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App Rejected: Appeal to Board of Review Time Frame and Update Methods
Hello All! Our app was rejected by the reviewer for reasons related to guideline 2.1 (summary: the reviewer thought it belonged in the Apple Business Library or as an unlisted app). We believe they misunderstood the nature of our business model and appealed the decision to Apple's App Review Board. This was over a month ago and there has been no response. I've tried asking for status updates in the app's rejection itself (you can still reply to the rejection), but I just get the exact same canned response each time: ... the App Review Board will contact you directly once they've completed their investigation. Thank you for your patience while they investigate your appeal. Is anyone aware of any other way to reach Apple Review for an update beyond that?
Can I block certain iPhone types from using my app?
I have been working on an app, and am really happy with the designs on iPhones 15-11, however every time I use the iPhone SE, the designs look terrible and everything overlaps (yes even with restraints and stack views and what not.) I want to know could I make a seperate version of my app for every iPhone (that isn't the se) and a special dedicated version for SE users? If this isn't possible, can I just block SE users from the app?
API Key 403 Detected
I'm using Expo EAS to try and submit a build to Test Flight. During the submission, there's two paths I've tried and both fail with the same error: "This request is forbidden for security reasons - The API key in use does not allow this request" The first way, it asks "Generate a new App Store Connect API Key" which I respond yes and it fails with the above message. The second way, I respond no to the above question and specify a path to the API Key that I manually created under "Individual API Key" in my Apple Connect account. Is this the correct place to have created this API Key? Is there a different type of API Key I should be using? Or is this a permission issue with my Apple account? I am not the account owner but it looks like I have the correct permissions as far as I can tell. TIA!
Empty response returned on read instances GET request
I'm trying following endpoint to get instances of a report,{id}/instances but getting an empty response: {'data': [], 'links': {'self': ''}, 'meta': {'paging': {'total': 0, 'limit': 50}}} I'm accessing "App Sessions Standard" report and correctly passing the instance id to get instances of this report. Also made sure that the App I'm accessing have App sessions data in the console. code.txt This is the order of api requests I implemented: '' '{report_id}/reports' '{report_id}/instances' Source code is provided in the attached file. Would be grateful if someone can help resolve this issue.
Anfrage zur Häufigkeit und Programmierbarkeit von In-App-Pop-Ups und Push-Benachrichtigungen
Hallo zusammen, ich habe eine Frage zu den Richtlinien für In-App-Pop-Ups und Push-Benachrichtigungen. Nachdem ich die Richtlinien gründlich durchgelesen habe, ist mir klar, dass zu häufige Pop-Ups und Push-Benachrichtigungen vermieden werden sollten. Ich arbeite für die Hochbahn AG und bin für die hvv switch App zuständig. Unser Ziel ist es, mehr Kundenbewertungen zu erhalten, um unsere App kundenorientierter weiterzuentwickeln. Derzeit verwenden wir ein In-App-Pop-Up, das nach dem zehnten Öffnen der App erscheint, um eine Bewertung abzufragen. Um unsere App kontinuierlich zu verbessern, möchten wir das Pop-up gezielt nach bestimmten App-Ereignissen ausspielen, wie z. B. nach einem "Ticketkauf", einem "Abonnement des Deutschlandtickets" oder nach dem "zehnmaligen Nutzen der Auskunft". Um die Häufigkeit der Pop-Ups zu reduzieren, möchte ich fragen, ob es möglich ist, zu programmieren, dass ein Kunde nicht mehrere Pop-Ups hintereinander erhält. Ein Anwendungsfall wäre: Ein Kunde kauft ein Deutschlandticket und nutzt danach dreimal die Auskunft, was dazu führen würde, dass er zwei Bewertungs-Pop-Ups erhält (im schlechtesten Fall kurz hintereinander). Wir möchten sicherstellen, dass wenn ein Kunde ein Deutschlandticket kauft und ein Pop-Up erhält, er beim anschließenden dreimaligen Nutzen der Auskunft kein weiteres Pop-Up erhält, es sei denn, die Ereignisse liegen mehrere Monate auseinander. Ich würde mich sehr über eine Antwort freuen und auch über eine Empfehlung, wie oft man nach einer Bewertung über In-App-Pop-Ups fragen sollte. Außerdem möchte ich fragen, ob es möglich ist, in einer Push-Benachrichtigung einen Link zum App-Store zu integrieren, wenn wir beispielsweise ein neues Feature einführen und am Ende der Nachricht fragen, wie das Feature dem Kunden gefällt, und dann per Link in den App Store leiten. Ich freue mich auf eine Rückmeldung. Bei Rückfragen stehe ich jederzeit gerne zur Verfügung. Viele Grüße, Morris
Flutter firebase exception on ios testflight
Hi, I have an app that uses a firestore database, throughout testing I had no problems. However, I released my app and it crashes all the time.when i distribute my app to testflight this will working on the 3 ios devices with same version but the app is not working on one device which have also a same version of ios. when i open the app the app will crash and not open. Here is a crash report I have. I am struggling to find resources online on how to interpret it but no solution found, so any help would be appreciated. Thanks so much for any help, You can see the error here
In-App Update Feature for iOS
Dear Apple Developer Support, I am seeking information regarding the implementation of in-app updates for iOS applications. Specifically, I would like to know if there is an available SDK or method that allows users to update their apps without being redirected to the App Store. This functionality is essential for enhancing user experience and streamlining the update process within the app itself. Thank you for your assistance.
