Beta is the prerelease version of software or hardware.

Posts under Beta tag

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How do I restore TestFlight access after re-installing with a different AppleId?
I originally installed using a different AppleId (AppleId-A) than what I am currently logged in with (AppleId-B via Settings) on my phone. To improve the app update experience (i.e. not have to supply the AppleId-A password every time) I removed the app and re-installed using AppleId-B and now requires an invitation redeem code to continue. I am a developer with access to our TestFlight dashboard and I cannot find a way to generate a redeem code or invite link for my AppleId-B user. I can remove myself from internal groups but re-adding does not give me a code or a link. How can I restore the ability to install TestFlight builds again on my phone? Thanks, Jim
Dec ’23
Audio stops working on macOS Sonoma
I report here some messages from Apple Community for an untracked bug in macOS Sonoma (from 14.0 to 14.2 beta 4 at the time). Original message 1: I've finally noticed a pattern that occurs rather frequently on macOS Sonoma. I was blaming Bluetooth issues before, but it looks like it's more about audio in general. What happens is that at some point, all audio freezes. The hotkeys for the audio controls show "Stop" sign, like there are no audio outputs connected, the taskbar is completely unresponsive: Control Centre shows a spinning circle, the sidebar is not opening (Spotlight works, though). If you go to the System Settings, some menu items will be unresponsive: Sound doesn't open, Bluetooth does not open, Accessibility and Siri & Spotlights all do not open. Then, a new bug appeared that I've just started to notice recently. The screen is flashing like there's an Accessibility feature enabled that uses warning flash instead of sound. It appears just randomly, out of nowhere. Immediately after that, sound works just normally. When this is happening, and video/audio content in the browser and wherever does not work, Tidal shows many random errors, and Firefox just completely hangs when you try to play a video on YouTube. I've tried to stop coreaudiod and it did restart the daemon, but nothing else happened. The device is a very fresh M1 Max MacBook, and nothing like that was happening on Ventura. I've had audio cracks on another M1 Pro laptop, but this one didn't even have those. P.S. This is happened just when I was writing this post, and I've disabled Bluetooth just before. Now, the Bluetooth section in the Settings is opening, but others are still unresponsive. For reference - I have yabai and BetterSnapTool installed, which modify system behavior, but with system protection enabled. Siri is disabled. I've tried to stop a bunch of random processes when this happened, but none helped so far. This issue constantly haunts me since I've upgraded, and it's extremely annoying. Original message 2: Yes, I'm thinking it's a combination of Bluetooth and audio issues. I've got all apps that are trying to use audio crashing after I'm just connecting my Bluetooth earbuds. Now I see that the coreaudiod is just not running this time - I've tried to connect to a Slack Huddle, and it just hanged, sound is unresponsive again and the Settings app is not working as I mentioned before. I've checked the Activity Monitor and found that the process that works with audio on macOS (coreaudiod) is not running. I've attempted to launch coreaudiod with sudo launchctl load /system/library/launchdaemons/, and got Load failed: 5: Input/output error as a response. After a while, when I disabled the earbuds it's started again on its own and coreaudiod is running, and the audio controls are working once more. Original message 3: Just accidentally looked at the Console App while looking for logs for other things, and found out that my codeaudiod crashing by cooldown every day 10 to 50 times with intervals from 1 second to a couple of hours, around 5 minutes on average. The crash is the following: Crashed Thread: 18 Dispatch queue: Exception Type: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV) Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000000 I also found that avconferenced fails too occasionally, though very rare - I believe that's the process that connects iPad as a second screen, and it _too fails with sigsegv on 0x0 - though not that it's some unique bug to attempt to read memory at 0, maybe just a coincidence. @Flomaster do you use Sidecar by chance? My message: I too have this problem on my MacBook Pro M2 Pro since upgrading to macOS Sonoma. It mainly occurs with AirPods Pro 2 but I have also had this happen to me using OnePlus Buds. The blockages are the same as you have experienced and, as I often work in video conferences, blocking MS Teams or Google Meet is really becoming a serious problem. Desperate, I tried installing macOS Sonoma 14.2 beta but none of the updates solved the problem. I even tried a full restore, re-importing the data from Time Machine but to no avail. Indeed, with Beta 4 the problem seems to have worsened because the AirPods now even struggle to connect.
