Visual Design

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Posts under Visual Design tag

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Global accent color not respected
I am facing an odd problem with the global accent color in a macOS application targeting macOS 11 +. The color is defined in an asset catalog and its name is set as the value of the key Global Accent Color Name in the project's build settings. Despite this, the custom accent color is not applied uniformly throughout the application when the system accent color is set to multicolor. Anywhere where NSColor.controlAccentColor is used explicitly either in code or interface builder, the color is correct. However, wherever the use of the accent color (or its variants) is implicit, the blue system accent color is used instead. This includes the selection in NSMenus, the selected state of NSSegmentedControls, the selection NSOutlineView using the source list style, NSSwitch, NSPopUpButton, NSButton, etc. This problem occurs in both light and dark modes, on macOS 11 and macOS 12. I have compiled the application with Xcode 12.5, and multiple versions Xcode 13. I have found that modifying the system accent color to something other than multicolor and then back to multicolor fixes the problem, but only until the application is quit. At the next launch, the problem reappears.  I have tried all sorts of changes such as: Setting the value directly in info.plist Adding the value in an xconfig file: with the key ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_GLOBAL_ACCENT_COLOR_NAME Forcing views to redraw Renaming the color in the asset catalog Creating a minimal application in an attempt to reproduce the problem. The closest I have come to a solution is investigating in detail the effective appearance of the application, from the property NSApplication.sharedApplication.effectiveAppearance.  The object returned is of the class NSCompositeAppearance. It contains an array of 2 appearances: an NSAquaAppearance or NSDarkAquaAppearance and an NSSystemAppearance.   Two private properties of NSAquaAppearance/NSDarkAquaAppearance are of interest: _tintColor and _cachedNormalizedBezelTintColor. These properties seem to set the color of standard controls. In my problematic application, _tintColor returns the system blue accent color. In other applications without these problems, _tintColor points to the color defined in the asset catalog. _cachedNormalizedBezelTintColor seems derived from _tintColor.  Using key-value coding, I am able to modify these properties and change the appearance of most but not all controls, buttons, and selections. However, I do not want to use private properties and this is just masking the symptom of the real problem. Has anyone experienced this problem with the global accent color? What was the solution?
Oct ’23
ForEach in Widget: How to fit only the number of items that can be fully visible?
Hello, I have this widget: And as you can see down at the bottom, next item is very barely visible. This is because on different devices (combined with varied text sizes + number of lines) the vertical space differs quite a lot. In the past I had the limit set to 4 items in the bottom part but that often left empty space at the bottom or even overflowed still on iPhone SE. What is the proper way to tell ForEach (or any other component) to "layout as many items as can fully fit, but no more". The only solution I could think of is to use ViewThatFits and try first rendering 6 items, then 5 and so on to find the count that fully fits. But that seems maybe too complicated? Thanks.
Oct ’23
Cannot change title text color in MacOS popup buttons
I am having a problem configuring popup buttons for a macOS application, using the Interface Builder mechanisms of Xcode (14.3.1). I am prepared to report the issue as a bug, but I thought I would check here to see if I had overlooked something in my configuration efforts: Briefly, I wish to have a popup button in my app's main window (not in the menu bar), that has a bezel color of "System Orange Color" and that uses white lettering for its title. My app has a lot of buttons, and for all the other button types I have used, when I set the bezel color to System Orange or to some similarly dark-ish color, the title lettering automagically comes up white. That of course also happens for the popup buttons that are part of the menu bar -- their titles have white lettering -- but when I place a popup button in the main window of my app, its title comes up with black letters no matter what I do. This is solely an aesthetic problem -- the popup button works perfectly well, it just looks out of place because its lettering doesn't match the other buttons. The misbehaving popup button is configured via Xcode only -- no commands sent from code. Its Xcode configuration settings include Pull Down, No Arrow, Bevel, Momentary Push In, System Orange Color, System Regular (font), and No Image.
Sep ’23
Different methods of animating shape along custom path?
I'm trying to animate a shape (e.g. a circle) to follow a custom path, and struggling to find the best way of doing this. I've had a look at the animation options from SwiftUI, UIKit and SpriteKit and all seem very limited in what paths you can provide. Given the complexity of my path, I was hoping there'd be a way of providing a set of coordinates in some input file and have the shape follow that, but maybe that's too ambitious. I was wondering if this were even possible, and assuming not, if there were other options I could consider.
Jan ’24
New Back for Iphone, design
Hello , i am a tech i fix phones on the side as a second source of income, Apple, can you design a back that is as easy to take off as the front with clip or locking system, instead of using the glue to bond the glass back to the frame, this is a headache for most techs people who do not have the funds to buy the laser glue blasting machine, can you guys go back to the drawing board and design a new concept for the back to make it easy to fix. thank you.
