App Review

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App review is the process of evaluating apps and app updates submitted to the App Store to ensure they are reliable, perform as expected, and follow Apple guidelines.

Posts under App Review tag

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My account got terminated 3.2(f), Help!
Help! I've just got my app approved after a review, and a day later the whole account terminated! How is this even possible?! Previously I got notifications regarding issues and had a chance to address them, but it's not the case right now. Having your work removed is outright disheartening. They've said I violated 3.2(f) of ADP. I did not interfere in their services. I did not engage n any unlawful, unfair, misleading, fraudulent, improper, or dishonest acts or business practices. I'll attach the whole notification below and I appreciate any help you can provide. This letter serves as notice of termination of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement (the “ADP Agreement”) and the Apple Developer Agreement (the “Developer Agreement”) between you and Apple effective immediately. Pursuant to Section 3.2(f) of the ADP Agreement, you agreed that you would not “commit any act intended to interfere with the Apple Software or Services, the intent of this Agreement, or Apple’s business practices including, but not limited to, taking actions that may hinder the performance or intended use of the App Store, Custom App Distribution, or the Program.” Apple has good reason to believe that you violated this Section due to documented indications of fraudulent conduct associated with your account. Apple is exercising its right to terminate your status as an Apple developer pursuant to the Apple Developer Agreement and is terminating you under the ADP Agreement for dishonest and fraudulent acts relating to that agreement. We would like to remind you of your obligations with regard to all software and other confidential information that you obtained from Apple as an Apple developer and under the ADP Agreement. You must promptly cease all use of and destroy such materials and comply with all the other termination obligations set forth in Section 11.3 of the ADP Agreement and Section 10 of the Apple Developer Agreement. If applicable, no further payments will be made to you pursuant to Section 7.1 of the Paid Applications agreement (Schedules 2 and 3 to the ADP Agreement).  This letter is not intended to be a complete statement of the facts regarding this matter, and nothing in this letter should be construed as a waiver of any rights or remedies Apple may have, all of which are hereby reserved. Finally, please note that we will deny your reapplication to the Apple Developer Program for at least a year considering the nature of your acts. If you want to file an official complaint pursuant to an applicable Platform Regulation in your country or region you may Contact Us. Sincerely, Apple Inc.
Oct ’23
Is anyone able to get Unlisted Apps approved? We have summited and been waiting over 4 weeks
Following the process here: We submitted our app for review early Feb via the request form and have had no response. We have emailed asking for status updates and been told they cannot track the progress. We have attempted to get callbacks to resolve this issue and they don't even call us. Is there anyway to get actual support from someone who knows what they are doing? Has anyone actually got an unlisted app onto the store?
Oct ’23
Bogus 4.3.0 Rejections - Need Help!
Since April 1, 2022, the App Review Team and App Review Board have been consistently rejecting my app, the reason being, "Guideline 4.3 - Design We continue to find that your app provides the same feature set as other apps submitted to the App Store; it simply varies in content or language, which is considered a form of spam." This is 100% false because my app has unique features not found on other apps on the App Store. The strange part is the supposedly similar apps don't even offer the features that my app offers yet those apps are able to get their app submissions approved. I should also mention those apps were published after mine. I have provided screenshots, video demos, source code, spoken to App Review team and they are still rejecting the app because of 4.3.0. It appears they are overlooking the information I've been providing and responding with generic responses. Should I file a complaint with the BBB? It's evident that selective bias and unfair treatment is happening with the App Review Team and App Review Board. I've exhausted all options and I need advice on what to do next. I've spent too much money and effort to have the app stuck in this endless cycle of rejections.