Jan ’24
watchOS Beta 10.2 bricked my Series 7
Ever since updating to watchOS 10, my series 7 Watch with Cellular and no active plan has been experiencing major battery drain issues. After receiving full charge, the battery is drained completely within about 3-4 hours, which was not the case prior. There was no noticeable change with the 10.1 public update which mentioned specifically that it resolves issues with some users experiencing rapid battery loss. Being so disappointed, I submitted an issue report to Apple with the details including the fact that the battery health percentage was at 87%. (Don’t know what it was prior to the v10 update). My frustration with the problem then led me into enabling beta updates for my watch and I proceeded to install the beta version 10.2 as I saw users in some forums stating it resolved their issues. Needless to say, after updating, the watch worked normally for a few hours, noticed it was dead, put it to charge (with a known working charger), and now it’s been several days in which it does not turn on no matter the combination of button presses or state of charging. The only indication of life I see is that sometimes a visual of the charging puck with a red voltage symbol appears when I place it to charge. It doesn’t boot whether I leave it charging over night or just sitting there. This is the first time I’ve been dissatisfied with an update released by Apple. Now I have to go out of my way to get it working again. Would love any suggestions before I am forced to go speak to a Genius...
Nov ’23
The application does not work on Xcode 15.0.1, only on Xcode 15.1. But I can't upload it to the Apple Store because Xcode Beta is not supported.
The application does not work on Xcode 15.0.1, only on Xcode 15.1. But I can't upload it to the Apple Store because Xcode Beta is not supported. I uploaded it with Xcode 15.0.1 to the Apple Store, but on older iPhones it even opens the LaunchScreen and closes the app. I tried debugging using Xcode 15.0.1 and the same behavior happens. It works in Xcode 15.1, but there's no way to use Xcode 15.1 because Apple doesn't accept it.
Nov ’23
macOS 14.2b2 and b3 kill Photoshop 24.x and 25.x
Something significant changed between MacOS 14.2b1 and the subsequent betas of 14.2. Photoshop, which has been running fine up to the first beta, suddenly refuses to run. The splash screen shows and then the application dies. I've been in communication with Adobe about this, and from the logs they can see that the problem is with MacOS. While this is not a crisis for me since I have three other machines running either 14.2b1, 14.1.1 and 14.1.1, I can complete my tasks, but this is an annoying problem. Attached is a log from beta 3 just to illustrate the problem. ACPL__2023-11-09_22-40-47.131385Z_00.log Just for the record, what is the most efficient way to roll back to the current released version of Sonoma. I've got multiple system backups, so restoration isn't an issue. Just looking for an approach that doesn't require half a day if possible.
Nov ’23
Build setting variant for Designed for iPad
We're building one of our iPad apps for "Apple Vision Pro (Designed for iPad)" simulator and need to have certain different build settings for that simulator variant, compared to the default iOS simulator variant. It seems both variants use the iphonesimulator SDK. And in the Xcode build settings, the "Any iOS Simulator SDK" variant of any setting is what is also used, even when building for "Apple Vision Pro (Designed for iPad)". We tried adding a variant to the "Any iOS Simulator SDK" variant for one of the settings by editing the project file directly, using some possible variants we could think of. The added variant does show in the Xcode UI but it shows as "Any iOS Simulator SDK" also. But when building for "Apple Vision Pro (Designed for iPad)" Xcode still uses the original variant, as if it doesn't see that the added variant is matching the build destination. Example, where we want to exclude arm64 for iOS simulator builds, but not for "Apple Vision Pro (Designed for iPad)" builds. Original "Any iOS Simulator SDK" variant: "EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]" = "arm64"; Added variant: "EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*][variant=Apple Vision Pro]" = ""; We have tried using variant names such as 'xr', 'xors', 'vision', 'visionos' and of course 'Apple Vision Pro' to no avail. The variant shows in the UI but the build doesn't use it. Does anyone know if there is a variant (or other property or other way of distinguishing such variant) that we can use that Xcode will recognize and use when building for "Apple Vision Pro (Designed for iPad)"? Thanks.
