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iOS reports incorrect own IP address to apps when connected to WiFi
I have an iPhone app which relies heavily on TCP/IP communication in the local network. Therefore, the application starts a server socket and accepts incoming connections. This worked flawlessly for a long time and we had no problems with this. Problem In the last days however, we observed that for some iPhones with the server role other devices cannot connect to the server of our app. The server does not accept incoming connections on the devices IP address and the client times out. Environment Both iPhones (the server and the client) are in the same network with address range and subnet mask. The server has the IP and the client has This is a normal home WiFi network with no special firewall rules. Both devices have mobile data disabled and the "access local network" permission is granted. The server socket is bound to all interfaces ( More technical symptoms When the server iPhone is in this faulty state, it seems like it somehow has two ip addresses: and The WiFi preferences show the (correct) .1.11 ip address. The Apps however see the (wrong) .2.123 ip address. I cannot explain where the other ip address comes from and why the device thinks it has this ip address. I've collected interface diagnosis information on a faulty iPhone and it listed the following interfaces and IPs: en0 -> lo0 -> pdp_ip0 (cellular) -> pdp_ip1 to pdp_ip6 (cellular) -> -/- ipsec0 to ipsec6 (vpn) -> -/- llw0 (vpn) -> -/- awdl0 -> -/- anpi0 -> -/- ap1 -> -/- XHC0 -> -/- en1 and en2 (wired) -> -/- utun0 to utun2 (vpn) -> -/- The correct ip of the device is not listed anywhere in this list. A reboot helped to temporarily fix this problem. One user reported the same issue again a few hours later after a reboot. Switching off WiFi and reconnecting does not solve the problem. This issue occurred on several iPhones with the following specs: iOS Version 18.1.1, 18.3.1 iPhone 13 Pro, iPhone 13 Pro Max, iPhone 15 Pro The problem must be on the server side as the client can successfully connect to any other device in the same network. Question(s) Where does this second IP come from and why does the server not accept connections to either ip even though it is bound to Are there any iOS system settings which could lead to this problem? (privacy setting, vpn, ...) What could be done to permanently fix this issue?
Couldn't read USB device endpoints on MacOS15.3
Hi Folks, We are reading the USB device data from our app using libusb/iokit libraries. Before updating the MacOS to the 15.3 we never faced any issue but after updating OS to 15.3 Sequoia we started facing issue to access the USB device's information. We are not getting the device endpoints for the matching service and fails with below error- Error:Failed to create IOUSBHostObject. with reason: IOServiceOpen failed. Respective code snippet- service = IOServiceGetMatchingService(kIOMasterPortDefault, matchingDictionary); IOUSBHostInterface* interface = [[IOUSBHostInterface alloc] initWithIOService:service options:IOUSBHostObjectInitOptionsDeviceCapture queue:*queue error:&error interestHandler:nil]; We get the denial message during accessing the IOService error 23:17:30.691934-0800 kernel 41 duplicate reports for Sandbox: spotlightknowledged(1399) deny(1) mach-lookup error 23:17:30.691945-0800 kernel System Policy: com.prograde.pgdrefreshpro.helpe(70515) deny(1) iokit-open-service IOUSBHostInterface Also when we checked the IOUSBHOST logs we can see pipes are stalled while running the RefreshPro app as below- 2025-02-05 22:06:31.838141-0800 0x25913e Error 0x0 0 0 kernel: (IOUSBHostFamily) AppleUSBIORequest: AppleUSBIORequest::complete: device 8 (SD PG05.5@08210000) endpoint 0x00: status 0xe0005000 (pipe stalled): 0 bytes transferred We need an assistance here to know what exactly could be the cause and how can we elevate the permissions to access the USB device on MacOS15.3. Do we need other entitlements? As we never faced such issue with our certificate and Identifier on any MacOS versions and with the current entitlements we have. Do we need to include any entitlement in the code? Thanks.
