App Review

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App review is the process of evaluating apps and app updates submitted to the App Store to ensure they are reliable, perform as expected, and follow Apple guidelines.

Posts under App Review tag

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Oct 2023: App submission stuck at In Review
I've seen other posts like this but most of them are years old. Our current submission is stuck at In Review and has been for a week. This is how it's gone: Submission 1: rejected within a day for a better demo video. We supplied the video and it was approved within a day. We pulled it before release for an update. Submission 2: rejected within a day for our FDA clearance evidence. We supplied that, and it was approved within a day. Submission 3: We found a late production bug just before we intended to release, so we pulled our approved submission and updated it with a new build that fixed the bug. We resubmitted with an expedite request. The expedite seemed to work as the app went to In Review status practically immediately, seeming to skip Waiting for Review. It's been a week since then, and we haven't been able to get any movement or meaningful response despite submitting requests for it. The thing is, a reviewer can't really run our app without our connected device. They can only examine their static analysis, watch our demo video, and read our FDA clearance information. What could possibly be going on for a week? We are at our wits end, and our patients need this app days ago. Has anyone found an avenue that actually works in these situations?
Oct ’23
App getting rejected because a bug I cannot recreate
My game has an "Exit" button in the intro screen that allows you to quit. I submitted an update to the game and the app review is saying when they click "exit," that it goes to a grey screen. I cannot re create this. I've played it in a guest account in a "minimally privileged environment" yet it does not happen for me. The button calls [NSApp terminate:self]; Is there any reason this might happen? I can't re create it. What should I do if I cannot? I am at an impasse here.
Oct ’23
App review rejection on map usage
We request for your kind support, whether it is a previous experience or even a comment will help us a lot! We received rejection for below issue from Apple : ** Guideline 4.0 - Design Your app's location feature is not integrated with the built-in mapping functionality, which limits users to a third-party maps app. Next Steps To resolve this issue, please revise your app to give users the option to launch the native Apple Maps app.** But, our app requires POI(point of interest) on google maps for the service, thus, utilizing apple map's data causes disruption and mismatch of POI data causes issues on business logic (If our app's function was just loading apple map with marker on it, we could solve the issue..) Has anyone faced this rejection issue? We look forward to your kind comment, we are on the verge of going under due to the continuous rejections and errors from app store connect. We are desperate and we request for your kind comments. Sincerely
Oct ’23
Fails to release approved app by App Store Connect (Error: You have one or more errors on this page.)
My approve was approved by App Store Connect. When hitting "Release This Version" getting error: You have one or more errors on this page. This field is invalid. I have check field and none of the fields are marked as wrong. An app was submitted using Xcode: Version 15.0 (15A240d) Why it is happening like this? What is the work around for this issue?
Oct ’23
Submission policies for B2B subscription based app (free download, charged outside)
Hello! Question related to app store submission. If you have a B2B app that allows free downloads from the app store and charges the client outside of the app, what Apple policies/ restrictions should you adhere to? If anyone else does this, did you list your app as a "Reader" app in this case? TIA!
Oct ’23
Can't change Ready for Review status
Hello, I have a published app and a new version ready for release. However, I am unable to change my app's status; it remains "Ready for Review." Additionally, I cannot find the Submit button to send my app for review. I have made modifications to the app form, but despite being able to save the content, the submit button does not appear. Could someone please assist me with this issue? Regards,
Oct ’23
App Tracking Transparency permission request issue in IOS 17
I am correctly implementing the App tracking Transparency issue but am still getting app rejection from AppleConnect see the message below When I tested in IOS 16.6.1 it worked perfectly on a physical device. Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed On iPad, iOS 17.0.3 we are unable to locate the App Tracking Transparency permission request when reviewed My App is build with native iOS . Can anybody help me in this regard.
Oct ’23
Adding in-app purchase to originally free Mac app?
I would like to release a Mac app through the Mac App Store that is free. However, I would like to add new functionality in a future software update that is enabled through an in-app purchase. I reviewed the App Store Review Guidelines, and I did not see any prohibitions to this approach (initially free, later add new functionality enabled by an in-app purchase). If anyone knows of any rules or policies that I missed that would prohibit this, I would appreciate a heads up on it. Thanks!
Oct ’23
Error distributing to AppStore - "type":"EXC_CRASH","signal":"SIGABRT"
Hello everyone! I'm trying to publish an app into AppStore but this error happens. In the simutator it works perfectly, I really don't what happens and how I can solve this, could you please help me? I attached the crash logs crashlog-4C02121D-4745-4E83-BB63-6A44015233CB.txt crashlog-2813B0FB-69BE-4D8C-9E86-C9233477DE19.txt crashlog-AFD85081-0DED-4ED9-B719-8B2476CFE0DE.txt
Oct ’23
