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Give users access to content, services, or premium features in your app on an ongoing basis with subscriptions, a type of in-app purchase.

Posts under Subscriptions tag

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Why I can't see my teams while creating StoreKit Configuration File
I am trying to add In-app purchases to my app. I tried to create StoreKit Configuration File but after checking "Sync this file with an app in App Store Connect" I wanted to pick my team but the only options I had were "None" or "Ad an account...". And answering upcoming question: Yes I have team. Please help.
Jun ’24
Subscription is still waiting-for-review while app update is deplyoed
Hi. A couple of days ago I've released my new iOS app version update including subscription(in-app-purchase). App is successfully updated and deployed on store but App Store Connect says subscription is still waiting-for-review, and users cannot subscribe our paid features. (API says it's an error; invalid product id) On App Store Connect, it says "A subscription has been returned and is highlighted in the table below." in subscription section. But there's no clue what am I supposed to do next to fix this. I even have received the E-Mail says app update and subscription is successfully reviewed. I am so confused can anyone help me with this?
May ’24
Can you preserve "early adopter pricing"?
Hi there, This may be a dumb question but I'm trying to confirm this before we go down this road. Essentially, we are looking to have one premium subscription available to users within our app. A yearly subscription and that's it. Since our app is brand new, we are looking to offer some "early adopter pricing" where early users can sign up for premium and lock in their yearly subscription at a fraction of what we will eventually charge. Will we be able to preserve pricing for select users while also making sure that new users aren't able to access that price? I was reading some articles and saw mention of "unpreserving users subscription pricing" so I figured there must be the functionality to preserve then? Thanks for the help!
One-time purchase with free trial
Dear all, This is my first post in this forum - and, in fact, my first app, too! I'm glad to be here, and thanks in advance for your help. I'm looking to offer an app for a one-time payment. I'd also like people to be able to try the app for a week. It seems that the "Pricing and Availability" section in App Store Connect is not the right place to configure this kind of offer. It does allow me to set a one-time price, but I cannot find a trial-period there (or am I missing something?) Two different strategies seem possible here: Using in-app-purchases: make the actual app free, but ask users after a week to buy a non-consumable IAP. The problem with that: I need to verify that the app has been installed for seven days ... even if it has been uninstalled at some point. Using subscriptions: There is a "free trial" option for subscriptions. But after that free trial, subscriptions are being payed periodically. I'd rather have the user only pay once for lifetime-access. Some apps seem to use strategy 1 - I believe the "Lap swim" app does. But still it seems like a bit of a hack - is there a more elegant way to achieve this?
Apr ’24
App Ready - But Still have subscription errors
Hi all, This is my first app. Its status is "Pending Developer's Release", so I assume that means it's ready. But my subscriptions have red exclamation marks and say "A subscription has been returned and is highlighted in the table below." I messaged Apple and was told - "I have escalated this information to the appropriate internal team. They'll follow up with you directly if they need anything." So...I'm not sure what to do. Do I just wait? Should I release it? It was approved a few days ago, so I assumed they had checked everything, but now I'm not sure. Any ideas or experience with this? Thanks!
Aug ’23
StoreKit2: .purchase() not working after expiry of subscription in app, but renewing in AppStore sandbox does...
