





Is it possible to loop a ScrollView to repeat infinitely?
I have a horizontal scroll view and a fixed array. I would like to loop it such that when I scroll left and get near the end, the array will add the items in the beginning to the end so that the user can continue to scroll. I would like this to happen when scrolling both left and right and to not have the current position of the user jump around. Here is my code. What am I missing? Would appreciate any and all help. import SwiftUI import Algorithms struct ContentView: View { @State private var timePosition = ScrollPosition(idType: Int.self, edge: .leading) @State private var times: [Int] = Array(0...23) var body: some View { ScrollView(.horizontal, showsIndicators: false) { LazyHStack(spacing: 0) { ForEach(times, id:\.self) { time in Text("\(time)") .font(.system(.callout, design: .monospaced, weight: .semibold)) .padding(8) .frame(width: 180, height: 110, alignment: .topLeading) .border(width: 1, edges: [.leading, .trailing], color: .primary.opacity(0.05)) .id(time) } } .scrollTargetLayout() } .frame(height: 110) .scrollPosition($timeScrollPosition, anchor: .center) .onScrollTargetVisibilityChange(idType: Int.self) { timeIDs in if let currentViewID = model.timeScrollPosition.viewID { if timeIDs.contains(times[times.count - 2]) { times.rotate(toStartAt: times.count - 1) } if timeIDs.contains(times[1]) { times.rotate(toStartAt: times.count-1) } print("New times: \(times)") timeScrollPosition.scrollTo(id: currentViewID) } } } }
Notification Service Extension restrictions
I have an iOS app which uses Notification Service Extension (NSE) to process incoming notifications before it displayed to user. In NSE, as part of initialization of my app, I need to iterate through a 2D array. There are roughly 65k iterations. I've noticed that this iteration fails somewhere in between and the NSE process crashes... I can say it crashes because the logs stopped in between the iterations. This results in 'unmodified notification' getting displayed immediately, whereas NSE is granted 30 sec of background execution. My question is, why does this happen? The above iteration of 2D array works in app, but fails in NSE. Is there some kind of restriction on background extensions? - the documentation only talks about a time limit of 30sec. If there is some kind of restriction (like CPU and memory), how does one know this and code for it... since Apple did not provide any documentation. Or perhaps, there is a completely different reason?
StoreKit issue
Hey everyone! I’m currently working on a new app called Kept – a simple and elegant journaling app designed to help you capture your thoughts and ideas effortlessly. However, I’ve hit a bit of a snag with the TestFlight distribution of the app. When I test the in-app purchases locally, everything works perfectly. But once the app is pushed to TestFlight, users only see "Loading products..." indefinitely and are unable to make purchases. Here are the details: The app works locally with sandbox accounts. Product identifiers and configurations have been double-checked. All in-app purchases are correctly set up and approved in App Store Connect. Using correct sandbox account settings on the device.
Conflict between capability User Assigned Device Name & Contacts notes entitlements
We have requested an additional capability called "User Assigned Device Name" for my application to Apple and got approved the same on for debug/adhoc/release environments . Since then we are facing issues on code signing. We are always getting the compiler error "* Provisioning profile "xxxxxxxxxxx" doesn't support the User Assigned Device Name capability." on both Debug and Release environment. There is another capability "contacts notes entitlements" that we got approved long back when it was not apart of Apple ID(additional capabilities) rather we got approved as a part of our provisioning profile. Suppose we removed "contacts notes entitlements" from the profile and deleted it from the entitlement folder the project compiled without any error. So we are strongly believes the conflicts on the "contacts notes entitlements" is the root cause. We are about to release the version and which is blocked due to this error. So kindly look in to this issue and do the needful asap. STEPS TO REPRODUCE Added user assigned device name capability from Signing & Capability Tab in project in settings. Added the team, valid provisioning profiles and try to sign in manually. Getting the error “Provisioning profile xxxxxxxxxxxx" doesn't support the User Assigned Device Name capability." Note: Already got approval for the “user assigned device name” . Which is listed under the app id.