Nov ’23
App Freezes with AVPlayer Inside NavigationStack on iOS 17.2 beta
I've encountered a critical issue while testing my app, which is available on the App Store, on the iOS 17.2 beta (iPhone SE simulator). The app freezes and becomes unresponsive. Currently, I haven't found a workaround, which means my app is completely non-functional and untestable on iOS 17.2 beta. The app supports iOS 15.2 and later versions, and it has been working fine from iOS 15.2 through iOS 17.1. The problem only occurs on the iOS 17.2 beta. I have been able to reproduce the issue with the sample code provided below. ■ Test Environment: macOS: 14.0 (23A344) Xcode Version: 15.1 beta (15C5042i) iPhone SE 3rd generation (simulator): iOS 17.2 (21C5029e) ■ Steps to Reproduce: Prerequisites: Prepare an audio file, such as an m4a or mp3, and add it to the Bundle Resources. 1 Launch the sample code provided below. 2 Tap on any row's NavigationLink. After tapping, when the program attempts to access the AVPlayer, the following log is displayed in Xcode: CA_UISoundClient.cpp:1127 Device = 0 HALPlugInManagement.cpp:396 HALPlugInManagement::RegisterPlugIns: loading in-process plug-ins AddInstanceForFactory: No factory registered for id <CFUUID 0x600000285600> F8BB1C28-BAE8-11D6-9C31-00039315CD46 CA_UISoundClient.cpp:1203 renderer = 0x600000011f90, synchronizer: 0x0, repeat: 0, vol: 1.00 3 Tap the Navigation's Back button at the top left. Depending on the timing, there may be no response when pressing the button (screen). Approximately 15 seconds later, the following log is displayed, and the screen becomes responsive again as it returns to the previous view. AQMEIO.cpp:198 timed out after 15.000s (0 0); suspension count=0 (IOSuspensions: ) MEDeviceStreamClient.cpp:467 AQME Default-InputOutput: client stopping after failed start: <CA_UISoundClientBase@0x104015d00>; running count now 0 CA_UISoundClient.cpp:293 CA_UISoundClientBase::StartPlaying: AddRunningClient failed (status = -66681). changing items while animating can result in a corrupted navigation bar 4 If the issue does not reproduce, quit the app and then return to step 1. In the sample code, whether the issue occurs or not may depend on the timing of screen transitions, scrolling, and tapping. (The issue might occur with a high probability if you tap 'back' during a screen transition animation.) On the production app in question, the issue occurs 100% of the time. ■ Sample code import SwiftUI import AVFoundation @main struct iOSAppHangSampleApp: App { @StateObject var model = ContentModel() var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { if #available(iOS 17, *) { NavigationStack { ContentView() .environmentObject(model) } } else { NavigationView { ContentViewIOS15() .environmentObject(model) }.navigationViewStyle(.stack) } } } } @MainActor class ContentModel: ObservableObject { private let player = AVPlayer() @Published var playbackDuration: TimeInterval = .zero func load() { let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "YourAudioFilename", withExtension: "m4a")! // Change to your audio. let avassetURL = AVURLAsset(url: url, options: [AVURLAssetPreferPreciseDurationAndTimingKey: true]) let avPlayerItem = AVPlayerItem(asset: avassetURL) self.player.replaceCurrentItem(with: avPlayerItem) self.playbackDuration = avPlayerItem.asset.duration.seconds } } @available(iOS 17, *) struct ContentView: View { @EnvironmentObject private var model: ContentModel private let urls: [URL] = { (0..<50).map { URL(fileURLWithPath: "\($0)")} }() @State private var selected: Int? var body: some View { List(selection: $selected) { ForEach(urls.indices, id: \.self) { idx in let _ = urls[idx] NavigationLink(value: idx) { Text("\(idx)") } } } .navigationDestination(item: $selected) { idx in Content3View() .environmentObject(model) } } } @available(iOS 15, *) struct ContentViewIOS15: View { @EnvironmentObject var model: ContentModel let urls: [URL] = { (0..<50).map { URL(fileURLWithPath: "\($0)")} }() @State var selected: Int? var body: some View { List() { ForEach(urls.indices, id: \.self) { idx in let _ = urls[idx] NavigationLink(tag: idx, selection: $selected) { if selected == idx { Content3View() .environmentObject(model) } } label: { Text("\(idx)") } } } } } struct Content3View: View { @EnvironmentObject private var model: ContentModel var body: some View { Text("duration: \(model.playbackDuration)") .onAppear() { model.load() } } } ■ Investigation The sample code has been tested on the iPhone 17.0 simulator, 15.2 simulator, and an iPhone 17.1 real device, but the issue only appears on the 17.2 beta. Also, when replacing NavigationStack with NavigationView in the sample code, the issue does not seem to occur on iOS 17.2. I'm not sure about the relationship between the back navigation and toolbar inside NavigationStack, but it might be related to the following content in the iOS 17.2 Release Notes. Resolved Issues * Fixed: Resolved a possible Swift access conflict crash that could occur with toolbar items. (113992797) This issue also brings to mind the randomness associated with NavigationView / NavigationStack that I've observed. iOS 16.4 NavigationStack Behavior Unstable SwiftUI NavigationView pops back when updating observableObject ■ if anyone has found a workaround, please let me know. I have not been able to confirm whether this issue occurs only on the Simulator, but it is preventing me from continuing to test on iOS 17.2 beta since the app is completely non-functional. If this is an issue with iOS 17.2 beta, I hope for a resolution before the official release of iOS 17.2.