Oct ’23
Section 11.2 (Termination) states: Apple Developer Program License Agreement (PLA) violation
Hi All, Today I have got one mail from Apple as follows We are writing to inform you that your company is not in compliance with the Apple Developer Program License Agreement (PLA). Section 11.2 (Termination) states: (g) if You engage, or encourage others to engage, in any misleading, fraudulent, improper, unlawful or dishonest act relating to this Agreement, including, but not limited to, misrepresenting the nature of Your Application (e.g., hiding or trying to hide functionality from Apple’s review, falsifying consumer reviews for Your Application, engaging in payment fraud, etc.). Be aware that manipulating App Store chart rankings, user reviews or search index may result in the loss of your developer program membership. Please address this issue promptly. Here, what steps should I take to resolve the issue? If anyone has faced this type of issue earlier, please guide me to the solution
Jan ’24
Unable to Add for Review
I don't know why I'm getting this error: The items below are required to start the review process: New apps and app updates must be built with the public (GM) versions of Xcode 11 or later, iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS SDKs. Apps built with beta versions aren’t allowed. My macOS version is macOS Monterey 12.4 (21F79) and my XCode version is Version 13.4 (13F17a). I'm not running any beta software at all and I'm only using public releases.
Aug ’23
Apple Review is Rejecting app for have tracking in privacy.
Some apps have been rejected because they have user tracking in privacy, but the new version of the app no longer has tracking function. When I try to remove user tracking from privacy, the following message appears "Your app contains NSUserTrackingUsageDescription, indicating that you will request permission to track users. To update this information on your app's product page, you must indicate which data types are tracking users. If this is incorrect, update your app binary and upload a new build to App Store Connect." We no longer has the NSUserTrackingUsageDescription on binary/build. I've already sent several resources to apple informing the situation but they keep rejecting with the same message: "The app privacy information you provided in App Store Connect indicates you collect data in order to track the user, including Physical Address. However, you do not use App Tracking Transparency to request the user's permission before tracking their activity." I am not able to update my app. Has anyone been through this situation? Thanks.
Oct ’23
Test Flight Rejection : ITMS-90338: Non-public API usage
Today, I'm getting Test Flight builds rejected with the following reason: ITMS-90338: Non-public API usage - The app references non-public selectors in MyRedactedAppName: _isKeyDown, _modifiedInput, _modifierFlags, handleNotification:, isPassthrough, onSuccess:, removeValuesForKeys:completion However, I'm uploading the exact same code (working on a CI/CD pipeline) as I did last Thursday and that build passed. Pretty sure this is on the Apple side of things. Anyone else seeing this today? I know a few folks have had similar rejections since June 6, when things got updated for WWDC. Some seem to have been resolved by Apple, but I've tested this twice today and received the same result.
Oct ’23
Deploying simple "Hello world" QT Python App to App Store
Good evening, I'm trying to deploy an extremely simple Python QT app to the app store: it's roughly ~10 lines of code that shows a window containing a"Hello, world!" message. This seemingly trivial task of deploying a "Hello World" app to the store has been extremely difficult, perhaps because of my lack of familiarity with the Apple ecosystem. I'd like to demonstrate all of the steps I've taken, my current understanding of deployments, and what the problems are. Project files Here's the code for the app (in a file located at src2/test_app/ import os, sys from PySide2.QtWidgets import * class MainWindow(QMainWindow): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(MainWindow, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.setCentralWidget(QLabel("Hello, world!")) if __name__ == '__main__': os.environ["QT_MAC_WANTS_LAYER"] = "1" app = QApplication(sys.argv) window = MainWindow() app.exec_() Furthermore, I've created an assets folder which contains an icon.icns file and I also created a Pyinstaller config/test_app.spec file to bundle this app into a package: block_cipher = None added_files = [ ('../assets', 'assets') ] a = Analysis( ['../src2/test_app/'], pathex=[], binaries=[], datas=added_files, hiddenimports=[], hookspath=[], hooksconfig={}, runtime_hooks=[], excludes=[], win_no_prefer_redirects=False, win_private_assemblies=False, cipher=block_cipher, noarchive=False ) pyz = PYZ( a.pure, a.zipped_data, cipher=block_cipher ) exe = EXE( pyz, a.scripts, a.binaries, a.zipfiles, a.datas, [], name='testapp', debug=False, bootloader_ignore_signals=False, strip=False, upx=True, upx_exclude=[], runtime_tmpdir=None, console=True, disable_windowed_traceback=False, target_arch=None, codesign_identity=None, entitlements_file=None, icon='../assets/64.icns' ) coll = COLLECT( exe, a.binaries, a.zipfiles, a.datas, strip=False, upx=True, upx_exclude=[], name='app' ) app = BUNDLE( coll, name='', icon='../assets/icon.icns', bundle_identifier='com.stormbyte.test-app.pkg', info_plist={ 'NSPrincipalClass': 'NSApplication', 'NSAppleScriptEnabled': False, 'LSBackgroundOnly': False, 'LSApplicationCategoryType': '', 'NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance': 'No', 'CFBundlePackageType': 'APPL', 'CFBundleSupportedPlatforms': ['MacOSX'], 'CFBundleIdentifier': 'com.stormbyte.test-app.pkg', 'CFBundleVersion': '0.0.1', } ) In addition, I have an config/entitlements.plist file, containing all of the necessary information for binaries built by pyinstaller: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <!-- These are required for binaries built by PyInstaller --> <key></key> <true/> <key></key> <true/> <key></key> <true/> </dict> </plist> This entitlements file is apparently necessary for pyinstaller to run things on Mac successfully, which is why I included it. Building the .APP I am able to build this app with: pyinstaller \ --noconfirm \ --log-level WARN \ --distpath '/Users/nikolay/Desktop/projects/cling_wrap/dist' \ --workpath '/Users/nikolay/Desktop/projects/cling_wrap/build' \ './config/test_app.spec' This creates a file in my dist folder and the file icon I've designated appears just as I've intended. Codesigning the .APP binaries Next, I am able to use the codesign tool to sign all of the files that are part of the I've just created. codesign \ -vvv \ --strict \ --deep \ --force \ --timestamp \ --options runtime \ --entitlements './config/entitlements.plist' \ --sign "Developer ID Application: Nikolay ***** (Z57YJ*****)" \ '/Users/nikolay/Desktop/projects/cling_wrap/dist/' This successfully executes. Building the .PKG Installer Next, I am able to use productbuild to create a .PKG file, which will allow a user to install the app: productbuild \ --version '0.0.1' \ --sign "Developer ID Installer: Nikolay **** (Z57YJ*****)" \ --component '/Users/nikolay/Desktop/projects/cling_wrap/dist/' \ /Applications testapp.pkg This successfully outputs: ... productbuild: Adding certificate "Developer ID Certification Authority" productbuild: Adding certificate "Apple Root CA" productbuild: Wrote product to testapp.pkg When I attempt to run this installer, everything works. I can even see the app installed in my Applications folder, and I can double-click and run it: With this confirmed, I am ready to run the notarization & stapling process prior to submitting my app to the App Store. I run notarization using the xcrun tool: xcrun altool \ --notarize-app \ --primary-bundle-id com.stormbyte.test-app.pkg \ --username=***** \ --password **** \ --file '/Users/nikolay/Desktop/projects/cling_wrap/testapp.pkg' Which outputs: No errors uploading '/Users/nikolay/Desktop/projects/cling_wrap/testapp.pkg'. RequestUUID = c40ebde4-dcd1-*********** I then receive an e-mail from Apple telling me that the notorization process has been successful: Next, I run the stapler tool: xcrun stapler staple '/Users/nikolay/Desktop/projects/cling_wrap/testapp.pkg' Which is also successful. Finally, I attempt to use Transporter to upload my app to the store but this happens: It says that the icon failed (when it clearly exists and is recognized by Mac?!!) and that the signature is invalid? Am I using the incorrect certificates for distribution to the App store? Thanks!
Aug ’23
App rejected Sign up with Apple Full name empty
Apple rejected our app because when we use the Apple Sign Up button, the full name in the response is empty, but we need the first and last name in our app registration, so, the Text inputs in the app, first and last name is filled empty and we let the users enter those values, but Apple wants the users not to enter the values because the service already returns them but in our case are empty. We are using React native react-native-apple-authentication. Can anyone help us or have the same issue with apple review and how did you fix it?
Sep ’23
How to publish new dating app?
