App Store Connect

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App Store Connect is a suite of tools for submitting and managing your apps and in-app purchases on the App Store.

Posts under App Store Connect tag

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"The application bundle does not contain an icon in ICNS format"
The answer to my question is probably very simple but I've spent twelve hours trying to find it myself and I am at my wit's end. Searching the web shows multiple sufferers from, and multiple answers to, this same problem from at least ten years ago. I've a SwiftUI macOS/iOS app that is not finished but at a stage where I want to get it ready for TestFlight. I set it up on App State Connect and set Xcode Cloud to build it on GitHub commits. The first build revealed some obvious omissions, easily fixed, then I hit this one, for macOS: Missing required icon. The application bundle does not contain an icon in ICNS format, containing both a 512x512 and a 512x512@2x image. [In passing, I'll note the app, passes muster for the iOS platform] I make a 1024x1024 PNG .. convert it to ICNS with GraphicConverter .. convert it again with iconutil to a iconset and add it to my app. I do a regular build in Xcode and, there it is, my .icns file in the app bundle. I commit to fire off another Xcode Cloud build, but get the same error. Especially frustrating because I can see the ".. application bundle does contain an icon in ICNS format, containing both a 512x512 and a 512x512@2x image". It's hard to debug from an abundantly obvious incorrect diagnostic, but I do have to get past this and start fiddling with assorted settings .. ten builds later, still no joy. I did notice that my Info.plist file (autogenerated) doesn't contain the string "icon" and that, for example, has: <key>CFBundleIconFile</key> <string>ApplicationIcon</string> <key>CFBundleIconName</key> <string>ApplicationIcon</string> If the build process checks for an icon based on the Info.plist contents then the reported error could be more correct, ".. application bundle's Info.plist file makes no reference to an icon in ICNS format .." One possible complication is that my app includes embedded custom fonts and so it need a Fonts.plist file for them. I set that file as my INFOPLIST_FILE <key>UIAppFonts</key> <array> <string>Zerlina.otf</string> <string>Gorton-Condensed.otf</string> <string>Gorton-Normal-180.otf</string> <string>Gorton-Normal-120.otf</string> </array> <key>ATSApplicationFontsPath</key> <string>.</string> The contents of Fonts.plist are copied to the final Info.plist. Maybe that defeated some of the Info autogeneration? I see no setting for CFBundleIconFile so can't add it myself. I'm confident pressing "Submit" on this will suddenly clear my mental murk but, for now, I need help .. thanks for any ..
Cannot upload lower build number after higher build submission is approved
We encountered a weird situation recently. Our daily build process upload an app with a daily incremental 4-digit build number, e.g. 4000, 4001, 4002, etc. Our release build number has a specific requirement to use the date, such as 20240719. In the past I have learned that in order to upload a new build for the same version number, the new build number needs to be greater than the old one. Thus, if I have uploaded 200.1.0 (20240719), I cannot upload 200.1.0 (4001) anymore, because the daily build's build number is smaller than the release build. I have to expire the 20240719 build in order for the daily build to continue, which is fine. The problem is, yesterday I submitted 200.1.0 (20240719) for App Store review then got approved. While today's daily build is 200.2.0 (4001) and when it is uploaded, it got rejected for the following error message: This bundle is invalid. The value for key CFBundleVersion [4001] in the Info.plist file must contain a higher version than that of the previously uploaded version [20240719]. Please find more information about CFBundleVersion at With error code STATE_ERROR.VALIDATION_ERROR.90061 for id [redacted] Asset validation failed (-19208) This befuddles me, because the 20240719 build submitted for review is in an older release version, while the daily build 4001 is using the newer release version number. It seems that TestFlight decided to compare build numbers while ignoring the version numbers?! Furthermore, after I canceled my approved submission for 200.1.0 (20240719), surprisingly the 200.2.0 (4001) can be uploaded without an error! 😲 It seems that the only factor is whether the build is submitted or not. If an older version number higher build (200.1.0 (20240719)) is not submitted, then TestFlight happily allows newer version number lower build (200.2.0 (4001)) to be uploaded. In contrast, if submitted, then 4001 is not allowed to be uploaded! Is it an expected behavior? Thank you for the patience.
iTunes Store is stuttering, repeating the same (erroneous) message every 5 minutes…
Since 2 hours (1:20 GMT July 18), I keep receiving the exact same message from iTunesStore every 5 minutes (30 received so far, with metronome regularity): Your banking information was accepted Thank you for providing the requested details for xxxxxx associated with your banking update in App Store Connect. Any payments may take up to 2 payment cycles to send. If you have any questions, contact us at I did not update any information since at least 6 weeks. I contacted support, it seems to be widespread problem. I filed a bug report: Jul 18, 2024 at 5:51 PM – FB14377820
Significantly higher "baseline" CVR in PPO A/B test than observed in "Metrics" section
Hello! I am running a PPO test where the "baseline" CVR is more than twice as high (+5pp) as the CVR I see when I look at the overall CVR in the "Metrics" section of the Analytics tab. I know PPO CVR is "estimated CVR" but it seems like a poor estimate if it is >2x the actual observed CVR. What are the methodological differences between PPO test CVR and actual observed CVR? What could explain such a wide variation in CVR?
“Account Not In This Store” error when trying to purchase non-consumable IAP within TestFlight