BSD socket APIs and macOS entitlements
I am looking for inputs to better understand MacOS entitlements. I ask this in context of OpenJDK project, which builds and ships the JDK. The build process makes uses of make tool and thus doesn't involving building through the XCode product. The JDK itself is a Java language platform providing applications a set of standard APIs. The implementation of these standard APIs internally involves calling platform specific native library functions. In this discussion, I would like to focus on the networking functions that the implementation uses. Almost all of these networking functions and syscalls that the internal implementation uses are BSD socket related. Imagine calls to socket(), connect(), getsockopt(), setsockopt(), getaddrinfo(), sendto(), listen(), accept() and several such. The JDK that's built through make is then packaged and made available for installation. The packaging itself varies, but for this discussion, I'll focus on the .tar.gz archived packaging. Within this archive there are several executables (for example: java, javac and others) and several libraries. My understanding, based on what I have read of MacOS entitlements is that, the entitlements are set on the executable and any libraries that would be loaded and used by that executable will be evaluated against the entitlements of the executable (please correct me if I misunderstand). Reading through the list of entitlements noted here, the relevant entitlements that an executable (like "java") which internally invokes BSD socket related syscalls and library functions, appear to be: - - - Is my understanding correct that these are the relevant ones for MacOS? Are there any more entitlements that are of interest? Would it then mean that the executables (java for example) would have to enroll for these entitlements to be allowed to invoke those functions at runtime? Reading through, I believe that even when an executable is configured with these entitlements, when the application is running if that executable makes use of any operations for which it has an entitlement, the user is still prompted (through a UI notification) whether or not to allow the operation. Did I understand it right? The part that isn't clear from that documentation is, if the executable hasn't been configured with a relevant entitlement, what happens when the executable invokes on such operation. Will the user see a UI notification asking permission to allow the operation (just like if an entitlement was configured)? Or does that operation just fail in some behind the scenes way? Coming back to the networking specific entitlements, I found a couple of places in the MacOS documentation where it is claimed that the entitlement is only applicable on iOS. In fact, the entitlement definition page for it says: "Your app must have this entitlement to send or receive IP multicast or broadcast on iOS. It also allows your app to browse and advertise arbitrary Bonjour service types." Yet, that same page, a few lines above, shows "macOS 10.0+". So, is entitlement necessary for an executable running on MacOS which deals with multicasting using BSD sockets? As a more general comment about the documentation, I see that the main entitlements page here categorizes some of these entitlements under specific categories, for example, notice how some entitlements are categorized under "App Clips". I think it would be useful if there was a category for "BSD sockets" and under that it would list all relevant entitlements that are applicable, even if it means repeating the entitlement names across different categories. I think that will make it easier to identify the relevant entitlements. Finally, more as a long term question, how does one watch or keep track of these required entitlements for these operations. What I mean is, is it expected that application developers keep visiting the macos documentation, like these pages, to know that a new entitlement is now required in a new macos (update) release? Or are there other ways to keep track of it? For example, if a newer macos requires a new entitlement, then when (an already built) executable is run on that version of macos, perhaps generate a notification or some kind of explicit error which makes it clear what entitlement is missing? I have read through but that page focuses on identifying such issues when a executable is being built and doesn't explain the case where an executable has already been shipped with X entitlements and a new Y entitlement is now required to run on a newer version of macos.
Finance Report API - no data
I'm querying the Finance Report api to get a January report for my app, yet no data is present. It's now March 3rd, and executing the following query results in a 404. url_financial = ( "" "?filter[regionCode]=ZZ" "&filter[reportDate]=2025-05" "&filter[reportType]=FINANCE_DETAIL" "&filter[vendorNumber]=redacted" ) If I change the report date to 2024-04, I get December, yet January is still unavailable. I understand that Apple's fiscal calendar does not follow the Gregorian calendar, however I'd expect that in March I could query the next period after December. Is this normal?
Any recent changes to dlopen() implementation?