Hello, I've developed a dating app and published it on Google Play Store without any problem. I tried to publish it on Apple App Store. But it was rejected because of Guideline 4.3 - Design - Spam reason. I changed some design elements, added some new features and tried to publish it to Test Flight, so my friends with iPhone can test and send feedback to me. But my app was rejected again on Test Flight too with same reason. I guess all new dating apps are being rejected with Guideline 4.3 - Design - Spam reason. I saw a lot of posts about dating apps rejected with same reason. In fact dating app that I developed is for a small group of people and there are (as far as I count) only 5 more dating apps in App Store for same small group of people. My dating app would be the 6th of them, if it was published. I think 6 apps for same group of people should not be too much. So my question is what should I do next? What should I do to be able to pass Guideline 4.3 - Design - Spam and publish this app at App Store? For example should I wait for success of android version of this app. If many users are regularly using this app on android and many iOS users give me feedback as they want an iOS version of this app, and if I present these requests to apple review team, is that help to be published on App Store? Thanks for reply.
Sep ’23
Your app requires users to provide their name and/or email address after using Sign in with Apple.
Hi there, This is the first time to post here and I hope someone can share similar experience. Our company app update was rejected twice within a week by this reason. (Your app requires users to provide their name and/or email address after using Sign in with Apple. ) Which we already submitted a new build of this fix along with an explanation and screen recording. However as you may know, there's no way to retrieve username after the first-time Apple sign in (value is null), so what our solution is to save the username in our server instantly after the 1st time API callback. It works as expected in several physical devices and simulators. However, I wonder the situation now is: The device / robot that use to check our APP didn't clear the "Apps Using Apple ID" in iOS setting, the fix will not work because it has already passed the 1st time login. Otherwise in our side, we cannot find and resolve the issue. Anything I can do other than file an appeal to App Review Team? Thanks for your time.
Aug ’23
Product Key Usage and 3.1.3(b)
We have an iOS app in the store that have been available for almost two years. This app is also available on macOS and Windows (and has been available on those platforms for many years before the iOS app was released). On macOS and Windows, users are given a product key in order to license the application (either purchased directly from us, or given to them by their institution). Depending on the purchase, the product key could be a subscription or a lifetime license. When we released the iOS app, we made the app "free" as in, there was no cost to install it from the store. On first run, the user is presented with in-app purchasing options, and also given the option to type in a product key if they have it. We are pretty much the definition of "3.1.3(b) - Multiplatform Services." We've had a couple issues in the past getting the app through review because of the product key option, but it's always been a simple matter of pointing out that we are complying with 3.1.3(b). For our most recent release, we were once again rejected for providing the product key option. However, after we pointed out that 3.1.3(b) allows unlocking based on purchases on a different platform, we were unilaterally told that product keys were not allowed. We had several back-and-forth interactions with the reviewer in an attempt to clarify why 3.1.3(b) doesn't apply, but we were only told that product keys were not allowed. Since this release is a bug fix only, they agreed to release it as-is but said we would need to address the issue in our next release. We have no intention of removing the product key unlock and are expecting our next release (a new feature release) to be rejected and then force us to appeal the decision. Has something changed recently that limits the ability to use product keys that were purchased on separate platforms? I've read through all of the relevant sections and I don't see anything materially different from when we first released the app 2 years ago. Is this just a reviewer who doesn't understand their policies? Has anyone gone through anything similar and managed to successfully appeal the decision?
