




CloudKit CKModifyRecordsOperation resulting in undocumented error "Internal Error" (1/3001); "MMCSEngineCreate failed"
I'm running into an undocumented error coming back from CloudKit operations. Specifically, I'm attempting to save new records via CKModifyRecordsOperation. I'm receiving this error for each of the records in the perRecordSaveBlock callback: <CKError 0x3018ac3c0: "Internal Error" (1/3001); "MMCSEngineCreate failed"> Is anyone else facing this error? It has been happening for several days and I'm finally getting around to reproduction with the Console app and logs. I have 16 records on my device locally that each one gets this error back. FB16547732 - CloudKit: CKModifyRecordsOperation saving new records results in Error <CKError 0x3018ac1e0: "Internal Error" (1/3001); "MMCSEngineCreate failed">
CloudKit production index not being applied to existing records
I created a new index on two record types on Oct 12th. I still cannot query the records using the new queryable index on records that were created before that date. There is no indication in the schema history that the reindexing has started, completed, failed, or still in progress. What is the expectation for new indices being applied to existing records? Well over a week seems unacceptable for a database that has maybe 5000 records across a few record types. When I query my data using an old index and an old record field, I get hundreds of matching results so I know the data is there. FB15554144 - CloudKit / CloudKit Console: PRODUCTION ISSUE - Query against index created two weeks ago not returning all data as expected
Oct ’24
Production Issue - MetricKit is not generating daily metric payloads as expected since iOS 18
I'm a big fan of MetricKit. I decided to see how my apps are performing with iOS 18 and well, I'm not getting any metric payloads from those devices. Metric payloads received from my test devices adopting iOS 18 has pretty much bottomed out to zero. Is anyone getting MetricKit MXMetricPayloads from iOS 18 devices? FB15461298 - MetricKit: Production issue / regression with iOS 18 - Significant dropout or metric payloads being generated since 18.0 - nearly no reports To demonstrate the issue, I decided to graph the metric payloads my infrastructure receives for all of my apps across all of my devices over the last 16 months starting with WWDC23 timeframe. This data is grouped by count per month. A trend can easily be seen starting in June 2024 where I started to adopt iOS 18 betas. Zooming in since WWDC24, grouped by week, it is much easier to see the decline. Note, the second screenshot shows data collected from Xcode builds, TestFlight, and App Store. The last data point from today was a manual creation from Xcode's Debug window, so at least that triggering mechanism works and I can confirm all of my code to upload off device works as expected. On the bright side, I guess I will ship this 'payload received over time' feature in my MetricKit payload analyzer app with a scrolling window and group by features that make up these screenshots.
Oct ’24
Missing manual - Training Load, .estimatedWorkoutEffortScore, .workoutEffortScore - Where are the Apple RPE CR-10 scale docs?
Apple is using the RPE scale for workout effort scores. This stands for the Rate of Perceived Exertion. They're specifically using the CR-10 scale, at least from what I can tell by saving values to HealthKit. They only accept value between 0 and 10. Has anyone been able to find a scientific or academic paper on how they have chosen their different effort breakouts? Right from the Fitness app on iPhone and Activity app on Apple Watch: 1-3 Easy 4-6 Moderate 7-8 Hard 9-10 All Out There is zero documentation on these new types, which makes it difficult for workout recording apps to properly and appropriately save this new data type. Sure, we can use the Apple apps as a reference, but since there isn't a built-in Apple SwiftUI sheet to present this data, and no references to academia to point our users to, our solutions would just look the same. FB15315876 - Documentation / HealthKit: Publish documentation about .workoutEffortScore and .estimatedWorkoutEffortScore FB15316109 - Documentation / HealthKit: Add documentation to .estimatedWorkoutEffortScore and .workoutEffortScore that you can't save those samples via the save API and that they must be related and let that API save the sample FB15316251 - Documentation / HealthKit: Add documentation for acceptible values of .estimatedWorkoutEffortScore and .workoutEffortScore - don't rely on a runtime error! Apple missed making an enum for all third party developers this year.