Hi, thanks for reading my question. I need help with some odd behaviour with product.purchase() not triggering a confirmation dialog after a subscription has expired and trying to purchase it again. Seeing this in iOS 16.2 and 15.7.2 (haven't tried any other versions) on actual devices, not in simulator. I'm using a sandbox user on the sandbox environment (not using the local store kit config file testing option). Using a newly created sandbox user, first subscription purchase goes through just fine, dialog box pops up, login with sandbox user, get confirmation of purchase and then Transaction.currentEntitlements has one item as expected. It auto renews for 12 times (each time Transaction.currentEntitlements contains the correct results) and then expires, as expected for sandbox. Transaction.currentEntitlements is then also empty, as expected. All good so far. Now I want to test purchasing it again...Call product.purchase() again to renew/start a new subscription and nothing happens, no confirm purchase dialog box pops up at all. The purchase function simply exits BUT returns success (as in the following gets called) but in self.updatePurchasedProducts(), Transaction.currentEntitlements is empty. case let .success(.verified(transaction)):      // Successful purchase       await transaction.finish()      await self.updatePurchasedProducts() if I instead go to Settings->App Store->Sandbox User-> Manage Subscriptions and renew the subscription there, instead of in my app, then Transaction.currentEntitlements has a new entry and all is good again. Alternatively, if I create yet another new sandbox user and logout of the old one I was using, I am once again able to purchase from within the app, so .purchase() once again works as normal. Is there something I am missing about expired subscriptions and trying to purchase them again in the app? Is this a sandbox issue and in production I'll have no problem? The sandbox user has purchasing enabled in Settings->App Store. I've also tried calling AppStore.sync() (which is in my "Restore Purchase" button) before calling product.purchase() after the subscription stops renewing, expires and this issue comes up, doesn't resolve it. Also have a less important question, the initial call to product.purchase(), the one that works as expected, has a bit of a delay before the confirmation dialog pops up, a few seconds, which will probably result in the user clicking the buy button again thinking it didn't work. Is a bit of a delay normal for sandbox? Will it be ok in production? When it fails, and I have to renew in Settings->AppStore->Sandbox user, there's also a bit of a delay after I return to my app, 5-15 or so seconds, before the transaction observer fires and currentEntitlements is checked again, is there a way to reduce this delay? Thank you! Colin @MainActor class IAPManager: NSObject, ObservableObject {  // removed other functions.....   func purchase(_ product: Product) async throws {    let result = try await product.purchase()     switch result {    case let .success(.verified(transaction)):      // Successful purchase       await transaction.finish()      await self.updatePurchasedProducts()    case let .success(.unverified(_, error)):       break     case .pending:       break     case .userCancelled:       break     @unknown default:       break   } }  func updatePurchasedProducts() async {     for await result in Transaction.currentEntitlements {       guard case .verified(let transaction) = result else {         continue       }       if transaction.revocationDate == nil {         self.purchasedProductIDs.insert(transaction.productID)       } else {         self.purchasedProductIDs.remove(transaction.productID)       }     }   } }
Oct ’23
How to know when user upgrades/downgraded/crossgrades their subscription on the client
Hey, in our app we show post-purchase flow when a user purchases a subscription and its appearance should depend on the type of purchase: upgrade, downgrade or crossgrade. I found a way how to get this type on the backend side but can not figure out how to get this within the app. I see that Transaction has isUpgraded property but it is always false even if I move from a lower service plan to a higher one. So, I have two questions: Is this actually possible to know on the client when the user upgrades, downgrades or crossgrades? If yes, then how? Thanks
Dec ’23
Runtime error when using StoreKit 2
When performing StoreKit 2 operations in my Mac app, even very simple ones like AppStore.sync() a small but steady percentage of users experiences the following error: systemError(Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 \"connection to service named\" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=connection to service named}) Rebooting or re-downloading the App from the Mac App Store, as well as signing out and in again on the Mac App Store does not solve the issue. Strangely enough all of the affected users I'm aware of were initially able to perform In-App purchases via the said app. Without any updates or anything else however suddenly after a restart of the app the above error gets thrown by the system. As I have not found any way to solve this issue yet and the said customers are consequently left without service even though they are paying customers, I am desperate to find help with this issue. Given the simplicity of the AppStore.sync() method for example I can't imagine the solution to lie in code, but I might of course be wrong. Thank you, Bastian
Dec ’23
presentCodeRedemptionSheet issue
Hi I'm using presentCodeRedemptionSheet() method to display a sheet that enables users to redeem subscription offer codes. When calling the SKPaymentQueue.default().presentCodeRedemptionSheet() method on real app store app it will present redemption sheet and after entering the offer code in it is displaying screen where Cancel and Redeem buttons do not work. As seen in the attached picture. What could be the reason for this and what solutions can be found to solve the problem? Please someone help it is really frustrating. Environment: iOS 16.3
Jan ’24
StoreKit 2 - Is it necessary to finish unverified transactions?