VisionOS 2 dev beta control center call
Hello I've just updated my Vision Pro to the newest and greatest 2.0, and I see that the way to call out control center has been changed to the hand gesture which I'm assuming that is powered by computer vision? using the cams, for me there is a use case of watching apple TV shows at night where my gf would like to have the lights turned off, and that is the time where it fails, the new method is greate and the responsiveness are crazily good, but I would like this to be a toggle so that we can select our own method? like for example during the day where lights are sufficient we use the new gestrue recogn way, and when low light we can switch it back to look up? or as a fellow programmer who are just learning, I think it is possible to just make it automatic toggle, whenever the lighting condition can't make the hand gestrue work, hope to see that fixed :) cheers
MBP with MacOS 15 dev beta apache
Hello I'm a computer engineering student who needs to build some apps from time to time, and when I do I need to use services like xampp which runs apache, and after I updated the OS to dev beta, the apache were never able to start again, and here is the error code from log, I'm just posting here in case apple fixed it,I see that the 15 beta 2 that rolled out today has no mention of it, so hope to see it fixed, so I can local host again in my mac with out reinstalling my OS or rollback. cheers
New IPAD PRO M4 unknown system mem usagage
Hello I've just got the M4 ipad pro 13 inch,256G and I've updated the ipad with ipadOS 18 for the greate new features, also my phone, I've noticed a few days after the installation my system data has been growing like crazy, it started around 120 G when I first noticed, but has grown to 185.88GB as of today, leaving my ipad with bearly any storage left, and the same case happened for my iphone 15 pro max, but when I check today iphone storage have went down, but Ipad is still having almost 200G of unknown stuff, Am I the only one getting this issue?
Are there cases where a response to an error returned from the AppStore Server API is considered a subscription cancellation by the user?
According to the following document, when the AppStore Server API is executed and the account does not exist, the response "errorCode: 4040001" is returned. If this response is returned, is it safe to assume that the account has been deleted and treat the subscription as cancelled? Also, please let us know if there are any other error codes other than this error code that can be used to determine that the subscription has been cancelled. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreserverapi/accountnotfounderror
Obscuration of Specific Content in Screenshots on visionOS
Hello, I am currently developing an app using visionOS, and I am looking for a way to obscure specific content in screenshots. My app includes certain content that is exclusive to premium users, and I need to hide these parts when screenshots are shared on social media. In iOS, I was able to achieve this by extending SecureField to hide specific Views or Images, but this method does not work in visionOS. I am seeking advice on the best approach to implement this feature in visionOS. https://github.com/yoxisem544/ScreenshotPreventing-iOS Specifically, I would appreciate guidance on the following points: The optimal method for obscuring specific Views or Images in screenshots on visionOS Any tips or tricks when using existing components similar to SecureField Techniques or approaches used by other developers to implement similar features Your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your help.
Trying to Update Macbook, Not enough Storage
I’ve been trying to update my Macbook pro for a while now. I’m on version 10.14.6, I’ve been able to get away with not having enough storage for the newer updates but now it is unavoidable as my laptop is nearly unusable. My issue is that I do not have enough storage. I’ve done everything, deleted old files, cleared my trash, deleted apps, etc. Still, the two things taking up the majority of my storage are applications the laptop will not let me delete and the system itself. It’s become incredibly frustrating, especially since the majority of the apps that I can’t delete I don’t even use. Is there a way to bypass this? Or any other possible solution?
*Please bring back OG live wallpapers!*
Please bring back live wallpapers from previous iPhone models. I have an iPhone 8plus & I have the beautiful purple smoky live wallpaper. I was so obsessed with how pretty it looked when live but now it’s just the pic of the purple smokiness and no live movement. ): I would also like to point out that I cannot change my home-screen wallpaper without having to change my lock screen as well! What a bummer really bc i would at least like to keep the purple post-live wallpaper as my Lock Screen and be able to change my Home Screen!
WWDC24 iPhone Mirroring API
Hello everyone, I am thrilled about the iPhone Mirroring demo on WWDC24 and I have a few thoughts to share. Will it work through a local network, or can the iPhone be accessed within a global network? Will there be an API to initiate iPhone mirroring via an app? This would be a great feature for MDMs, allowing administrators to provide support for their users. Could you share more details from the development perspective?
TipKit vs. Swift 6 + Concurrency
I'm trying to convert my project to use Swift 6 with Complete Concurrency in Xcode 16 beta 1. The project uses TipKit, but I'm getting compile errors when trying to use the TipKit Parameters feature. Here is an example of the type of error I'm seeing (Note that this code from https://developer.apple.com/documentation/tipkit/highlightingappfeatureswithtipkit): struct ParameterRuleTip: Tip { // Define the app state you want to track. @Parameter static var isLoggedIn: Bool = false Static property '$isLoggedIn' is not concurrency-safe because it is non-isolated global shared mutable state. Is there a new pattern for supporting TipKit Parameters in Swift 6 with Complete Concurrency enabled? There is no obvious suggestion for how to fix this. The latest WWDC 2024 TipKit doesn't appear to have any solution(s).
