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Does SystemMemoryReset related to my Application abnormal exit?
Hello, we are currently developing a VPN application. Recently, we have encountered several cases where the Network Extension process terminates unexpectedly. We cannot find any related crash logs on the device, but we can find system SystemMemoryReset logs. The timestamps in these logs closely match (with millisecond accuracy) the times when our VPN process terminated unexpectedly. We have a few questions: 1.How is the SystemMemoryReset event generated, and can this event be avoided? 2.When a SystemMemoryReset occurs, can it cause our VPN background process to be killed or the system to reboot? 3.If the background process can be killed, what conditions need to be met for this to happen, and what methods can we use to prevent the VPN background process from being killed? 4.Based on these logs, does our application have any related issues (the process name is CorplinkTunnel)? Do you have any suggestions for modifications? SystemMemoryReset-2024-06-25-232108.log SystemMemoryReset-2024-06-29-025353.log SystemMemoryReset-2024-07-01-024655.log
Apple TestFlight review rejected
Reason provided by the reviewer: We were unable to review your app as it crashed on launch. We have attached detailed crash logs to help troubleshoot this issue. Review device details: Device type: iPad Air (5th generation) and iPhone 13 mini OS version: iOS 17.5.1 apple crash log However, the app we downloaded through TestFlight runs normally on all systems without any issues. May I ask what could be the reason for this?
Peculiar EXC_BAD_ACCESS, involving sparse matrices
Helo all, Currently, I'm working on an iOS app that performs measurement and shows the results to the user in a graph. I use a Savitzky-Golay filter to filter out noise, so that the graph is nice and smooth. However, the code that calculates the Savitzky-Golay coefficients using sparse matrices crashes sometimes, throwing an EXC_BAD_ACCESS. I tried to find out what the problem is by turning on Address Sanitizer and Thread Sanitizer, but, for some reason, the bad access exception isn't thrown when either of these is on. What else could I try to trace back the problem? Thanks in advance, CaS To reproduce the error, run the following: import SwiftUI import Accelerate struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { VStack { Button("Try", action: test) } .padding() } func test() { for windowLength in 3...100 { let coeffs = SavitzkyGolay.coefficients(windowLength: windowLength, polynomialOrder: 2) print(coeffs) } } } class SavitzkyGolay { static func coefficients(windowLength: Int, polynomialOrder: Int, derivativeOrder: Int = 0, delta: Int = 1) -> [Double] { let (halfWindow, remainder) = windowLength.quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy: 2) var pos = Double(halfWindow) if remainder == 0 { pos -= 0.5 } let X = [Double](stride(from: Double(windowLength) - pos - 1, through: -pos, by: -1)) let P = [Double](stride(from: 0, through: Double(polynomialOrder), by: 1)) let A = { exponent in { pow($0, exponent) } } var B = [Double](repeating: 0, count: polynomialOrder + 1) B[derivativeOrder] = Double(factorial(derivativeOrder)) / pow(Double(delta), Double(derivativeOrder)) return leastSquaresSolution(A: A, B: B) } static func leastSquaresSolution(A: [[Double]], B: [Double]) -> [Double] { let sparseA = A.sparseMatrix() var sparseAValuesCopy = sparseA.values var xValues = [Double](repeating: 0, count: A.transpose().count) var bValues = B sparseAValuesCopy.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { valuesPtr in let a = SparseMatrix_Double( structure: sparseA.structure, data: valuesPtr.baseAddress! ) bValues.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { bPtr in xValues.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { xPtr in let b = DenseVector_Double( count: Int32(B.count), data: bPtr.baseAddress! ) let x = DenseVector_Double( count: Int32(A.transpose().count), data: xPtr.baseAddress! ) #warning("EXC_BAD_ACCESS is thrown below") print("This code is executed...") let status = SparseSolve(SparseLSMR(), a, b, x, SparsePreconditionerDiagScaling) print("...but, if an EXC_BAD_ACCESS is thrown, this code isn't") if status != SparseIterativeConverged { fatalError("Failed to converge. Returned with error \(status).") } } } } return xValues } } func factorial(_ n: Int) -> Int { n < 2 ? 