue with deep linking in iOS applications
Issue: We are currently experiencing an issue with deep linking in iOS applications when Microsoft Edge is set as the default browser on the device. Users, upon receiving an invitation link in their mail and attempting to open the app (if installed) via the link, encounter a problem where the Edge browser opens the app store as a popover. However, it's important to note that this URL functions correctly with Safari. Attempts So far: The integration of deep linking in iOS has been correctly implemented. I have also verified the Apple App Site Association (AASA), which is deployed on the backend site, facilitating redirection to the application on mobile. Testing the same scenario with other browsers revealed that this link does not work with Chrome, Brave, and Edge, excluding Safari. Reviewing the Deep Link URL, it complies with the safe link policy. Removing the safe link policy from the URL and attempting to open it in Edge and other browsers results in seamless functionality. I have tested the safe link with the Amazon product, It’s not working with the Edge browser. I have raised the same concern with Microsoft Learn, Microsoft Community, and Stack Overflow. For reference, I am attaching the safe link (Non-working) and the normal link (Working Link) with this story. **Non-Working Link: ** https://nam12.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2F<SITELINK (Eg.***.yyy.com)>.%2FteamDay%3FteamDayId%3DHTWmmt7cmYyd7LawwhMq5%2BMyNt%2Bf8eUCz25pzmsTUMo%3D%26domainUrl%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Fxxx.dev.com&data=05%7C02%7C%40%7Cb6ffab414d034bbceb0108dbfd382f0c%7C454af8f364734bce8aa5f9403e1d1271%7C0%7C0%7C638382189984623308%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=B5rzVQ0alWjIsT7ycI2oZrNjeVPM%2BeoMk0YDpMZk6q4%3D&reserved=0 Working Link: https://***.yyysoftware.com/teamDay?teamDayId=p0RQIAsd4vaTk1yHGuTUdBCDmP0ZK1CuR8Q3JfSPJvU=&domainUrl=https://***.dev.com
MDM ActivationLockRequest Error 405
按开发者文档进行请求,响应405 接口文档:https://developer.apple.com/documentation/devicemanagement/activation_lock_a_device 实际请求如下: curl --location --request POST 'https://mdmenrollment.apple.com/device/activationlock' --header 'X-ADM-Auth-Session: 1720513551341O1O293...' --header 'User-Agent: Apifox/1.0.0 (https://apifox.com)' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: /' --header 'Host: mdmenrollment.apple.com' --header 'Connection: keep-alive' --data-raw '{"device": "FNXQX..."}' 这个问题要怎么解决?
Using bundled applications(.app file) as daemon/Agent
I have a .app file that I want to run as a daemon. Now there are two ways of running .app as a daemon/agent in macOS. using .app file : I can specify this in the daemon plist as: <key>ProgramArguments</key> <array> <string>/usr/bin/open</string> <string>/Applications/myApp.app</string> </array> using unix exe within .app file <key>ProgramArguments</key> <array> <string>myApp.app/Content/MacOS/MyApp</string> </array> Basically I wanted to know what is the Apple recommendation on how we should be creating daemon plist. For point 2, is it appropriate to use the unix executable within bundle?Will it not cause any issue in the running application? Is will be helpful if there is some apple documentation to support this.
Unable to Renew Developer Membership - Urgent Help Needed
Hello, I'm facing a critical issue with renewing my Apple Developer membership, and I'm seeking urgent assistance. Here's a summary of my situation: As an iOS developer, I've found that the renew button is nowhere to be found in the Developer apps or on the website. Despite having correct payment methods and sufficient funds, I can't renew my account. I've tried multiple approaches, including: Using both iPhone and Mac Developer App / App Store Trying different browsers Reaching out to support via chat and phone Contacting the US support team directly After nearly 10 days of waiting, the response I received was simply a link to the renewal page, which I had already checked countless times. This response indicates that my situation was not thoroughly reviewed. Meanwhile, my apps have been removed from the store, causing daily financial losses. Waiting indefinitely for a resolution without any clear timeframe is extremely frustrating. Has anyone else faced similar challenges? If you have found a solution, your insights would be greatly appreciated. Any assistance from the community or from Apple Support is urgently needed. Thank you.