





Is there any script that can detect Apple Submission to TestFlight errors early? like: ".framework contains disallowed nested bundles"
Some of the errors like ".framework contains disallowed nested bundles" we find out at later stage when uploading builds to TestFlight. It will be great if we can have similar script that apple uses or some custom script to verify it during the build time. So before I reinvent the wheel is there any script I can use at build time to detect this issue?
Conntent Filter network extension is not working with Sequoia Intel macOS
Hi, I had a Content Filter network extension. It is successfully working until Sonoma. I try to install and activate same network extension on Sequoia beta Intel Mac. But even I haven't got any user consent to activate and allow it. I haven't found any entry in Network settings. Do we need to make any changes in Sequoia MacOs to make it work? Thank you.
Drawing rectangles on Layer upon object detection
Hey, I am natively an ML Engineer so not really well versed in swift. I am currently trying to use a model of mine in a swift app. The model detects knives and has an input size of 640x640. i have set up AV capture and that works well I can just see the camera on my screen. I have also set up the coreML model and it also works and detects the objects. so what doesnt work is the way I draw boxes around the object. e.g. the objects box params are Raw model output: x=342.25, y=293.0, w=105.375, h=150.5 when Im in the middle of the screen. seems ok for me, I want to draw a box now with these params. But the CGRect object is really weird to me, firstly the x value is the y value in the box (i notice this because when I move the object up and down , the x val will change but not the y val). then if I just switch the values, the drawn box will move ok in the y direction but mirrored in the x direction. what things need to be considered/changed here, is it something about the layer setup? See my implementation here: func setupLayers() { previewLayer = AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer(session: session) previewLayer.videoGravity = AVLayerVideoGravity.resizeAspectFill rootLayer = previewView.layer previewLayer.frame = rootLayer.bounds rootLayer.addSublayer(previewLayer) inferenceTimeBounds = CGRect(x: rootLayer.frame.midX-75, y: rootLayer.frame.maxY-70, width: 150, height: 17) inferenceTimeLayer = createRectLayer(inferenceTimeBounds, [1,1,1,1]) inferenceTimeLayer.cornerRadius = 7 rootLayer.addSublayer(inferenceTimeLayer) detectionLayer = CALayer() detectionLayer.frame = rootLayer.bounds detectionLayer.position = CGPoint(x: rootLayer.bounds.midX, y: rootLayer.bounds.midY) rootLayer.addSublayer(detectionLayer) }
Open iOS Weather App
I am using WeatherKit to display relevant weather information to the User in my App. I also thought it would be helpful to show any time-sensitive WeatherAlert. I would like to direct the User directly into the system Weather app to get more details/information. weather://open ... works... Is this a faux-pas? Is there a approved/proper way of doing this? I know WeatherAlert.detailsURL exists but I figured it may be useful for the User to see all details related to weather right from the source.
Get Video Thumbnail Image Asynchronously
public func getVideoThumbnailImage(url: URL) -> Image { let urlAsset = AVURLAsset(url: url, options: nil) let assetImageGenerator = AVAssetImageGenerator(asset: urlAsset) assetImageGenerator.appliesPreferredTrackTransform = true assetImageGenerator.apertureMode = .encodedPixels let cmTime = CMTime(seconds: 1, preferredTimescale: 60) var thumbnailCGImage: CGImage? var errorOccurred = false let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0) assetImageGenerator.generateCGImageAsynchronously(for: cmTime) { generatedImage, timeGenerated, error in if error == nil { if let cgVideoImage = generatedImage { thumbnailCGImage = cgVideoImage } else { errorOccurred = true } } else { errorOccurred = true } semaphore.signal() return } _ = semaphore.wait(timeout: .now() + 30) if errorOccurred { return Image("ImageUnavailable") } if let thumbnailImage = thumbnailCGImage { let uiImage = UIImage(cgImage: thumbnailImage) return Image(uiImage: uiImage) } return Image("ImageUnavailable") } I am using Xcode 16 beta 2 for iOS 18 with SwiftUI. My code above works instantly and correctly; however, Xcode produces the purple warning: "Thread running at User-interactive quality-of-service class waiting on a lower QoS thread running at Default quality-of-service class. Investigate ways to avoid priority inversions" How can I change the code to avoid the purple warning?