The sample code provided in doesn't appear to call finish() on unverified transactions, and I haven't been able to find any documentation regarding what to do with unfinished transactions. However, Apple has always emphasized the importance of finishing transactions, and since a transaction object is provided even with the unverified state, I'd love some guidance!
Dec ’23
Free Trial Billing Errors
Hi everyone! I recently launched a hard paywall in my app and have had a fair few people each day sign up to the 3 day free trial. Around 55% of users remain after the 3 day trial but I am finding that when it ends around 20-25% of the users are running into 'billing errors' meaning they end up not paying at the end of the trial despite never cancelling. The information coming through from Apple ranges from 'insufficient credit', 'incorrect details' and 'unknown' - but the % is way higher than Has anyone come across this issue before at such a high % and if so, is there anything we can do to try and improve this number? Thank you!
Oct ’23
App Store Server Notifications not always sent to my server
We have implemented an auto-renewing subscription as an in-app-purchase for our iOS application. We are consuming the App Store Server Notifications for subscription transactions in order to update the user's account (and thereby maintain their 'Pro' access to our application). Sometimes those notifications never come to our server, and there is no evidence that they were even attempted to be sent to us. We have had some users report to our Customer Support team that they have successfully made a purchase of the subscription, but that they were not granted 'Pro' access. For the large majority of users this is not happening and all is well, but for some users the notifications just never come from the App Store Server API. We keep a record of all notifications that we receive from the App Store, and for these users we never received the "SUBSCRIBED" event. We have checked the Notification History API and there are no reports of any failure to send notifications to our server. We have checked our server logs for any sign of failure to receive incoming web requests, and there is no sign of these missing notifications. We have verified that our server supports ATS. We are keeping the transaction.originalID for all our users who are subscribed to the auto-renewing subscription. We have used this value to do some lookups into the transaction history and subscription status of the users who are being affected. Here is an example of our findings from those lookups: From the transaction history endpoint, we received an error: “Invalid transaction identifier”. From the subscription status endpoint, we received a response with the information for that user's active, valid subscription. We never received any App Store Server Notifications about this user’s subscription, and the transaction history API tells us it is an invalid transaction ID. We believe that the fact that the subscription status API returned the information showing that this user’s subscription is active and valid, and that the notification history API shows no sign of a failure to send us notifications about that subscription, shows that the App Store Server API never attempted to send us any notification for this user’s subscription. The same is true for a significant number of other users of our service. Can anyone help us determine what is going on, and how to best support these customers? It seems as though there was never an attempt to send these notifications to our server, but our users provide proof that they do in fact have an active subscription, for which they have paid (receipt email from Apple with a valid order ID).
Oct ’23
Help! - Not Able to renew Apple Developer Membership
Hello, I require assistance urgently. My Apple Developer membership has expired and I am unable to renew it. Upon logging in to the Developer website, I was directed to use the Developer app to renew the membership. However, I cannot locate the renew button on the app. I have attempted to log in and out multiple times, as well as signing in from other devices, but to no avail. This situation is highly frustrating, and I feel let down by Apple's poor service.