1 : n * factorial(n - 1) } extension Array where Element == [Double] { func sparseMatrix() -> (structure: SparseMatrixStructure, values: [Double]) { let columns = self.transpose() var rowIndices: [Int32] = { column in column.indices.compactMap { indexInColumn in if column[indexInColumn] != 0 { return Int32(indexInColumn) } return nil } }.reduce([], +) let sparseColumns = { column in column.compactMap { if $0 != 0 { return $0 } return nil } } var counter = 0 var columnStarts = [Int]() for sparseColumn in sparseColumns { columnStarts.append(counter) counter += sparseColumn.count } let reducedSparseColumns = sparseColumns.reduce([], +) columnStarts.append(reducedSparseColumns.count) let structure: SparseMatrixStructure = rowIndices.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { rowIndicesPtr in columnStarts.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { columnStartsPtr in let attributes = SparseAttributes_t() return SparseMatrixStructure( rowCount: Int32(self.count), columnCount: Int32(columns.count), columnStarts: columnStartsPtr.baseAddress!, rowIndices: rowIndicesPtr.baseAddress!, attributes: attributes, blockSize: 1 ) } } return (structure, reducedSparseColumns) } func transpose() -> Self { let columns = self.count let rows = self.reduce(0) { Swift.max($0, $1.count) } return (0 ..< rows).reduce(into: []) { result, row in result.append((0 ..< columns).reduce(into: []) { result, column in result.append(row < self[column].count ? self[column][row] : 0) }) } } }
About cpu_resource_fatal
PLATFORM AND VERSION iOS Development environment: Xcode 15.0, macOS 14.4.1, Objective-C Run-time configuration: iOS 17.2.1, DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEM What is the general approach to analyzing cpu_resource_fatal.ips? Is there a standard way to analyze it? (Instruments are not available in this analysis, because this is only occurs on the customer's iPhone.) Also, can this file be symbolicate? Attachment file is a sample ips file. FjSoftPhone.cpu_resource_fatal-2024-06-21-150321.ips
TabSection always show sections actions.
I'm giving a go to the new TabSection with iOS 18 but I'm facing an issue with sections actions. I have the following section inside a TabView: TabSection { ForEach(accounts) { account in Tab( , systemImage: account.icon, value: SelectedTab.accounts(account: account)) { Text( } } } header: { Text("Accounts") } .sectionActions { AccountsTabSectionAddAccount() } I'm showing a Tab for each account and an action to create new accounts. The issue I'm facing is that when there are no accounts the entire section doesn't appear in the side bar including the action to create new accounts. To make matters worse the action doesn't show at all in macOS even when there are already accounts and the section is present in side bar. Is there some way to make the section actions always visible?
How to detect that WiFi has no internet connection?
In some cases the user connects to a WiFi network that doesn't have internet access. The OS itself is able to display a warning in System Settings: However, in my app NWPathMonitor reports that the WiFi path is satisfied. How could I detect that the internet access is not working while WiFi is connected? I could try to connect to my own servers and report failures to the user, but that takes a long time to receive the timeout error. I cannot reduce the timeout, because maybe the user is on a very slow network and long loading time might be expected. But iOS can detect that there is not internet within a few seconds and display a warning, so I wonder how does Apple implement it in System Settings and if there is something I can implement in my app.
Call history problems after iOS 18 beta update
I've 14-Pro and I recently did update to "iOS 18 beta" using beta channel. However, the first I noticed was a deleted call-history... After several tries (using tips from forums), nothing showed up. Finally, I did reset all and reverted back to "17.5.1" and used the last iCloud backup (right before iOS 18 upgrade). Call history is back, however it is limited to "only 1-month" back in time! Why? I've 2 TB iCloud storage, why my call history is gone why? I keep backup of everything, and call-history contains very important details as well. Please help in getting back my data asap.