In some recent releases of macos (14.x and 15.x), we have noticed what seems to be a slower dlopen() implementation. I don't have any numbers to support this theory. I happened to notice this "slowness" when investigating something unrelated. In one part of the code we have a call of the form: const char * fooBarLib = ....; dlopen(fooBarLib, RTLD_NOW + RTLD_GLOBAL); It so happened that due to some timing related issues, the process was crashing. A slow execution of code in this part of the code would trigger an issue in some other part of the code that would then lead to a process crash. The crash itself isn't a concern, because it's an internal issue that will addressed in the application code. What was interesting is that the slowness appears to be contributed by the call to dlopen(). Specifically, whenever a slowness was observed, the crash reports showed stack frames of the form: Thread 1: 0 dyld 0x18f08b5b4 _kernelrpc_mach_vm_protect_trap + 8 1 dyld 0x18f08f540 vm_protect + 52 2 dyld 0x18f0b87e0 lsl::MemoryManager::writeProtect(bool) + 204 3 dyld 0x18f0a7fe4 invocation function for block in dyld4::Loader::findAndRunAllInitializers(dyld4::RuntimeState&) const + 932 4 dyld 0x18f0e629c invocation function for block in dyld3::MachOAnalyzer::forEachInitializer(Diagnostics&, dyld3::MachOAnalyzer::VMAddrConverter const&, void (unsigned int) block_pointer, void const*) const + 172 5 dyld 0x18f0d9c38 invocation function for block in dyld3::MachOFile::forEachSection(void (dyld3::MachOFile::SectionInfo const&, bool, bool&) block_pointer) const + 496 6 dyld 0x18f08c2dc dyld3::MachOFile::forEachLoadCommand(Diagnostics&, void (load_command const*, bool&) block_pointer) const + 300 7 dyld 0x18f0d8bcc dyld3::MachOFile::forEachSection(void (dyld3::MachOFile::SectionInfo const&, bool, bool&) block_pointer) const + 192 8 dyld 0x18f0db5a0 dyld3::MachOFile::forEachInitializerPointerSection(Diagnostics&, void (unsigned int, unsigned int, bool&) block_pointer) const + 160 9 dyld 0x18f0e5f90 dyld3::MachOAnalyzer::forEachInitializer(Diagnostics&, dyld3::MachOAnalyzer::VMAddrConverter const&, void (unsigned int) block_pointer, void const*) const + 432 10 dyld 0x18f0a7bb4 dyld4::Loader::findAndRunAllInitializers(dyld4::RuntimeState&) const + 176 11 dyld 0x18f0af190 dyld4::JustInTimeLoader::runInitializers(dyld4::RuntimeState&) const + 36 12 dyld 0x18f0a8270 dyld4::Loader::runInitializersBottomUp(dyld4::RuntimeState&, dyld3::Array<dyld4::Loader const*>&, dyld3::Array<dyld4::Loader const*>&) const + 312 13 dyld 0x18f0ac560 dyld4::Loader::runInitializersBottomUpPlusUpwardLinks(dyld4::RuntimeState&) const::$_0::operator()() const + 180 14 dyld 0x18f0a8460 dyld4::Loader::runInitializersBottomUpPlusUpwardLinks(dyld4::RuntimeState&) const + 412 15 dyld 0x18f0c089c dyld4::APIs::dlopen_from(char const*, int, void*) + 2432 16 libjli.dylib 0x1025515b4 DoFooBar + 56 17 libjli.dylib 0x10254d2c0 Hello_World_Launch + 1160 18 helloworld 0x10250bbb4 main + 404 19 libjli.dylib 0x102552148 apple_main + 88 20 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18f4132e4 _pthread_start + 136 21 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18f40e0fc thread_start + 8 So, out of curiosity, have there been any known changes in the implementation of dlopen() which might explain the slowness? Like I noted, I don't have concrete numbers, but to quantify the slowness I don't think it's slower by a noticeable amount - maybe a few milli seconds. I guess what I am trying to understand is, whether there's anything that needs attention here.
Console SSH remote authentication not working since some time
I am trying to connect to my openbsd server. The command works over local network (I am identified by public key) but fails over remote network. I get the following error : $ ssh -vvv sylvain @ OpenSSH_9.8p1, LibreSSL 3.3.6 ... debug1: Authenticator provider $SSH_SK_PROVIDER did not resolve; disabling debug3: channel_clear_timeouts: clearing debug1: Connecting to port 22. ssh: connect to host port 22: Operation timed out A solution I gues would be to use brew's LibreSSL 4.0, but I cant find how to use it instead of the system LibreSSL.
Is it possible for a Live Caller ID server to specify different datasets?
