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DS4macOS Compiled Things Partially and Run But it Has 30+ Yellow Warnings & Doesn't Show the Setting
Hi Apple and Swift friends. I'm not really a fluent Swift programmer (or any language) just knowledgable, I just a vague logic of what's going on. This is a gamepad controller remapper similar to DS4Windows on the PC and DSX on Steam gaming. On macOS Sonoma, it successfully compiled and connected the amazing Sony Playstation DualSense but because it has 33 yellow warning, the Setting doesn't show. It says something about outdated something and needs to be replaced by a newer framework.network. It also says it can't use self: It should look like these: What could be the syntax changes that won't produce the 30+ yellow warnings? The file can be had here: [https://github.com/marcowindt/ds4macos) God bless.
Feb ’24
Game not muted with ring/silent switch
Hi, I'm building a simple game for iOS. I have background music. The ring/silent switch is not disabling sound when switched to silent. So far I'm testing on devices through TestFlight (still internal testing, not beta). Do I need to code this function myself or does iOS know it's a game and disable sound automatically? and/or would my game be rejected if the switch doesn't disable sound? (I have an internal setting to enable/disable sounds in the game) Due to the way it's coded (capacitor app), I can't access the ring/silent switch to disable/enable sound. Thanks, this problem makes me feel like a preserved moose.
Feb ’24
Getting your Game featured by Apple is Mission Impossible
I developed games on the Apple App store for about half a decade or 5 years with 0 recognition from Apple. We developed a lot of games over the wasted years. Our company was forced to quit because we don't have any more money to invest on the App Store. We couldn't get even 1 of our games featured by the headquarters of Apple. We localized 22 languages for most of our games, used their latest features, latest technologies, unique, Gamepad enabled etc..... We pretty much did everything you need to do to get featured in accordance with their criteria listed and of course after we filled out the feature form so over and over and over and over even after updating the version with no reply from Apple for featuring any of them. It was a waste of time and investment for us. If I knew how impossible it was to get featured by Apple, I would have never pursued this as a full-time career. We lost more money than gained anything. We probably made approximately only $12-$14 dollars in 5 years (PEANUT SHELLS, not even the peanuts). We basically went broke, and we owed more money than we made. We were getting very close to getting reprocessed. I could have worked at McDonalds and flipped burgers for 5 years then waste more money on the App Store as a developer. Apple doesn't seem to care about their developers in my opinion. They only care about the big publishing companies. I believe that they sometimes feature simple games in order to target new developers. So basically, this might be their marketing strategy to target new developers so they can make more money $$$$. They make billions of dollars on developers who pay those $100 yearly developers' fee. I believe they may only help developers they know or met, so I suspect they are playing favoritism with their developers. I've seen new developers with no experience get promoted immediately by the App store promotion team. Some even got promoted with no ratings, no reviews, on their launch period etc... That was very suspicious for me to see as if they are taking bribes under the table. Some games are very dull and boring, 2 color, poor design and controls. It felt as if 3rd grader developed them, and they get featured right away by Apple, and of course our hard work with a bigger game app, better controls etc. goes down the drain. When we decided to quit the App Store because it was pointless to fill out the feature form at this point after 5 years of nothing. So, we left our account untouched meaning we weren't going to give them the $100 renewal fee, they all of a sudden started to send out emails that our account is expiring, so we ignored them like they ignored us for the past 5 years (treat people the way they treat you). They gave us an extra month so that we will think about out. We ignored them again, why should we give a Trillion-dollar company $100 to get rich off of us and they give us no recognition!! They made the decision not to help keep us as developers, so why should we renew our license with them. I won't even give them $1 dollar if they Offred us to renew our license. They basically seem to only care about developers when they want money from them. So, they ended up losing not only a developer, but they also lost a customer as well (loyal developer and customer). That's shameful on Apple's part and they seem to be shameless because they don't seem care anyway. We can't afford to buy their products we invested it all on the App Store for half a decade. I will never develop for Apple ever again!! I learned my lesson not to fall into their traps they use to lure you into being a developer. The odds of them helping you as a developer is nil. You can even read articles online about odds of getting featured by Apple (my opinion 0% chance or even -% chance: meaning never). Some of the games they feature on the App Store, I personally delete them after playing them for a few seconds. BORING just like Apple is. I suspect in my opinion that they only feature developers they know like I mentioned earlier in this blog. Who knows they could be bribes under the table even though Apple would deny it. I lost all my integrity with Apple and being a developer on the App Store. Other developers should be aware and careful. They should be cautioned if they are thinking of being a developer on the App Store. They are likely more than not to fail as developers. Apple wants you to believe you will be the next hit game developer, so they can target new developers and cash in on them when they pay the yearly fee. In my opinion I believe being app game developer seems to be more like a sweepstakes scam. They seem to choose whoever they want whenever they want. There is no way you can earn a spot to get featured or promoted by the App Store. Getting your game featured by Apple is basically "An Impossible Dream."