Feb ’24
Bug iOS 17.2 Beta only webView.configuration.userController.add(_ scriptMessageHandler: WKScriptMessageHandler, name: String) Not Working
I have the following lines of code in our app: @objc convenience init(webView: WKWebView, delegate: SomeDelegate, navigationDelegate: WKNavigationDelegate) { self.webView = webView self.webView.makeInspectable() self.webView.navigationDelegate = navigationDelegate self.webView.uiDelegate = self self.webView.configuration.suppressesIncrementalRendering = true self.webView.configuration.userContentController.add(weakSelf ?? self, name: "handlerOne") self.webView.configuration.userContentController.add(weakSelf ?? self, name: "handlerTwo") injectUserScripts() // Injects WKUserScripts into the webView.configuration.userContentController } My JS script looks as follows: (function() { addEventListener('mousedown', function() { window.webkit.messageHandlers.handlerOne.postMessage('WKUserScriptMouseDown'); }, true); })(); if (MyApp.getProperty("os") != null) { window.webkit.messageHandlers.handlerTwo.postMessage(url); } else { console.log(url); // non-mobile browser (for testing) } However I keep seeing an error in my Safari debugger: TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'window.webkit.messageHandlers.handlerOne') TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'window.webkit.messageHandlers.handlerTwo')
Nov ’23
How to contribute to Journaling Suggestions?
Apple's new Journal app was introduced with the iOS 17.2 beta. In the release notes, the following is mentioned: If your app donates activities or interactions to SiriKit or CallKit or if someone authorizes your app to save data to HealthKit, some data might show up as part of Journaling Suggestions. Is there any documentation on how this works exactly? What kind of activities can be featured in Journal? How does the system decide what to feature? For instance, if I have an app that allows the user to create art images, can I somehow make those images appear in the Journaling Suggestions?
Apr ’24
iOS 17.1 Beta 2 - Bluetooth audio levels not reaching max - iPhone 15 Pro
On iOS 17.0.2 my bluetooth devices (CarPlay and earbuds) were performing at normal levels with all sound settings at default. In the gym, I like to max out my bluetooth earbuds. However, after updating to iOS 17.1 Beta 2 (21B5056e), my bluetooth earbuds set at max volume sounded medium. My first troubleshooting method was to check the sound settings... all setting (including accessibility) were left at the default inputs. To further troubleshoot, I tried other downloaded albums on my music library/playlists...all noticeably lower at max volume. I was thinking this might be related to my earbuds. However, when driving, I decided to play the same album in my 2021 GMC Sierra via CarPlay... I had to turn up the dash knob audio substantially higher to replicate what was considered loud (or rather "comfortably loud") in my truck. Apple tech supports only recommendation was to do a system restore and roll back to 17.0.2. Has anyone else tested music quality/sound over bluetooth before and after they updated from 17.0.2. to 17.1 Beta 1/2 ?
Oct ’23
Need to register devices of external testflight users?
Based on Apple, you can only register up to 100 devices. And you can only remove devices at the beginning of a membership renewal cycle. However in testflight, you can create up to 10,000 external testers. AFAIK, you need to register your device in order to create the provisioning profile for you to be able to install the app from testflight on your device. So question is, do external testers need to have their devices registered, to be able to install the app on their phone? Or is it not necessary to register their devices? If they need to register their devices, then what good would it do to be able to create 10,000 external testers since only 100 of them can install the app?
Oct ’23
iOS 17 ASWebAuthenticationSession, safari, and cookies
In iOS 17 beta 5, the alert controller that pops up when sharing cookies with Safari was different than it was in iOS 16. I'm not sure how many betas this was in, but it said: Do you want to also sign in to in Safari? This allows and in Safari to share information about you such as your account. will work without this. Cancel Sign in to <Your app> & Safari Only Sign in to <Your app> In the official release of iOS 17, the alert is back to having just Cancel and Continue and the text it had previously: Wants to Use to Sign In This allows the app and website to share information about you. Question is, was this a fluke in beta? Is the ability to for users to disable Safari cookies something that is coming back? Is it a setting? I can't seem to find any information about this at all. It was concerning for us in beta, because it seemed like it was going to be a potential source of login issues, but now I'm not sure what to make of it. Thank you!
Sep ’23