Apply computer vision algorithms to perform a variety of tasks on input images and video using Vision.

Posts under Vision tag

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How to attach point cloud(or depth data) to heic?
I'm developing 3D Scanner works on iPad. I'm using AVCapturePhoto and Photogrammetry Session. photoCaptureDelegate is like below: extension PhotoCaptureDelegate: AVCapturePhotoCaptureDelegate { func photoOutput(_ output: AVCapturePhotoOutput, didFinishProcessingPhoto photo: AVCapturePhoto, error: Error?) { let fileUrl = CameraViewModel.instance.imageDir!.appendingPathComponent("\(\(id).heic") let img = CIImage(cvPixelBuffer: photo.pixelBuffer!, options: [ .auxiliaryDepth: true, .properties: photo.metadata ]) let depthData = photo.depthData!.converting(toDepthDataType: kCVPixelFormatType_DepthFloat32) let colorSpace = CGColorSpace(name: CGColorSpace.sRGB) let fileData = CIContext().heifRepresentation(of: img, format: .RGBA8, colorSpace: colorSpace!, options: [ .avDepthData: depthData ]) try? fileData!.write(to: fileUrl, options: .atomic) } } But, Photogrammetry session spits warning messages: Sample 0 missing LiDAR point cloud! Sample 1 missing LiDAR point cloud! Sample 2 missing LiDAR point cloud! Sample 3 missing LiDAR point cloud! Sample 4 missing LiDAR point cloud! Sample 5 missing LiDAR point cloud! Sample 6 missing LiDAR point cloud! Sample 7 missing LiDAR point cloud! Sample 8 missing LiDAR point cloud! Sample 9 missing LiDAR point cloud! Sample 10 missing LiDAR point cloud! The session creates a usdz 3d model but scale is not correct. I think the point cloud can help Photogrammetry session to find right scale, but I don't know how to attach point cloud.
Nov ’23
(Legal-)Restrictions publishing Coin Counter (computer vision)
Hello, I am currently developping an app that counts coins using Computer vision to determine the total value in the picture. However I notice there are no apps in the app store that do anything similar which makes me wonder if there are any restrictions on publishing these types of apps from either apple or governments? I would like to know if it will be possible to launch my app in the European Union once it is finished. Thanks in advance, Guus
Nov ’23
How to get corresponding pixel from Object Detection
Hey guys! I'm building an app which detects cars via Vision and then retrieves the distance to said car by a synchronized depthDataMap. However, I'm having trouble finding the correct corresponding pixel in that depthDataMap. While the CGRect of the ObjectObservation ranges from 0 - 300 (x) and 0 - 600 (y), The width x height of the DepthDataMap is Only 320 x 180, so I can't get the right corresponding pixel. Any Idea on how to solve this? Kind regards
Feb ’24
Vision Framework - Text Recognition - Cannot recognize some umlaut diacritics
I am using Vision Framework to recognize text in my app. However, some umlaut diacritics are recognized incorrectly, for example: Grudziński (The incorrect result is: Grudzinski). I already changed language to DE (because my app needs to support DE text) and tried to use VNRecognizeTextRequest#customWord with usesLanguageCorrection but the result still is incorrect. Does Apple provide any APIs to solve this problem? This issue also happens when I open the Gallery on my phone, copy text from images, and paste it to another place.
Jan ’24
Is it possible to create a compass in VisionOS?
I am attempting to create a simple compass for Apple Vision Pro. The method I am familiar with involves using: locationManager.startUpdatingHeading() locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateHeading newHeading: CLHeading) However, this does not function on visionOS as 'CLHeading is unavailable in visionOS'. Is there any way to develop this simple compass on visionOS?
Jan ’24
vision pro keyboard
I think there is a problem with the keyboard of vision pro. I don't think it's difficult to enter another language. If you're not going to make it, shouldn't Apple provide an extended custom keyboard? Sometimes it's frustrating to see things that are intentionally restricted. If you have any information about vision pro's keyboard or want to discuss it, let's talk about your thoughts together! I don't have any information yet
Feb ’24
Is this type of offset even possible with Vision OS?
Hey, I'm working on a UI that a designer created. But he added an object behind the glass, with an offset, pretty much like the cloud in this video: I tried a couple of methods, but I always ended up clipping my object. So, here's the question: Is there a way to have some object behind the glass panel, but with a slight offset on the x and y?
Jan ’24
Swift Student Challenge Vision
Hi Developers, I want to create a Vision app on Swift Playgrounds on iPad. However, Vision does not properly function on Swift Playgrounds on iPad or Xcode Playgrounds. The Vision code only works on a normal Xcode Project. SO can I submit my Swift Student Challenge 2024 Application as a normal Xcode Project rather than Xcode Playgrounds or Swift Playgrounds File. Thanks :)
Feb ’24
When I enter immersive view, the window keeps getting pushed back.