I have simple non-consumable IAPs set up for an app on macOS. Testing in development with a local .storekit configuration file, everything works as expected. Testing in development with a remote Sandbox, everything also seems to work fine. Product names and prices fetch correctly, I am able to make purchases with a Sandbox account (both US and UK). Once I upload a build into TestFlight, IAPs no longer work. The tester would download the Beta app from TestFlight. They open a license manager and can see all the product names, descriptions and prices are pulled from Apple servers correctly (with the correct local currency as well!). So far so good. When trying to purchase any of the IAP, the following error appears: This is TestFlight so testers are using their real Apple ID. My understanding is that they should continue using their production credentials and a TestFlight Sandbox would be configured behind the scenes automatically. This error always says the users cannot purchase from a US store and must switch to [whatever user’s actual store location is] store. For example, my account is based in the UK, has got a UK billing address and a UK payment method, and the error tells me to switch to the UK store. People in Canada get a similar error - you must switch from the US store to Canadian. The error makes no sense, the account is already in the desired country. Clicking on the “Change Store” button opens the App Store app and displays another error: “Cannot Connect to App Store”. Clicking Retry just results in this errors showing again and again. Clicking OK takes us back to the failed IAP purchase and the final error message appears: “Purchase Error - Unable to Complete Request”. Things I’ve done / checked: IAPs are configured in App Store Connect and available for all regions prices are set for all regions in App Store Connect IAP name and description localisation in English (UK) IAP status is Ready to Submit, I don’t think I can go past that unless I make a production release (which I can’t until we fix the problem) IAP capabilities added in xcode the problem is not account, machine, or location dependent - every beta tester testing my app on TestFlight has the same issue, they each use a different account and have accounts in different countries double checked the App Store account location in the App Store settings - it is definitely matching the store this error is asking to switch to application exits at startup with error 173 if app receipt cannot be found - this one was suggested by the review team, I could not really find any documentation for it review team also suggested I should add to enable IAP connectivity. I did add that to one of the builds and it did not help. I am not really convinced this is necessary Any suggestions on what to check and what to try? I have run out of ideas.
App Store Connect / Trends issue
Hello, anyone deal with an issue in the App Store Connect (trends section)? Few hours ago I logged in and checked the trends page, but it does not load. It takes a while and then the error: "An unexpected error occurred. Try reloading the page. If the problem persists ..." is being shown I guess it's an Apple issue or am I the only one experiencing this problem? Best, Jackson
App Store Connect API - Daily App Analytics
Hello, I am trying for a few days to get daily reports for a specific app_id but it seems the process is not working. I manage to get a list of my apps, then of my current reports, but when I try to request a{id} from the report list I am returning above I get a 404. I was wondering if you have any actual guide on how to get daily reports updated from the api for a specific type (downloads or installs for example)?
Subscription Unavailable - Strange Behavior with StoreKit
I added my first subscription to my app using StoreKit's SubscriptionStoreView. Everything worked as expected in the debug environment and also in TestFlight. So I submitted my app and subscriptions to App Store Connect, got everything Approved and released. After updating my app through App Store and checking the Subscription View, it just says "Subscription Unavailable. The subscription is unavailable in the current storefront." I waited around 3 days and still getting the same message. Now the very strange behavior starts. I went to App Store Connect, I made and edit to the subscription description, saved, removed the edit, saved, and submitted to review. 15 minutes later the subscriptions appear in my app and everything works as expected. After getting the edit approved, the Subscription View in my app again only showed the message "Subscription Unavailable. The subscription is unavailable in the current storefront." No user is able to see the subscriptions anymore, even though it worked as expected before the edit was approved. So I did the same as before. Again, make an edit to the subscription description, save, remove the edit, save, submit to review. 15 minutes later the subscriptions are again available in my app and it works as expected. This is definitely not the expected behavior and submitting the subscription edits every day is wasting the App Review Team's time as well as mine. I contacted Apple Developer Support but I didn't get any reply back (at least yet). I am not the only one experiencing this. I found a friend online who has the exact same issue, and is able to temporarily solve it by making an edit to the subscription description as well. So far it has been a huge headache, and we are losing customers this way. Please if anyone has experience with this problem, or has any suggestions, they will be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much, Tomas
Uploading an Archive to App Store Connect with XCode 16 Beta 3 and visionOS SDK 2 beta 3.
Hello, I am trying to upload a build using XCode 16 beta 3 and visionOS 2 SDK beta 3, which are the latest available betas. But the build isn't accepted by App Store Connect. This message is shown: Unsupported SDK or Xcode version. Your app was built with an SDK or version of Xcode that isn’t supported. Although you can use beta versions of SDKs and Xcode to build and upload apps to App Store Connect, you need to use the latest Release Candidates (RC) for SDKs and Xcode to submit the app. For details on currently supported SDKs and versions of Xcode, visit: What can I do to upload to App Store just for Test Flight Internal Only build? Do I need to downgrade to a non-beta XCode and use non-beta visionOS SDK?