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Guideline 5.1.1 - Legal - Privacy - Data Collection and Storage
Hello, We have developed an app iOS and Apple reject the second update of app (categorie NEWS) for this motivation: We still noticed that your app requires users to register or log in to access features that are not account-based. Next Steps To resolve this issue, please revise your app to let users freely access your app’s non account-based features. Apps may not require users to enter personal information to function, except when directly relevant to the core functionality of the app or required by law. You should allow users to freely access your app’s non account-based features. For example, an e-commerce app should let users browse store offerings and other features that are not account-based before being asked to register, or a restaurant app should allow users to explore the menu before placing an order. Registration must then only be required for account-specific features, such as saving items for future reference or placing an order. But I would to like answer to Apple with this motivation: "The App requires to create an user account to specify the Country Edition of interest to manage delivery of the correct user magazine and Country-specific contents. Moreover we need to recognize email domains provided by the account to deliver further contents reserved to the employees (customer) worldwid" Thank you of the support.
Aug ’20
Ability to specify the display name in the create certificate App Store Connect API
When using the create certificate API -, I get a response back similar to the following: { 	"data" : { 		"type" : "certificates", 		"id" : "XXXXXXXXXX", 		"attributes" : { 			"serialNumber" : "YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY", 			"certificateContent" : "...", 			"displayName" : "Created via API", 			"name" : "iOS Development: Created via API", 			"csrContent" : null, 			"platform" : "IOS", 			"expirationDate" : "2021-08-26T02:15:27.000+0000", 			"certificateType" : "IOS_DEVELOPMENT" 		}, 		"links" : { 			"self" : "" 		} 	}, 	"links" : { 		"self" : "" 	} } The newly created certificate also shows up on the web interface with "Created via API" as its name, which makes it hard to differentiate between different certificates. I'm assuming the web interface gets the name from the "displayName" field in the response, or vice versa. The CertificateCreateRequest object - doesn't define a field for the display name. Does anybody know of a way to specify the display name when creating a certificate with the API? Any help is appreciated.
Aug ’20
On App Store Connect all apps show "Sorry, something went wrong. Try your request again. If the problem continues, contact us."
Hi, We have an important deadline based update we need to release today but all the apps on the app store show this error "Sorry, something went wrong. Try your request again. If the problem continues, contact us." We have a time sensitive update we need to release so please help fix this problem.
Aug ’20
Xcode 12.0 GM (12A7208) fails to submit for review
I just downloaded Xcode 12 GM, submitted my app to AppStore Connect, click on "Submit for Review" and I get this error: Unable to Submit for Review The items below are required to start the review process: New apps and app updates must be built with the public (GM) versions of Xcode 11 or later, iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS SDKs. Apps built with beta versions aren’t allowed. Anyone else seeing this?
Sep ’20
How do we find out User information form Apple server notifications?
How do we find out User information from Apple server notifications? I have created a user and purchased an In app product from Apple . I have received a INITIALBUY notification from the App store. Apple ID : User : ABC (User id :111) The JSON receipt contains the following fields. "latestreceiptinfo": { "transactionid": "1000000657540200", "originaltransactionid": "1000000657537943", "quantity": "1", "subscriptiongroupidentifier": "20623048", "isinintroofferperiod": "false", "purchasedatepst": "2020-04-27 23:41:05 America/LosAngeles", "istrialperiod": "false", "expiresdateformattedpst": "2020-04-27 23:46:05 America/LosAngeles", "productid": "com.***.iap1.5", "weborderlineitemid": "1000000052078939", "uniquevendoridentifier": "xxxxxx-xxxxxxx" }, I have created one more user  from the same Apple id and purchased the same product. Apple ID : User : XYZ (User id :222)   "latestreceiptinfo": { "transactionid": "1000000657540202", "originaltransactionid": "1000000657537943",    "productid": "com.***.iap1.5", "weborderlineitemid": "1000000052078942", "uniquevendoridentifier": "xxxxxx-xxxxxxx" },   I have store user information based on productid-  originaltransaction_id =>user -  com.***.iap1.5 - 1000000657537943 -ABC - com.***.iap1.5 -  1000000657537943 -XYZ In this case I could not track the user information.Duplication will come From the same Apple id ,2 different users buy the same product Apple will give the same original transaction Id. Is there any other field to differentiate transactions to find users ? Is there any option to include User name on JSON server notification from App store.