new developer, need help displaying on screen
brand new newbie developer to xcode. so im doing an api call and getting back data from a mysql database. in the xcode preview window im getting data, but i cant figure out how to tie it to the screen when going into the simulator. i have screen 1 that i want to click a button to go to screen 2 that displays the data. screen one (home screen) comes up okay. cant quite figure out what im doing wrong here. im thinking its either a class issue or something to do with view or something. not sure. ive tried looking at so many different videos and i cant seem to find my answer. Any help would be appreciated. thank you View Controller: import UIKit //import SwiftUI let URL_TOURNAMENT_FETCH = "https://www.thesoftball.com/t2g_mobile_app/mobile_api.php" class ViewController: UIViewController { override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() } @IBAction func onEmailButtonPressed(_ sender: Any) { UIApplication.shared.open(URL(string: "mailto:[email]")! as URL, options: [:],completionHandler: nil) } /* @IBAction func FetchTournButton(_ sender: Any) { UIApplication.shared.open(URL(string: "https://www.thesoftball.com/t2g_mobile_app/mobile_api.php")! as URL, options: [:],completionHandler: nil) } */ @IBAction func ViewTournamentButton(_ sender: Any) { // the following is a popup let alertController = UIAlertController(title: "Welcome to My First App", message: "Hello World", preferredStyle: UIAlertController.Style.alert) alertController.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: UIAlertAction.Style.default, handler: nil)) present(alertController, animated: true, completion: nil) } @IBAction func account_button_pressed(_ sender: Any) { UIApplication.shared.open(URL(string: "https://www.thesoftball.com")! as URL, options: [:],completionHandler: nil) } /* struct viewDidLoadModifier: viewDidLoadModifier { @State private var didLoad = false private let action: (() -> void)? init(perform action) { } } */ } ContentView (preview works in this) import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { @StateObject var viewModel = ViewModel() var body: some View { NavigationView{ List{ ForEach(viewModel.courses,id: \.self) { tournament in HStack { Image("") .frame(width: 5, height: 120) .background(Color.orange) VStack { Text(tournament.name).bold() Text(tournament.dates) Text(tournament.datee) Text(tournament.location) // Text(course.location) // Text(course.message) // .bold() } } .padding(0) } } .navigationTitle("Tournaments") // .onAppear { viewModel.fetch()} .onAppear(perform: viewModel.fetch) } } } struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { ContentView() } }
PHASE on Vision OS 2.0 beta in Unity
Hi, I'm looking to implement PHASEStreamNode in Unity, but the current provided PHASE library for Unity doesn't contain this new typos of nodes yet. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/phase/phasestreamnode When you will be looking into releasing the beta of the Unity Plugins as well? This is very important for spatial audio in Unity to be consistent with Apple's standards. Best, Antonio
Questions About CloudKit Security Roles and Permissions
Hi, I'm using CloudKit to create an app that backs up and records your data to iCloud. Here's what I'm unsure about: I understand that the 'CloudKit Dashboard' has 'Security Roles'. I thought these were meant to set permissions for accessing and modifying users' data, but I found there was no change even when I removed all 'Permissions' from 'Default Roles'. Can you clarify? I'd like to know what _world, _icloud, and _creator in Default Roles mean respectively. I would like to know what changes the creation, read, and write permissions make. Is it better to just use the default settings? Here's what I understand so far: Default Roles: _world: I don't know _icloud: An account that is not my device but is linked to my iCloud _creator: My Device Permissions: create: Create data read: Read data write: Update and delete data. I'm not sure if I understand this correctly. Please explain.
Check if a binary or script is executable
In one of our apps (not sandboxed) the user can choose a file that matches one of the following UTTypes using an NSOpenPanel: UTTypeApplicationBundle UTTypeUnixExecutable UTTypeShellScript The selected file will then be launched under certain circumstances. This works pretty well but from time to time we see internal support tickets where people complain because the selected file is not executed. This only affects files of type UTTypeUnixExecutable and UTTypeShellScript for which the Unix permissions are incorrect. They are therefore not executable. I would now like to check in the app whether the selected file is executable. With app bundles this works without any problems with isExecutableFileAtPath:, but with the other file types this does not work. What is the recommended way to test this for the other files? Is there a better way than checking the POSIX permissions (and owner/group)? Thanks.
Audio recording issue in my App after updating to iOS 17.2.1 and it exists even now
In my iOS app, I've the functionality to record audio and video using the AVFoundation framework. While audio recording works smoothly on some devices, such as iPads and certain others, I'm encountering issues with newer models like iPhone 14, 14 Pro, and 15 series. Specifically, when attempting to initiate audio recording by tapping the microphone icon, the interface becomes unresponsive and remains static. This issue surfaced following an update to iOS 17.2.1. It seems to affect only a subset of devices, despite video recording functioning correctly across all devices.
How Can I create a new App from API
Hi all, I am developing new things on my existing .Net core application. I want to create a new page and with this page, the users will create a new app and write important informations. But I cant create a new app with sending post request with connect API. Here is my Postman requests and body. Sending request to : https://api.appstoreconnect.apple.com/v1/apps Body : { "data": { "type": "apps", "attributes": { "bundleId": "com.test.testtest", "name": "Test Test", "primaryLocale": "en-US", "sku": "test2024", "platform": "IOS" } } } Also I am using a bearer token, and this token has a admin role. When I send a post request, I am getting below error. { "errors": [ { "id": "35f9631f-b8d8-408c-8dfd-adaef043d062", "status": "403", "code": "FORBIDDEN_ERROR", "title": "The given operation is not allowed", "detail": "The resource 'apps' does not allow 'CREATE'. Allowed operations are: GET_COLLECTION, GET_INSTANCE, UPDATE" } ] } How can I fix this. Pls help. Thanks.
Augmented Reality app unable to load the image from the camera
I have an app on the App Store for many years enabling users to post text into clouds in augmented reality. Yet last week abruptly upon installing the app on the iPhone the screen started going totally dark and a list of little comprehensible logs came up of the kind: ARSCNCompositor <0x300ad0e00>: ARSCNCompositor (0, 0) initialization failed. Matting is not set up properly. many times, then RWorldTrackingTechnique <0x106235180>: Unable to update pose [PredictorFailure] for timestamp 870.392108 ARWorldTrackingTechnique <0x106235180>: Unable to predict pose [1] for timestamp 870.392108 again several times and then: ARWorldTrackingTechnique <0x106235180>: SLAM error callback: Error Domain=Slam Error Code=7 "Non fatal error occurred due to significant drop in a IMU data" UserInfo={NSDescription=Non fatal error occurred due to significant drop in a IMU data, NSLocalizedFailureReason=SlamEngineNodeGroup Failure: IMU issue: gyro data stream verification failed [Significant data drop]. Failed on timestamp: 870.413247, Last known timestamp: 865.350198, Delta: 5.063049, System timestamp: 870.415781, Delta between system and frame: 0.002534. } and then again the pose issues several times. I hoped the new beta version would have solved the issue, but it was not the case. Unfortunately I do not know if that depends on the beta version or some other issue, given the app may be not installed on the Mac simulator.