Oct ’24
HealthKit bugs related to new workout effort score - heart rate samples take forever to fetch, Health app displays invalid data
I am encountering issues on my device running iOS 18 that fetching heart rate samples associated to a given workout is very slow. Like 10+ seconds slow. This is unacceptable and unexpected. In producing a video to attach to a feedback, I also observed that Apple Health app displays incorrect information if a workout effort score is associated to a workout. In this image, you can see the Health app bug: Total Resting Energy != Estimated Workout Effort Score Here is the same workout after I delete the workout effort score using the Apple Health app: Can anyone else see if attempting to view 'heart rate' data within the workout summary in Apple Health is unbearably slow if that workout also has an effort score associated? My steps: Record workout (Apple Activity app on watchOS) Associate effort score View the workout on Apple Health (iOS) Attempt to view it's heart rate samples Observe very slow loading times Observe the incorrect cell label and value and disappearance of resting energy cell data Remove/disassociate the effort score from the workout by tapping the workout effort row, and swipe to delete the value. Navigate back, navigate back, and then go into the workout detail again At this time the UI fixes itself, but the loading of heart rate data is still super slow FB15269657 - HealthKit: Sample query to fetch heart rate samples associated to a workout is taking over 10 seconds - computing 'time in heart rate zone' FB15278790 - Health: Workout summary 'Total Resting Energy' label has value of 'Estimated Workout Effort Score' for a value, pushed view shows empty
Sep ’24
Workouts, activity rings, samples and more not syncing across devices running iOS 18 RC and watchOS 11 RC
I noticed last night that workouts I have been recording on my main carry device running 17.6.x have not been syncing to my beta devices running iOS 18 RC, iPadOS 18 RC and watchOS 11 RC. All devices are using the same Apple Account and I have iCloud enabled for Health data. The iPad running the RC has the syncing enabled in Profile. Is anyone else experiencing health data not propagating to the 18.x devices? Some of data exists on all devices but not all. For good measure I left the device unlocked on the health app last night for a long period of time to let it do its thing. This morning the data still hadn't propagated. I disabled and reenabled the synchronization on my iPad having chosen to delete all samples when disabling it. Hopefully all of my data dating back to the first Apple Watch in 2014 restores. FWIW my data set according to iCloud settings my health dataset is just shy of 650 MB. FB15102443 - Health / HealthKit: Workouts, activity rings, sample data, and more not syncing via iCloud to 18 RC device
Sep ’24
App Store Connect invalidating binary during App Review - built with Xcode Cloud / Xcode 16 RC
I archived and uploaded a build with Xcode 16 RC earlier today since it wasn't available in Xcode Cloud at that moment. The upload was successful. Since then, Xcode Cloud was updated with Xcode 16 RC and I can build and deploy to TestFlight and App Store Connect that way too. Now, upon submitting my app to App Review, the binary is being rejected as invalid due to unsupported version of Xcode. Rejections Sept 9th at 11:28 PM Central and Sept 10th 12:37 AM. Here is the error message I received via email: ITMS-90111: Unsupported SDK or Xcode version - App submissions must use the latest Xcode and SDK Release Candidates (RC). For details on currently supported versions, visit: Upon visiting the site, you can see a developer news article stating that App Review is now accepting builds created from Xcode 16 RC. I assume this is just the system going through upgrades and the whole system isn't updated yet. Is anyone else having issues submitting Xcode 16 RC builds to App Review? Or the inverse, has anyone had success yet? Submission ID cf4e80cf-1629-4267-8604-8c3c161a0051 Same content just for added visibility: FB15088221
Sep ’24
HealthKit quantity types are not documented when generated by the system and on which Apple Watch models
