iPad and iOS apps on visionOS

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Discussion about running existing iPad and iOS apps directly on Apple Vision Pro.

Posts under iPad and iOS apps on visionOS tag

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How to create visionOS screenshots for the App Store with the Simulator?
For visionOS App Store listings, screenshots are supposed to be 3840 × 2160. However, when I save screenshots from the Simulator, they are only 2732  × 2048. Is there a setting to generate full-size screenshots from the simulator? Or is there a way to save screenshots of the app window without the scene background? As the Apple Vision Pro is not being sold yet (and won't be outside the US for a while) taking screenshots on the device is not really an option. Of course, we can add borders or scale up the Simulator screenshots, but it seems weird that the expected screenshot size does not match the Simulator output.
Jan ’24
visionOS & Document App Bug
When migrating a document app to visionOS, I noticed that two windows are created for a doc, and the new ornament toolbars get obscured by the foremost window. This can be replicated easily by creating a SwiftUI doc app and opening it in the Vision simulator. Has anyone found a workaround? The Feedback Assistant is not showing VisionOS as an option for reporting bugs. struct TestApp: App { var body: some Scene { DocumentGroup(newDocument: TestDocument()) { file in ContentView(document: file.$document) .toolbar{ ToolbarItemGroup(placement: .bottomOrnament) { Button(){}label:{Image(systemName: "gearshape.fill")} Button(){}label:{Image(systemName: "photo")} Button(){}label:{Image(systemName: "paintbrush.pointed.fill")} } } } } } code-block
Jan ’24
Details on ITMS-90984: Apple Vision Pro support issue
I have an iPad app on the App Store, and since recently every time I upload a new build to App Store Connect I receive an automated email with the following warning. ITMS-90984: Apple Vision Pro support issue - The details associated with your Apple Developer Program membership indicate that you’re not eligible to publish apps on the App Store for Apple Vision Pro. For more information, contact us: https://developer.apple.com/contact. At the present, my app does not target visionOS API specifically, but I have checked the checkbox for availability on Apple Vision Pro. According to the warning, something makes me not able to distribute apps for Vision Pro, but lacking any details I am not sure how I can solve this issue. What specifically about my account makes me ineligible to distribute apps for Apple Vision Pro and triggers this warning? I have contacted support at the provided URL, but they were unable to help me and redirected me to post in Developer Forums.
Jan ’24
How to Archive iOS and VisionOS App
I have an app with destinations for both visionOS and iOS. I created a new platform for my app in App Store Connect for visionOS. Then I selected "Any VisionOS Device (Designed for iPad, arm64)" for my destination in Xcode and archived it. The first red flag that I saw was when it finished archiving, the archive listed in the organizer window read "iOS App Archive." Then after I uploaded the build to App Store Connect and it finished processing, it did not appear in the builds section for the visionOS App, but it did appear in the iOS app section. I tried quitting Xcode and cleaning the build folder, but it still shows up as an iOS App Archive. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug? Thanks.
Jan ’24
Removing iOS apps on Vision Pro from App Store Connect
I have a free app on the App Store for iOS without any in-app purchase or subscription. If I initially decide to make my iOS app available on the Apple Vision Pro on the App Store, can I then also decide to remove it? How does that work? These are 2 links that I found about it, but I can't find a clear answer to that: https://developer.apple.com/help/app-store-connect/manage-your-apps-availability/manage-availability-of-iphone-and-ipad-apps-on-apple-vision-pro https://developer.apple.com/support/universal-purchase/
Jan ’24
VisionOS Destination question
I've been pouring over the code for Apple's visionOS demo: "Destination" trying to figure out something about its skybox. (not really a box, there, Apple). The skybox contains a 360deg panorama, but only one half shows with the other half fades out to nothing. I cannot find anywhere there is an alpha channel being set, a lighting or material effect causing that. But "alpha" doesn't show up and the only gradients are use to make controls standout a little more in its window. I need a full panorama that shows., no fading.
Jan ’24
Cycled call textFieldShouldReturn on visionOS
Hello, community. We are adding visionOS support to our application and have an issue without a solution because of a system UIKit bug. There is a system bug with cycled recalling textFieldShouldReturn function after the first Return button usage (with this function returning true), and calling resignFirstResponder textField will get in the cycle, and there is no way to stop calling the textFieldShouldReturn func. Repro steps: Enter text to UITextField Press Return button on keyboard textFieldShouldReturn called (return true after step 4) call resignFirstResponder call becomeFirstResponder or tap on UITextField return to step 3 The same problem exists in system application Reminders. Repro steps: Create a new reminder with a title and description Set pointer to title textField Press Return button on keyboard App will try to create a new reminder and, after less than a second, return to the first reminder The bug is only for visionOS, on iOS/iPadOS all is OK. We assume that there is a flag for Return button usage, which checks on becomeFirstResponder logic, and in visionOS (iPadOS adaption), it does not clear this after handling button pressing.