IOS 18 Beta 2 bug fix
After a week of testing iOS 18. iPhone XS keeps randomly up and down cellular network which shows low signal /no service/ hig signal after I use it for a few minutes. second bugs is keyboard switching , sometimes don’t work auto predictive and auto capitalisation in keyboard. Reported this issue through feedback assistant. Please fix this bug in next iOS 18 beta.
IOS 18 Bugs
I downloaded IOS 18 beta on my 14 pro max and here’s a list of bugs or issues I’ve encountered so far: —Phone completely freezing after locking and unlocking —Calls glitching out and causing phone to crash —FaceID shows that the phone is unlocked but still have to put in the password —Phone taking multiple minutes to turn back on after hard reset —Randomly crashing and restarting (even when not using the phone) —Unlocking phone and being unable to see bottom row of apps or press anything on the screen —Widgets not loading (accompanies the freezing screen and faceID and unlocking not working correctly)
PingFang.ttc font file is missing in iOS 18.0
I'm an iOS developer, and I've been testing our app in iOS 18.0 Beta. I noticed that there's a problem with the font rendering, and after troubleshooting, I've found out that it's caused by the removal of the PingFang.ttc font in 18.0. I would like to ask the reason for removing this font file and which font should be used to display Chinese in the future? My test device is an iPhone 11 Pro and the system version is iOS 18.0 (22A5297). I have also tested Beta 1 and it has the same issue. In previous versions of the system, the PingFang font is located in this directory /System/Library/Fonts/LanguageSupport/PingFang.ttc. But in iOS 18.0, the font file in this directory has become Kohinoor.ttc, and I've tested that this font can't display Chinese either. I traversed the following system font directories and could not find the PingFang.ttc font file. /System/Library/Fonts/AppFonts /System/Library/Fonts/Core /System/Library/Fonts/CoreAddition /System/Library/Fonts/CoreUI /System/Library/Fonts/LanguageSupport /System/Library/Fonts/UnicodeSupport /System/Library/Fonts/Watch Looking for answers, thanks for the help!
iOS 18 Translation API availability for UIKit
After reading the documentation for TranslationSession and other API methods I got an impression that it will not be possible to use the Translation API with UI elements built with UIKit. You don’t instantiate this class directly. Instead, you obtain an instance of it by adding a translationTask(_:action:) or translationTask(source:target:action:) function to the SwiftUI view containing the content you want to translate So the main question I have to the engineers of mentioned framework is will there be any support for UIKit or app developers will have to rewrite their apps in SwiftUI just to be able to use the Translation API?
UITabBarController render glitch since iOS18 beta 1 & 2 when activating tabs.
We have a UITabBarController in our iPhone App which has 5 tabs with UITableViewControllers (constructed from the storyboard). Before iOS18 beta 1 (and 2) this was working fine without any problems (objective-C). Since iOS18 beta 1 (and beta 2 still has this problem) a strange render glitch occurs when activating a tab from the tab bar at the bottom. As soon as a tab is activated (by tapping on the icon at the bottom) the tab with the UITableViewController becomes visible and draws its content starting at the very top of the screen (pos 0,0) right through/over the Navigation bar which at that point is showing a title and a rightBarButtonItem. The tab with the UITableViewController seems not aware there is a navigation bar visible. Then after ~0.3 seconds the tab with the UITableViewContoller is automatically rendered again or moved down and now its content starts below the UINavigationBar as expected, this is 100% reproducible and occurs on every activation of a tab in the UITabBarController. Is anyone else also getting this behavior in their App since iOS18? I'm aware that UITabBarController is being renewed but I can't find any information on why this behavior might occur. I was hoping beta 2 would solve the problem but it doesn't. Constructing the UITabBarController in the code with the new UITab objects (instead of constructing them from the storyboard) also shows this problem.