Finally at last Apple Health supports saving .distancePaddleSports, .distanceCrossCountrySkiing, .distanceRowing, .distanceSkatingSports, and much more. The backstory. In the land of 10,000 lakes, there hasn't been a way to save 'canoe' or 'kayak' distance and I've been asking for it for years. Thank you health team for adding it this year! FB7807993 - Add HKQuantityTypeIdentifier.paddleDistance for canoeing, kayaking, etc type workouts (June 2020) Prior we could just save the totalDistance to a workout, but since the HKWorkout initializers were deprecated we no longer have a supported way to save these distances in our workouts. The iOS 18 / watchOS 11 introduction addresses this. If you want to know more why you can't do this in earlier versions you can check these feedback titles: FB10281482 - HealthKit: Deprecation of totalDistance on a workout session of paddleSports breaks apps that used that to save distance to the workout because there is no "paddleDistance" type available to save as sample data (June 2022) FB12402974 - HealthKit: Deprecation of HKWorkout completely breaks support for third party fitness apps from saving non-standard workout distance (June 2023) Great, so there is new support that solves all of these requests and issues for the new version of the OSes. However, the downside is now that there is not much for documentation. Unlike the .runningSpeed and .runningPower introduced in iOS 16 / watchOS 9, none of the new iOS 18 / watchOS 11 types have documentation, at all. To some degree this is understandable, but types from last year still remain undocumented too. Without this information for the data types introduced in both iOS 17/18 and watchOS 10/11 it makes building and integrating with these new types difficult to say the least. We can't make assumptions about anything. Can we get a documentation update for new (and existing) quantity types for when Apple Watch will automatically generate samples? FB14236080 - Developer Documentation / HealthKit: Update documentation for HKLiveWorkoutDataSource typesToCollect for which sample types are automatically collected by watchOS 10 and 11 (July 2024) FB14942555 - HealthKit / Documentation: App Update Release Issue - HKQuantityTypeIdentifiers are missing documentation describing when the system automatically adds data (today) I know that the behavior has changed from release to release for some of these types, so documentation would be based on OS version. If you didn't catch it, watchOS 11 will now associate .cyclingSpeed for cycling workouts both indoor and outdoor. FB12458548 - Fitness: Connected cycling speed sensor did not save samples to health via cycling workout (June 2023 - received reply that only saved for indoor cycling, but not documented otherwise) FB14311218 - HealthKit: Expected outdoor cycling to include .cyclingSpeed quantity type as a default HKLiveWorkoutDataSource type to collect (July 2024) To the other third party fitness apps out there, how are you managing the knowledge of which devices collect which data types on which versions of the OS? Sure, we could look at the HKLiveWorkoutDatSource and inspect the typesToCollect property across a bunch of devices, but again that is trial by error not 'as documented'. Is the behavior of simulators guaranteed to match the behavior of real devices? Maybe, but also maybe not. Fingers crossed for a nice documentation update to spell out all of the behavioral details. Apple folks / DTS, many of the above feedbacks are addressed and I plan to update or close them after the releases this fall. Some are still outstanding. P.S. I hope that .paddleSports gets deprecated and split into individual activity types like skiing did years ago. Their MET scores are different according to the research on the physical activity compendium site. FB7807902 - Split HKWorkoutActivityType.paddleSports into their own activity types (June 2020)
Aug ’24
What is the correct way to modify a SceneStorage variable from an AppIntent to one scene only for iPad SplitView mode
Apple's sample code 'Trails' supports multiple scenes, however everything is using shared state across the scenes. Put the app in Split View mode and have two windows of the app running and navigate, you can see both mirror each other. Works as designed, it is using a shared 'navigation model' across all scenes. I would like to know if there is a supported or recommended way to modify individual scene storage from within the perform body of an AppIntent. The objective is to have App Shortcuts that launch different tabs in a TabView or different selections in a List. In short, I want to deep link to features, but account for more than one scene being open on iPad and only have programatic navigation happen on the scene that is 'foremost' or the 'activated' one in Split View. I have it working with either a @Dependency or posting a Notification with my main ContentView listening to the other end, but it changes all scenes.