Feb ’24
TestFlight for iPad (iOS) App in Apple Vision Pro issue (visionOS)
I have an iPad App that works/available on visionOS store. However, TestFlight releases are displaying that this in iOS app only, and Incompatible on this Apple Vision Pro. How do I enable my iPadOS app for TestFlight in vision OS PS. Native visionOS can appear there, I don't have any approved or released builds yet for visionOS. I also see the same issue with "app not compatible" in TestFlight without visionOS section present. The same app is available in App Store in visionOS/iPad apps
Feb ’24
Recognize Objects (Humans) with Apple Vision Pro Simulator
As the title already suggests, is it possible with the current Apple Vision Simulator to recognize objects/humans, like it is currently possible on the iPhone. I am not even sure, if we have an api for accessing the cameras of the Vision Pro? My goal is, to recognize for example a human and add to this object an 3D object, for example a hat. Can this be done?
Mar ’24
AMFI - framework has entitlements but is not a main binary
Hello, we have a universal app that runs on iOS and iPadOS today but we're having an issue where it crashes on launch on visionOS. When I try to run our app, I see messages like these in the console logs: AMFI: constraint violation /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/***/***.app/Frameworks/***.framework/*** has entitlements but is not a main binary I see these for what seems to be all of our internal frameworks, we use cocoapods for all of these. The following output is from running: codesign -d --entitlements :- ***.framework <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "https://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"><plist version="1.0"><dict></dict></plist> Why would this cause a crash on launch for visionOS, but not iOS or iPadOS? Why does AMFI think there are entitlements for the framework when they are empty?
Feb ’24
Segmenting a single hand from multiple available hands in hand pose estimation
Hi, I'm working on developing an app. I need my app to work in a crowd with multiple people (who have multiple hands). From what I understand, the Vision Framework currently uses a heuristic of "largest hand" to assign as the detected hand. This won't work for my application since the largest hand won't always be the one that is of interest. In fact, the hand of interest will be the one that is pointing. I know how to train a model using CreateML to identify a hand that is pointing, but where I'm running into issues is that there is no straightforward way to directly override the Vision framework's built-in heuristic of selecting the largest hand when you're solely relying on Swift and Create ML. I would like my framework to be: Request hand landmarks Process image CreateML reports which hand is pointing We use the pointing hand to collect position data on the points of the index finger But within vision's framework, if you set the number of hands to collect data for to 1, it will just choose the largest hand and report position data for that hand only. Of course, the easy work around here is to set it to X number of hands, but within the scope of an IOS device, this is computationally intensive (since my app could be handling up to 10 hands at a time). Has anyone come up with a simpler solution to this problem or aware of something within visionOS to do it?
Feb ’24
Guest Mode - Apple Vision Pro
Is it possible to initiate Guest Mode and the Guest Mode setup from an application? If there was a demo application for example that would start by launching the Guest mode setup, instead of the new user being allowed to enter Guest Mode by the owner of the device? This way the application could be running, a new user could put on the headset then press some Guest Mode Setup button first to begin their session.
Feb ’24
FCM integration in flutter for both android and iOS working fine but in IOS version 17 and higher have issue with receiving notifications.
In Flutter application, Is there FCM related any changes for new iOS versions? I didn't find any solution regarding this. Working fine in android all versions and in iOS working fine till version 16. Also verified from app setting (version 17 and above), Notification permissions enabled. Also get success from this API - https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send response - "multicast_id": 912044660XXXXXX, "success": 1, "failure": 0, But not receiving any message, tried with debug and console log but there is no message/log or error message.
Feb ’24
Apple Vision Pro Storefront Video Issue
Hey, all! I've been trying to upload a video preview to the AVP storefront for our app, but some of the export requirements seem to contradict one another. For the AVP, a resolution of 4K is needed... which would require H264 level 5.2. Yet, the H264 level can't be any higher than 4... which is 1080p. It seems like a catch-22 where either the H264 level will be too high, or the resolution will be too low. Does anyone have a fix or a way around this issue?
Feb ’24