Nov ’23
Medical App Rejected 1.4.1
Our app has been rejected many times from the app store because of 1.4.1 Physical Harm guideline. This app will allow users to log their health based self-assessment data like blood pressure, glucose level, temperature, body weight, BMI, temperature, etc., using of the shelf medical hardware devices, that can be found on any pharmacy, convenience store, supermarket, etc. The data will be uploaded, saved and processed in the cloud with graphics, trends, etc., so that users can visualize their vital signs, and share them with a doctor. The app doesn't make any suggestion, recommendation or diagnosis, it only gathers the data from the gadgets, produces graphics and save them in the cloud. We have uploaded documentation showing the FDA, FCC, and other countries regulation approvals for the gadgets, but on every submission we are told to reduce the store front, so at the end there will be no country where the app will be available, or to provide documentation from the appropriate regulatory organization demonstrating regulatory clearance for the medical hardware used by your app, or provide documentation of a report or peer-reviewed study that demonstrates your app’s use of medical hardware works as described, etc. We have done all that have been requested and the app keeps being rejected, so at this point and after reading other posts here and on the web, we are convinced that now that Apple is focused on health, there is no way to have an app like this or similar approved, no competition allowed, no other ideas accepted, nothing out of the Apple circle allowed. So, after many months we just stop trying today to have our apps on the Apple Store, this app was meant to be free, for anybody to use, including hospitals on many places, but there are other options besides Apple to make apps available to users around the world. And so, lets wish Apple a great show next week, showing their new devices that of course will comply with 1.4.1 Physical Harm Guideline, their new iOS16 with their new health features, and everything else to help have a better world without other's ideas. Have a great day.
Aug ’23
Dynamic Pricing and in-app purchases
My app is essentially a digital marketplace where users can set their prices and sell digital products to other users. I read the App Review policy and found out that I had to implement in-app purchases if I wanted to sell digital products on iOS. In the process of figuring out how this was going to be implemented, I realized that in-app purchase items have to be created ahead of time. This means dynamic pricing is not possible, so what do now? Is there not a way to programmatically create in-app purchases? If there is not a way to do this, and I cant use my own payment processor, what is the way forward?
Sep ’23
Subscription "Waiting for review" status stuck after been approved
We uploaded to App Store Connect a new app version with new subscription groups & items. Everything was approved, and we received the emails from App Store connect, but if we visit our App Store Connect account App, some of these subscription items are still "Waiting for review" for more than 4 days. It has no sense as the email informed us that the new app version and all the items had been approved. The app is online, but some subscription items are not available. We even uploaded a new app version, it was updated, but the subscription items are still "Waiting for review". Has anyone faced this problem? How do you solved it? We have contacted App Store Connect but it is pretty difficult to get real assistance, most of the time they reply with template email answers.
Oct ’23
Guideline 3.1.5 - Business - Payments - Cryptocurrencies
Hello, My app was Rejected for this reason : Guideline 3.1.5 - Business - Payments - Cryptocurrencies Your app facilitates the transmission of a virtual currency but was not submitted by a corresponding exchange or recognized financial institution. Next Steps To resolve this issue, please provide documentary evidence demonstrating you have the necessary licenses and permissions to distribute an app with cryptocurrency exchange features in all the locations where your app is currently available. Your app must be published under a seller name and company name that reflects the Phemex name. If you have developed this app on behalf of a client, please advise your client to add you to the development team of their Apple Developer account. If your client does not yet have an Apple Developer account, they can enroll in the Apple Developer Program through the Apple Developer website. We currently only have licenses from a few countries. Our app sales countries have chosen 1-2 hundred countries, and we cannot provide licenses for most countries, and many countries do not provide virtual currency exchange licenses. If the sales scope is narrowed, the impact will be too great. We don't know what to do next to solve this problem
Oct ’23
Missing a functional link to the Terms of Use (EULA)
I wanted to add subscription plan into my app for a new release. I have bottom sheet showing promotional text for this subscription like below They rejected my app because We were unable to find the following required information in your app's binary: – A functional link to the Terms of Use (EULA) – A functional link to the privacy policy So I added both links for terms and privacy policy in the promotional text. I use the standard Apple EULA for the link. And I still get rejected on the latest review because Specifically, We were unable to find the following required item(s) in your app's metadata: – A functional link to the Terms of Use (EULA) WHY? is it because I should put this link in my App Description page instead of the promotional text? Then why they didn't make noise about the link to privacy policy?
Aug ’23
App was approved, but still shows "In Review"
I submitted my app for review and it is was approved. I received an email saying "Your submission was accepted for release on the App Store" and the App Review page on App Store Connect shows it was approved. However, under IOS app, it still shows "in Review" with the yellow clock item and of course is not on the App Store. Does anyone know how long it will take to reflect approval, and when it will become available on the App Store?
Oct ’23