Aug ’24
SwiftUI SortDescriptor with optional chaining key-path will not archive using Xcode 16 beta 4
I'm running into an error in Xcode 16 beta 4 where the compiler can't type check what appears to be a simple @FetchRequest. I have the following Core Data types: Establishment name website etc. locations (relationship, to many, optional) Location name address establishment (relationship, to one, non-optional) In one of my SwiftUI views I have the following @FetchRequest and SortDescriptors. Unwrap required because 'core data' optional types. It looks based on the swift lang key-path expression docs that this should be allowed. Build and run works, but archiving does not. In practice it won't be nil and validation should prevent it too so I could force unwrap the relationship property, but, defensive coding I want to make it safe as I can. @FetchRequest( sortDescriptors: [ SortDescriptor(\Location.establishment?.name, order: .forward), SortDescriptor(\, order: .forward), SortDescriptor(\Location.state, order: .forward) ] ) private var locations: FetchedResults<Location> This worked fine with Xcode 15.x, but fails to archive in Xcode 16 beta 4. The compiler is unable to type-check this expression in reasonable time; try breaking up the expression into distinct sub-expressions When I remove the first sort descriptor it works. When I force unwrap the optional key path property it works. Does anyone know of a documented change that would make this no longer work? FB14515958 - SwiftUI: SortDescriptor cannot archive in Xcode 16 beta 4 but works in Xcode 15.4 For clarity, this archives fine, note the force unwrap. @FetchRequest( sortDescriptors: [ SortDescriptor(\CraftTaproom.brewery!.name, order: .forward), SortDescriptor(\, order: .forward), SortDescriptor(\CraftTaproom.state, order: .forward) ] ) private var taprooms: FetchedResults<CraftTaproom>
Jul ’24
AccessorySetupKit Picker does not show device as expected, console logs show device discovered
I'm trying to get the ASK Sample to discover and connect to a device using a 16-bit uuid. In my case, I have a few fitness sensors laying around like heart rate monitors and cycling sensors. Specifically, I've configured the following descriptor to be shown in the picker: private static let heartRateMonitor: ASPickerDisplayItem = { let descriptor = ASDiscoveryDescriptor() descriptor.bluetoothServiceUUID = CBUUID(string: "180D") return ASPickerDisplayItem(name: "Heart Rate Monitor", productImage: UIImage(named: "PolarH10")!, descriptor: descriptor) }() 100% another app on the device using an unfiltered scan can find this device, so I know the phone can see it. Also, the settings app Bluetooth screen sees it too. When the picker is active for this descriptor, in console I see the device is being discovered and it is matching the underlying filter. However the picker doesn't show the device. Received 'start active Unspecified scan' request , without duplicates, duration:unlimited, UUIDs [ E56A082E-C49B-47CA-A2AB-389127B8ABE3 E56A082E-C49B-47CA-A2AB-389127B8ABE4 0x180D ] on 1M PHY from session "" Matched UUID 0x180D for device "D3030A85-BBB9-6C0D-53C4-6697898B2E4B" This is an apparent bug: FB14078940 - AccessorySetupKit: ASDiscoveryDescriptor does not appear to identify 16-bit UUIDs like the Heart Rate Service/Profile UUID After more tinkering, I did discover that if I connect the device in the settings app, and keep it connected, the picker will find the device immediately. I assume it is under the hood it is calling this function or the internal implementation: This is still not expected, a developer should be able to discover and connect an accessory directly in their app. Noteworthy, I also found that ALL apps in the Settings app list the accessory once paired, which is totally not expected: FB14170263 - Settings: Viewing accessories in settings app for all apps show the accessory paired with another application P.S. forum moderators, there is no tag for 'AccessorySetupKit' which is the technology I'd like to tag this with. Last tested with iOS 18 developer beta 2.
Jul ’24
Unable to view artifacts from Xcode Cloud build in Xcode - getting 501 error message
I'm trying to download artifacts from some recent Xcode Cloud builds. In both Xcode and App Store Connect I'm getting errors. Xcode says: "Error Fetching Test Results: API Invalid status code: 501. App Store Connect says: "artifacts could not be found." FB13773789 - Xcode Cloud: Service returning 501 in Xcode when trying to view artifacts of successful build from minutes ago I have tried several projects to rule out project specific issues and it is happening to all of my Xcode Cloud enabled projects. Both Xcode 15.3 and 15.4 beta exhibit this behavior. Is anyone else running into this issue? I noticed it yesterday, and it continues into this morning.