Feb ’24
Game Porting Toolkit Error
I tried twice to install homebrew and I got a error message twice: Error: apple/apple/game-porting-toolkit 1.1 did not build Logs: /Users/omarzunun/Library/Logs/Homebrew/game-porting-toolkit/00.options.out /Users/omarzunun/Library/Logs/Homebrew/game-porting-toolkit/01.configure /Users/omarzunun/Library/Logs/Homebrew/game-porting-toolkit/01.configure.cc /Users/omarzunun/Library/Logs/Homebrew/game-porting-toolkit/02.make /Users/omarzunun/Library/Logs/Homebrew/game-porting-toolkit/wine64-build If reporting this issue please do so to (not Homebrew/brew or Homebrew/homebrew-core): apple/apple
Jan ’24
Multiplayer test mode
I’m really sorry if this is not the proper place for this. I’m developing a game with online mode what works just fine in WiFi mode but not in mobile network. If someone has two Apple devices and can try if with the mobile network the multiplayer mode works I will appreciate A LOT https://apps.apple.com/es/app/ufo-snowboard/id6474542185
Jan ’24
Unreal Engine 4.27 VR Game on VisionOS
Hello everyone! I'm completely new to Apple. So my Situation is the following: In the company I work we have a Virtual Reality Educational Game made in Unreal Engine 4.27. Now with the release of the Apple Vision Pro we plan on making our game available on VisionOS, but like I said, we're kinda new to the Apple Enviroment and I already encountered some Problems with Building Unreal Engine 4.27 on XCode 15.2, which is a requirement for VisionOS if I understand correctly. So what I wanted to ask is, if anyone has some experiences with porting an Unreal Engine Game into VisionOS already, what's the best guideline to accomplish that everything works out correctly. Maybe some access to a Tutorial or Guide, etc. Our progress is the following: I'm using a MacBook Pro with Sonoma 14.2.1 with Xcode 15.2. I was following this Guide to setup Unreal Engine on the Mac: https://docs.unrealengine.com/5.3/en-US/downloading-unreal-engine-source-code/ The first problem I encountered was some weird Errors when building the ShaderCompileWorker. Errors like "variable 'x' set but not used [-Werror,-Wunused-but-set-variable]" and "use of bitwise '&' with boolean operands [-Werror,-Wbitwise-instead-of-logical] I know the reason why those errors are happening but I didn't want to reassamble the whole Unreal Engine Code so I was looking for a general solution but the only thing I found was People reverting to XCode 13.4.1, which is not possible when I want to use VisionOS I believe. So now I'm thinking if a Unreal Engine 4.27 Game Port to VisionOS is a reasonable thing to do, or if it's just hardly possible to do. I would like to have some more insight about that topic, before putting a lot of work and resources into that task, only to realize that it maybe won't work at the end. I'd appreciate any kind of advice or help on that topic, just to have a better view on the whole issue - like I said, we're new to Apple :) Thanks a lot in advance!
Jan ’24
Google mobile ads (native) for iOS games
Hi, do you have some documents how to implement native ads in Xcode but using ObjectiveC or Swift for mobile game exported through Unity. What is the best way? If you have some projects, can you share them just to see implementation? The main problem is when I export game using Unity the whole concept of Xcode is different. I need to make "framework or pattern" for all games I want to export. Thanks in further!
Jan ’24
any example based on SpriteKit for getting started ?
Background: This is a question asking for a good example of SpriteKit from a very new iOS developer who is investigating for starting an iOS 2D game project. As I explored in the official apple development doc, to dev a 2D game SpriteKit is the very framework I am looking for. There have been some clear and succinct words for any API and class documented in the reference spec when I started a project in Xcode. However I haven't been able to finish the project as having no any general idea about what is always needed of a typical game using the framework. Question: As an experienced Java Spring programmer I believe that I am needed a brief example to get started with the SpriteKit framework which provides me an idea of necessary steps for a 2D game.