In the documentation for the example Live Caller ID server ( there is an example service-config.json. file shown (without thorough documentation). That config file, and the whole of the instructions, center around there being two datasets of numbers: block and identity. My question is - is it possible for more than one dataset to be specified i.e. for block1 and block2 to be specified? The use case for this would be - suppose the Live Caller ID server has a set of numbers it has identified as being nuisance callers and so it lists these in the block section. However user A might want all these nuisance callers to be blocked but user B does not. Therefore the Live Caller ID extension on the handset would need to use a different dataset on the server so that user A's calls from a set of numbers is blocked, but user B's are not. Note that I'm not suggesting that the Caller ID server should be capable of storing individual user's preferences. All that would be required would be two data sets: one where blocked content is none and and one where blocked content is some. Then a user/app could switch between them as indicated by the user. Is that possible? If the database structure and service-config.json etc. is not configured to permit that, then could two different servers be set up to achieve this instead? i.e. so the server url specified in the app's extension can be set at run time and not at compile time?
Jul ’24
Slow app launch time
Hello, We are experiencing slow launch time indicators in our performance monitoring tools(Crashlytics/DataDog/Xcode), and trying to understand what is the best approach to reduce it. Currently, cold launch takes ~900ms on iPhone 16 Pro , but ~2s on iPhone 11. Profiling app launch detected that most of the time is spend on loading the libraries. Our app is massive, we use a total of ~40 3rd parties libraries + 10 internal libraries. We enabled the "mergeable libraries" XCode new feature however the app launch is as written above. We also postponed some of the work in didFinishLaunch, which help a bit... But maybe we are trying to achieve the impossible? Could it be that large apps just can't reach the golden 500ms goal? Currently we are trying to create an "umbrella" library for all the third parties in order to force them to become part of the mergeable libraries. We would like to know if, are we on the right track?
Can a Live Caller ID server supply live data or must it be static?
With the Live Caller ID example server, the caller lookup dataset is defined in an input.txtpd and processed by running a ConstructDatabase command which creates a block.binpb and an identity.binpb file. In other words, a static input file is being processed into static block and identity files. However, in the real world, the data content for identified and blocked numbers is something which is in a constant state of flux and evolution, as new numbers becoming available, old ones become stale, numbers which were initially considered safe change into being considered malicious etc. etc. Is the example server just that, merely an example using fixed datasets, and an actual production server is able to use live every changing data to formulate its response back to the iPhone OS query? Here's a concrete use case - suppose it's a requirement to permit US nanp numbers but to block anything else. The total number of non US nanp numbers is so large and ever changing that it would be unfeasible to attempt to capture them in an input.txtpd file and then process that, and then to re-capture and re-process it endlessly. Instead what would be required is the ability for the Live Caller ID server to evaluate at query time, using a regular expressions for example, if a number is nanp or not. Is this possible?
Aug ’24
PTT Framework has compatibility issue with .voiceChat AVAudioSession mode
As I've mentioned before our app uses PTT Framework to record and send audio messages. In one of supported by app mode we are using library for that purpose. Internally library uses Voice-Processing I/O Unit (kAudioUnitSubType_VoiceProcessingIO subtype) to retrieve audio from mic. According to using Voice-Processing I/O Unit leads to implicit enabling .voiceChat AVAudioSession mode (i.e. it looks like it's not possible to use Voice-Processing I/O Unit without .voiceChat mode). And problem is following: when user starts outgoing PTT, PTT Framework plays audio notification, but in case of enabled .voiceChat mode that sound is playing distorted or not playing at all. Questions: Is it known issue? Is there any way to workaround it?