FinanceKit requestAuthorization denied
Hello all 👋 I'm getting unexpected behavior when testing FinanceKit for my app and was hoping to get assistance. Pre-reqs (defined at https://developer.apple.com/documentation/financekit): I've been given the FinanceKit entitlement I have the com.apple.developer.financekit entitlement set to financial-data I also have NSFinancialDataDescription set in Info.plist. I am targeting iOS 17.4 (a physical device) When I call FinanceStore.shared.requestAuthorization(), I immediately get a denied status without any alert dialogs. No data about my app is listed in Settings > Privacy & Security > Wallet Any idea what else is needed here? Thanks so much for the help! Code import SwiftUI import FinanceKit @main struct myApp: App { var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { ContentView() } } } struct ContentView: View { @State private var status: AuthorizationStatus? @State private var dataAvail: Bool? var body: some View { VStack { Text("Data available \(String(describing: dataAvail))") Text("Auth status \(String(describing: status))") Button("Get Status") { Task{ dataAvail = FinanceStore.isDataAvailable(.financialData) status = try await FinanceStore.shared.authorizationStatus() } }.buttonStyle(.borderedProminent) Button("Request Auth") { Task{ do{ status = try await FinanceStore.shared.requestAuthorization() }catch{ print(error) } } }.buttonStyle(.borderedProminent) } .padding() } } #Preview { ContentView() } app.entitlements: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>com.apple.developer.financekit</key> <array> <string>financial-data</string> </array> </dict> </plist> Info.plist: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>NSFinancialDataDescription</key> <string>Budget across all your accounts</string> </dict> </plist> VIdeo demo:
Permission denied: GenerativeFunctionMetrics
A sample of some error messages that are presented in the Xcode log for executon of a program. There is nothing in the messages that will help identify a component as the origin of the message, nor is there a locatable derinition for the various labels and fields of the text. What component or even framework does this set of messages originate? Your search engine is useless because it returns gibberish. It doesn’t even follow the common behavior of SEARCH ENGINES because it takes label strings compounded from common words and searches for the common word instead of using the catenated string that is the internal variable name that is in the text. 2024-06-22 19:45:58.089943-0500 RoomPlanExampleApp[733:30145] [ClientDonation] (+[PPSClientDonation isRegisteredSubsystem:category:]) Permission denied: GenerativeFunctionMetrics / ANEInferenceOperationPrepareForEncode. I am looking for a definition of the error with a way to locate the context in which the error occurs. 2024-06-22 19:45:58.089967-0500 RoomPlanExampleApp[733:30145] [ClientDonation] (+[PPSClientDonation sendEventWithIdentifier:payload:]) Invalid inputs: payload={ aneModelPath = "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/RoomScanCore.framework/PrecompiledModels/lcnn_floorplan_model.bundle/H14G.bundle/main/segment_0__ane/net.hwx"; bundleIdentfier = "com.example.apple-samplecode.RoomPlanExampleApp9QSS565686"; } 2024-06-22 19:45:58.094770-0500 RoomPlanExampleApp[733:30145] [ClientDonation] (+[PPSClientDonation sendEventWithIdentifier:payload:]) Invalid inputs: payload={ bundleIdentfier = "com.example.apple-samplecode.RoomPlanExampleApp9QSS565686"; e5FunctionName = main; numSegments = 1; }
Data storage for a Matrix struct when working with Accelerate
I have a Matrix structure as defined below for working with 2D numerical data in Accelerate. The underlying numerical data in this Matrix struct is stored as an Array. struct Matrix<T> { let rows: Int let columns: Int var data: [T] init(rows: Int, columns: Int, fill: T) { self.rows = rows self.columns = columns self.data = Array(repeating: fill, count: rows * columns) } init(rows: Int, columns: Int, source: (inout UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>) -> Void) { self.rows = rows self.columns = columns self.data = Array(unsafeUninitializedCapacity: rows * columns) { buffer, initializedCount in source(&buffer) initializedCount = rows * columns } } subscript(row: Int, column: Int) -> T { get { return self.data[(row * self.columns) + column] } set { self.data[(row * self.columns) + column] = newValue } } } Multiplication is implemented by the functions shown below. import Accelerate infix operator .* func .