Sep ’23
Promotional Offer Errors
Able to show the promotional offer, but after going through the payment process, inputting my password, and confirming the purchase, I get an error popup that says "Unable to Purchase. Contact the developer for more information." In the logs, I get the following errors: SKErrorDomain Code=12 "(null)" ASDServerErrorDomain Code=3903 "Unable to Purchase" Here are the example parameter values I am passing to the combined string appBundleId + '\u2063' + keyIdentifier + '\u2063' + productIdentifier + '\u2063' + offerIdentifier + '\u2063' + appAccountToken + '\u2063' + nonce + '\u2063' + timestamp appBundleId: keyIdentifier: copied the key ID from the App Store Connect productIdentifier: product_identifier offerIdentifier: offer_identifier appAccountToken: tried both a UUID and an empty string nonce: a UUID to lowercase timestamp: UNIX timestamp How I'm generating the signature (Java) /* promotionalOfferKey = value between "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----" and "-----END PRIVATE KEY-----" from the downloaded p8 file from App Store Connect associated with the keyIdentifier parameter above */ // stringToSign = the combined string above byte[] encoded = Base64.getDecoder().decode(promotionalOfferKey); KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("EC"); PKCS8EncodedKeySpec keySpec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(encoded); Signature ecdsaSign = Signature.getInstance("SHA256withECDSA"); ecdsaSign.initSign(keyFactory.generatePrivate(keySpec)); ecdsaSign.update(stringToSign.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); byte[] signature = ecdsaSign.sign(); signatureToReturn = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(signature); What am I doing wrong? Thank you in advance.
Your payments from Apple are on hold.
Hey everybody, today I received an email (seemingly automated) stating that my payment is on hold due to irregular activity. However, I haven't violated any rules, and I've seen that many other people have received the same message. As soon as I saw the email, I contacted support via phone, and the representative who assisted me confirmed that my account status is correct and in good standing. She requested that I forward the email to her for further investigation. Email received: "We noticed some irregular activity associated with your vendor number XXXXXXXX and have paused your earnings payments while we investigate. Once our review is complete, we'll determine if we can resume your payments." Questions: Has anyone else experienced this issue? If so, what was the process to resolve it? How long does it typically take to have the payments resumed? Wishing you all a great day, Thank you.
Aug ’23
Transaction.currentEntitlements is not consistent
I've recently published an app, and while developing it, I could always get consistent entitlements from Transaction.currentEntitlements. But now I see some inconsistent behaviour for a subscribed device in the AppStore version. It looks like sometimes the entitlements do not emit value for the subscriptions. It usually happens on the first couple tries when the device goes offline, or on the first couple tries when the device goes online. But it also happens randomly at other times as well. Can there be a problem with Transaction.currentEntitlements when the connectivity was just changed? Of course my implementation may also be broken. I will give you the details of my implementation below. I have a SubscriptionManager that is observable (irrelevant parts of the entity is omitted): final class SubscriptionManager: NSObject, ObservableObject { private let productIds = ["yearly", "monthly"] private(set) var purchasedProductIDs = Set<String>() var hasUnlockedPro: Bool { return !self.purchasedProductIDs.isEmpty } @MainActor func updatePurchasedProducts() async { var purchasedProductIDs = Set<String>() for await result in Transaction.currentEntitlements { guard case .verified(let transaction) = result else { continue } if transaction.revocationDate == nil { purchasedProductIDs.insert(transaction.productID) } else { purchasedProductIDs.remove(transaction.productID) } } // only update if changed to avoid unnecessary published triggers if purchasedProductIDs != self.purchasedProductIDs { self.purchasedProductIDs = purchasedProductIDs } } } And I call the updatePurchasedProducts() when the app first launches in AppDelegate, before returning true on didFinishLaunchingWithOptions as: Task(priority: .high) { await DependencyContainer.shared.subscriptionManager.updatePurchasedProducts() } You may be wondering maybe the request is not finished yet and I fail to refresh my UI, but it is not the case. Because later on, every time I do something related to a subscribed content, I check the hasUnlockedPro computed property of the subscription manager, which still returns false, meaning the purchasedProductIDs is empty. You may also be curious about the dependency container approach, but I ensured by testing multiple times that there is only one instance of the SubscriptionManager at all times in the app. Which makes me think maybe there is something wrong with Transaction.currentEntitlements I would appreciate any help regarding this problem, or would like to know if anyone else experienced similar problems.
Nov ’23
Apple Developer Enrollment throws error before authorizing payment, How to proceed?
I am trying to enroll to Apple Developer Program. It throws Unknown Error has occurred before I get the payment request. First time I even accepted the payment request, paid the amount. But enrollment didnt work. Second time I noticed that it fails before I even get chance to accept the payment request. I get the request after 20 seconds or so.
Jul ’23