Unable to recover after URLSession encounters the SSL error -9816
For years our iOS apps have experienced a networking problem, which blocks them connecting to our servers via their API endpoint domains. How can we recover after the scenario described below? Using 3rd party error logging solutions, which have different endpoint domains, we can record the error: NSUnderlyingError": Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1200 "(null)" UserInfo={_kCFStreamPropertySSLClientCertificateState=0, _kCFNetworkCFStreamSSLErrorOriginalValue=-9816, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=3, _kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=-9816, _NSURLErrorNWPathKey=satisfied (Path is satisfied), viable, interface: pdp_ip0[lte], ipv4, dns, expensive, uses cell}, "_NSURLErrorFailingURLSessionTaskErrorKey": LocalDataTask <DEDBFA4D-810D-4438-A6A0-95E3B9668B9E>.<308>, "_kCFStreamErrorDomainKey": 3, "_NSURLErrorRelatedURLSessionTaskErrorKey": <__NSSingleObjectArrayI 0x301f82e60>( LocalDataTask <DEDBFA4D-810D-4438-A6A0-95E3B9668B9E>.<308> ) "NSLocalizedDescription": An SSL error has occurred and a secure connection to the server cannot be made., "NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion": Would you like to connect to the server anyway? -9816 is the "server closed session with no notification" error based on comments in CoreFoundation source files. Subsequent API endpoint calls to the same domain return the same error. The SSL error occurs most prevalently after a server outage. However, despite our best efforts, we have been unable to replicate triggering the problem for development purposes via experiments with our server. When the error occurs the users report that: Fully closing (i.e. not just sending to background) and reopening the app does NOT clear connectivity to our server being blocked. Problem seems more prevalent when using mobile/cell data. Switching from mobile/cell data to WIFI resolves the connection problem and then switching back to mobile/cell data shows the problem again. So the underlying problem is not cleared. All other apps on the same device and mobile/cell data or WIFI connection, like Safari, have no problems connecting to the Internet. Deleting and reinstalling, or updating (when an update is available) resolves the problem. Or after waiting a few days the problem seems to resolve itself. The last two point above suggest that something is persisted/cached in the app preventing it from connecting properly with subsequent network attempts. Notes: We have one shared instance of the URLSession in the app for its networking because we are aware of the perils of multiple URLSession instances. We recently added conditions to call the URLSession await reset() method when detecting the SLL errors before repeating the request. It is debatable whether this reduces the problem as we still see logged cases with the subsequent requests hitting the same -9816 error. URLSession configuration: let config = URLSessionConfiguration.default config.timeoutIntervalForResource = 22 config.timeoutIntervalForRequest = 20 config.requestCachePolicy = .reloadIgnoringLocalCacheData config.urlCache = nil
Aug ’24
Auto connect 802.1x network using the selected profile in terminal or by code
Hello. I'm developing on a cross-platform app to help user connect enterprise network and found it difficult in macOS. The issue is, I guided user to install profile, but the authentication won't start immediately even the cable is plugged in or the WLAN is connected. There is still some manual operation to be done: Ethernet: Select the correct profile, and click the Connect button. Wlan: Click the Connect button. (The profile contains SSID so need't select the correct profile) Obviously, the operation is still not easy for users to understand and follow. So, is there any method to auto connect 802.1x network using the selected profile in terminal or by code? I mean, the manual operation is not necessary, maybe you can tell me a better solution. BTW, I found it possible to connect WLAN and auto select the correct profile by using this command networksetup -setairportnetwork en1 MY_SSID, but it could be very slow since the authentication seemed start 30 sec after connecting the SSID. So I believe it not the best solution.
Bundle A Command Line Tool With MacOS Sandbox App
Hello, I'm buiding a macos app where I bundled a command line tool (Python) with my app. I put the tool in ****.app/Contents/MacOS folder, but it seems like the tool can not execute/read/ access. I don't know if a sandbox app can access/create a folder inside ****.app/Contents folder??? If not where can I put the tool that can access from my macos app? Any idea would be appreciated!
How can a live caller id database be scaled to support millions of numbers that constantly change if it must be KPIR encoded?
The example database/server provided by Apple for Live Caller ID contains a hardcoded database with a tiny number of pre-defined numbers. However, its not expected to be representational of an live real world usage server. But the question is how can that be accomplished if its a requirement that the data be KPIR encrypted? In real world scenarios, the factors that effect whether a number should be blocked or not are continually changing and evolving on a minute-by-minute basis and new information becomes available or existing information changes. If the database supports tens of millions or hundreds of millions of constantly changing phone numbers, in order to meet the requirements of the Live Caller ID being KPIR encrypted, that would imply the database has to re-encrypt its database of millions endlessly for all time. That seems unfeasable and impractical to implement. Therefore how do the Apple designers of this feature envisage/suggest a real-world server supporting millions of changing data should meet the requirement to be KPIR encrypted?