Sep ’23
Combine Master-Detail View and Tab View in iPad
Hello, I want to create a UI in which there are 4 main tabs representing individual views/screen (Just like the one in AppStore app). Now for some of the screens, I want to show the content of it using Master-Detail view - Just like iPad Messaging app where message list is in the master view and chatting is in the detail view. The TabView must remain visible to the users to navigate through all 4 views/screens. To show both, TabView and Master-Detail view, in one screen, I get to see 2 options. Show the TabView in MasterView section. In my opinion, this option is fundamentally a malpractice in perspective of UX. Because TabView is representation of shortcut of all 4 screens and user will use them to navigate through different screens, we must not restrict TabView in any other view. TabView must be placed at the top most hierarchy of the application. Keep the TabView in the top-most hierarchy and show in full width like it is shown in the AppStore app, and when user taps of any of the tab, the view that appears would have the Master-Detail View. Now in this one, I have concern of me manipulating the concept of Layout designs and worse UX. I am looking for the right way to implement such functionality with a good and UI/UX. Thank you.
Oct ’23
SwiftUI - drawing a temporary placeholder
I have a base view which displays a number of subviews at fixed positions. Its for laying out tables in a restaurant. The base view is an image of the restaurant floor, the subviews are images of tables. The user can click on a table and drag it about - so far so good, all working. Tables should only be placed in certain places, for arguments sake we'll say every 100 pixels (x and y) in the base view. While the user drags the table about smoothly, I'd like a "shadow" rectangle to snap to just the nearest available place that's allowable like it's saying "this is where the table will snap to when you drop it" Can someone help this old dinosuar by explaining how to include a temporary rectangle in a SwiftUI view that updates it's position during the DragGesture of the table? Thank you!
Oct ’23
Xcode should include simple themes. Agree??
The themes that bundle with Xcode are all very complex, in the sense that they highlight every token-type a different color, and often use colors that are only slightly different (as there aren't nearly enough distinct colors). Given that these themes are intended to be used, they should be optimized for practicality (not just flexing the power of Xcode). Syntax highlighting is most useful when it distinguishes between things that the programmer distinguishes between conceptually (if I don't know why one variable is blue, while another, apparently similar, variable is red, the highlighting actually makes the code harder to parse correctly). I've also observed a trend towards more minimal highlighting schemes, just generally. I don't have any evidence for this, but assume other people have noticed it too. To offer a concrete example, the following scheme does the usual kinda thing with keywords, comments and literals, but sets everything else to look like plain text, except types, which are gold when they're being declared, and copper otherwise: In my experience, it's notably easier to parse like this, which helps when learning Swift & Co. This is the same theme, applied to a C-family language (Metal): I'm not asking for feedback on the theme specifically. I'm just asking whether you agree that Xcode should bundle a couple of these simpler themes.
Color extension for positive/negative recognized color
Hey there! 👋🏻 I'm currently localizing my app and came across the interesting fact that in China (I'm not aware of other countries) the color red is associated with something positive, whereas in Germany (where I come from) the color green evokes a positive association. I then tried out whether this is taken into account in Apple's native apps. For example, in the Stocks app, a price gain with German localization is shown in green, whereas a price gain with Chinese localization is shown in red. Now I'm wondering whether there is a static property of the Color or UIColor class where I can retrieve a positive or negative color depending on the localization. Does anyone have experience with this? Thanks in advance! 😊
Nov ’23
SwiftUI Sheet Animation Issue with Non-Default Background Colors
I'm working on a SwiftUI project where I use a .sheet modifier to present a bottom drawer with two detent sizes: .medium and .large. The drawer contains a button that toggles its size between these two states. This part works as expected. However, I'm facing an animation issue when I set a non-default background color to the sheet. Here's the simplified code for context: struct ContentView: View { @State private var selectedDetent: PresentationDetent = .medium var body: some View { VStack {} .sheet(isPresented: .constant(true)) { Button("Press Me") { selectedDetent = selectedDetent == .medium ? .large : .medium } .presentationBackground(.gray) .presentationDetents([.medium, .large], selection: $selectedDetent) } } } The issue arises when I try to set a background color using .presentationBackground(.gray) (or any color, even white). Instead of the expected behavior when pressing the button (where the upper part of the sheet closes, and the bottom part stays attached to the screen bottom), the sheet momentarily turns into a square in the middle of the screen before moving down to the .medium position. As soon as I remove the.presentationBackground(.gray) line, it works as expected: I tried several approaches, such as: Using a custom background view. Explicitly specifying animations. Adjusting view hierarchy and layering. Unfortunately, none of these solutions worked. The issue persists with any color. It seems like a bug or limitation in SwiftUI's handling of sheet animations with custom backgrounds. Has anyone else encountered this issue, or does anyone have a workaround or solution?
Dec ’23
UIAlertAction has a poor color contrast ratio in destructive style
Hi Folks, I am reaching out for an iOS A11y color contrast issue, which I have also fired a bug report 12525894 but does not get any reply. The UIAlertAction in destructive style has a poor color contrast ratio of less than 4.5: 1 between text color and background color. This applies to any system/third party app which uses UIAlertViewController from UIKit and Alert from SwiftUI (Take the system Photos app as an example). Given that the "titleTextColor" property from UIAlertAction class is private, developers have no ways to modify the alert action to make it WCAG compatible. Here is an example of the Photo app alert. The text "Delete Photo" (#EB4E3D) should have a contrast ratio of at least 4.5 to 1 against its background(#EAEBE7) to comply to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). Actual result: The text "Delete Photo" (#EB4E3D) has a contrast ratio of 3.08 to 1 against its background(#EAEBE7), which does not match 4.5:1 Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
Dec ’23