Sep ’20
I am not able to create certificate for pass via rest api
I am trying to automate PASS\_TYPE\_ID certificate creation via AppleConnect API, I cannot find what parameters I should use to be able to create this type of certificate. When I try to POST this data to {'data': {'attributes': {'certificateType': 'PASS\_TYPE\_ID', 'csrContent': '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----------END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----\n'}, 'type': 'certificates'}} I get this error: {'errors': [{'code': 'NOTFOUND', 'detail': "There is no identifier with ID 'null' on this team.", 'id': '5c9f7d3c-ce75-43a4-b3ac-b295a8f146db', 'status': '404', 'title': 'The specified resource does not exist'}]} From OpenAPI spec is not clear what parameters should be used and 'certificateType': 'PASSTYPE_ID' is not covered there. Do you have idea or example how to do it?
Sep ’20
Generate App Specific Shared Secret
Hi, I am trying to generate or view the App-specific-shared-secret in App Store Connect to validate the receipts made by the subscriptions so when I click the link I only see a info modal and not the key, is there a permission problem? I tried following the following path in Apple Connect > My Apps -> Select My App -> In-App Purchases -> App-Specific Share Secret
Oct ’20
Different price tier for MacOS version of iOS app
Currently, we are selling iOS apps through the App Store, however we're looking to add a MacOS version of the app with additional features. We wan't to select a different price template for the MacOS version of the app, while keeping the iOS one as is, does anyone know if this is possible? I can't seem to find anything in the Apple Developer website that can do such a thing, so any help is greatly appreciated!
Oct ’20
Removing macOS version of app while keeping iOS up with universal purchase
Long story short, I pushed a Catalyst version of my iOS app onto the Mac App Store and it's just way too buggy. I can't figure out how to just remove the macOS version? I understand that without Catalyst you can specifically delist the iOS version from showing up on macOS but why can't I just remove the macOS one without affecting my iOS build? At this point it looks like I'll have to push a whole new app to the iOS store and there's no way to transfer all paying customers over from one app to another? Any suggestions?
Nov ’20
custom B2B app update process?
We have an iOS custom B2B app and have distributed it using redemption code sent as invitation link to the customer's email. The customer redeems the code and app is installed.  We are planning to provide an update to the same app, we wanted to know: 1) Will the app that has been downloaded using redemption code get auto updated when a new update is published? 2) If the person has been sent a redemption code before the app update, will the same redemption code point to the new updated app or do we need to generate new set of redemption code?
Nov ’20
iTunes Connect having issues with screenshot uploads
I am trying to push out a new release of an app that has had a redesign of the UI, so I am trying to update the screenshots for iPhone with this release. I am able to upload them initially with no errors. However, when I try to submit the release for review I get the "There are still screenshot uploads in progress." error. When I refresh the page, I see a placeholder grey image with the cloud, with the message stating that the file has been uploaded and is processing. The GraphQL like response from the server shows the asset with the proper filename when refreshing in the list of resources, so the image meta data has at least been saved. I've tried using PNG and JPG as well as re-uploading the screenshots I had used before. I've tried on Mac and Windows with the same problem. It appears to be an issue with iTunes Connect. This is not an issue with screen resolution. The error posted "There are still screenshot uploads in progress." is the only one I see and I only see it when trying to submit the app. Additionally, viewing in the media manager doesn't change the behavior, I get the same issue.
Jan ’21
Bank key doesn't exist
I am trying to fill in my banking details under "Agreements, Tax, and Banking" -> "Add Bank Account" in "App store Connect". I fill in all the details and get the error message "bank key doesn't exist". But none of the fields turn red as they do when the information in them are wrongly formated. I have tried to connect the support but havn't heard back from them in five days. A search on google and here also seem to provide no information. Any ideas what this error message means?
Jan ’21
How can I change app name?
I've tried the various methods listed in the forums, but it doesn't work so I ask a question Here's how I tried:Build Settings Change "Product Name" TARGETS Select app Change "Display Name" Project Navigator Select project name Double-click Change "project name" Rename Mange Scheme Change "Scheme name" info.plist Change "Bundle Display Name" After doing the above 4 methods, Clean Build and install the app on the device. Is there any other way? The app is released on the App store.
Mar ’21