May ’24
Audio Playback Issue in Unity-Developed iOS App: Intermittent Sound Output
Hello, I am reaching out for assistance with a problem I've encountered while developing an iOS app using Unity. Recently, in apps built with Unity versions 22.03.14 and 22.03.17, we have been experiencing issues with AudioSource not properly playing background music (BGM) and TTS MP3 files received from the server. Here is the situation: In the initial map scene, BGM and TTS files play normally. However, from the next scene onwards, no sound from AudioSource can be heard. This issue persists even if we return to the first scene. Interestingly, sounds from an external video call asset called Agora SDK are audible. This issue has occurred in Xcode versions 14.3.1, 15, and 15.2. The app functions correctly on other OSs (Windows, Mac, Android). Additionally, when the app is moved to the background and then reactivated, the BGM starts to work again normally. At this point, briefly hearing the previous BGM suggests a potential issue with iOS audio initialization. Furthermore, we use Addressables.LoadSceneAsync for scene loading. Here, scenes are loaded in Additive mode, and after the loading scene covers the screen, the previous scene is deleted before the next scene is loaded (using the Unload method provided by Addressables). The AudioListener is attached to a camera in a DontDestroy state. Considering that this setup worked previously, the cause of the current issue is unclear. For scene loading and unloading: Loading: Addressables.LoadSceneAsync(resourceName, LoadSceneMode.Additive, true); Unloading: Addressables.UnloadSceneAsync(sceneInstance); We are managing the code flow using async/await. Could you provide any advice or solutions for this issue? Thank you.
Jan ’24
Bad network latency when using Game Center for real-time multiplayer
In our multiplayer game prototype, we experience a ping of 300 ms (at best) when using Game Center and GKMatch to send data between players, over the GKMatch.SendDataMode.unreliable channel. This latency is not suitable for a real-time game. When we tested alternative services like Unity's Relay under identical conditions (location, devices, and Wi-Fi), we achieved a ping of 120 ms. Is a ping value of 300 ms typical when using Game Center? I can think of possible reasons in case it's not typical, but I can't be sure: Is there a different behavior (servers relaying peer-to-peer connections) when the game is not yet released on the store? We're in Europe, maybe this is normal in Europe and better in US?
Jan ’24
Is there any payment from Apple for my old developer account?
Good afternoon, I had a developer account and for years I developed several gaming applications for Apple. And a few years ago I went to look at my old developer email and there was a confirmation of Apple's payment debit to me for the profit I earned on my apps. Could you check if Apple left any payments pending on my old developer account? I would like you to give me an answer because even my old games were removed from the Apple store. Thank you!
Jan ’24
iOS 16 & 17 touch input stutter on Pro Motion devices. Workaround?
The touch input stutter issue that exists since iOS 16 on devices with Pro Motion Displays has not been fixed yet. I filed a bug report in July but there isn't any progress since months. I see the problem in all games I tried. My game is fast paced so the stutters are quite obvious and I receive a lot of complaining emails. My game did run smoothly on Pro Motion devices with iOS 15. Is there a known workaround? I am seeing other developers having the same issue but I can't find any solutions. Other threads about this issue: IPhone 14 Pro stuttering in most games when using touch controls FPS drops when tapping the screen on iPhone 13 Pro Max
Dec ’23
Help Uploading game, Info
I asked a question here already and someone replied but then i had another question and no one replied so im making another thread. I asked about what kind of information do i have to fill in when uploading my game. When it comes to personal information is it just my nam?e, email?, phone?,bank account (can it be paypal or ebanks?), also do i need proof of address (can it be a p.o box? what else do i need? I really want to know every single one of them. Thanks
Dec ’23
Inconsistences in unfair rejected app review
I'm facing some issues trying to publish my app in Apple App Store, after made all the changes that they requested me I found in a dead end when they say it violates the Guideline 1.1.7 - Safety - Objectionable Content because it refears to COVID-19 in its concept or theme (wich isn't true). My suspicion is that they think that because the name of my game "Super Viral 19" wich is a complete baised interpretation, I don't mention or make refference to COVID-19 dicrectly nor indirectly way. But that is not the worst part, in a simple search I found out this application Antidote COVID-19 wich refear to COVID-19 in every part they can, its title, its description, along all the game, you have to develop vaccines and is developed by a game studio (not a medical institution). These facts drove me to the conclussion that I'm being victim of discrimination, and it is very frustrating when a mega corporation like Apple generate this unfair competition between their competitors giving privileges to some developers and privating it to some others who doesn't have the same resources. So my cuestion is wich would be the right place to report this abuse? I mean a governamental or consumer defense entity. I would like to listen similar experiences and how would you resolve it. This is my game, it doesn't have more than these three screens: Thanks in advance, Heraldo
Nov ’23