Company account restore by documents
Hello, if it is available to restore Organization Apple account by presenting documents of this company. My friend has a problem where his account phone number and email was changed by strange situation some day, and he don't have access to account sign-in, new phone number and new email. Do not suggest to write to "Contact Apple", because he long time already waiting for answer. Please give some experience about if it is available to restore via Organization documents and Organization owner documents to restore account with apps on it
Issues in uploading screenshots for iOS app in App Store Connect
We have two sets of screenshot images for 5.5 and 6.5 displays of the iOS app which needs a new version. When I first uploaded the screenshot set for the 6.5 display, it looks all good. Then I uploaded another set for the 5.5 display and headed back to check 6.5 images. I found some of them reported errors IMAGE_TOOL_FAILURE. Then I deleted all 6.5 screenshots, re-uploaded for the 6.5 display again. However, this time 5.5 had errors. It is like a loop. I tried tens of times. And, if I upload 6.5 first, it all looks good. And then I go to another tab, for example, the app information tab and then come back. I also find the images are marked as 'The file has been uploaded and is processing ' .
Dec ’21
Unreal/ Apple Connect/ non-public or deprecated API
Hello I get rejected from Apple Store Connect because because "Your app uses or references the following non-public or deprecated APIs: Contents/Resources/ Symbols: • __dyld_get_image_uuid In Terminal, I get this: otool -Iv /Users/XXXXXXXX/Desktop/XXXXXXXXX/Mac15/ | grep __dyld_get_image_uuid 0x00000000012c62a0 374767 __dyld_get_image_uuid 0x00000000015e8468 374767 __dyld_get_image_uuid The question is, how to find what is using the __dyld_get_image_uuid in Unreal? The game is Mac only, not iOS. Any help highly appreciated because I have tried to solve this a month now with no luck. Unreal 5.4.2, Mac 14.4.1, Xcode 15.4 Thank you in advance and all the best, Ramili
"account not in this store" error when testing inApp purchase
I've already done my test on development signed app locally, all in-app purchase runs well with sandbox tester Apple ID. Errors happens when make a purchase in distribution app from TestFlight. Detail Info: in Apple Store connect , make app available to China Electron project, packaging by electron builder using distribution sign upload to TestFlight, invite myself to test using my Apple ID(not the sandbox tester) to login and purchase dialog appears and said "Account not in this store" VPN is off Apple Store shows Chinese language and Chinese apps, not llikely to be u.s. store I'm suspecting that: Maybe shouldn't use my developer Apple ID to run TestFlight test? TestFlight locked app to be in u.s. store ?
Unable to Add New App in App Store Connect: Generic Error Message
I'm encountering an issue while attempting to add a new app in App Store Connect. Despite using an unused app name and selecting the correct bundle ID, I'm unable to proceed. The process fails with a generic error message that provides no specific details about the problem. The error message, originally in Korean, translates to: "An error has occurred. Please try again later." I've attempted the following troubleshooting steps: Waited for 2 days and tried again Logged out and logged back in Used different web browsers (Chrome, Safari) Tried adding the new app on different devices (MacBook, Mac Studio) None of these attempts have resolved the issue. Can anyone provide insight into what might be causing this problem and how I can resolve it? Has anyone encountered a similar issue recently? I've attached a screenshot of the error message for reference. Thank you in advance for any help or suggestions.
Waiting for review status takes an extremely long time
We put our app up for review 2 months ago, but since then, not once has it changed status from Waiting for Review to anything else. We tried once to cancel and resubmit, several times we wrote to support, but they just send a standard message and do not solve the problem at all. Maybe someone has faced similar problems and there are ways to solve it? Really need advice and help!