missing package product

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Failed loading .usda/.usdz from RealityKitContent package
I was trying to load an Entity by Entity(named: sceneName, in: realityKitContentBundle), which works for many of my .usda file. But this time I got an error: Error loading asset from scene PinballTable.usda: failed to load '7058602595919186152 Scene (RealityFileAsset)Bundle/RealityKitContent-RealityKitContent-resources/RealityKitContent.reality/Scene_14.compiledscene' (Asset provider load failed: type 'RealityFileAsset' -- Failed to load compiled data for asset path 'Scene_14.compiledscene', due to error: Failed to deserialize asset data.) Any ideas on why this won't work? I have checked the size of my .usda file it's around 42kb so I won't think it's sake of file size. Due to many .usda reference inside of this scene, I suspect that it might be the case the bundle cannot locate other usda reference. So I export the whole scene into .usdz file and it turns to 118kb. Wonder if this could be the only issue here that affect the loading result but this is what I have tried so far. visionOS System: visionOS beta 2
When is a Reader App not a Reader App?
Hi, Two years ago we launched a business for readers and writers. People buy a subscription through our website, where they also upload books, articles, journals, etc. They are then directed to download either the iOS or Android apps where they can read the content writers have uploaded. The App also includes social functions allowing members to leave reviews, create discussions on each piece of writing, etc. When reviewing the Apple Developer guidelines, we were confident we met the definition of a ‘Reader’ App (defined by Apple as an App whose primary purpose is to access previously purchased content, being books, magazines, music, videos, etc). We completed the External Link Request process as a Reader App and were successfully provided the exemption authority. However, in our latest version update (one that includes a critical bug fix stopping us from promoting the business until it is fixed) we were rejected on the basis that the reviewer considered any inclusion of additional functionality automatically
Internal builds are not being tagged as 'internal' on TestFlight
Hi, Do we have any known issue with internal builds not being tagged properly as internal on TestFlight? Is anyone else having the same issue? Our team is not being able to do internal builds anymore since the last week or so. The last build we have that was successfully tagged as internal was on Wed Jul 3 00:15:40. After that mark, we can upload the builds and they show up on TestFlight, but they are not marked as internal and they can technically be used for a public release even though they shouldn't. We thought this could be an issue with our CI workflow, as we did some changes around that time, but we tried reverting everything or building from an older commit and the problem isn't solved. We even tried building and uploading directly through Xcode, without going through our CI or any external tools, and even selecting the TestFlight Internal Only distribution method, the builds are still releasable (not internal). On the CI side, we have confirmed multiple times that our ExportOptions.plist contains the
Reply to Daemon in an app with a self-update feature
[quote='794769022, akg41470, /thread/758329?answerId=794769022#794769022, /profile/akg41470'] Yea, seems to work from the daemon: [/quote] “Seems” being the operative term here. AppKit is the canonical daemon unsafe framework, as defined in TN2083 [1]. If you use it from a daemon the results you get are unspecified. If you depend implementation details like this, you undermine the long-term stability of your product. In this specific case, for example, it’s not clear which GUI login session the app will launch in, or what happens if there are no GUI login sessions. The best way to relaunch your app after the update is to have the app relaunch itself. I’d do something like this: Have the app download the update. Have it message the daemon to prepare the update. At this point the daemon gets everything ready. It’s also a good point to check the update’s provenance. Throughout this process the app is running normally. Once the daemon is done with the previous step, have the app spawn a small executable
Reply to Broadcast push being throttled with very little traffic
Hi Argun, Our Bundle ID doesn't match the above. It's: com.m__________e.f_______o This is a live score app for football (soccer). I checked the logs from yesterday and I can't see that we're sending notifications too frequent. We sent a total of 10 notifications for one of the games yesterday at these times: 2024-07-10T17:01:15.3213590Z 2024-07-10T17:18:32.9094852Z 2024-07-10T17:37:39.1622861Z 2024-07-10T17:52:00.8026556Z 2024-07-10T18:05:56.6542415Z 2024-07-10T18:15:50.5259535Z 2024-07-10T18:36:11.2406366Z 2024-07-10T18:46:46.0640576Z 2024-07-10T18:52:10.7170653Z 2024-07-10T19:01:33.9505385Z There are several minutes between each push but we still got two throttles: 2024-07-10T18:52:10.8535674Z 2024-07-10T19:01:34.0837425Z I'm assuming the rate limit is per channel. Even looking across all channels we sent to at the time we got a 429 error I don't see why we would get it: 2024-07-10T18:55:46.449Z - TAJdlj2GEe8AAErsQhdY4w== 2024-07-10T19:00:28.570Z - TE6ByT2GEe8AAErsQhdY4w== 2024-07-10T19:00:48.331Z - S+hs9T2
Can't turn on Developer Mode on iPhone 12 mini
Hi, I am developing an iOS application using React Native on the Expo platform with EAS. I have followed all of the Expo documentation for setting up my development environment, but in order to create a development build to test my app on my iPhone 12 mini, it says that I need to enable Developer Mode on my device. The issue I'm running into is that when I go to Settings > Privacy & Security, here is no Developer Mode option as expected. I ensured that my device is registered in the Apple Developer portal, and I tried restarting my device multiple times to no avail. I also tried searching the developer forums for a solution, but the only solution I saw was to hook my device up to XCode which isn't an option since I'm developing my app on Windows using EAS. Note that I'm running iOS 17.5.1 on my iPhone 12 mini. Please let me know if there's anything I can do or anything I'm missing to enable Developer Mode on my device.