Saving hangs...on appstoreconnect apps console and never saves.
Almost as problem here: but when i click save on the top right corner, it pop up a dialog ask to whether leave the page. if select "leave", it will redirect to app selected page, but the data didn't save, it selected "stay this page", it stuck on saving loading....... User Permission: App Manager, anyone know this issue? thank!
Oct ’23
SKStoreReviewController and TikTok App
Hey folks, I need your opinion on TikTok app and there SKStoreReviewController implementation. Over the last 3 months, I have been shown more than 10 times the rate app pop-up on the TikTok app. Today, I clicked on 3 stars, clicked the submit button, and right after I got this "Thank you pop-up": As you can see, this first pop-up doesn't show the app icon. According to SKStoreReviewController documentation, the rate pop-up can only be shown 3 times per year maximum. Also, there is no way to detect when the official SKStoreReviewController pop-up is being displayed, which means that for the second TikTok pop-up to appear they must have something to detect that the rating has been done. Which makes me think that TikTok is just simulating the SKStoreReviewController rating alert. My assumption here is that TikTok first creates a similar pop-up rating than the one from SKStoreReviewController. And maybe, if you click 5 stars, later on the app will show you the real SKStoreReviewController pop-up rating alert, guaranteeing you 5 stars on the App Store. Is this authorised ? For example, creates your own rating system, and if the user click 5 stars, show him the real SKStoreReviewController pop-up ? I will appreciate any feedback on this case. Thank you,
Oct ’23
How often is acceptable to display Interstitial ads?
I received this message from the App Store Review team. Stating that I need to take action against the negative user reviews, otherwise it might lead to the removal of the app. See message in bottom quote. Now while I do display a lot of ads in the free version of the game, it's not abnormally high amounts of ads compared to other free games in the App Store. I counted reviews from the last 3 months. 65 reviews in total, and these are only the reviews with comments (not including those that only rated): 53 were 5-star reviews. 4 were 4-star reviews. 1 were 3-star reviews. 3 were 2-star review. 4 were 1-star reviews. So the question is, what is an acceptable amount of Interstitial ads? What's the minimum time needed between two Interstitial ad displays. Hello, We’ve noticed a trend of negative users reviews on your app, and are writing to remind you of your responsibility to investigate and take action on customer feedback. These reviews describe a poor user experience, including excessive ads. The App Store is committed to providing a safe and secure platform for App Store users. We take customer satisfaction and trust seriously and expect all developers to do the same. In order to ensure that negative reviews are addressed in a timely and effective manner, please take the following actions: Identify the specific issues described in negative reviews. If you reply to the reviews, be specific and offer solutions to demonstrate you understand your users’ concerns and are taking action to resolve them. Make any required changes to fix the issues and ensure they do not recur. Reply to this message and describe the specific actions you’ve taken to improve your users’ experience with your products and services. We appreciate your efforts to resolve these issues and have not made any changes to your app’s availability at this time. However, be advised that failure to address these issue may lead to future rejections, and continued customer complaints may result in additional actions, such as the removal of your app from the App Store. See App Store Review Guideline 5.6.4 - App Quality to learn more about app quality requirements. Best regards, App Store Review
Oct ’23
Do I retain rights to use the app name in the future if I only 'remove from sale'?
I understand that if I delete an app, it will be removed from the AppStore permanently and that the app name becomes available for other users to claim. However, if I only want to avoid new users from downloading the app as it is for now while allowing old users to continue using it, I understand I can simply opt to 'Remove from sale'. But can someone confirm that in the future I can reverse this action and post a new update? Also, can someone confirm that 'Remove from sale' does not make the app name available to others for use?
Oct ’23
App crashes when submitted to App Store
Hi all, today I tried to upload my first app on the App Store. he Apple team refused it saying "We were unable to review your app as it crashed on launch. We have attached detailed crash logs to help troubleshoot this issue. Review device details: Device type: iPad OS version: iOS 17.0.3" I'm trying to understand why it crashed since on the simulator and on the real device works really well. Thank you so much for the help! crashlog-F08B1BFA-7171-43B8-8426-85A68A169280.txt crashlog-774E8C28-5D3A-4FB5-9909-C79F284E7608.txt crashlog-A099F0D9-94F6-4372-B058-F4AEB6C450A5.txt crashlog-CE424B33-6E99-4E29-AA75-85FD3E5A4FAD.txt
Oct ’23
Guideline 2.3 - Performance - Accurate Metadata (Unable to locate Languages)
App was rejected with: Guideline 2.3 - Performance - Accurate Metadata We were unable to locate some of the features described in your metadata. > Specifically, “Languages: English and Portuguese (PT and BR).”. My app is indeed localized in these three languages, tested and working. The app automatically adapts its language to match the user's iOS system language settings. Isn't this enough? I replied to the rejection saying this, but I find it hard to believe that the reviewer didn't change the iOS system language settings. Is it possible, or is it something else? Also, do I need to press the "Add For Review Button" so he can see my reply? Thank you.
Oct ’23