* (lhs: Matrix<Double>, rhs: Matrix<Double>) -> Matrix<Double> { precondition(lhs.rows == rhs.rows && lhs.columns == rhs.columns, "Matrices must have same dimensions") let result = Matrix<Double>(rows: lhs.rows, columns: rhs.columns) { buffer in vDSP.multiply(lhs.data, rhs.data, result: &buffer) } return result } func * (lhs: Matrix<Double>, rhs: Matrix<Double>) -> Matrix<Double> { precondition(lhs.columns == rhs.rows, "Number of columns in left matrix must equal number of rows in right matrix") var a = lhs.data var b = rhs.data let m = lhs.rows // number of rows in matrices A and C let n = rhs.columns // number of columns in matrices B and C let k = lhs.columns // number of columns in matrix A; number of rows in matrix B let alpha = 1.0 let beta = 0.0 // matrix multiplication where C ← αAB + βC let c = Matrix<Double>(rows: lhs.rows, columns: rhs.columns) { buffer in cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, m, n, k, alpha, &a, k, &b, n, beta, buffer.baseAddress, n) } return c } I can also define a Matrix structure where the underlying data is an UnsafeMutableBufferPointer. The buffer is handled by the MatrixData class. struct Matrix<T> { let rows: Int let columns: Int var data: MatrixData<T> init(rows: Int, columns: Int, fill: T) { self.rows = rows self.columns = columns self.data = MatrixData(count: rows * columns, fill: fill) } init(rows: Int, columns: Int) { self.rows = rows self.columns = columns self.data = MatrixData(count: rows * columns) } subscript(row: Int, column: Int) -> T { get { return self.data.buffer[(row * self.columns) + column] } set { self.data.buffer[(row * self.columns) + column] = newValue } } } class MatrixData<T> { var buffer: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T> var baseAddress: UnsafeMutablePointer<T> { get { self.buffer.baseAddress! } } init(count: Int, fill: T) { let start = UnsafeMutablePointer<T>.allocate(capacity: count) self.buffer = UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(start: start, count: count) self.buffer.initialize(repeating: fill) } init(count: Int) { let start = UnsafeMutablePointer<T>.allocate(capacity: count) self.buffer = UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(start: start, count: count) } deinit { self.buffer.deinitialize() self.buffer.deallocate() } } Multiplication for this approach is implemented by the functions shown here. import Accelerate infix operator .* func .* (lhs: Matrix<Double>, rhs: Matrix<Double>) -> Matrix<Double> { precondition(lhs.rows == rhs.rows && lhs.columns == rhs.columns, "Matrices must have same dimensions") let result = Matrix<Double>(rows: lhs.rows, columns: lhs.columns) vDSP.multiply(lhs.data.buffer, rhs.data.buffer, result: &result.data.buffer) return result } func * (lhs: Matrix<Double>, rhs: Matrix<Double>) -> Matrix<Double> { precondition(lhs.columns == rhs.rows, "Number of columns in left matrix must equal number of rows in right matrix") let a = lhs.data.baseAddress let b = rhs.data.baseAddress let m = lhs.rows // number of rows in matrices A and C let n = rhs.columns // number of columns in matrices B and C let k = lhs.columns // number of columns in matrix A; number of rows in matrix B let alpha = 1.0 let beta = 0.0 // matrix multiplication where C ← αAB + βC let c = Matrix<Double>(rows: lhs.rows, columns: rhs.columns) cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, m, n, k, alpha, a, k, b, n, beta, c.data.baseAddress, n) return c } Both of these approaches give me similar performance. The only difference that I have noticed is the matrix buffer approach allows for reference semantics. For example, the code below uses half the memory with the matrix buffer approach compared to the matrix array approach. This is because b acts as a reference to a using the matrix buffer approach; otherwise, the matrix array approach makes a full copy of a. let n = 10_000 let a = Matrix<Double>(rows: n, columns: n, fill: 0) var b = a b[0, 0] = 99 b[0, 1] = 22 Other than reference semantics, are there any reasons to use one of these approaches over the other?
The status of "waiting for review" has been waiting for almost 2 weeks
Dear App Review: We are an image processing software that undergoes regular iterations and updates with new features every month. At present, our updated version has been waiting for almost 2 weeks in the "waiting for review" state. During this waiting process, we have made the following actions but are unable to enter the review process: We requested an expedited review and informed that it was successful, but no progress was made; Contacted "App Review Status" via email; Please inform us that everything is normal and wait for the review; Refused by oneself, resubmit for review; Our users have been anxiously asking us when to update the new features, and they are very eager to use them. Apple ID of the App:6447539504 Looking forward to your reply, thank you!