May ’24
Xcode Organizer: Cannot download crash data for app that contains certain extensions
I have several apps that contain extensions. For example an App Clip, Widget, Background Assets extension, etc. In Xcode Organizer Version 15.3 (15E204a), attempting to view crash data for these apps results in a failure. I have explicitly seen this error print out the app clip extension bundle identifier, as well as the background assets extension bundle identifier. It says the following error: An error occurred preventing Xcode from downloading crashes list. "" failed with error: Access Restricted with bundle id: Is anyone else experiencing this? I created a feedback a few weeks ago, it seemed to coincide with the release of Xcode 15.3 and or the new App Store Connect metrics APIs. App IDs and bundle identifiers detailed in the feedback if anyone at Apple wants the info. FB13677615 - Xcode: Cannot download crashes for apps that containg extensions --> "Access Restricted with bundle id:
Mar ’24
Decoding crash report IPS metadata JSON keys
I've recently started working with IPS files, specifically crash reports. According to the documentation there are a number of metadata keys included in these payloads, however, I have found a number that are present in real ips files from device but are not documented. Does anyone know what version of iOS these 'new' metadata keys were introduced? How about if they're expected or if I should treat them as optional. { "app_name":"ApplicationNameHere", "timestamp":"2024-02-15 08:05:05.00 -0600", "app_version":"1.6.0", "slice_uuid":"6b1f9f4e-3025-364f-9847-914fc1fe14d1", "build_version":"800", "platform":2, "bundleID":"reverse.domainname.bundleidentifier", "share_with_app_devs":1, "is_first_party":0, "bug_type":"309", "os_version":"iPhone OS 17.3.1 (21D61)", "roots_installed":0, "name":"ApplicationNameHere", "incident_id":"1CF0B8A1-EB43-46B3-AA9F-CFA8A9259190" } The following keys are not in the documentation: app_name, os_version, slice_uuid, share_with_app_devs, is_first_party, roots_installed I created this feedback to request the documentation be updated with current state. FB13631161 - Developer Documentation: Update IPS metadata to reflect latest values found in IPS Metadata JSON
Feb ’24
Running commands for symbolication within the App Sandbox for Mac App Store
I'm trying to build a developer tools app that can run in the app sandbox and execute commands related to working with DSYM files. The app sandbox is a requirement for publishing it to the App Store. I come from the world of iOS so everything is a sandbox to me and this is new territory. To execute my commands I'm using the Process type to invoke command line. func execute() throws -> CommandResult { let task = Process() let standardOutput = Pipe() let standardError = Pipe() task.standardOutput = standardOutput task.standardError = standardError task.arguments = ["-c", command] task.executableURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/bin/zsh") task.standardInput = nil let outHandle = standardOutput.fileHandleForReading let errorHandle = standardError.fileHandleForReading try let out1 = outHandle.readDataToEndOfFile() let out2 = errorHandle.readDataToEndOfFile() // more code interpreting the pipes I'm trying to perform the following operations: mdfind to locate DSYMs dwarfdump to verify UUIDs atos to symbolicate with the found DYSM file This all works just fine when I run my Mac app without sandboxing, but as one would expect totally fails when App Sandbox is enabled--the sandbox is doing its thing. Responses like "xcrun cannot be used within an App Sandbox", or simply the output not finding anything because the scope of the process is limited to the sandbox, not where my app DSYM file is. In my readings on the documentation, where it states that I can create a command line helper tool that gets installed alongside the app sandbox app. "Add a command-line tool to a sandboxed app's Xcode project to the resulting app can run it as a helper tool." Is this the right path to take? Or is there a way to still achieve access to xcrun by asking the user to grant access to other parts of the system via dialogue prompts? I have followed this guide but don't know where to go from here: It leaves off at print("Hello World") and no instructions on how to have your app communicate with the helper from what I could find ... :). I know, generally speaking, of XPC services and that I have the ability to make them on macOS, unlike iOS (wait maybe 17.4 allows it? anyways). Would creating an XPC helper be allowed to execute commands against xcrun or have access to the ~/Library/Developer/Xcode path to find the debug symbols for the purposes of symbolicating a crash report? I really want to be able to ship my app on the App Store and enable developers to use the tool super easy, but I'm not sure if the App Sandbox will prevent me from achieving what I'm trying to do or not. Any tips, pointers, samples, guidance is much appreciated!
Feb ’24