I'm using RealityKit to give an immersive view of 360 pictures. However, I'm seeing a problem where the window disappears when I enter immersive mode and returns when I rotate my head. Interestingly, putting ".glassBackground()" to the back of the window cures the issue, however I prefer not to use it in the UI's backdrop. How can I deal with this? here is link of Gif:-
Jan ’24
Is the Apple Neural Scene Analyzer (ANSA) backbone available to devs
Hello, My understanding of the paper below is that iOS ships with a MobileNetv3-based ML model backbone, which then uses different heads for specific tasks in iOS. I understand that this backbone is accessible for various uses through the Vision framework, but I was wondering if it is also accessible for on-device fine-tuning for other purposes. Just as an example, if I want to have a model to detect some unique object in a photo, can I use the built in backbone or do I have to include my own in the app. Thanks very much for any advice and apologies if I didn't understand something correctly. Source:
Feb ’24
CoreML Image Classification Model - What Preprocessing Is Required For Static Images
I have trained a model to classify some symbols using Create ML. In my app I am using VNImageRequestHandler and VNCoreMLRequest to classify image data. If I use a CVPixelBuffer obtained from an AVCaptureSession then the classifier runs as I would expect. If I point it at the symbols it will work fairly accurately, so I know the model is trained fairly correctly and works in my app. If I try to use a cgImage that is obtained by cropping a section out of a larger image (from the gallery), then the classifier does not work. It always seems to return the same result (although the confidence is not a 1.0 and varies for each image, it will be to within several decimal points of it, eg 9.9999). If I pause the app when I have the cropped image and use the debugger to obtain the cropped image (via the little eye icon and then open in preview), then drop the image into the Preview section of the MLModel file or in Create ML, the model correctly classifies the image. If I scale the cropped image to be the same size as I get from my camera, and convert the cgImage to a CVPixelBuffer with same size and colour space to be the same as the camera (1504, 1128, kCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr8BiPlanarVideoRange) then I get some difference in ouput, it's not accurate, but it returns different results if I specify the 'centerCrop' or 'scaleFit' options. So I know that 'something' is happening, but it's not the correct thing. I was under the impression that passing a cgImage to the VNImageRequestHandler would perform the necessary conversions, but experimentation shows this is not the case. However, when using the preview tool on the model or in Create ML this conversion is obviously being done behind the scenes because the cropped part is being detected. What am I doing wrong. tl;dr my model works, as backed up by using video input directly and also dropping cropped images into preview sections passing the cropped images directly to the VNImageRequestHandler does not work modifying the cropped images can produce different results, but I cannot see what I should be doing to get reliable results. I'd like my app to behave the same way the preview part behaves, I give it a cropped part of an image, it does some processing, it goes to the classifier, it returns a result same as in Create ML.
Mar ’24
Vision Pro & Vision SDK
I'm exploring my Vision Pro and finding it unclear whether I can even achieve things like body pose detection etc. It's clear that I can apply it to self provided images, but how about to the data coming from visionOS SDKs? All I can find is this mesh data from ARKit, - am I missing something or do we not yet have good APIs for this? Appreciate any guidance! Thanks.
Feb ’24
Connecting xcode with real my visionpro
Currently, the id of my actual visionpro device is different from the xcode that works on my macmini. I added a visionpro id to xcode, but I can't build it with my visionpro. Can I log out of the existing login to xcode and log in with the same ID as visionpro? However, the appleID created for visionpro does not have an Apple Developer membership, so there is no certificate that makes it run on the actual device. How can I add my visionpro ID from the ID with my apple developer membership to run the xcode project app on visionpro? This is the first time this is the first time.
Feb ’24
Segmenting a single hand from multiple available hands in hand pose estimation
Hi, I'm working on developing an app. I need my app to work in a crowd with multiple people (who have multiple hands). From what I understand, the Vision Framework currently uses a heuristic of "largest hand" to assign as the detected hand. This won't work for my application since the largest hand won't always be the one that is of interest. In fact, the hand of interest will be the one that is pointing. I know how to train a model using CreateML to identify a hand that is pointing, but where I'm running into issues is that there is no straightforward way to directly override the Vision framework's built-in heuristic of selecting the largest hand when you're solely relying on Swift and Create ML. I would like my framework to be: Request hand landmarks Process image CreateML reports which hand is pointing We use the pointing hand to collect position data on the points of the index finger But within vision's framework, if you set the number of hands to collect data for to 1, it will just choose the largest hand and report position data for that hand only. Of course, the easy work around here is to set it to X number of hands, but within the scope of an IOS device, this is computationally intensive (since my app could be handling up to 10 hands at a time). Has anyone come up with a simpler solution to this problem or aware of something within visionOS to do it?
Feb ’24