Reply to Xcode compatibility
Yes of course ... As I said I did the update to the sequoia 15, and then I tried to run Xcode and the pop up appeared it said that Xcode is not compatible with the system. So I when to Xcode on Apple developer and downloaded a packet call Xcode 16.3 , and then it said that some dependancies are missing or broken I need to reinstall it... I try multiple time did not work . That why I came to the forum.
Use personal Reduction Code in apple ios application ?
Good morning, I am in the process of setting up a new release of my application, in fact I recently submitted a release using stripe as a means of payment for subscriptions which was refused by telling me that it must go through Apple IAP. Currently everything has been migrated to IAP, my subscriptions are offered by period (1 month, 6 months, etc.), and with discount vouchers that I manage until now with my server (managarial/marketing choice). The approach used to manage this is to offer two subscriptions on Apple Connect for each period: for example 1 month => there is one subscription with $3 and one with $2. With respect to my server verifications (has the user validated their discount voucher or not), I display the appropriate subscription to them. Could you please tell me that this approach will not impact me on my next review? while knowing that currently all subscriptions now go through IAP Apple and my work on the server side only manages the display of the appropriate products and wheth
In-App Purchases
I’ve developed my app and included in-app purchase features. I’ve written the code and added the buttons, but when clicked, I get a “package not found” error. From what I understand, Apple needs to approve the in-app purchases and review my app during the initial release. Following Apple’s documentation, I created new subscription systems, added screenshots and necessary texts, and marked the in-app purchases when submitting my app for review. However, my app keeps getting rejected multiple times. They encounter a “package not found” error when trying to make a purchase. In the review feedback for subscriptions and in-app purchases, they also mention that they cannot approve the in-app purchase products because the associated app has been rejected. I’ve contacted Apple Support, and they explained that in-app purchases and the app are reviewed separately. However, I can’t publish my app without including in-app purchases, and I can’t get the in-app purchases approved without my app b
Reply to .chartXScale not scaling domain of Chart as expected
[quote='794848022, AppleCare Staff, /thread/759244?answerId=794848022#794848022'] Currently, the bar placement is conditional (non-nil total). Can you make it unconditional, such that nils get mapped to zero values? [/quote] My intention is to differentiate between nil and 0. nil would mean there's data missing, and 0 would mean there technically is data present, the total value of the measurements is just 0. So if I understand your question correctly, my answer would be: No, sadly not.
Reply to Location not visible in video recorded in third party app
Returned this insta360 flow device, and bought DJI OM6, the video recorded with it does show location, BUT a exif/metadata app gives a warning message: The location is assigned, but the file does not have geotag.... Checked with ffmpeg, the video misses location metadata like above. So obviously, there are 2 types of location info: The special info that iOS apps look for location data, which doesn't seem to in the video file. location info(geotag) metadata that is standard ISO standard embedded in the video file. The Insta360 app can only record location as #2. Dji Mimo can only record location as #1. The ios native camera app can record both #1 and #2. So both ios app and any app outside of ios environment can see the location.
Asset Symbol Generation - color and image accessors for Asset Catalogs
Hey, in Xcode 16's release notes there is this: Asset catalogs now provide an inspector property for enabling system color and image accessors for generated asset symbols, which allows Swift packages to opt-in to generating these accessors. (113704993) What exactly does this mean? Can we make the generated asset symbols public, so that we can share assets between local swift packages in the project? Unfortunately, I don't see this option in the inspector. I only see Asset Symbols > Extensions On/Off. Not sure what that means, either. Thanks
Reply to Error when trying to check the daemon registration of our application
Hello, Thanks for the suggestions and sorry for the code format and crash report. I paste the text of my post below: Our product registers a daemon in the system through SMAppService (API available from Ventura) and also checks its status in case it has to tell the user to allow the daemon process as a background process. To check the status we call a script written in applescript that returns the status of the service. Script excerpt: @use framework ServiceManagementn @use scripting additionsn @on startCommand()n @tryn @local this, service, SMAppServiceInstance, retn @set this to a reference to current applicationn @set SMAppServiceInstance to a reference to SMAppService of thisn @set service to SMAppServiceInstance's daemonServiceWithPlistName: % @n @set str to service's status as stringn @set success to str as numbern @return successn @on error errorMessage number errorNumbern @log (errorMessage: & errorMessage & , errorNumber: & errorNumber)n @end tryn @return -1n @end startCommandn